Angels Path #3
Hello Friends,
As I revisit the writings, and they’re quite numerous, Cindy and I have noticed certain themes and we will start putting these themes together in the writings. I’ll also give some background and additional definition as seems practical.
Ego – This is a big theme that there is a fair amount of focus on. I think what the Guides have described as ego, others may have defined as “Left Brain, Reptile Brain, Shadow Self, Fragmented Self, and Pain Body along with other descriptions. What I understand from what Guidance presents is that ego comes with the human body, that which is of form and structure and is a part of the human experience. Ego reacts to conditioning patterns from emotional wounds of youth and other lifetimes. That is to say, if you were bullied as a young person and haven’t healed this wound, your ego may be overly sensitive to any or all bullying behavior of others and may over or underreact. Ego can be a behavioral structure that controls some of your thoughts and your actions, particularly ones that are anger or fear-based. This is where “fight or flight” impulse comes from, which has served humans well when our survival was much more of a challenge in our cave dweller existence.
You are not your ego, however. You are not your thoughts and actions. Your ego is not in and of itself “bad”, however it can be reactionary at times in ways that no longer serve us. The ego can be tamed.
What you are is the “presence and energy” that animates your body. This is of a loving Soul energy that comes from The Divine and can also influence your thoughts and actions. Once you can discern the difference, you can then make a choice of how to behave.
One example I was given was something as simple as misplacing your car keys. To react with fear is to say “Oh no! I can’t be late! Oh Shit, where are my keys!”, as you frantically search your house. Love-based reaction would not to go to fear or worst case scenario in your mind, but to say with Love and affection, “Where are you? Where are ya hiding?“ like playing hide and seek with a child. Say this calmly, even a bit playfully. Same act of looking for your keys, completely different energy and intention behind the behavior. We do have the choice.
From the Guides
Be unflinchingly honest. Do not exaggerate or embellish, particularly in an attempt to make yourself look better in someone’s eyes. Do not attempt to manage the other’s impression of you. Be clear and kind and how the other perceives you is about them and their particular issues. Do not take ANYTHING personally.
Do not judge others motivations
Do not hang on to the past, particularly resentments. Let go of the past in order to move forward in a loving and clear manner. Hanging on to resentments serves no purpose, other than to appease the ego. It gives the ego a story to hang on to, to validate its point of view of its pain and validate its perspective.
Harbor no resentments against anyone. Stay clear and open with no judgements. Letting go of resentments opens your heart for much more love and makes you much more effective and, dare We say, more “powerful”. Use power respectfully with absence of ego!
Unhealed wounds result in resentment and fear.
Extend kindness, support, compassion with NO attachment to the response, yours or the other’s. To put attachment on goodwill will taint the experience to a less productive outcome and gives the ego too much attention. Stay centered and kind. Be clear with your intentions and let emotions pass through you easily without the emotional energy cords of the other attaching to you. Embrace the Oneness of all and have compassion for the pain of the other.
You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are physical/ego-based. The “real you” is the quiet presence (the absence of the voice in the head) that looks out of your eyes with curiosity, goodwill, softness, attentiveness, thoughtfulness and LOVE. This is you at your core. This is you – happy, centered and balanced, vibrating with expanded energy at your soul frequency. Huge Smile Now!
Remember to keep things on the playful side and don’t take yourself too seriously. That is all EGO, my friend.
When the ego rises and acts like a petulant child, remember to give it a “time out”. “Shine” it off into a small corner! (Shhhhh, hush now)
That’s all for now. If you have any questions or comments, they are welcomed. Thank you to those of you who have been so encouraging and supportive.
God’s Love, Compassion and Grace onto All,
Love, Cindy and Scott