Hello Dear Friends,
The guides have been coming to me and talking about trust, trust in love, and trust in oneself. How we love and accept others has a lot to do with how we trust ourselves and how we nurture and love the small child within us. The part of us that can feel scared and broken. The part of us that wants to run away and hide from life. They have been talking about how we parent and love this small child within us.
We often think of this small child within us as ourselves at 2, 3, 4 years old and we think about the wounds of misunderstanding and pain we may have received at such a time of our lives. Also, the closer we are to our birth experience, the more we are connected to unconditional love and the more our divine aspects of ourselves are present. Our soul that carries the experiences, the wounds and pain of past lives is also more present within our young self. As we grow older, we release this connection to the divinity that is unconditional love within us. We forget. We begin to allow the experiences in the world around us to shape us instead. We adopt the ego structure of our families and our culture. We move into more and more ego centered perspectives.
The guides also talk about parenting styles. One is unconditional love that says to the child, “I trust you, I know you will make mistakes and fall and I will be here to help pick you up and assist you in finding what serves you and what speaks to your heart. I believe in you, I know you will find your way.” This style allows the child to say “Trust me. Let me be who I am. Let me make mistakes. Let me stumble and keep your faith in me.” It’s about connecting with the child from a place of trust.
The conditional love style is to say, “I know better.” Often this is a reasonable course of action (teaching the child to avoid traffic and such), but in other instances, this is not always the most supportive way. When one says to the child “I know better. Do it my way. Don’t ask questions. Do as I say,” it tells the child on an internal level, “I do not trust you. You are less than.” The child may sense distrust in your attitude and cause them to resist you even more. This can breed distrust and fear in the relationship between parent and child. The child may feel unseen, unheard, unloved. Energy blocks and karma is created. The child begins to question themselves. They begin to doubt themselves. They may begin to not trust themselves. They may begin to self criticize.
So the guides’ question to us is, how do we parent the small child within ourselves? Are we loving, kind, and accepting? Do we forgive ourselves and learn and grow from our mistakes? Or do we self-criticize, self-judge, and beat ourselves up? Does this self-criticism serve as a catalyst for doubt and erosion in our belief of ourselves? Do we lose trust in ourselves in these moments? How does this lack of trust make us feel?
As we move to trust ourselves, we surrender thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints that criticize, judge, doubt, and reject ourselves. This feels good! As we release this negative self-talk, we free ourselves. We find ourselves having a feeling of peace and acceptance. We no longer feel the need or urge to resist and judge our lives and the lives of others. We are able to accept others more readily and do not resist what is in front of us. Also we surrender our need to interject our opinions or stories to make conversations more about ourselves to attempt, and most often fail, to convince others of our value. We surrender the need to have the conversation relate to ourselves. We can focus on the other and be more fully present for them and we find we can move into understanding and compassion more readily. We open our hearts and can truly listen to another. We find more and more value in our fellow humans and we can come to realize how much we love them.
I love you all,
Below are a couple of passages from guidance that inspired the above text. The messages in their entirety can be found below.❤️
Your acceptance, compassion, and grace shields you from falling into a trap of not trusting your own hearts and looking for trust within another. This is how politicians get their followers to follow them down paths of pain and darkness. It is when you do not trust yourselves that you give your trust to others for you fear you cannot find your way home. When you hold vibrations of mistrust within yourselves, you are vulnerable to aligning with the vibrations of others that do not have your best interests at heart.
Drop the conditional view of self, one that holds the trauma of experiences before you, that holds onto the old ideas of self-criticism, self-judgment and self-rejection. These are aspects of conditional love that you held before yourselves and this results in a lack of self-love, self-trust. For in the conditional love experience, we do not trust ourselves. We cannot trust ourselves when we hold such self-negativity, judgmental and critical viewpoints of ourselves. As we move into self acceptance and begin to parent the small child within us with such self-love and self-acceptance, we heal the wounds of our past and move into a vibration of unconditional love for ourselves, and in these movements toward love, we drop the self-criticism and move deeper into self-acceptance and self-love. The need to judge and criticize falls away and we are left with a sense of peace that we could not hold when we lived in a state of self-rejection and self-judgment.
Good Morning Dear Souls of Love, Trust and Security,
The word of the day is trust … in love, in yourselves, in others, in God. One may say, “See that person over there? See how they are behaving? They are so untrustworthy.” And we say, you can certainly trust them to be themselves, reflecting the pain in their soul still unhealed, issues of karma and self-acceptance yet to be acknowledged and surrendered. Ask for clarity and you see them for who they are and where they are in their journey of life and to the love in their own hearts. Trust them to act out their own unresolved pain. Trust them to be themselves. No one is ever really untrustworthy. They may not love themselves, they may not accept themselves, and they may not know themselves and you see this with more and more clarity and acceptance. You may boundary against any harm they would inflict on you through their anger and their pain. You know their behavior is a reflection of their pain. In this you trust the clarity of your own hearts. As you step into self-trust, self-love, you trust your own hearts, beating with love, to trust yourselves and your intuition and you trust others to be who they are and you see all their behavior with compassion and your judgment spends less and less time in your present.
It is when you do not hold the clarity of your love, your discernment, your self-love and your self-trust, when you do not listen to the whispering of your own hearts is when you fall into not finding others trustworthy. It is when you do not hold the clarity of love in your hearts, when you carry a vibration of lack of self-trust that you align with the wounded vibrations of another and find their actions after the fact to be untrustworthy. When you hold the clarity of love and self-trust within your own hearts is when you see and feel the wounded vibrations of another. Do not step into alignment with their vibrations. Hold a boundary of self-love, self-trust.
It is only when you step away from love that you fall into a sense of not trusting yourselves and you fall into an alignment with pain, rejection, and fear. How can anyone trust from a state of fear, where you feel an absence of love and self acceptance? It is in these moments that you find others untrustworthy, for in these moments you do not trust oneself. When you trust yourselves, you trust others to be who they are and to act out their pain, either consciously or unconsciously. Your acceptance, compassion, and grace shields you from falling into a trap of not trusting your own hearts and looking for trust within another. This is how politicians get their followers to follow them down paths of pain and darkness. It is when you do not trust yourselves that you give your trust to others for you fear you cannot find your way home. When you hold vibrations of mistrust within yourselves, then you are vulnerable to aligning with the vibrations of others that do not have your best interests at heart. They, lost in their pain and their suffering, do not know their own best interests. They chase the demands of a wounded ego. They can be so lost in lack of self-acceptance that they have no idea they are love and therefore, cannot act in their best interests of accepting themselves as love.
When you do not trust yourselves, you align with their vibrations and find yourselves open to acting in ways of behavior that reflect this lack of self trust. When you hold vibrations of self-love and self-acceptance, the low vibrations of another do not lead you down paths that no longer serve you. Trust yourselves and accept yourselves! Accept others and trust them to be who they are with deep compassion within your hearts. The more you shine your lights of love and compassion upon them, the less and less they will attempt to draw you into their vibration. The clearer vibration aligned with love does not align with lower vibrations that do not reflect a sense of self-love and acceptance.
Love them and trust them to be human with all the fallibility of being human, lost in the form and structure experience. See this with compassion and grace. With this, you move away from third dimension experience into higher experiences that are non-linear in their experience and their expression of life. Move into a higher dimensional experience and acceptance of the love that you are at your center, your core. As a service to love, invite others into the Center of your hearts, which is why we call the area in your backyard “The Center.” This is where you deliver love from the Center of your hearts to the Center of their hearts. Deliver and receive much love from these future experiences that are unfolding in front of you. Be the Center of your love. Self-love and self-acceptance reigns within your hearts and your experiences.
From the Center of our hearts to yours, the Four delivers love to you and the All that you love. David, Mary, and Kord deliver this love home to the Center of your hearts and your experiences. Live with love and joy and you accept others for who they are and you trust the vibrations of observation and compassion.
Good Morning Dear Souls holding the desire, the commitment, the intention to love, to accept, allow and appreciate all that there is,
Live in the space of grace and self-acceptance. Live in the state of self-love, self-acceptance. Live with a sense of unconditional love upon oneself, and let one’s countenance reflect this and your outer world reflect this more and more. Drop the conditional view of self, one that holds the trauma of experiences before you, that holds on to the old ideas of self-criticism, self-judgement and self-rejection. These are aspects of conditional love that you held before yourselves and this results in a lack of self-love, self-trust. For in the conditional love experience, we do not trust ourselves. We cannot trust ourselves when we hold such self-negativity, judgmental and critical viewpoints of ourselves. As we move into self acceptance and begin to parent the small child within us with such self-love and self-acceptance, we heal the wounds of our past and move into a vibration of unconditional love for ourselves, and in these movements toward love, we drop the self-criticism and move deeper into self-acceptance and self-love. The need to judge and criticize falls away and we are left with a sense of peace that we could not hold when we lived in a state of self-rejection and self-judgment. When we love ourselves, we have no need for such a vibration of conditional love. We surrender these viewpoints and aspects of ourselves as they no longer serve us or the highest good.
This is the value of self-love, freedom from such self-criticism and self-judgment and in this, our hearts are free to love. We find a sense of unconditional love within us and we now can present to the world around us with these deep vibrations of pure, unconditional love and acceptance. Our hearts no longer break and carry the burdens of our past. Our experiences and our viewpoints not aligned with love fall away and your hearts are free, light, and full of love. There is an ease, a flow of life that comes to us when we hold these vibrations of unconditional love and acceptance. The energy blocks and frustrations of life become minor inconveniences and we flow through life with a sense of grace borne out of self-love and self-acceptance, unconditionally. In these moments, our hearts soar free and we find ourselves in a state of peace, of self-acceptance, self-love, and the burdens of life, drowned in self-rejection and criticism, are so, so much lighter and the great relief of this brings us more and more heartfelt gratitude and this gratitude delivers us back to love again. The River of Love flows with more and more current, borne of self-love and self-acceptance. Our/Your cups of love, love pouring forth from our hearts overflows into all aspects of our lives and we find deep meaning and peace within this.
We fall into a state of deep trust and deep self-acceptance. We find peace in our lives and the vibrations and protests of others not aligned with love do not wound us as deeply. We see the dark, we see others lost in pain and suffering before us and we do not align with this pain, this suffering. However, our compassion and love for the All grows and reflects this and we serve unconditional love upon another with this vibration. They can choose to step into self healing or not. This is their karma, their dharma and you accept this with grace and compassion. You love them regardless of their pain and the paths they take either moving toward love or away from love. Your compassion and your love remains.
As our love remains in the Now of life, so does yours. We love you deeply and always in the Now of life and we are overjoyed to see you both doing the same. All of our love upon the Now of your lives, David, Kord, Mary and all the Grace of Love and Life the Four brings before you.