Angels Path Issue 22

Hello Dear Friends,

These messages speak to the conditioning patterns we as humans are exposed to and formed by. The Guides say there is no real way around this experience. We are here to be exposed to these patterns and to learn to recognize them, examine them and release those that are no longer helpful. 

The metaphor that comes to mind is one I have used in the early emails. That of the elephant as an infant with a rear foot staked to the ground by a heavy rope. The infant elephant cannot pull himself free and over time gives up trying, believing correctly in that moment he was bound to the ground by the rope. Time passes and as an adult, easily strong enough to pull the rope from the stake with little effort, he does not. Believing the conditioning of his youth that the rope is too strong to pull free from. This is obviously not the case, but the belief system he holds, bound by the conditioning patterns of his experience, tells him this is the truth. He is blind to this truth, blinded by his experiences and conditioning of youth.

Do we as humans carry this same tendency? To respond to a truth or a perception of truth that no longer exists or no longer serves us. How can we come to recognize these patterns and how do we come to be free of them? Can we come to a place of clarity where we see the world around us as it really is and not as our past conditioning tells us it is. How do we clear the lens, obscured by our past experiences, through which we experience life? The guides tell us to start with desire, followed by intention and then comes manifestation.

Much Love,

Cindy and Scott


Good Morning Dear Souls, holding and bursting from within the Love that spills forth from inside of you till all you see is the love and energy you exist within. 

Know you are of this love, this energy, this vibration. 

You go to a friend’s house and they have two dogs. You enter with a vibration of peace, love, and acceptance. One dog greets you warmly and lovingly, and the other barks at you from a distance, full of fear and anxiety. Your behavior has not changed but the response from each animal is quite different. You see how the other’s reaction has little or nothing to do with you. You feel gratitude for the dog that greets you with love and acceptance, and compassion for the fear state the other dog lives in and understand the pain and discomfort this vibration brings to them. Your ego is less likely to engage when you can hold and see these positions with clarity and love. Your ego does not need to rise when the fearful dog barks at you for you understand their reaction has nothing to do with you. It is all about the lens of reality they are looking at the world through, and how this creates their reality and deeply colors the way they see the world and how they live and respond to it.

So with this understanding and perspective, you are not offended by the angry dog’s behavior. You stay in the vibration of love within you while the dog barks it’s head off, metaphorically speaking of course. 

You see the two perspectives and understand them and, within this understanding, you have an opportunity to ask yourself “Which lens of reality do I choose to look through?” Love, trust and acceptance as the first dog did? Or fear, anger, and anxiety as the second dog did? Which reality do you wish to create? Which lens to allow you to see the world do you choose? How clear is the lens of your choice and how does this affect the way in which you see the world? Which perspective do you align with? The choice is simply yours and the clarity of the moments will expand and expand and the choices and actions, based in love awareness, come more and more easily.

Strive to be as honest and kind as you can be, as you are, as you align with the love vibration within yourself and the vibrations of love that are around us and for us at all times. Be truthful and forthright. Be as kind and gentle with yourselves as you are with all the others whose paths cross with you on a day-by-day basis. Be generous with your love for yourselves as you are with others and soon, the barrier you perceive between your love and the love of others will no longer exist. You will see no difference between self-love and the love for your fellow man. It is one and the same.

Align with love, and hold the perspective of love, as you move through your days.

Love yourselves as we love you and you will feel the deep draw to do the same and live within this vibration and experience. You hold the perspective of love as the lens you view the world from and your vibration will shift the reality of the world around you and you are helping the worldview of the collective consciousness to shift toward one of peace and acceptance. Create the world of love around you, despite the barking of angry souls around you. You know the perspective of love that you hold and the barking does not move you to a position of fear. Hold this knowing against the fear reaction of your ego’s knee jerk response and your vibration will remain one of calmness, peace and love. Hold the lens of reality you wish to look through high so others may see by the bright light of love you hold a little bit more clearly and be moved to shift into their own experience of aligning with the love within themselves.

Be generous with your love and love will return to you over and over, again and again.

David and Kord, living with love within and of the Four. Forever yours in the service of love. Allow yourselves to be the love that you are.


Good Morning Dear Souls, living and walking within the Golden White Light of the God Source you are,

See with clarity the belief patterns of yourselves and those around you. Where the conditioning patterns of life, of One’s experience, shape our beliefs from our cultural patterns of thought and action, to our personal family beliefs and structures, to your own experiences of the world around you and your karma. Many souls only see and relate to their experiences through the lens of reality and conditioning that has been exposed to them. If One has not experienced something personally in this life, it holds no value or interest and a blindness to the reality of life from a love-based perspective is present. These conditioning patterns shape us and hold us in a misperception of reality, reflected by our ego response. Our own beliefs, shaped by our personal experiences of life and karma, create blindness to the ultimate truths of life. We cannot see the clear light of love and truth when we are blinded by our personal belief structure, where we only relate to the world as it has related to us by our experiences, only seeing the world around us from an wounded, egoic perspective.

Surrender your beliefs conditioned by third dimensional thinking and experience and let the unconditional vibrations of love shape your reality and you embrace the world for what it is all the while accepting, allowing and appreciating life in and as of the All. Seeing where blindness of life is around you and looking and seeing more truth and love around you while seeing the falsity of ego expression around you and you see your own egoic responses in the actions of others. You see your own conditioning patterns in yourselves and all others. See where you have been and look to the light around you to know where you’re at now by releasing your belief structure of culture, and egoic experiences of life experienced while walking in blindness, in the dark. Now you begin to see the universal aspects of your life reflected in all those around you. You can no longer hold any judgement over others. Surrender your beliefs to see where the truth in life lies before you. Have gratitude for this perspective seeped in the deepest vibrations of love and acceptance, unconditional Love.

Surrender and allow your hearts to open with Love,

David and Kord, coming to you from within the Four, expressing the deep love before us from the Four. Peace be upon your hearts, Dear Sweet Ones. Walk in the Golden Light of self love.


Good Morning Dear Souls, reflecting the great beautiful light from within your hearts,

Our reality is built on our beliefs, built upon our conditioning. Our beliefs build our reality. The conditioning patterns we accept builds our beliefs and we accept this as our beliefs and this leads us down many paths that can lead us astray from the path where the Angels lead us back to God, to our own hearts.

Ask and look to see where you have accepted the conditioning patterns of your world, your reality. Built on many layers of experience. From the general world, to our countries, to our cities, race and family culture. Look to see where these conditioning patterns do not align with love. This becomes clearer and clearer to you both, from our experiences and conditioning of youth that brought pain into your energy fields, to your media, your music, the advertising. All having purpose that may or may not be completely aligned with love. We build our beliefs on these patterns and respond to this conditioning through our actions, behaviors and thoughts. You begin to release these patterns and the truth of love and life becomes more and more apparent. You see how we all create our world, our vision of this world through the lens of reality that the conditioning patterns we accept bring to us.You begin to see your own blindness and the blindness of others and how you cannot shake them out of this blindness. They must come out of this blindness willingly and of their own accord. Accept them for where they are at in their journey through life and where they are in their understanding and releasement of their own conditioning patterns, their own karma. Accept them where they are at in their lives. 

You do not need to step into the conditioning patterns of others, their reality and their wants and the needs they perceive that they need to be joyful and happy. You may see where this is misguided and you do not judge this. You simply step away and do not participate in these patterns of behavior and beliefs that do not serve you, do not ring true for you. You do not judge them for their actions, you simply do not participate or judge. When they ask why you do not behave or participate in a certain manner, simply tell them the truth with much kindness and Love, simply stating the truth with no judgement.

See and surrender the conditioning patterns of yourself and the world around you. Surrender and step into the experience of yourselves as love and acceptance. You build your own reality through the acceptance and the surrender of the energy and the patterns of energy you participate in. Attend each moment of your day with the intention to hold love in your heart and to extend love into each moment of experience regardless of what it is. Be what you are – an expression of Love.

All of our love upon your hearts, now and for always this will be so.

David and Kord, from within the Four, our hearts to yours and back again… and again…. and again. Peace and Love to you both. Attend each moment with love in your hearts.


Good Morning Dear Divine Souls, returning to your true nature,

That of Love, Peace and Acceptance, of Oneself and all others. For no matter what our human desires, our human conditioning, our egoic viewpoints and lessons, we are all human first. Relate to this aspect of yourselves and all others before you move to focus on the secondary aspects of human life and existence, of karma and the stage we all stand and play upon called Life. Look first to say within your hearts, before any difficult circumstances “I love you, I forgive you, I accept you.” Say this for yourselves first and then to the other soul you are interacting with. This will help one to hold the aspect of human experience that speaks to our commonality first and our differences second, both for Oneself and for the All, the human in All of us that we come here to experience. You will come to accept this and embody this with more and more ease as we ride upon time’s arrow together. Now you are recognizing the separation that one feels within one’s ego experience. You both are experiencing this and this movement toward love is becoming more and more your tendency until soon it becomes an expression of your true nature. Instead of choosing not to judge, which is a wonderful vibration to hold, you will find yourself simply not judging at all, which is but yet another vibration of wonderful peace and acceptance from within your heart, onto the world around you and filling your hearts with joy at the same moment of time and space experience.

Walk this earth with the intention to hold the intention of the true knowing and expression of “I love you, forgive you, accept you.” Hold this intention for all that you see, feel, hear and touch. For All things, for all experiences, for all expression from within the experience, both for yourselves and all others that share the fields of energy within all those in our physical proximity. At first, more for those in your immediate energy fields and then, more and more for the All that is at a further distance within the form and structure experience. Your love, forgiveness and acceptance will cross these barriers with more and more ease, with less and less alignment with the heavier vibrations of life. You hold yourselves and how you experience all others with this clear vibration of love and acceptance, judging none and unconditionally loving All. One does not need to align with the lower and heavier vibrations of others’ experiencing and conditioning to love, forgive and accept them. When a small beloved child holds a deep temper tantrum, the child is still loved by his parents. Remember we are all Children of God no matter what our vibration of egoic expression is presenting. We all love our children and all children are of the All, as are you. You are both the parent and the child within the experience of the All. Love both aspects of this experience of reality within the expressions of life within the third. 

************ (This was a brief break in the session as something in the house needed tending)

There are very few things as powerful as an open human heart and few things as destructively powerful as a closed human heart. Often a closed heart will mistakenly think of itself as an open one. To force one’s viewpoint on another, even with the purpose of opening one’s eyes to love, is still an act of egoic expression and will have little or no effect on the closed heart. The closed heart will often push back violently with great judgement and defensiveness. Shine the light of “I love you, forgive you and accept you” onto the closed heart and let the love formed within your own heart flow into the moments of the experience at hand. Through this vibrational stance, the other will find themselves turning toward the light of love as if it were warmth and they are very cold. Hold your light of acceptance high and they will turn toward you. Force your will and ego upon them and they will turn away.*

Hold your vibrations of love energy high and clear and you assist us in helping all of us to ascend back to God, back to our true selves. Be of peace and hold your knowledge of the power of love within your daily awareness. Love is gentle and kind as you both are, sweet souls of God’s divine expression.

All of our love onto you now and always. Let us join our open hearts together and walk hand in hand, heart within each other’s hearts along the Path of the Angels.

David and Kord, within and of the Four, Loving, Forgiving and Accepting always as you have done for us, yourselves and others. We are all of the All. We all spring from  the source of God’s Love.


Cindy here,

*This paragraph, for me, seems to stand out and could stand alone.  It perfectly and beautifully summarizes our lessons from The Four.  When I read the phrase “Through this vibrational stance, the other will find themselves turning toward the light of love as if it were warmth and they are very cold.”, I feel the cold and the warmth.  I know this feeling they speak of, from both perspectives now.  

Also, the phrase “I love you, I forgive you, I accept you” is a perfect mantra, similar to the Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Prayer (I love you; I’m sorry; please forgive me; thank you).  The simplicity is helpful for me, since I like slogans.  They’re easy for me to remember, and they call for deep reflection.  Simple, but deep.

This holiday season has been unlike any other, it’s true.  In many ways, it is a much more thoughtful, loving season with more focus on presence, less on presents. Peace and love to you and yours today, tomorrow, and always.

Angels Path Issue 21

Hello All, Dear Friends,

I’ve found the recent messages quite profound for myself and feel a desire to share them. For me, the messages addressed many questions I’ve thought recently. How do I manage to deal with others’ ego projection and response without engaging my own? How can I be less judgemental and more compassionate? How does love arise through these experiences? How and what does the collective pain of the COVID Virus teach us?  How do I work on these issues going forward?

It is my sincere desire that you find some meaning in the following messages as I did. I wish Love and Grace upon you all as we walk through this life together.



Good Morning Dear Souls, Living and loving while basking in your experience of remembrance of who you are, experiencing yourself as love and compassion,

A small child starves to death and it is an easy matter to say, how horrible, how awful, no child should have to suffer so much, this is not right, this is unfair and all of this would be true. However, let’s look at the soul’s opportunity to grow in a deeper understanding of compassion. From that experience, a soul is forever changed with a movement toward the God within, an embracement of love. For to feel compassion is to experience a form of Love. The starving child’s soul grew vastly into a much greater and deeper understanding of compassion and grace. This soul will judge others less as “they are lazy and they deserve it”, and more into a state of acceptance, grace and compassion, without judgement, and through this compassion, will move to assist and love in whatever manner presents itself.

So when you see others acting out in despair and cruelty, they are looking to bring compassion into their soul experience, similar to the starving child. This is what starvation, anguish, despair and disassociation from oneself brings. An awareness of more compassion and love, more acceptance of the state of reality that others may hold. Hold compassion for the pain of the others’ experience and love them in your heart through the gift of what compassion brings you. Compassion opens the heart.  Judge them not and hold love and respect within your heart for the difficult experience they choose so they could grow in love and compassion, even if their ego is completely unaware of this fact, this experience.

Hold compassion and respect for yourselves when you reflect upon the pain of your life, your experience and know the divine wisdom, grace, and love behind those choices. These are what those difficult, painful lifetimes are about, growing at a soul level in love and awareness. When you tap into yourself as love you can feel and see what is in front of you and connect with your past experiences from other states of reality experience, or what you would call lifetimes. The compassion for the reality of the others’ experience will rise up in you and hold you in awareness and love without any judgement of the other.

If you see a soul and body in great pain and difficulty, have compassion and respect for the lessons they are striving to learn. They can learn from their egoic act of self interested cruelty and resulting acting out this pain and despair. If you recognize the egoic reaction behind their actions, know you have behaved in the same manner in other experiences of life and hold no judgement, only compassion and love.

Your love energy and vibration of compassion and acceptance will assist them in turning away from ego and to a state of more nuance and deeper experiences of self reflection and they can grow in love. This can be a lengthy process or instantaneous. The timing is of no matter. The compassion and love vibration is. Hold compassion and respect for oneself when you experience this deep compassion, for you have walked those same steps yourself. Forgive all cruelty and hold compassion in your heart for the lessons they and those in their experiences are acquiring. Forgive the other as you forgive yourself.

Align with the God Love, Love of Self, Love of All. See the great kaleidoscope of the great tapestry of life. Know you have been the rich man, the thief, the wise one, the downtrodden, the spiritual expression of God as a leader, the drug addict, the murderer, the murdered. You have been all these expressions of life. You will hold this knowing when you see others and how they manifest their behavior and actions upon this world of experience. You will see the clarity of this and feel less and less inclined to judge anyone any longer for any reason. Letting go of this egoic need to judge others as you see yourself and the  commonality of the lessons in each classroom in the Schoolroom Earth you will come to judge yourself less and less and live in a more and more peaceful state.

Hold compassion in your hearts as you move through your experiences of life and the lives of others you see and experience. As we do you, you do unto others. Love and peace upon your hearts now and forever,

David with Kord, expressing the Will and Love of the Four, with an inner awareness and with an awareness of the outer experiences of Life, of others around you and in your experience. Our love to your hearts.


Good Morning Dear Souls of Sweet Love and Surrender,

Surrender to the Love within your own hearts. Allow this to grow and blossom. Allow this to happen for it cannot be forced. Force would be an act of ego. To desire, to allow, to surrender is another matter. You cannot force a seed to grow from the ground, healthy and strong. You can yell at a seed within the ground all you want, Grow! Be Strong, Be Tall!, Be Fast! and it will do absolutely no good. To nurture is another matter, to allow the seed to grow by providing the most supportive atmosphere. The seed may grow or not.  One cannot force it as much as allow it. The egoic desires and control of force upon the seed does not allow or nurture in any way. So the love within your heart, like the seed within the ground, cannot grow and open with the use of force of egoic will. To surrender to the love in your heart, by surrender of the will and bondage of your ego, allow the seed of love within your heart to grow and blossom. Love comes to us when we surrender all of our egoic wants and desire the love within us to guide us on our path, our road home, guided by the bright lights of love along the Path Where the Angels Walk and Fly. 

You cannot make this love grow, you can only nurture and allow it to grow by the self love you feed your heart, in a manner of speaking. Be kind, loving and patient with yourselves, holding the desire for the good of all your fellow souls, looking for the connection within each other that holds us together…the bonds of love and community, the vibrations of love coming from our hearts through acceptance and allowance, resulting in great gratitude and appreciation. This is done by recognizing when ego presents itself and holding the desire to surrender this egoic will. Surrender the egoic will and do not judge this will of ego. See it for what it is, an opportunity to learn and grow through the act of letting go of the need to have the knee jerk response to one’s egoic impulses. With the clarity of surrender that comes to us, you will observe egoic behavior more and more readily and you can release it with a deep love awareness and appreciation for the learning the ego brings us. We learn to love with each passing lesson of ego release. We would not have the love awareness without the awareness and the release of ego’s draw and pull on our souls. So no judgement of ego response, only a surrender and releasement of ego impulses, acts and behaviors.

Allowance, Acceptance and Appreciation comes from this Surrender. This surrender is called Love. There is no force of ego will, only the release of this will brings us to true, unconditional love.

Surrender to our love, the Love within your hearts, the love you see and feel within others’ hearts, particularly when they cannot. Love grows through the nurturing acceptance of surrender. The light of love that brings nutritious warmth to the soil of the soul and the seeds of love within your heart reach for this warmth of love. Plant love in the soil of your life, the ground you walk upon, the ground that leads to the Angels Path.

David and Kord, lovingly of the Four, both within and without all experiences. Bonded in love.


Good Morning Dear Souls, reflecting the commitment, the Love, the Grace of the God Nature within us All,

Holding this love in the forefront of your awareness and bringing a commitment to this love, to be of this love, to express this love in your daily actions. To do this with an unshakable commitment to Love, a love connection so deep that nothing can bring you away from this connection, this awareness. A bird knows he is a bird, no matter the storms of life the bird may fly within. So it is with humans, to know you are love as you weather storms of life that speak to your ego, bringing your attention of what you are away from your awareness. A bird has an easier task to know he is a bird. A human has a bit more of a challenge to know he is a source of God’s love as One overcomes the non-remembering of who they are. The bird does not forget and has no need to self discover once again his essential nature as a bird. Humans have this unique task on the planet Earth, this Schoolroom Earth.To remember that they are love and to overcome their lack of remembrance of that, to return to their essential nature.  That is the task at hand for humans in this stage of our development.

Know you are of this love as you are of this forgetting. Now that we know we are of love, we can surrender to love and return to the art of remembrance, the art and skill of loving ourselves as love once again. All there is, is love. Just sometimes wrapped in difficult lessons as the soul who chooses to return to love and compassion through the lifetime of starving and suffering as a small child. As hard as this looks from the outside, from one’s ego perspective, there is love behind the decision to come to suffer so someone’s Soul can hold more compassion within their hearts. So in this act of suffering and starving there is a decision based in love. So if love can be present in this situation, it is present in all situations. As it is in your worldwide experience of the virus.

So the more pain experienced with the virus, the greater the gratitude that will follow. So when you return, after the virus passes, to more expansion of love, of holding each other, touching each other in love and experience, to live in a broader community once again, there will be a sense of more gratitude, more peace expanding from the souls who are walking the planet at this time. The souls on our side of the veil that love all of you in form and structure experience, we rise with you in the gratitude this experience brings to us as a collective whole of consciousness and experience. Not all on Earth will appreciate this, yet this does not alter the collective rise in vibration, for the numbers of those in appreciation will outweigh those who do not hold the same vibration. The vibrationary awareness will be of a greater nature and effect. Hold gratitude for this experience as did the soul who held gratitude for the expansion of compassion within their soul for the experience of starvation as a small child. Hold gratitude for the expansion of love within your hearts that your experiences can bring to you if you let them, allow them, surrender to them with the confidence of love behind your back as a strong wind of change for peace and love.

There is no greater force in the universe than love. We just forget this as we forget who we are and our true nature. As we remember, the vibrations of our species rise accordingly. Remember we are love and experience ourselves as just that.

Great Love upon your hearts dear sweet beloved Ones. Know you are of love as we do. Great peace upon your hearts as you walk through your experiences of life within this Schoolroom Earth, coming back to compassion and love once again through your lessons learned. 

David and Kord of the Four, within the deep experience of love expressions shining onto your hearts. Walk in peace, Sweet Ones.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any desire for clarity or to discuss any topics covered, please feel free to reach out to us. We welcome and are open for conversation with any or all of this. Hope you enjoyed this issue.


Scott and Cindy

Angels Path Issue 20

Hello, everyone! This issue of The Angels’ Path focuses on a few recent auto-writings that were so beautiful to me that I find myself going back to read them again and again. There is a new voice that has joined The Four (although he popped in about a year ago, in linear time!) and he goes by Kord. David says he will remain the primary voice, but that others come forward to share in our love energy exchange and offer their unique perspective to the writings. I detect the subtle love energy of Kord in these messages, like an essence or flavoring. We spoke together for a few minutes and he emphasized the importance of “surrender,” which is essential to accepting, allowing, and appreciating.

The messages perfectly encapsulate the lessons we have been hearing from Guidance and bring us to the here and now. As you know, I like simple steps to keep me moving toward The Angels’ Path. David guided me to a method of release that works well for me, so I’ll share it with you. He said that every moment, we have a choice toward Love or toward ego. In order to remain aligned with Love, there is a constant allowing and releasing. I apply it to my breath:  inhale acceptance and exhale releasement.  

We are through most of the busyness that has held my attention and kept me from completing this email for you, but the messages are just as fresh and helpful now. I hope they assist you on your path toward Love.

  • Cindy


Good Morning Dear Souls of White Light, Love, and Peace,

Hold these vibrations within your focus and your energy fields and great manifestations of Love will come to you. The ups and downs of life will no longer crush your spirit or your soul. What once brought you into deep shame, lack of self acceptance, and a sense of holding no honor against your soul, will fall away as more and more love and light comes to your awareness, as you move closer and closer to Source, the center of Love experience that is central to our understanding and perceptions of what and who we are.

You experience life with a divine understanding of the great challenges life can bring upon One’s soul. You see where you once did not, you know and remember what you once did not. You now hold Love up as your central experience and expression of life. You no longer instinctively move into a singular viewpoint with yourself as the center of your ego experience. You have moments of returning to this viewpoint and you see and release it with a wry smile and good cheer within your heart. Hold no malice toward yourself or others when you and they have those slips into ego, no matter how short or long the experience is. Hold gratitude for when you shift back to Love alignment. Have compassion for those who stay in a constant state of non-alignment and pain while doing their best to carry on using whatever addiction and self medicating device they can. See all this with a single glance and have deep understanding and compassion while holding deep gratitude for the connection with God-nature that you enjoy.

Know that all are in their own experience and their own growth process while walking upon this planet, this earth. One who you may perceive to be of the lowest vibration may be a great teacher and bring you many great lessons of what it means to be human and how to let go of your experience of the duality of life. An ascended being can be masked as a beggar and a person of high social stature that you may at first think is an enlightened being can actually be quite low on the ladder of ascension to God-nature. All are teachers to us. Be grateful for all your teachers, no matter the form they present to you. All teachers deserve honor and respect, as all humanity does, as you both do and all your loved ones and those yet to be loved. Hold the love vibration close to your heart and learn from each other with an easy grace that comes from our Source, our Creator. Express and manifest great aspects of the deep Love we are, and hold it for each other. This source of the vibration of Love binds us all together as One. One awareness and One consciousness. Honor the All through self-love and the extensions of love vibration we emit as we travel through this world of form, structure, and experience.

Surrender to Love and you will honor the All,

David, Kord, and more within and of the Four 

“Honor the Divinity of your own Soul”


Good Morning Dear Souls of White Love and Peace,

Surrender all that you are and accept all that is left for you to experience. Accept the calm and peace that true, complete surrender brings to us. This comes through the art of surrender. Having trust in life, the universe, and yourself comes with a complete letting go of all that pricks your soul and brings discontent. Surrender to all of these irritations of life. Let them go and know that they hold no real meaning in your life. Let go of what ails you and trust the deep love you are coming to experience. Know that this deep love will carry you forward into life and into the experience you have selected to bring a greater peace, a greater stability to your soul, a greater understanding and perspective. Surrender to all and do it with a complete sense of love and trust within your heart. Feel the love within and trust this love to bring you all that you ever desired that is truly aligned with Love and intentions of the highest purpose. Hold a well-purposed intention for how you approach and interact with life and the energy fields and experiences around you. Love and trust all that comes to you. Do what you need to do, what serves your heart, as you move to higher and higher aligned intentions of purpose. Align with the God within you and hold this vibration out to others with the same deep alignment with Love. Do what you need to do in this life, just do it with the alignment and perspective of Love. Have boundaries and correct in a loving manner when you need to. Never from a perspective of ego satisfaction, but from more of a perspective of self love and using this Love to extend into the energy fields and vibrational patterns of another.

Surrender to Love and make the service of Love expression your highest purpose. Hold the intention to emit Love into every situation you encounter. Go forth and bring the deep vibrations of Love to all you encounter.

Love, David, Kord of the Four and so much more


Good Morning Dear Souls of the Sweet, Deep Lights of the Love within Yourselves,

Surrender to your day and surrender to your experiences. To surrender is to accept. Not surrendering to the moment is not accepting the moment. To surrender to the moment is to allow the moment and appreciate the moment for what it is. None of this can occur without surrender. Once we surrender, we open space within our hearts to become filled with love and we align with the vibrational field of love and energy around us. To surrender is to accept this alignment, this energy based in Love expression.

Surrender to life and this acceptance of life will bring you a sense of balance and peace. When you observe the imbalance of life within yourselves and others, you are more aware of it and you can surrender to life. You will then move more and more to awareness that allows you to hold the balance of life that brings Love to you. Surrender to the imbalance of life to come to a place where you are balanced. Much like one cannot appreciate the light if one does not know the dark. One cannot have balance until one truly understands imbalance. Surrender the imbalances of life to come to a place of balance. Surrender what is not of Love to come to a place of loving acceptance, of loving peace, of loving expression.

One must surrender in life what is not love, what is not balance, to come to a place of balance and Love. Surrender to life and come to accept, allow, and appreciate what comes to you through this form of acceptance. Surrender to accept. Without a form of surrender there can be no true acceptance. Without surrender you always have something for your ego to push back against. When One stops pushing back on life, life and Love bring you acceptance and peace. Surrender all that is not of Love, of acceptance and then that is all you have left to you, Love and peace. Then you are happy and have abundance in what truly makes your heart sing and you sing your songs of love in a vibration that brings peace and joy to others. Surrender to all that is not Love so you may live in the true abundance of love. Surrender and let go so you may hold the vibration of Love within you and all your energy fields across time and space awareness.

Surrender to our love, surrender and experience the love within your own hearts, and walk and live your life with love and peace as your guiding principles.

David, Kord within the Four and so much more, as you will experience. Love and peace upon your hearts.

Scott here,

The guides recently told us that Cindy’s contribution is as vital in this process as mine. That I wouldn’t have been able to channel without her help and support. I couldn’t complete this process without her help and likewise mutually she benefits from my support and love. We are a team. I’m very happy that this issue comes from Cindy’s viewpoint of what speaks to her and hopefully to all of you to some degree.

Coming to a place of more surrender and trust has been a large part of this process for me. There are days where the information as I experience it can be non flowing or choppy nature.  On these days Cindy can not tell by reading the writing if it was of a flowing nature or not. On the days of feeling the writing experience as choppy or somewhat disjointed I have a tendency to judge this experience as “good,bad, less then or not as pleasurable”. What I’ve come to realize these choppy sessions are when I am carrying some degree of emotional discomfort or dis ease. Something is weighting on my mind. It took me quite a while to make this connection. I kept thinking it was the guides and not me holding clarity for the information to pass through me. As if I had no input in how the process unfolds. Now  I realize it has been my emotional state that has the greatest impact.Now that I have been working on letting go of or surrendering this emotional dis ease within myself in the meditation process has been helpful in staying more clear or open to the information coming through me. With varying degrees of success. But the awareness of this overall has helped my process considerably. I’m slowly learning to surrender this emotional dis ease for and to the highest good with the intention of providing information for the greater good of all concerned. I’m still learning how to surrender.

Love from my heart to yours,


Jadan added this link for us to ponder.

David Foster Wallace kind of explains this in the best way I’ve ever read/heard in “This Is Water”
Sent from my iPad

Angels Path Issue 19

Hello Dear Friends,
It’s been a bit of time since our last email. Our family has been busy with a kitchen remodel and our son, Jadan’s wedding. Not a lot of time to sit down and give these emails the proper attention they and you deserve. Both activities concluded in the same week and both carried many lessons for both Cindy and I, particularly in this time of Covid.
I maintained the daily writings and verbal sessions, it was a matter of finding time to write the email. The daily writings have a tendency to stack up and it most often appears to me that the most recent writing is the most meaningful one. The topics seem to come in a series of three. So I would begin to put these together for an email and not get to finish and then I would have a growing backlog. We also ran out of considerable memory on the recording device that Cindy uses. As I sat down to put this writing together I asked for some help from guidances what to select and the answer was the last 3. So here they are. They speak to some of my personal lessons and I hope that there is a universal human experience and aspect that may speak to yourselves as we navigate our way through this experience of being human. It is an act of surrender and love to share these with you. I lay myself bare before you.
For myself one of the more difficult aspects of life is when loved ones behave in ways you may not agree with or understand and these messages speak to this point quite a bit. For myself at least. My hope is these messages may be experienced by you in a meaningful way that is similar to how a well-written song means something a bit different to every listener and still holds deep meaning.
As always, the messages are steeped in love and an encouragement to grow in learning and expressing all the different ways love can be experienced, extended and received.
Peace from my heart to yours, Scott
———————————————————————————————————— 10-20-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of Gods White light of peace within your hearts, carrying Love for your fellow man,
It is difficult to observe others putting their desires before the good of their fellow man. Such is the path of learning from the egoic lessons of life in the third. For you to judge and hold pain at this observance, to see where they are unconscious, is to fall prey to your ego. This would be an act of ego, not quite as unconscious but still an act of ego. To see that the other is blind is to remember your blindness and know there are still many aspects of life and living within Love that you and all humans are blind to currently. See where others are blind and know you hold blindness within your own experience also. See where the other is blind and extend Love into

them and often they will do the same for you whether unconsciously or not. They will shine lights so you can see and we return the favor with gratitude.
Part of the path of life and moving toward divine learning and experience is to feel and know within your own bones so to speak when not to follow others in their blindness, when to be loving to yourselves and not to follow them down their own dark path unaligned with Love into their own pain experience. Know when not to follow and hold no pain around this stance of self love while extending forgiveness into the energy fields of another. When to hold to your boundaries and when to be open. It is of no matter which stance one takes as long as we are extending Love, compassion and forgiveness into each and every moment of our life experiences in the third. Lifetimes are experienced as short when on this side of the veil of understanding and love. Make use of every moment available to you to stay present within the vibrations of Love within you.
There are times One is not within the vibrations of Love and this is when learning occurs. Such as it is with life. To stay present within the Love vibration is when divine spirit comes in and lends a helping hand to yourselves and others. These are the moments of blissful awareness that hold the feelings of deep bliss, love and joy. Stay present with the alignment of Love within your hearts and the vibration of man and our planet can continue to rise and ascend. Live, Love, Learn Grow, Forgive and Give Back. Love and forgive your fellow man even when their desires supersede the common good and you will be contributing to the common good by the pure clear tones of love vibration you are emitting from your hearts.
All of our Love upon you both as you move through your days of time and space experiences, we vibrate with Love upon you as you do to others when you are centered and aligned with Love. The more you align with Love the more love we can pour into your hearts. We are here to assist and Love,
David and Kord within and of the Four carrying so much more for you to taste and love. 10-21-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of White Light, Peace and Love,
Let this be the vibration you surrender to. This takes more intent and desire to do this. Much easier to succumb to ego. Ego is of a self centered perspective, to align with love is to align the deep vibrations of love, of the commonality we all share and to embrace what is best for the All and the One. This is an act of service to others and yourselves. Surrendering to ego only serves the ego and the ego becomes more and more ravenous and never fully satisfied or content. Always looking for more ways to avoid the pain and difficulty of life. Love surrenders to this difficulty and allows the lessons of life to come to Oneself in a flowing and loving manner and the energy fields of love and the souls of Guidance can come more and more to your aid and assistance. With this assistance you become more and more skilled in the ways of Love and

Service. You become more and more fulfilled and the allure of the trappings of ego and the physical addictions of life become less and less attractive and desirable.
You come to only desire the fulfilling peace on the heart when One is aligned with love and the vibrations from within your souls. Your vibration and the energy fields of love that are of this experience become as One. You are aligned and Of. We are Of the One. You simply exist as an experience and expressions of Love. You are Of the Oneness of Life. Desire this and you become this.
Hold the desire to Love within your hearts and the expression of this becomes greater and greater, manifestation of more and more love and you live in this state of awareness and service to your fellow man and of yourself. We serve the All and the One in the ascension process. Your experience of life has fulfillment and meaning and you live in a state of gratitude and Love.
There are as many ways to love as there are souls on the planet metaphorically speaking. Many ways to explore Love. Seek and explore all the possibilities of love, always learning and growing in love awareness. Become explorers of Love in all its facets. Living, Loving, Learning, Growing, Forgiving and Giving Back. This is the reason we are in this experience to explore doing just that. Let the love within your heart blossom and blossom, surrender and allow this, Dear Ones.
All of our Love from our hearts to yours and back again in a never ending cycle and expansion of Love. Allow this and feel the love within your hearts grow and grow.
David and more of and from the Four
Good Morning Dear Souls of Light, Love and Peace,
To say one deserves something or not is an act of ego, of being disconnected from Source, from oneself. To say I deserve or I do not is an act of judgement. Judgement blocks empathy for others and oneself. To say I do not deserve this is to reflect the disconnection from Source and to say I am less than. Saying I am less than what you are? How can a cat be less than a cat, how can a human be less than a human? Form and structure experience is formed from and by source love vibration. So to say you are less than is simply a reflection of a self misperception of what and who we all are. To do this is a lack of knowledge and awareness of what and who you are. As you begin to see yourselves and others as they truly are, your understanding and focus shift to a higher plane of awareness.
To say I deserve this or I do not is a form of self misperception of self. It is not a matter of deserving or not, it is more a matter of acceptance, allowance and appreciation for the abundance that life can be and is when we understand this and drop judgement and unawareness for the clarity of who we are and how we come to this experience of life.

When others ask about your clarity of life that jangles their world and ask “do you really believe what you say”? It is not really a matter of what One believes, but more a matter of what One experiences. What is your experience and how is this experience shaped by the vibrations that you send out into the world? Are they vibrations of love and awareness or are they vibrations of lack of acceptance of self and, therefore, the world around you. Are they vibrations of less than, of shame, of anger and judgement? How are you shaping your reality by the vibrations you are carrying and emitting.
We extend vibrations of peace and love to you, we welcome you into the house of love we all can come to live in. Align your vibration with love and enter. Come to know and hold a greater peace in your hearts and the light of love within you will continue to shine brighter and brighter,
David, Kord of the Four and all those who bring much, much more. ————————————————————————————————————-
Thank you for the time and energy you put into reading these words. My personal hope is these words in some way infused just a bit more love into your day.
With deep gratitude, Scott

Angels Path Issue 18

Hello Dear Friends,
It’s been a bit of time since our last email. Our family has been busy with a kitchen remodel and our son, Jadan’s wedding. Not a lot of time to sit down and give these emails the proper attention they and you deserve. Both activities concluded in the same week and both carried many lessons for both Cindy and I, particularly in this time of Covid.
I maintained the daily writings and verbal sessions, it was a matter of finding time to write the email. The daily writings have a tendency to stack up and it most often appears to me that the most recent writing is the most meaningful one. The topics seem to come in a series of three. So I would begin to put these together for an email and not get to finish and then I would have a growing backlog. We also ran out of considerable memory on the recording device that Cindy uses. As I sat down to put this writing together I asked for some help from guidances what to select and the answer was the last 3. So here they are. They speak to some of my personal lessons and I hope that there is a universal human experience and aspect that may speak to yourselves as we navigate our way through this experience of being human. It is an act of surrender and love to share these with you. I lay myself bare before you.
For myself one of the more difficult aspects of life is when loved ones behave in ways you may not agree with or understand and these messages speak to this point quite a bit. For myself at least. My hope is these messages may be experienced by you in a meaningful way that is similar to how a well-written song means something a bit different to every listener and still holds deep meaning.
As always, the messages are steeped in love and an encouragement to grow in learning and expressing all the different ways love can be experienced, extended and received.
Peace from my heart to yours, Scott
———————————————————————————————————— 10-20-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of Gods White light of peace within your hearts, carrying Love for your fellow man,
It is difficult to observe others putting their desires before the good of their fellow man. Such is the path of learning from the egoic lessons of life in the third. For you to judge and hold pain at this observance, to see where they are unconscious, is to fall prey to your ego. This would be an act of ego, not quite as unconscious but still an act of ego. To see that the other is blind is to remember your blindness and know there are still many aspects of life and living within Love that you and all humans are blind to currently. See where others are blind and know you hold blindness within your own experience also. See where the other is blind and extend Love into

them and often they will do the same for you whether unconsciously or not. They will shine lights so you can see and we return the favor with gratitude.
Part of the path of life and moving toward divine learning and experience is to feel and know within your own bones so to speak when not to follow others in their blindness, when to be loving to yourselves and not to follow them down their own dark path unaligned with Love into their own pain experience. Know when not to follow and hold no pain around this stance of self love while extending forgiveness into the energy fields of another. When to hold to your boundaries and when to be open. It is of no matter which stance one takes as long as we are extending Love, compassion and forgiveness into each and every moment of our life experiences in the third. Lifetimes are experienced as short when on this side of the veil of understanding and love. Make use of every moment available to you to stay present within the vibrations of Love within you.
There are times One is not within the vibrations of Love and this is when learning occurs. Such as it is with life. To stay present within the Love vibration is when divine spirit comes in and lends a helping hand to yourselves and others. These are the moments of blissful awareness that hold the feelings of deep bliss, love and joy. Stay present with the alignment of Love within your hearts and the vibration of man and our planet can continue to rise and ascend. Live, Love, Learn Grow, Forgive and Give Back. Love and forgive your fellow man even when their desires supersede the common good and you will be contributing to the common good by the pure clear tones of love vibration you are emitting from your hearts.
All of our Love upon you both as you move through your days of time and space experiences, we vibrate with Love upon you as you do to others when you are centered and aligned with Love. The more you align with Love the more love we can pour into your hearts. We are here to assist and Love,
David and Kord within and of the Four carrying so much more for you to taste and love. 10-21-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of White Light, Peace and Love,
Let this be the vibration you surrender to. This takes more intent and desire to do this. Much easier to succumb to ego. Ego is of a self centered perspective, to align with love is to align the deep vibrations of love, of the commonality we all share and to embrace what is best for the All and the One. This is an act of service to others and yourselves. Surrendering to ego only serves the ego and the ego becomes more and more ravenous and never fully satisfied or content. Always looking for more ways to avoid the pain and difficulty of life. Love surrenders to this difficulty and allows the lessons of life to come to Oneself in a flowing and loving manner and the energy fields of love and the souls of Guidance can come more and more to your aid and assistance. With this assistance you become more and more skilled in the ways of Love and

Service. You become more and more fulfilled and the allure of the trappings of ego and the physical addictions of life become less and less attractive and desirable.
You come to only desire the fulfilling peace on the heart when One is aligned with love and the vibrations from within your souls. Your vibration and the energy fields of love that are of this experience become as One. You are aligned and Of. We are Of the One. You simply exist as an experience and expressions of Love. You are Of the Oneness of Life. Desire this and you become this.
Hold the desire to Love within your hearts and the expression of this becomes greater and greater, manifestation of more and more love and you live in this state of awareness and service to your fellow man and of yourself. We serve the All and the One in the ascension process. Your experience of life has fulfillment and meaning and you live in a state of gratitude and Love.
There are as many ways to love as there are souls on the planet metaphorically speaking. Many ways to explore Love. Seek and explore all the possibilities of love, always learning and growing in love awareness. Become explorers of Love in all its facets. Living, Loving, Learning, Growing, Forgiving and Giving Back. This is the reason we are in this experience to explore doing just that. Let the love within your heart blossom and blossom, surrender and allow this, Dear Ones.
All of our Love from our hearts to yours and back again in a never ending cycle and expansion of Love. Allow this and feel the love within your hearts grow and grow.
David and more of and from the Four
Good Morning Dear Souls of Light, Love and Peace,
To say one deserves something or not is an act of ego, of being disconnected from Source, from oneself. To say I deserve or I do not is an act of judgement. Judgement blocks empathy for others and oneself. To say I do not deserve this is to reflect the disconnection from Source and to say I am less than. Saying I am less than what you are? How can a cat be less than a cat, how can a human be less than a human? Form and structure experience is formed from and by source love vibration. So to say you are less than is simply a reflection of a self misperception of what and who we all are. To do this is a lack of knowledge and awareness of what and who you are. As you begin to see yourselves and others as they truly are, your understanding and focus shift to a higher plane of awareness.
To say I deserve this or I do not is a form of self misperception of self. It is not a matter of deserving or not, it is more a matter of acceptance, allowance and appreciation for the abundance that life can be and is when we understand this and drop judgement and unawareness for the clarity of who we are and how we come to this experience of life.

When others ask about your clarity of life that jangles their world and ask “do you really believe what you say”? It is not really a matter of what One believes, but more a matter of what One experiences. What is your experience and how is this experience shaped by the vibrations that you send out into the world? Are they vibrations of love and awareness or are they vibrations of lack of acceptance of self and, therefore, the world around you. Are they vibrations of less than, of shame, of anger and judgement? How are you shaping your reality by the vibrations you are carrying and emitting.
We extend vibrations of peace and love to you, we welcome you into the house of love we all can come to live in. Align your vibration with love and enter. Come to know and hold a greater peace in your hearts and the light of love within you will continue to shine brighter and brighter,
David, Kord of the Four and all those who bring much, much more. ————————————————————————————————————-
Thank you for the time and energy you put into reading these words. My personal hope is these words in some way infused just a bit more love into your day.
With deep gratitude, Scott

Angels Path Issue 18

Hello Dear Friends,

Once again, I’m astounded by the different and vast forms of love expression that the guides bring to my awareness. Lately there has been a significant amount of time devoted to the power of our intentions and how we can manifest these intentions. In the reality of our lives as spiritual beings having a physical experience, we often cannot manifest our desires instantly for this could be fraught with pitfalls. 

If one is in traffic and someone cuts us off, our first reaction may be of anger and indignation. In that moment of ego expression, it is probably not the most productive expression of manifestation of our emotional state within us upon the world around us. So if we could manifest instantly there would be many unintended consequences. That said, in moments of being aligned with divine intentions without our ego’s influence, instant manifestation is possible.

So how do we manifest our intentions and our desires? Through a consistent daily focus on love-based desires and intentions. Whatever our main focus is, we can manifest this over time. This takes concerted effort until it does not. Whatever we pay the most attention to is what we manifest over time. Like energy attracts like energy. Identifying with love brings more love into our lives, identifying with anger brings more opportunity to be angry, identifying with judgement of others brings more judgement into our lives. Whatever our prominent, dominant vibration and intention that we carry is what we bring into our lives and ultimately manifest. If our alignment with love is much greater than our alignment with the self-serving expressions of one’s ego, we manifest more love than ego expression.

A significant part of self love is forgiving ourselves when we drop into ego expression. This is going to happen from time to time. This is being human. We learn through this process. This process is why we are here, so there is no real need to judge ourselves harshly or at all when we drop into ego. When we forgive ourselves, we realign with love and bring more love into our awareness through this action of forgiveness. Forgiveness lights the path of love before us.

Love, Scott


Good Morning Divine Souls of God’s Love,

For another morning and day is upon us. This is the time to make your intentions of the day set. Now is the moment where it is most effective to set your intentions and therefore your vibrations for the day. Set them first thing in your day and it will become easier and easier to return to them as you move through your day. Starting off your day without a focus on higher vibrational experiences makes it easier to slide into ego and harder to return to love. This is and can be done of course, but is just setting your day to deal with the struggles of one’s ego to command more of your attention, is this really necessary?

Intend to hold love in your heart as a daily affirmation and then manifestation. The more one focuses on love and being and expression of God, the more one manifests this intention. The more it becomes the manner in which you express your life. The less ego takes control and manifests many things that are not of the highest good and brings conflict into your vibration and interaction with others and the more unrest this brings upon One’s soul. So bring attention daily and often to what is important to one’s heart. Align with the love that exists within us all, and make this alignment your main intention and you express yourself as a true, clear aligned expression of God. One’s ego then has less and less influence and comes to appreciate this aspect of its new sense of self and the self discovery of the peace it brings upon your heart. Your ego will come to desire an influence on you less and less and the lightness this brings to your soul, to your experience, manifests in a clear, true, happy vibration and reflection of the God within and you see the God within others so much more clearly.

You respect and honor all others as a matter of the course of your life. You become and step back into the awareness of who and what we truly are in our natural state as an expression of God. The peace and love this brings upon your heart and the peace and love you emit out of your hearts upon others becomes an act of grace, pleasure and satisfaction that transcends any earthly experience of ego and alignment with the misconceptions that so many of souls walking the Earth align with. You become of a different vibration and this vibration helps shift the awareness of others and yourself and a great sense of peace and contentment become the way of life you prefer and stay with vibrationaly.

So one can see the importance and power that comes to us through the power of our intentions. Why not make them a matter of choice of love as opposed to not making any choice at all and leaving your experiences of the third, of this lifetime to random chance, to the whims of One’s ego and the ego influence of others? Intention to choose love takes no random actions. Love always responds as an expression of love and service to Oneself and others.  Through the setting of intentions to love, the path before us becomes brighter and more obvious. You can see where your Angels wish to lead you and you are no longer blinded by ego or the desires of the physical self identifications of what one may think is important in the third and you align with the higher love vibrations of the divine, and the divine within you comes to express itself, yourself more and more until the moment comes where One can completely forget about ego more and more often. Ego does return of course and has less and less influence on each subsequent return. You become more and more clearer expressions of love, bring out the love within your hearts with greater and greater expressions of the purity of God’s love.

All of our love, now and forever over the oceans of time and space onto you.

David within and of the Four


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s Love, peace and harmony,

For this is what we are, what we manifest when we choose to.  When we choose to align with love, when we intend to align with love upon awakening every day. Do this and the manifestation curve towards God’s love will accelerate and accelerate. You embody love and hold the perspective of love more and more with each passing breath. A breathing of love in and out, giving and receiving.  Momentary shifts away from love do occur, but this becomes less and less of a consequence, less and less of a concern.  You both simply return toward love with a wry smile and a chuckle over the frailty of being human. A deep and loving acceptance and forgiveness for the acts of ego, for oneself and others. This will become more and more the state of awareness that you play out your roles on the great stage of karma, experience and expressions of life. The role you play is steeped in love with a greater and greater bonding with love. Love becomes a part of your DNA and you hold no other wishes to align with any other vibration than one of love. Any other vibration holds no interest  any longer. Just as non-nutritious foods do not draw you, so it is with vibrations of spirit not aligned with Love.

The more you intend, the more you manifest. The more these intentions of love are expressed, the more you manifest.  You simply prefer to sit with love vibrating within you than indulge in other vibrations. The other vibrations of life and how others express them are not bad, per se, they just do not interest you any longer like they once did. You understand when others play and experience these vibrations as you once did and there is no need for judgement for you have walked that path and know where and how it led you. You know there are no shortcuts on the path back to love, back to self discovery and you see the steps that others must take for their own soul growth. You understand the draw of the temptations of the third and where the lessons lie behind the explorations of those experiences. So with this understanding, there is a releasement of any tendency or desire to judge. All that fills your heart is love and compassion for the pain and the efforts that are to be experienced for a soul to find their own way back to themselves, back to their experiences and expressions of their God within. The same God that is within all of our hearts but are of different expressions of our experiences. 

All behavior you see, feel and experience is of the God nature of each human’s experience of ego lessons and their applications upon their own life and experiences. It is all of divine nature and experience. Particularly when perceived as not, as are the lessons of experiencing the light and the darkness of life. One begets the other and brings gratitude to our hearts. Hold gratitude for the lessons you’ve learned and compassion for the lessons of others. Accept, allow and appreciate all that there is. Be of your experience and align with love.

Accept, allow and appreciate all things in life, the air, the mountains, the seas, the trees and rocks all give and receive love. Tune in and listen to their vibrations and your gratitude and acceptance for all life and manifestations of God expressions expand in a like manner. Your respect and concern for all that you see grows and grows and the deep beauty and love for all that was created to be in front of you, expands and expands as does the state of love awareness within your hearts.

Accept our love and allow the divine within to grow and blossom into your soul’s true desires. Blossoming and expanding into more and more aligned expressions of love,

David within and of the Four


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s peace and deep expressions of Love,

For now you understand the passing of time and the intentions thrust upon the time in these bodies become clearer. The aging of your body does not matter as much to you as it once did. Getting to know yourself, your soul, holds greater and greater meaning and you see beyond the depths and dreams of this life to a higher functioning expression of reality.

You understand the power of divine intention expressed within your bodies and steady consistent awareness and attention paid to what are One’s intentions and how would the manifestations of these intentions best serve the needs of myself, my fellow man and ultimately all mankind? When you know yourselves as Love, the parts of life that are deeply aligned with lower consciousness, lower vibrations hold no draw, meaning or value any longer and within this awareness you can let go of the feelings of fear around aging and death. You live more deeply in the moment, cherishing each blessing of awareness that comes from being bonded with Love.

You know who you are, what you’re here for, what to do and where you’re going. To Love, to be Loved, and return to Love once again. Everything is about the expressions of love as you hold your intentions to align with Love, again and again, day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime. When we fully align with Love and stop creating karma through the expressions of ego, when we heal the wounds of karma and bring a sense of closing with Love to the wounds of the present moment. When we come closer and closer to this awareness and understanding, the choices before us unfold in amazing, mysterious and wonderful ways. You choose what expression you will explore next and whether you wish to come back to the plane of existence called the third or move onto other experiences of deep Love alignment and understanding. You see all the choices before you in a sense of nonlinear experience and you see all the reality and manifestation of intention and choice and you create the sense of Love alignment and expression you wish to experience. You see the multiple realities and dimensions before you.

You see the multiple dimensions of reality all at once. It is only when we choose a linear experience of time do we focus on one reality. Knowing we are in linear time and knowing the power of intention and the power of Love, how the deep alignment with Love heals us all, what choices do you make? What reality do you wish to create within this experience of form and structure. Which reality do you wish to align with? You can choose a reality of Love based expression or stumble blindly with ego as your guide.

It all returns to the intention to Love and express love in all forms of reality and perception. Intend to Love, be Love and express love much as breathing nurtures and sustains our bodies. The breath of Love, Life and expressions of giving and receiving freely, manifesting abundance of Love in astounding ways. Your hearts become filled with love and you are supremely happy and content.

All our Love unto you and your souls, walk with the love and peace of God’s breath like a gentle breeze at One’s back,

David within and of the Four

That about sums it up for me. As always, observations and discussion is appreciated,


 Cindy and Scott

Angels Path Issue 17

Hello Dear Friends,

It has been a while since our last issue. It seems like time is a different experience since we have come to live with Covid-19. It appears to be slower and faster all at the same time, bending within the moments at hand.

There is also so much information coming in on a consistent basis that it can be a bit difficult and a bit overwhelming to discern what information would best serve your needs, dear friends. The following messages seemed to speak the most plainly to me in regards to what Cindy and I have been working on lately with some of our own personal issues. My hope and intention is that there is some universality in these words and that you find some meaning in the messages. Thank you for your time and attention to these emails.

Our Angels desire nothing more than the opportunity to serve and help us, and are deeply grateful and pleased when we allow this.

With deep Love,



Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Lights of Love,

Love is wisdom, love is peace, love is kind, love is patient. Love is the path of Love, as opposed to the most traveled path of ego. Ego is bluster, ego is doubt, ego is shame, ego is self-righteous, ego is loud, ego is a self-absorbed arrogance, ego is insecure. Ego has an agenda of self-interest, Love does not. Love has a devotion to the Grace and betterment of All. To take the path of Love is always the wiser path. So many of you cannot see this path, it is unlit. Many of you are blind to this path, this gateway to understanding. Do not judge those who are still blind and be grateful that you can see. Help others to see through to the path of Love. Serving others comes with the deep reward of feeling the Love within you expanding and expanding. 

With this expansion of Love within your hearts, you become more peaceful, more kind, more patient. These traits will bring you to a higher understanding of human behavior and you can be an example of how to walk within the light of self-awareness and self-love. You emanate love from your very center of your being. And your heart manufactures more and more love in a consistent and continuous manner. Within this Love awareness comes the acceptance, allowance, and appreciation of others that will endear you to them, and them to you. They will be drawn to the Love within you and themselves which permeates outward in a manner of complete acceptance of all.

Accepting the blindness of others and loving the deep Love within their souls that they often cannot see will allow you to have a deep compassion for other souls you see that are blind. Through this compassion and acceptance, others will relax and be less inclined to express their ego. They will feel accepted and loved and they will often see glimmers of Love before them where they did not before. Hold deep compassion for the pain of being blind along with gratitude that you no longer need to walk these paths of pain. You most often walk with us on the path of the Angel’s Walk. More and more, the many of you will travel this path of Love and Wisdom, particularly when you can hold a level of focus upon this intention. Hold your intention to Love and to be Love and to express love in all its different facets of expression. 

Let us help you. Surrender to the reality of life around you. See that other souls are living in a state of unconsciousness and ego self-servitude and surrender to this, for this is often a fact of life for those in the growth awareness process. Particularly souls that are still young and have not yet gained an appreciation of the power of Love. Surrender to this reality with the intention to hold an awareness of Love within this form and structure. With this intention, we can enter and help you with great efficiency and the opportunities for growth of Love that are placed before you. Opportunities to explore Love and abundance of spiritual love. What you once thought was abundance in a material sense no longer has any meaning. The abundance of spirit and love gives you all you could ever want or desire.

Let go of the past. Enjoy the moment and look forward with glee and joy at future opportunities to Love, to be Love, and express Love. Do not lament over the opportunities that you missed in the past to Love, but be grateful for the coming opportunities that you will no longer miss. Opportunities that you will embrace more and more with deep infusions of Love. Each moment is an opportunity to align with Love… or with ego. You now are gaining the wisdom to make the choices that make you and your loved ones happy in a manner that you did not before. Rejoice in this awareness. These are acts of embracing love and experiencing Harmonic Vibrational Alignment with the Love in your hearts and the Love in other souls that you have the wonderful opportunity to experience. Have deep gratitude for this. Accept where you are in life and where the moment presents itself. Accept how, in each moment, you have a choice to express love. This is true acceptance.

Be patient and kind with young souls in old bodies and old souls in young bodies. Be grateful for old souls that carry the awareness of all the vibrational aspects of life. Accept wherever you and other souls are on the ladder of the progression through life and the soul traveling of this experience. With this viewpoint comes the acceptance of Love, the Love of being accepted by all other forms of life on this planet, and the awareness of other planes of existence. Accept love and love to accept. Accept, allow, and appreciate all things in life and your awareness.

Great Love upon your hearts. May the Love within your hearts grow and grow with each passing moment of experience. Grow in wisdom and kindness. Grow in love.

David within and of the Four


Good Morning Dear Souls Of God’s White Lights of Love,

Vibrate compassion and peace through your hearts. Understand and come to a place of awareness of the destructive power of judgement. Judging harms all souls involved in the experiences of time and space connection together. Judgement wounds us all. It brings us to places where our egos are free to overreact and spew lower vibrations of anger and pain expression. 

When we walk with the wounds of judgement upon ourselves, it is much like when you have a badly injured body part. Think about how overprotective you are of that body part. If you’re in a crowded place, you guard and protect your deeply wounded body part. If anyone even comes near to you, you become more and more guarded, more and more wary. You can feel the pain of contact with another before it even happens. You may lash out in anger and self-protection in a highly overreacting manner. So it is with the wounds of self-judgement, but in a more emotional and vibratory manner. You still have the over-reactionary response. You are still mired in ego response. 

Dropping judgement allows you to respond with compassion and grace. Judging blocks compassion. Without compassion you cannot see the connection of Love that binds us all together. That holds us together as one. 

When we judge ourselves, we are cutting off our connection to our higher selves and our connection with the God nature within us. Within this pain of disconnection, we judge as a response to our pain experience and expression. Drop the judgements and let our hearts come together in peace and love.

Judging yourselves and others only leads to pain and away from your path to God, away from where the Angels wish to guide you. By letting go of judgement, we heal ourselves and bring peace and love energy to the hearts of others. Dropping judgement is a wonderful and great gift to give ourselves and others. It helps to light our way home, back to our hearts and the love this brings to us all.

Allow yourselves to understand how powerful and freeing the act of letting go of our judgements is. It brings us to a place of high acceptance, allowance and appreciation. Within the vibration of these experiences and these emotions we find ourselves at peace and we are happy. Whatever life brings to us, when we lack judgement of others, we turn toward the vibration of expressions of the highest good.

Letting go of judgement brings us all closer to knowing ourselves as we truly are. All of our Love onto your hearts so you may vibrate continuously with Love alignment. Accept and love yourselves and your human frailties without judgement. Give this gift of peace to yourselves.

David within and of the Four

When Scott has completed his morning writing session, I will join him to review the writing. I typically will read it myself first, then I will read it to him aloud, slowly. Somehow the reading aloud deepens the message for us both and then, more regularly lately, David and the Four will join in our conversation to deepen the message further still. I suggest that you allow yourself some time for reading the lessons and allow the opportunity to connect with your Higher Self for deeper understanding and resonance in a similar way that we do. There is a lot of information to process in each of these writings, and rather than pick out the portions that speak to us, we include the entire lesson for you to discover what speaks to you. 

So take your time with them. Re-read previous messages and see how they may resonate even deeper for you. Recognize the truth and clarity of the messages and feel the Love within the words. Of course, if you would like to discuss any part, we welcome the opportunity to deepen the messages further.

Scott and Cindy

Sent from my iPad

Angels Path Issue 16

Hello Dear Friends,

We realize the recent emails have been a bit lengthy and so it seems appropriate to just share some highlights of the recent messages, the ones that stood out for us. So we’ve pulled certain parts of each day’s messages and compiled them for this issue. I was amazed at how well they fit together. We sincerely hope that these messages bring the same peace and love to your hearts that they bring to ours.

Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Light, Dancing and Celebrating the Divinity of our collective Souls,

When you find that you have come to a place where you feel the alignment with God’s Love, and someone were to say to you, “step away from this alignment, away from God’s love, from self-love, and the love of your fellow man for millions and millions of dollars,” what would your answer be? If you find yourself choosing Love, then you will always find an abundance in a manner that money or materialism cannot provide. One can have all the wealth in the world and still live in a complete lack of abundance.

Go as your heart goes. That heart was made by God to experience and express God’s Love. That is its purpose. Let your heart’s purpose guide you through the days of your experience. When your heart holds a vibration of closed and high irritation, recognize that this is not what its purpose is. Fish are meant to swim, birds are to fly, and you are meant to love. You can cage fish and birds so they can not express their purpose, just as you can cage your heart. Open your self-limiting cage and fulfill your purpose in loving Oneself and others.

Follow your heart and your intuition will allow this to happen. We all can express the following of our heart in a way that contributes to the highest good. Some are very vocal and expressive in how they express this love vibration, this devotion to the All. Some of us do this in more subtle ways, more behind the scenes. 

What matters is the intention to bring Love and healing to the world and the souls around you in a manner that best suits your talents and your abilities. All are called to express healing love. All contribute in their own manner. The intention and desire to align with Love is the key that unlocks the movement of mankind to a higher level of vibrational awareness and expression of this awareness. Open your heart, follow it to Love, and the path will be presented to you.

Love is all around you, and once you accept this, you choose to see this. When you come upon any given situation, ask yourself “where is the opportunity to Love?” When you see a homeless person, see past the rags and dirt they carry on themselves and respect the lessons their soul carries. When you see the beauty of their souls, ask “what do you need?”, as opposed to shying away from them. As long as they do not bring violent energy into the situation. And even sometimes then, ask “what do you need, how do I extend Love here?”

All the Love within our Angel’s hearts we give onto you both. May you live and walk with the expression of Love, Compassion, Grace, and God’s love in your hearts.

David within and with all the Angels of the Four. The Four that hold us up so high in love and its vibration. Go in peace, my Dear loved Ones, go in peace.

Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Light and Brilliant Golden Love,

Love is Love. What is not of Love expression is not of Love vibration. The duality of vibrations will become more and more distinct over the coming months and years. You will learn to have great gratitude for those in your life that share this Love vibration and have gratitude and compassion for those who do not. For you know what they are missing. You know the pain, turmoil, and karma they are creating for themselves and the lessons that these experiences bring to them. Hold their pain within your awareness and balance this with the compassion in your heart. This will even out the vibrations in the environment you are sharing with them, balancing their vibrational fields.

Gratitude and Compassion are flip sides of the same coin. They are part of the same Love Vibration field that provides the knowledge that we are of God’s love and energy, and part of God’s vibrational expression. Gratitude and Compassion bring us back to our hearts and our alignment with Love that is always and eternally present and available for all of us to experience. Gratitude and Compassion are the twin Lights that show you where your path in life lies and where you can walk with the Angels, with blissful Love in your heart.

Deep Love onto you, may Compassion and Gratitude bring a brighter light of God’s Love to your hearts,

David with the Angels within the Four

Cindy: So in this issue, we thought we would share some of the “Love Notes” that we have been receiving with all of you. We both feel that they speak for themselves and need little commentary from us. We also maintained a couple of the greetings and closings because, well, they’re just beautiful. They are intended for you all also! I would like to share one part of the messages that stood out to me. It brings tears to my eyes and fills my heart. 

“Gratitude and Compassion bring us back to our hearts and our alignment with Love that is always and eternally present and available for all of us to experience.”

Love is always there for us, 24/7/365. We simply make our choice to Love and enact it with gratitude and compassion for ourselves and others. That’s it!  Being kind is such a simple thing.

Scott: So you may have noticed “the Four” being mentioned before, and it basically refers to our “guides” as a collective of souls not incarnate and Angels. They include: David, Cindy’s deceased brother, Steven, a soul that I have a lot of karma with (a brother from another lifetime), and the Angels Samuel and Daniel. They have also told me that the phrase “the Four” is a metaphor for the four corners of a home that hold up the walls and roof, providing shelter, nourishment, guidance, and support. 

Also, the following passage leaped out at me and spoke to me in a deep way. It brought a little more clarity to how I walk and interact in this world…

“Go as your heart goes. That heart was made by God to experience and express God’s Love. That is its purpose. Let your heart’s purpose guide you through the days of your experience.”

Love to all of you, and thank you for letting us share these messages. The fact that you are open and willing to hear them is extremely meaningful to us.

Cindy and ScottSent from my iPad

Angels Path Issue 15

Hello Dear Friends,

When I began writing these emails, I intended to chronicle my writing and verbal channeling sessions in sequential order, to tell the story of my own development. However, it seems that recent world and national events have superseded that plan. So for the time being, I will be putting out the most recent sessions as they seem appropriate to our collective experience. 

The messages in the first writing are about interacting with people in fear and pain in our everyday lives. After I shared this writing with Jadan, our son and editor, his response was, “this is great, but what do the guides have to say to someone who is in the shit? Someone in the middle of that fear and pain? That would be of a real interest to a lot of people.”

So, the next morning, I sat down with the intention of asking this question for the first time. Normally, it is Cindy asking these types of questions in a verbal session, not me. Lately, I’ve had the mindset to try and influence the information coming through me as little as possible. I feel like my role is similar to a court stenographer. So this was a new experience for me and was a bit of a challenge. The result of that session is the June 5th writing.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Good Morning Dear Souls Of God’s White Light and Love!

Forgive One’s pain. Remember your pain and how you acted this pain expression out. What your behavior exhibited. So when you move to judge another within their pain experience remember your behavior and have compassion. Did you ever act any better than those whose behavior you wish to judge? So feel their pain and allow them to move through their expression of their pain. Accept their pain and appreciate the path you have traveled to let go of your pain at this point of time and space intersection. Hold a desire for healing for them and extend the Grace of God within you onto them and respect whatever comes afterwards. The release of pain is often not of an immediate nature. One holds on to their pain as a way of identifying themselves within the dimension of the third, of form and structure. When One is not aware of the God within, letting go of this pain, this identity, is quite frightening. One lets go and then who is One in the absence of God? 

Have patience with this process and be loving and kind to them and an awareness can grow where they can see the Love within you and feel a sense of relief being in your presence, while you are present with them. Allow your love to be present and to pour forth from you in the appropriate moments. Do not judge them for their pain experience. How long does one take to let go of this pain? How long did it take you both? One cannot be entirely certain, lifetime after lifetime? So why would you move to judge another’s path and progress? Be grateful for your progress and extend this gratitude in the form of Love and acceptance onto the other and you will be expressing the Will of God. The God within you and the God you honor within the other.

Hold compassion in your heart and the ego need to judge others finds little space to cast its judgement onto others. Compassion holds ego in its place. Ego does not move forth from this place of Compassion’s Grace. See the ego struggles in others and hold Compassion in your heart and the Love within you will shine forth from your body. You will feel less and less judgement within each passing day and moment. Know the ego struggle of others and the pain of a lack of awareness of the God within them and the torment this lack of understanding brings to One’s soul. Remembering this pain is a path to Compassion. Compassion and forgiveness for the other and compassion and forgiveness for oneself.  See where they hold on to this pain so they have a story to present to the world, a way of saying “This is who I am and this is how I need to express my pain. I hold on to this pain so I can speak my pain and express my limited understanding of myself”. Your love lets you see past this limitation and lets the other see this possibility themselves. Through the acceptance of their pain and their story, you help them see the way home. You hold the light of forgiveness and compassion high, for this is when you release the weight of judgement from the arm holding the light for all to see.

Hold your intention to accept, allow and appreciate all things in this world of form and structure and the light you hold up becomes amazingly light. As the energy of Love in your heart becomes lighter and lighter, bringing you to a higher vibration and Love through this understanding and awareness. Allow souls their pain and give them your compassion. This is how the Angels behave and heal others. This is the path we all can walk together. When One holds the intention of Love and the good for all within their hearts, be aware of the energy of One’s own heart. Turn your intentions to God within you and the Love within you. Allow ego to drop away with compassion and forgiveness for yourself. Compassion and acceptance is as light as Love. You become light in mass and brightness of the soul, shining through your expression and action of life.

Simply be Love, Dear Beloved Ones. Allow the acceptance of Love to light your way home.

David within and of the Four

Friday, June 5, 2020

Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s Sweet Light of Love and Compassion and Acceptance 

…for this is who we are in the moments where we transcend the pain and horror of life. Accept your situation, whatever it may be. Accept it. It may not be pleasant, but do not deny it. Know the pain for what it is and do not move to quell the pain through all the ego’s means of distraction, the distractions of life and the addictions and other manifestations we use to numb ourselves from the pain. Feel the pain deeply.  Do not move to ignore it or minimize it. Let One’s self feel the pain, in whatever way anger presents. Do this consciously and purposefully. Do this in a way that does not cause self harm like breaking One’s fist on a wall. Scream into the night or into your pillow, sit in the dark and glower and feel the depths of your pain. Allow this.

Then, move your body and do something to shake the vibration of pain to a degree to cause a shift. Make a choice of some activity or movement. Throw down the pillow and run, shake your fists at the sky, whatever comes to you in these moments of pain to shift the vibration to a slightly different awareness. And afterward, much like the feeling One has after a good cry, accept the reality of the source of your pain. Do not try to make it something else or deflect or minimize your pain. Feel the pain and look for something you can release through this process. Maybe the pain is too great to let go of all at once. Look for a small aspect of the experience you can let go of. Whatever this may be and no matter how small the act of letting go is. Even with the most minute release there will be a shift toward some healing. The next step after you recovered from the first experience of letting go is to step into the next one. What can we let go of next? With each step of letting go, more and more relief will come to you. Ask your loved ones for what you may need throughout this process. Be honest and direct about what you are going through. Express your pain from a stance of releasing this pain and not falling into a cycle of expressing the pain over and over without a release point of awareness. 

Be kind and compassionate to yourselves as we described being compassionate to others in yesterday’s writing. Love yourselves as you love others. Love yourselves as a mother would love her child. You deserve nothing less. Letting go of pain is a deep act of courage.  Love yourself for the act of courage and bravery you presented by being clear, true, and authentic to yourselves and others as you worked your way through this process, not blaming others for your pain, but taking responsibility for your pain and how you reacted to this pain, knowing you will be forever changed from this experience. 

See the light and the dark aspects of life, stepping into and having appreciation for the light in your life and have some gratitude and awareness how the dark made the steps into the light possible. Without darkness there can be no light. The moments of the dark nights of One’s soul bring us to a higher awareness of the goodness in our lives. After we step out of the dark, we appreciate the light so much more. Do not try to avoid the dark. Step into it, knowing what pain may await you. But also know that to sidestep the dark, to avoid the moments of pain, will just bring more pain and furthering the consequences of pain and resulting karma. Within these sidesteps, come the addictions and trappings of life that hold us in pain’s grip. Facing the pain and feeling the pain deeply allows us to let go of the pain more readily and deeply. Self love and God’s Love comes to us in these moments of release, of letting go.

Know it is always darkest before the dawn and this knowing allows us to hold to our self and our souls with self love. Know the darkness will pass when you face it and that it will never recede when One moves to avoid it through the addictions of life, through the distractions of life and One’s ego responses, ego’s acting out. Have the compassion and patience you have with your children or other ones whom you love deeply, wanting only the best for them. Let this same Compassion come from oneself and wash over oneself. 

It is not an easy part of being human, but transcending our pain is one of the reasons we come to this plane of existence and experience. Face the pain now so you do not have to experience it again and again over so many lifetimes. Have the awareness that we come to this life to learn and grow from pain and have deep compassion for those who have not yet come to understand this and spend lifetime after lifetime running from their pain into the arms of addiction and denial of Self and away from their true nature as a child of God. Have Compassion for yourself when you have done this and, through this compassion, you can release and let go of your own pain.

The shoes/stories of your old self no longer fit. You remember the old shoe/stories and how this felt but you no longer are willing, and see no reason, to try and wear these old shoes and carry the stories of One’s ego any longer. This gives you compassion for others and lets you forgive yourself. This is the path and way home back to our hearts of Love and the Acceptance of the God within us.

Accept, Allow and Appreciate yourself for what you have come through and how you are stronger and better for it. Forgive yourself for what you may have done and will no longer consider doing, as you have forgiven the ones in your life that you love deeply. You are forever changed for facing and releasing your pain. You have gone through the steps of pain struggle and awareness and you are transformed for the better. One step closer to your higher nature and the God within. Honor yourself for this and honor others who struggle with the pain, ego and karma, as you have. Accept them and love them as you will yourself.

Forgive yourself and be kind to yourself by the act of letting go of whatever pain you are capable in that moment. Whatever you can let go of will be of service to yourself, no matter how small the release. Our journey through life is filled with all these small steps of release. One step at a time.

All of our Love and compassion onto you all! May the Love, Grace and Compassion of God carry us through the painful acts and times of our lives. Blessings to All!

Love David within and of the Four

Hello everyone, Cindy here. Scott and I both finished reading a book by David Hawkins called, “Letting Go,” that our dear friend Amy recommended. In the book, Hawkins describes in detail the scale of emotional responses from the painful depths of depression (low and dense) to the heights of joy (light and blissful). Then he deep dives into each emotion along the scale. 

I recognize myself in the many nuances of “small self” behavior and found it very helpful to see where on the scale I have been and understand where I am today. However, I finished the book feeling that I didn’t have a clear idea of the letting go process. I like to know exactly what I need to do when I’m in the throes of my ego responses. I felt that David gave a much better explanation of the process. He even mentions my personal favorite method of letting go, having a good cry. I never have too much trouble stirring up some tears when I’m feeling low and sometimes force them a bit just for the “release.” Depending on how low I am feeling (according to the scale), I sometimes feel wrung out and spent. Thus, recovery time is needed with a nap, or some solitude, or journaling about it. What I have found interesting is that the more pain I release, the easier it gets and I’m not afraid to go to greater depths. Facing my pain is not nearly as scary as the lead up, the anticipation, of having to go through the experience. The release is such a relief and like many difficult moments, the pain or fear passes. This time though, with a greater understanding and awareness and a sense of gratitude for the lessons.

Scott- After editing these messages, Jadan had some issues with them. He felt it was pretty tone deaf to tell someone, particularly a black person today, to release their pain. His feeling was how do you release your pain when every day you face possible death whenever you walk out your door. When new pain and old pain can be of a recurring nature over and over again. How does one release pain when society brings it to you every day? Shaking your fists at the sky may not be enough for a black person to release their pain and to bring less pain to those in our society that are at a huge disadvantage and are exploited. That there needed to be stronger action taken.

These are valid questions. My sense is that we all come here to experience and release pain in whatever manner our karma brings it to us. When the pain is overwhelming, can we find a small aspect of this pain to be released? Not all of us are built to be on the frontlines in order to bring about needed change in our society and culture. Guidance has told us that we all will have our own roles to play in our own time in bringing healing to our world and, hopefully, we all can contribute in a way that we can be most effective.

I know it has taken at least a few lifetimes for me to address some of my personal issues. I definitely did not release my pain in an effective manner in my last lifetime. It also seems that these messages may be of a more timeless nature and of a broader scope then one particular moment in time and a lifetime. Or maybe they are meant for those of us who are receiving and processing these messages. 

We would welcome any comments or insights you may have in regards to these messages and thoughts.

All of our Love,Cindy and Scott my iPad

Angels Path Issue 13B

#13 Part 2

Hello Friends,

Welcome to “Part 2” of Angel’s Path #13. In today’s email I will expand on the concept of social life cycles that I introduced in Part 1.

So, to paraphrase Maetreyii on the concept of social cycles (the following is information that she channeled), there are four Varnas, or types of people, and at different times in history, one Varna or another may dominate society. The Varna refers to the choice of occupation and the values that often surround its dominant form of expression in the world. They are sometimes confused with the caste system, but they are not the same concept. A person’s Varna is determined by their choice, not the social class one is born into. Social class is not relevant to one’s Varna.

The Varnas tend to follow a sequence and are in a cycle that repeats again and again over time. Different parts of the world have been evolving through these cycles at different times. But as the world grows more closely knit through travel and the Internet, different regions and people have come into contact with one another, impacting their cycles of development. 

The first of the four Varnas that dominate human history at different stages of the social cycles are the KSHATRIYAS, who are people motivated by noble sentiments and orderly societies. They are the administrators, rulers, and warriors. Then there are VIPRINS who are scholars, teachers, and spiritual leaders. The VAISHYAS are merchants, traders and farmers. And finally the SHUDRAS are laborers and service workers, the blue collar workers.

Each of these four groups tend to rise to dominate the values and approaches of a society for a period of time. For example, medieval Europe was dominated by the VIPRINS. Their approach worked in feudal societies, but eventually ceased to meet the needs of the people. When this happened, the people began to turn to cottage industries (manufacturing goods in the home, subcontracting) and the idea of being merchants. The VAISHYAS then began to rise in status, leading to the rise of local small businesses, then to the Industrial Age, and finally to the current age of large multinational corporations and excessive materialism.

Now, the age of material values has moved from the noble act of saving people from poverty and serfdom, as it did in the beginning of the cycle, to oppressing the hearts and minds of the people. When a social cycle nears its end, it ceases to meet people’s needs and the next phase of social cycle emerges. The age of materialism and its VAISHYA values are followed in the social cycle by the rise of the common people, the SUDRAS. However, these ordinary people do not usually want to be leaders and they soon turn over their uprising to the KSHATRIYAS, those noble warriors who will fight for the common good of all and establish an orderly society that works for everyone. Thus, harmony and the essential characteristics of nature, the laws of love, our duty, the way back to our eternal source within us, again will be restored. Until this approach degenerates and change is once again called for.

The VAISHYAS, or the merchants, capitalists, and corporations of the world are no worse than anyone else. But at the end of every age, the dominant Varna and its values become excessive and degeneration occurs. Society, bound in the individualism and the materialism of the current age, with the sole goal of physical comfort, forgets about the tender needs of the human heart. It forgets that people need to feel love and to be cared for. Society forgets to nurture the human spirit and forgets to give people the encouragement to express themselves in alignment with their spiritual center. Society caught up in materialism forgets how connected and interdependent we are with each other.

Today, the values of caring for your neighbors, friends, and families are not as prevalent. People might say you’re a nice guy, but if you make a hundred thousand dollars, then you are an important person. If you can fix a computer you earn good money, but if you give care to another human being, you earn very little for your work. The values of society have become misplaced, with too much value on the development of physical prosperity and accumulating money, rather than caring for others.

The result is a lot of people with lots of money, but not necessarily happiness. The values in society begin to wound the people themselves. People, feeling the emptiness of their lives, realize something is wrong. Even with success, they are miserable. They wonder “What is wrong? Something is missing.” They yearn for a new way. And they will find a new way. The universe brings this to our doorstep. The next life cycle will begin.

It is my belief this is about where we are currently at. The beginning of a new life cycle. COVID-19 is merely another one of the catalysts.


From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Light of Love,

Hold your vibrations of Love. Make this a wish, hold on to this desire, move it toward your intentions, express the manifestation of Love. Intend to hold this vibration in the forefront of your awareness as we move through these days together.

Wish for and desire Harmony with all other Souls. With this desire comes the will to do this. More and more Souls will wish to live in harmony and step away from self centered interests. With combined vibrations of more and more Souls intending to live in harmony, the result will be a manifesting of just that. We are lifting our collective soul group to a higher vibrational living experience. Harmonic Vibrational Alignment. We will learn more and more in the coming days about the opportunity at hand for us all.

This all starts with Love, Self-Love and Love for your fellow man. The other soul is also you at your deeper levels of consciousness and awareness. For we are all of the same stuff, the same Love vibration that is found within ourselves. This is the commonality, this is what binds us together in the understanding and embracing of Love. That fact that we all are of Love. Some just have more lessons of ego structure to work out. Others do not. You will align more and more with those that align with Love. This combined Harmonic Alignment will affect others Vibrations more and more. Helping them to come to see Love and the Love that is within themselves also. 

Begin your Day by expressing gratitude, extend your intention to live by expressing Love and living in harmony. Practice this within your own walls as you are currently doing. When you once again reemerge to be back with other Loved Ones vibrations in the world, you can hold this vibration more and more. We then move to a better place of understanding and Love for us all. We as a collective whole will hold the vibrational intention to Live in Harmony as a collective Soul group. We move toward Love and a New Earth.

May God’s Great Peace and Love be present within your awareness. Great Love onto you All,

David and the Angels

While writing this email, upon the suggestion of my Guides, I looked for content to include from Maetreyii that is relevant to the channeled message. I had just finished reading the book when the Guides made the suggestion. But I was just following their lead, lacking a complete understanding of where exactly this was leading.

Then, Jadan made a suggestion which provoked a thought in me that made perfect sense. A soul’s Varna is not necessarily changed by how much we love or accept them. Yet, if we are of the same stuff, then we are all beings of love. Each Varna is dealing with their own karma, in their own manner, pertaining to themselves and their personal journey. But, regardless of our Varna, we all deserve love and consideration. Even those whose Varna is bringing about the end of a cycle. It may be easier to support members of the Varna that will dominate the approaching cycle, but the Varna that is bringing an end to the cycle is just as instrumental to the change. Don’t the VAISHYAS and the SUDRAS, who are both manifesting the changing cycle, need and deserve as much compassion as we can extend to them? Aren’t we all just doing the best we can?

With Deep Love and Affection,

Cindy and Scott

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