Angels Path Message – November 2021 (Issue 33)


Good Morning Dear Souls of Love,

You are the love that is at the core of your being, your existence and the experience of your lives. Without love at your center, there would be no life, no purpose, no intent, for love is what we are…always here, indestructible and always present. No matter how much we forget we are love, without the love within us, we would not be in a form and structure experience. 

As you gaze upon another that is in pain,
the more you understand the difficulty of life
the more your love and compassion grows
the more you see the divine within them
the more you honor what it means to be in these bodies of form and structure
the more you see the sacredness and divinity of All Life
the more you stand in wonderment and awe of how beautiful this human soul is
how beautifully the love within them comes before your eyes
you hold no judgement over them
for they have forgotten who they are
but you have not

So, if you are interacting with another soul, no matter the state of their wounds, they are of love. The more you hold this in your awareness, the more compassion you bring upon yourselves and to the other, and the more you feel this love, this compassion emanates from your body, your soul, your awareness. 

You hold this awareness of the love that brings them life, awareness of their selves. No matter how limited this awareness of who they are is, no matter how much they listen to the wounds of their soul expressing itself in the form of ego expression, born out of pain and suffering, you help them ease their pain by holding a direct awareness of the love that they also carry within them along with their pain, their suffering, their wounds. You honor this love and you treat all you come across with love and compassion. Each moment expresses itself in a unique fashion. Each moment is different from the next with the only constant that you bring to these moments being love. Love presents and honors each moment in a unique way and unique fashion. Honor each moment as it stands alone in your awareness. 

You hold present awareness in each moment of your life with more and more ease, giving your full attention to each moment with awareness of the love that you are and awareness of the love that the other carries. More and more, you see the bonds of life and love that we all share as we walk this planet of form, structure and experience. You see the beauty and fullness of life. You see the love that is available to us in each moment. With each breath you take and each move you make. You align with love and love aligns with you. For you are love.

As you hold the knowing of this, you hold this love before the awareness of others. You bring love to the forefront of each moment of experience and awareness. You stand in love, acceptance, allowance and peace and your gratitude for life grows and grows. You see what is around you with more and more clarity. 

If it breathes, it is of love. 

Honor this and have compassion for those who have forgotten. Shine your light of love and acceptance so they may begin to see and remember. 

As you shine the light of self love upon yourselves, the light of love within you shines with more and more brightness and clarity, your understanding and your love grows. As you shine your lights of love upon yourselves, you shine the light of love upon the All. Know this and it shall be so. Allow yourselves to be the love that you are. Surrender to this love and the wounds of your soul, expressed through your ego, will be healed and whole. You stand as One with Love. Your ego and your soul merge into one expression of love. You are whole, you are healed, you are One. You are of the All that is life. The All is the All.

That’s All Folks! Come again soon! We love you and honor the love within you and the love that you are. As we do for you, you do for others. Much love upon your souls! 

David and Kord, from the Four to your doors of perception. Big love to you and all that you love.

Angels Path #31

Hello All!

Guidance spoke in the last email about the difference between pity and compassion. Now, they take a look at judgement and discernment. While observing the behavior of our beloved brothers and sisters struggling with life and the issues life brings before them, judgement is more ego based and discernment is more loved based .

Also, they made a strong statement in a verbal session with Cindy about the news and politics: “Do not align with any political party, for to do so puts you into a position of judgement of the opposition with little or no awareness of the truth or fallacy of their positions, and you hold your own party as ultimate truth while ignoring the aspects of their viewpoints that are not aligned with love awareness. Stay apart from a party’s particular ideologies and be able to more accurately discern where the truth lies, both for the party you once aligned with and the opposing party. This also holds true for the news. The vast majority of all news sources are not aligned with love or truth. This is an egoic perspective and does not serve love and creates conflict. Surrender this perspective and your relationships with your loved ones will become ones more aligned with love.”

The Guides returned once again to the metaphor of the baby elephant staked to the ground who cannot pull the stake up and free himself and each time he tries his “trainer” punishes him. He comes to accept this and his reality becomes that he cannot free himself and it’s too painful to try. Thus, a “conditioned pattern” is set. These patterns become our self imposed prisons, until we have had enough and the pressure mounts to the point when we are ready to surrender those conditioning patterns and explore our worlds with a new awareness and with much more gratitude.

All our love,

Cindy and Scott

From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Beautiful Souls of Love and Light,

God is Love. When we align with Love, we are Love. Love becomes a greater part of our countenance, what we express to the world. Love is the true master in life. Love is what we serve and who we are. Love brings us to a greater understanding and acceptance of life. We see judgement, we see discernment, we see pity and we see compassion. Judgement and pity are twin vibrations of each other; discernment and compassion are also twin vibrations of each other. Which are aligned with love? When we observe with this perspective, it is quite easy to see ego and it’s drive to serve itself and deliver itself away from pain by the soothing aspects of addiction’s draw. Love stands alone with a true desire to see and serve what is around us with expanded vibrations of compassion and peace and we are One when we stand together in this understanding.

Love is peace, ego is war. For love brings collaboration and acceptance, ego brings conflict and judgement. To discern a situation is much different than to judge a moment in time and space, or reality in the perceptions of the third.

Discernment says, “I accept whatever actions you need to take and I respect that. While I hold no judgement over you, my path and my dharma lead me in a different direction and yours leads you on the path that best serves you. All paths are different and we all respect this.”

Judgement is all about ego with very little concern for those you are judging in a moment of ego rising or being triggered by ego reactions to wounds yet to be fully healed. Ego’s roar can point us in the direction of understanding our wounds. When we come to see the validity of this, this understanding and this response aligns with love.

Such is the understanding that love brings before us. Judge not, so that you are not judged. Accept so that you may have a greater understanding of self and therefore all that you see and love, so you come to accept yourselves fully, love yourselves fully, love the All fully. See what discernment and compassion bring to us, to you, to the All.

Discernment holds understanding and acceptance while holding the boundaries of self love. Judgement inflames the ego and we all know what that brings before us, conflict and deep pain, adding on more and more layers of karma and misunderstanding, leading to more and more judgement, leading us back around to more and more pain that we do not learn from. These are the cycles of karma and pain. You can surrender this pain once you see and accept this pain within you. The releasement of this pain becomes a matter of surrendering more and more, which has become more and more of a skilled movement, energetically speaking. You move into love alignment with more and more grace, with the grace of God’s wind at your backs. You see all with more and more clarity, more and more love and acceptance, less and less judgement, until judgement is but a faint echo within you that holds little or no sway over you, for you stand in love alignment and awareness. Compassion becomes your calling card. You move with more and more grace and peace and your countenance reflects this. Such is love.

Returning to the metaphor of the baby elephant and the stake, another elephant approaches the one who is staked and clearly sees that the elephant could pull the stake up. They could argue for hours over who is correct. “Can the stake be lifted or not?” Humans have fought wars over these types of arguments. When the elephant comes to understand the limitations of the belief that he could not pull the stake out, he realizes that he can have a whole new way of understanding and interacting in the world open before his eyes.

Such is the power of embracing love and surrendering the energy blocks of misunderstanding and darkness. Surrendering the beliefs and limits that others have placed before us and releasing those patterns, those beliefs. When the elephant sees that he can roam free, a whole different experience of life opens before him, a new joy, a new freedom that he could have not imagined before his realization that he can pull the stake comes before him. He can travel far and wide and share his experiences so others may come to understand how they can pull their own stake out of the ground that limits their awareness, limits their happiness. He can lead where he has been. So shall you all. We bring the pain and awareness of your conditioning patterns so you may grow and experience new freedoms and new ways of understanding and exploring your worlds of experience.

The elephant’s mind is “blown” in a manner that would have been inconceivable before his new awareness came before him. His life is completely different as he surrenders the pain and the energy blocks that the staked experience brought to him. We wish to “blow” your minds in a similar manner. There is some pain and suffering for sure, but then you are released to travel wide and have a new host of amazing, satisfying experiences on a deep soul level that brings you great peace and happiness and you have the talent, the opportunity to share these vibrations that you have come to embrace. Then you are behaving in new ways, in a new manner, that you would not have done before and your lives are rich and deep.

The pain of the pattern can be deep and the rewards of the blocked energy releasing are of much greater value and the resulting experiences are of a divine nature and your happiness and compassion runs deeper and deeper and your judgement of others becomes so much less and less. You expand in ways and vibration extension that brings a deep sense of happiness and growth toward a greater awareness and understanding of ourselves. Your hearts expand upon each step you take on your own “Angels Path” toward the love within yourselves, your hearts and your experiences. Surrender and love will lead you to this awareness, understanding, and destination. You become deeper and deeper aspects of these vibrations and experiences of love. You bring great healing to your soul and those souls you touch.

We bring love and peace before you, more and more awareness then comes upon you to what this truly means. Peace before you, our beautiful brothers and sisters. Be with peace. All of our love, we send to your hearts,

David and Kord, from the ever lovin’ Four.

Hello, All! Cindy here!

I love elephants, so of course the elephant metaphor speaks volumes to me. I am that elephant. I have been examining my own stake in the ground over the last few months. It began with feeling a tension, something stirring within, percolating, bubbling over occasionally, and I sort of braced myself for a clearing that felt imminent. Since Scott began channeling the soul that is my brother David and The Four, they had been helping me with releasing energy blocks, so I had some experience and felt I could anticipate how the process would go. This time, however, the blocks felt bigger, like lifetimes of pain, eons of pain and it was confusing and really scary.

I’ve heard a saying that God gives us only as much as we can handle. So, like peeling the layers of an onion, I began going through my inventory and clearing a bit at a time. It took time for me just to sort out and identify my feelings, everything felt jumbled. Something seemingly mundane would trigger an ego outburst, after which I would go into deep shame. A couple of days of contemplation, self-reflection and then my spirit would lift, then another wave would wash over me and more triggering, more pain and shame, more reflection, more surrendering. I felt stuck in the surf zone! It just kept coming for days and days, then weeks and weeks. It was exhausting. I needed a break and was getting ready for a much anticipated family reunion and I intended to be done with this process, so I could enjoy our trip. We enjoyed it very much. It was a welcome respite, but when we got home, it was apparent that there was more work to do.

Our dear friend conducted a sound healing workshop that involved 30+ alchemy crystal bowls, gongs, harmonium playing, chanting, meditation, and inner child healing and reflection. It was a wonderful weekend experience with an amazing group of women. Oh boy, did it stir up even more for me to release and I was already “ripe.” The next wave hit me within minutes of coming home at the end of the workshop. For the next couple of weeks, Scott and I volleyed back and forth, both clearing energy blocks while the other held space and supported. It was quite intense for both of us.

David and The Four were supportive and loving, gently reminding me of who and what I am. There were some writings that I could not read aloud, as I typically do. My ego was wailing so loudly, I could not hear or accept their words. That said, throughout this whole process, I knew this was ego and karmic, like a program running in the background. At one point, David was able to break through my ego-induced fog and said “your ego, your fucking ego, is full of shit!” (Yes, he said that.) My first response was, “THAT should be on a t-shirt!!” But that simple statement broke through. Where before all I could feel was anger, shame, fear of breaking apart if I let go of my conditioning patterns, I suddenly was laughing.

At another point, he said that I kept reliving this trauma and pain, but was forgetting the self-forgiveness part of the surrendering. How many times had we spoken of self-forgiveness and at that moment, it felt like an entirely new concept. I needed to come to accept and forgive myself for my humanness. The Ho’oponopono Prayer, the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness, came to the forefront again: I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. That mantra has pulled me out of many dark places and it continues to serve in the most simple and impactful way.

At yet another point of deep pain, I heard, “since when are you responsible for everyone else’s feelings?” After sitting with that and feeling gobsmacked, I started looking at all the times I felt compelled to carry everyone’s feelings. I felt that my children’s, my family’s, my husband’s triggers were all because of me, because of something I did or didn’t do. What an epiphany! That understanding, awareness, and moment of clarity was enough to help lift me out of my funk. Still the waves keep coming, but I have some footing now and feel more ground and I don’t get tossed around as before. Now I can see my ego clearly and how it has been feeding me lies.

And now comes the gratitude! Gratitude for being on the other side of this long dark night of the soul (mostly). Gratitude for the clarity to see my karmic issues and to practice surrendering what no longer serves me. Gratitude for my husband who was doing his own clearing and still stood by me with love and support. Gratitude for the daily “therapy” sessions with David and Kord, even though I felt like I was a tough nut to crack at times. Believe it or not, I feel gratitude for my ego for it has led me into the valley of darkness and showed me where my old conditioning patterns originated and how they have controlled my behaviors and are no longer necessary. There’s so much more to be grateful for…

So, I am now feeling like my stake in the ground is much looser and I’m feeling confident that I can pull it out completely. I’m ready to surrender that reality of being tethered by my thoughts and move into a new reality with freedom to express my authentic self. Little by little, I am recognizing when I take steps toward revealing my true self. This writing is one of them.

Thank you, fellow beloved Souls, for listening this far. I am plucking my silver heart strings that connect me to all of you and sending you love vibrations and prayers for your own peace and calm.

With a warm heart,


Angels Path Issue 30

Hello All,

I found this writing particularly interesting and compelling. The guides continue to present new ways of looking at life and I find my priorities shifting and a sense of calm coming to me more often. Even when the messages seem particularly designed for me, the guides tell me this is not so. If you are reading these messages they are meant for you, also. Your vibration and understanding is at a point where the energy of their words resonate within you in some way that shifts you in some way, in some manner, toward love.

The concept behind this writing is that we accept the adage that “you can’t take it with you” when you return to the other side of the veil. This is not necessarily true. You cannot take material things. However, you take your experiences, your remembrance of what you have done with your days upon this earth. You bring back the love vibration you experienced, giving, receiving and of self-love and you add to the collective whole that is our soul collective.You assist in the ascension of our species. Or, you bring back the vibrational desires of addiction and ego’s desires for self gratification that remain within you. The anger and pain of lower-based vibrations and emotions that you have not released, ego attachments to others bound through energy cords of anger, resentment and a whole host of other issues. This is how karma is continued. You come back again and again to this plane of existence to deal with it until you come to a place where you can release it.

I had never fully considered all this. Until now.

I know what the guides say to do is often very, very difficult; hard, but not impossible. I struggle mightily and daily. And yet, I’m hopeful. I see love all around me. I see you.

I love you all,



Good Morning Dear Souls of light and love,

Fear is what holds our ego in place. Fear is what gives ego it’s power, it’s strength and vitality. Surrender these fears and ego becomes weak and powerless and love comes in and fills this space left behind that was once held in place by fear attachment. Surrender fear and love comes flooding in. Love becomes the primary lens that you view the world through. Ego will still rise and attempt to lift its head back into a position of power, but you find you have little interest in a return to ego’s drives and desires. The love that is within you, however, has begun to shift and change your hearts to ones of love alignment.  You find yourselves choosing love more and more of the time in the circumstances of your lives in the form and structure experience. Surrender your fears, for fear is how our ego can control us. Surrender fear and love gives us gentle guidance to what will best serve our soul. Ego moves to serve itself and has little regard or interest in what love has to say, for love weakens ego’s control and power over you, your love and the decisions you make. When love moves for the highest good, the will and love of the All are present. You are present in these moments of love awareness and act upon this awareness. Love is the guiding force in your lives and you are that love. 

You are love. You are not your ego, however, ego is always present in the form and structure experience and will attempt to assert its influence. As you see this and know this, you can work with your ego, partner with your ego in many respects and you move into greater and greater experience of love alignment and love awareness and you hold more and more love in your energy fields and within your countenance. Less and less, your ego will desire to throw its temper tantrums and will move more into quiet grumblings and over time, even this grumbling will lessen in its volume of noise that reaches your awareness. Noise that attempts to distract you from your intention to align and experience love over and over. Your ego’s jealousy over this will also subside over the course of linear time.

Surrender and relax into your new insights and love awareness and this will result in more and more sensitivity to our presence and your ability to interact with us and serve love to the All. Feel the love inside of you, inside your heart, inside your soul and ego’s influence wanes and it becomes weaker and weaker until you move to give this ego awareness, love and acceptance. You move more and more into self acceptance and you experience more and more love around you and within your awareness. You see the wounds of your ego and the ego of others and more and more, you move into compassion and acceptance, particularly of self. You see more clearly what is ego and what is love and find you move more and more toward what speaks to your hearts.

Increasingly, you see all around how attachment to materialism to soothe your wounded and damaged ego only takes us away from love and into ego’s embrace.  When you move away from attachment to material things, you discover that only love soothes your ego, not things. You find the love within you blossoming and growing, and you see where the true abundance in life really lies, where you can really find it…within yourselves, and within the acceptance of yourselves…as Love.  Your lives are full and rich. Rich with love and beautiful experience. 

You take the remembrance of your experiences when you come back to the energetic side of the veil. You cannot take things, only the longing for things that we hold more attachment to than the love in our hearts.  What do you wish to bring with you when you return to us?  Love or the longing for something outside of ourselves that does not really serve you or us, no matter what our perceptions may attempt to tell us. This is where the desire for clarity serves us. The clarity that allows us to stay within love’s alignment. 

You can chase materialism or accept love. Love never degrades; the physical aspects of form and structure always degrade over time. When you chase materialism, you experience a series of diminishing returns. There is never enough. When you experience love, your heart overflows with love and has no aspects of the empty heart that materialism brings to us. Your hearts are full of love and are light and joyous.

What do you desire and wish to bring back home with you when you return to this side of the veil?  We desire to bring the love in our hearts back home with us.

All of our love upon you. Surrender and open your hearts to love. We are with you always, sending our love in a steady flow, a steady stream, moving into a torrent of love. Love will be all that you see, feel and experience. Even in times of difficulties. Love brings us home, back to ourselves, back to God with more and more gratitude within our hearts.

David and Kord with you forever more. With deep love, acceptance and gratitude. You are all beautiful. As is the All.

Angels Path Issue 29

Hello Dear Friends,

As Cindy and I are preparing this email, I find myself reflecting on some of the lessons Guidance has provided me in the moments that I’m not “auto writing” or “channeling”, when there is a flow and exchange of ideas, thoughts and conversation. Lately, the discussion has been about “what you damn, damns you back”. What I’ve come to understand more recently is this concept: if you judge someone, it brings up lower vibrations, emotions and experiences of judgement within our own bodies. We physically experience the judgement we place upon others and this lowers our vibration, our frequency. So judging others can bring us forms of physical dis-ease. Judgement of others can become harmful to our own happiness and peace of mind. So is judgement of others an act of self love? I would say no, judgement of others brings us pain and discomfort. When we suspend judgement, we release the pain and discomfort the act of judgement can bring to us. We are then free of this vibration and emotion. We are truly free to love ourselves and therefore others.

The beauty of this realization is that there is a flip side to “what you damn, damns you back”. When you serve love, unconditional love, love serves you back. Your heart becomes full and light and you emit happiness upon your experiences of life and those you love and will come to love. Love expands with your heart and awareness. You spend more and more of your days being happy and the rocky moments of life don’t knock you sideways quite as hard. There are still difficult moments in life, but you manage them with a greater sense of peace and love within your hearts.

C: … and this I know.  Many of you know that I had my hip replaced almost four weeks ago. It was and continues to be quite an experience. Once I decided that surgery was my best option, I set my intention for a smooth process from start to finish. (Interestingly, my surgeon used those exact words at my pre-op. He too expected and intended a smooth process! A moment of harmonic vibration alignment!). Still, there were some “rocky moments” and yet I mustered enough clarity through my medicated fog to see them as an opportunity to practice surrender, acceptance, allowance…and gratitude. What happened next is that angels came from everywhere to assist! All who wanted to assist me in some way came to me to serve me their love in the most perfect ways. I came to accept my own need and found I was able to allow their assistance (a new thing for me), and through that I have come to a place of tremendous gratitude.  So many wonderful souls helped me along and I am forever grateful. David and Kord helped me to recognize that this was the manifestation of my intention. Amazing and wondrous!


From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Souls living with the lamp of God’s love shining down on us all,

To use a car analogy, with cars metaphorically representing the human body, our personal vehicle. We all have them and move around in them. Divine souls driving and living within these bodies. We can see the divine purpose of this, we see where we all hold a collective experience of souls being in these vehicles, these bodies. We are all the same in this aspect, in this regard. We see and feel the pain of life and conditioning patterns adopted by our travels around our planet and the collective experience that makes up our karmic path before us. We are all the same, but an experience in one family, one city, one country is significantly different than the other in some respects. We often do not honor the different journeys our souls take, within the car experience, or the physical experience. We hold these experiences in judgement and we bring these experiences of lower vibrations into our energy fields. We become what we judge, for we feel this judgement within our bodies and our souls and there is a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction. When we can see and hold the pain and karmic experience of the other before us without judgement, and in the absence of judgment, compassion flows to us with more and more ease. You see their pain that is of their life plan, their karma. It is not your pain but you can hold a deep awareness of their pain. See the path that their soul is following and the lessons that the soul is here to learn. You see the egoic structure that the other is bound in and you understand their lessons in these moments may be different than yours and you hold no judgement over this fact, this occurrence.

You hold them in compassion and you serve God’s love within this compassion and this in turn serves the love within your hearts, and your hearts and your compassion continues to grow and expand. The more you see the human pain, the commonality of the pain of life and experience, with all experiences being of a slightly different nature for each soul walking our beloved Earth, our Mother Gaia. 

When we see the pain of others and stand in judgement of their behavior we are not honoring their life path and we can move into pity and ego expression. When we see their pain and move into vibrations of compassion, your hearts become lighter and you find yourselves in the bliss, the joy of self acceptance. You feel better and better about yourselves and your self love grows and grows and you move into the service of love with more and more frequency while holding higher and higher frequencies of love expression, alignment and experience.  

All we really have is our experiences and the choice of how to respond to these experiences. With love or ego? Moving toward love or away from love, while holding no judgement over the behavior of others. Trusting that the lessons that come to them are in their best interests presented by karma and the God nature within us that brings these lessons to us. Some lessons are hard to fathom for some of us. This does not mean we hold them in judgement and criticism. We know they are on the path of experience and pain that best serves their karma as the resulting experience. All experiences come from God with the lessons attached. We can learn and  pay attention or we can look out the window of the classroom Earth while ignoring the lessons presented before us and have to repeat some of our lessons over and over. This choice is up to each individual, as is the choice they may make to turn their eyes to the love and light that you emit from the center of your body, your hearts, your soul. 

You respect this and shine your lights of love and compassion on all within your experience of life. Why not? Move toward love or away from love. The choice is yours. You can grow to really see the consequences of your actions, behavior and intentions and your understanding of this grows and grows and you find you have a strong desire to remain in the light of love. This is where life is really, really good! Be joyful and happy and serve heaping amounts of love from your kitchen of life. Serve well, love well and be happy,

Always in your service and at your side sending waves and waves of vibrations of love your way. Surrender to this love and live with your hearts open and your souls at peace. David and Kord, serving love from the beautiful kitchen of love that is the Four.


Good Morning Dear Souls of love, of light, of peace, of happiness,

For this is who we are at our center, all of us. You observe the egos of others that reflect your own experiences. You see the human act of ego’s expression in the all of us, responding to karma, conditioning  patterns and the trauma’s of life, of misunderstanding, of not knowing who they are. As you once did not. Ego expression is why we come to this planet. All express ego. This is why we are here. So do not judge anyone’s egoic response to life, they are fulfilling their destiny. All of our egos rise. Have great compassion for this and great appreciation for when you interact with others who know who they are and are aligned with love. Often with very different understandings and expression of what that truly means. Have gratitude for when you stand in the presence of love alignment  and compassion for when you stand before the ego expression of another. This is the game of life.

All of us express ego directly in response to the level of maturity a soul presents and the level of trauma and conditioning to be played out, to be experienced. Knowing this, it is an easier matter to withhold judgement and extend compassion. For we all have walked in those shoes. Know the road you walked and the suffering you endured, knowing others have a similar experience expressed in very different ways of exploring the many facets of what it means to be human. The experiences are much different from an egoic singular point of view. The pain and trauma experienced from within these points of view is universal. All souls walking the planet experience the pain and trauma of love separation perception and all the accompanying lower vibrations of life, shame, self loathing, lack of self acceptance and so on. No one is immune to this, none are spared, this is what it means to have a human experience. Know all have the pain you have experienced within your soul experience. Know all can have the love alignment you now know yourselves as and are expressing in more and more abundant ways. Shine your lights of love so that those who are willing may step into the light with you and bringing their own special light that also brings healing experiences to your lives. We all benefit from the alignment with love and we all serve the greater good bringing more and more peace and love into our lives. We all contribute in our own way in our own time, hold great gratitude for this and great respect and unconditional love. We all are human, we all are of the divine. Hold this knowing before others in the vibration that most serves the moment. Be the love that you are, so others may find their own path to this same knowing, in the way that best serves them and the love of the All. 

All of our love onto the experiences of your life and your souls. We love you greatly with the overflowing love that comes from the abundant source of love that is our hearts. David and Kord, from the Four to your hearts.


The Guides have also spoken a bit about the difference between “pity” and “compassion”. The distinction for me was often blurred. Their viewpoint is that pity is ego based. Pity says “you’re in a bad way and it is all your fault. If you had been smarter or better in some way you would not be in this mess? You are less than. If you had listened to me you would be ok.”

Compassion on the other hand says, “Wow, life is difficult for you right now. How may I help or shine the light of love on your path for you so you may better find your way? Whatever that means for you. My intention is to serve the highest good for your soul and not for my ego gratification. Your path is different than my path and I respect this.” I believe, often just to stand in the presence of another with acceptance and non judgement can bring a sense of calm and peace to a given situation and often this is all you can do and sometimes this peaceful acceptance with love at its center can be the first time a soul in pain can recognize the opportunity in front of them.



On another note. Some of you may be aware that we own five crystal bowls and have been conducting some sound baths here at the house for some very small groups. Now with Covid becoming less of a significant factor, we would like to start holding sound baths for larger groups. We have a small home, but we feel we could accommodate about eight of us at a time. We are thinking that we would hold the first sound bath on July 3rd, in the mid to late afternoon. If you are interested, please respond to this invite and it will be a first come, first served basis. Hopefully this will be the first of many.

All of our Love, 

Cindy and Scott

Angels Path Issue 27

Hello Dear Friends,

Once again I’ve spent a fair amount of time on what I thought was the next email. But I was struggling to put it together for a number of reasons.Then this message came through with the calling to put it out as it is, right now. So here it is.Straight up. I hope you find as much meaning in this as I have.





Good Morning Sweet Souls of Love and Light,

Expressing ourselves as love in all moments of intention and awareness. When in an egoic state of experience, we often struggle to remember ourselves as love based beings of experience, love, light, sound, and color. When we hold ourselves in a state of appreciation and acceptance we find ourselves aligned with love. 

When we feel judged and criticized by others, we find ourselves feeling resentful, angry,  misunderstood, unappreciated, defensive. We hold the other in a degree of contempt for not loving and accepting us, for not holding us in the true light of love. We step away from those who we feel judged by whenever we can. The acceptance of the judgement lights up our egos and we hold a vibration of mistrust and fear. Our ego fights back in whatever manner is available to us. Our egos are at odds with the other’s ego, alignment with love is not a possibility at these moments of time and space intersection.

So…. we judge ourselves. Knowing that when we feel judged by others we feel unloved and unacceptable. So when we judge ourselves do we not have a similar reaction to our own self judgement? Does this not drive us away from love alignment and acceptance? We judge ourselves and find that we hold the same vibration of resentments and judgement of those who judge us. The same anger and lack of love alignment. When we accept ourselves, we feel loved, understood, respected just as those who feel your lights of love, acceptance, allowance and appreciation. So to judge ourselves throws our egos into a state of fear and resentment. To love ourselves throws us into a state of love alignment and acceptance. We hold ourselves in self love that then permeates out into the world of vibration, form and structure around us. To judge ourselves is not an act of self love, to accept ourselves is.

Surrender your judgement of yourselves and you find yourselves in a state of surrender and alignment of love. You release the self loathing, lack of misunderstanding of our true nature, the self criticism of thought patterns within your egoic mind. Your ego can then align with love. When we feel judged we step away from love; when we feel accepted, we move toward love. Knowing this you have a choice to accept or judge yourselves. Ego can align with love once we feel acceptance for ourselves. Ego will align with the vibrations of the highest good as long as the ego feels acceptance and love. When our egos feel judged by ourselves, self love and acceptance is not a possibility. When we accept ourselves as love, ego falls into alignment with this love. Ego still has its moments of excess of pride from now and then, but less and less often with less and less intensity. We laugh at ourselves in these moments and we move back into an alignment of the love vibrations that are around us at all times. We find as we accept and love ourselves, the accepting and loving another becomes a matter of ease and existence.

To accept ourselves as love is an act of kindness, of self love, of self-care, of love expression and expansion. When we judge ourselves we move to punish ourselves and we move into a state of despair and depression. Our vibrations lower and become much more dense. Our hearts harden with pain and lack of self acceptance, of shame, of self hatred. We are accepting others’ viewpoints of misunderstanding us and making this misunderstanding our own. We are listening to others and not the nature of our hearts. We are accepting others viewpoints of us as our own. We take on these viewpoints as forms of self judgement.

Know and accept yourselves as love and the lower vibrations of judgement, misunderstanding and ego alignment of others holds no sway over you and you feel compassion for the fact that those judging you have no awareness of themselves as love. You understand their misalignment with love and this does not affect your alignment with love for you know who and what you are and they do not. Know this and hold no judgement over them, as you would not judge a blind man for being blind. Shine some light so that some of those that are blind may see the lights of your love.

Step into the bright lights of our love, of your self love, self acceptance and peace. Know yourselves as love and extend this knowing through the vibrations of your experience. What you emit, you align with. All of our love shining on you all. Peace and love come to you with more and frequency and intensity. Know yourselves dear sweet ones.

David and Kord shining love for the Four onto your hearts and your experiences.


I love how the guides equate our response to others’ judgement of us with a negative viewpoint of those judging us, while we often hold no awareness on how we respond emotionally to our own self judgement. And how releasing this self judgement is such an act of self love.

I know there are some who feel there is a lot of repetition, or too much repetition in some of these messages. The guides say the more we are exposed to the vibration of these messages, the more we process these messages, the more we can hold this vibrational awareness of love when we are exposed to the lower frequency egoic expressions of others, rather than fall into an equal egoic vibration the other is presenting. Our fall back vibration in times of stress can continue to be one of love alignment rather than egoic response.

Once again, thank you for reading these messages from the guides.

Cindy and Scott

Angels Path Issue 26

Hello Dear Friends,

When the guides presented this message, it seemed to be a reflection of my relationship with my father, and it was. After I digested this to a degree, they informed me that there were many universal aspects of human experience described that could be understood by a large portion of souls walking this planet. Many of us have inhabited most or all of the roles presented, father, son, brother, sister, mother, priest, CEOs of large corporations, political figures, bosses, coworkers and fellow humans in general in leadership positions and, most importantly, those of the wounded soul presented. I know now from remembrance of past lives this is true in my case. I’ve been both the bully and the bullied. 

Now, my intention is to stop this merry-go-round of karma by forgiveness extended to both my father and myself. So far, he has been unable or uninterested in forgiving me for my roles played in our history. This is of no matter. All I can do is handle my side of the relationship and his side is up to him. I love him regardless of what he thinks of me. To do any other action would not be of the love alignment that I wish to hold and embody with the rest of the time I have in this life experience. I will continue to ask for forgiveness when the opportunity presents regardless of whether he continues to reject me or not and continues his criticism of me. His actions hold no sway over my desire to love him unconditionally.

With great gratitude for all who are willing to read these following words. Let there be peace upon our souls.





Good Morning Dear Golden Souls of Love, with the deep love of God within you radiating out from your center into the world of form and structure around you,

A man stands in a crowded room and a speaker of high repute is holding court for all to see. The speaker loves all but one; one man in the room he dislikes. The speaker projects  judgement, scorn and criticism upon the man. The man feels this dislike when others do not. The man says “This is a painful experience and I do not like this, this wounds me.” All the others in the room say (of the speaker), “No, he is wonderful, he is great, he is kind”. They hold this position with great insistence and vigor. Who is wrong here, if there can be a wrong? The others are judging the speaker based on their experience and cannot perceive the wounded man’s point of view. They condemn the wounded man and hold him in a perception of him as difficult and unreasonable. This is how great conflict, how wars begin. “This is my truth and your truth cannot be so.” There is a lack of compassion in this viewpoint, one deeply ingrained with ego. When the wounded man can come to see the truth of the situation, others are completely blind to his truth and cannot honor this. They are deep in the conditioning patterns of their ego. Once the wounded man can see this, he can have compassion for the judgement others put upon him. He can forgive them for they are blind and he loves them, wounded and stuck within their ego as they may be, held in place by tight and twisted energy blocks. He can remember when he held similar positions of judgement. The man can see the truth of this and be mindful and loving with the pain of the other, even when they are so numbed by ego’s influence and the addictive qualities of life in the third. To love them any less would not be an act of unconditional love. The fact that the others cannot return this unconditional love because of the blindness they hold before themselves is immaterial.  To judge them for their blindness would not be an act of love.

A wounded, blinded soul healed by unconditional love can hold great love and compassion within their hearts and their experiences. You can be healed by this love, give this healing love to all others you meet, regardless of their blindness and their pain, their addictions and the ego projections of pain that rule their lives. Surrender to the unconditional love that resides in all of us, placed by God, and be healed.  Live and express these deep vibrations of love within you coming more and more to your awareness with each passing day, each passing experience. Allow this love within you to shine. Go, embrace and express this love, Dear Ones. Be who and what you are, what you have always been but have forgotten. Remember and hold this remembrance, this knowing and be joyful and happy. Be the love that you are.

All of our love we extend from our hearts to yours, as we all do for each other when we understand that we are all of love creation and expression. We love you deeply. Hold this love as a light for you to see your own personal truth clearly, particularly when others may not. 

David and Kord, loving you oh, so much from within and of the Four. Be happy and be well, sweet loved Ones, no matter the circumstances of life. You are of love. Hold this remembrance and you flow through life with the winds of God’s Grace at your backs.

Angels Path Issue 11

Hello Dear Friends,

The following issue is a combination of three recent verbal sessions that Cindy did with our guides in which they discuss COVID-19. We hope that they provide some answers and comfort where it is needed most.

Some of the messages in these sessions refer to lessons or topics that we haven’t gotten to yet in the emails. We will do our best to bring you up to speed on these lessons so you can understand what the guides are speaking of.

There is a term used, “Harmonic Vibrational Alignment.” When they speak of being “aligned,” it refers to honoring your internal compass, which is basically love-based. The spark that animates our body is of a Divine Source, which is Love. When you are “aligned with love through your thoughts, expressions, and actions,” we are in alignment with the Divine God Source of Love within us. Harmonic Vibrational Alignment is when two or more souls are in alignment with the love source within themselves and each other. This lets them become more willing to collaborate with each other selflessly.

From the Guides

Cindy: I have a question. It may be big or it may be small, but I’d like to know more about what is going on in our world with the coronavirus. Is this a test of our planetary, global unification?

Guides: This virus is to bring a greater awareness to the commonality we share as humans and a planet. The commonality of this experience affects us all, regardless of borders, perceived states, and governmental ideologies.

It is a manifestation of the rising vibrational awareness of the souls who walk this Earth.The awareness of our deficiencies, such as self-centeredness, nationalism, corruption, and short-sightedness through only serving one’s own ego, is rising. It is an awareness of deficiencies in leadership and the structures of government and how they serve its citizens. We are becoming increasingly aware of the strengths and failures of the current systems, and how to change those systems to ones that serve the higher good. Systems that serve us all together. We are talking about this in the perspective of a large soul collection of countries and inhabitants of the planet.

Also, it is bringing an awareness of the self-serving nature of many nations. These nations are looking out for their own best interests and not those of their neighbors. This is a metaphor for how we self-love and extend love, or not. Within that “only what is best for us” mindset is the ego expression of non-alignment with Love.

Essentially, it is the beginning of an awareness shift.

Cindy: Good! Yay!

Guides: Which is also why we recommend doing the spiritual awareness work we spoke of earlier. This is a catalytic time for all. If you can come out on the other side more centered, more loving, more aware, and more understanding of others and their struggles with the darkness of their egos, then you can come out on the other side with others who have similar awareness, all shining a brighter light of Love.

It is an opportunity for a change for the good.

Cindy: For everyone.

Guides: Most everyone. Shall we say, those who wish to manifest and learn from it.

Cindy: For the longest time, I have felt that there would have to be a global, planetary event that affects the entire planet equally before we would wake up, before we would come together, but this is like the common cold, is it not? Or is this a serious virus? Is it just that the media has stirred up enough fear for us to pay attention to this? Unless it’s that fear that has shut things down and created this opportunity to increase our awareness.

Guides: It is a rare event that needs to be respected. As we said the other day through Scott, be cautious, but not fearful. You need to respond with consciousness and thoughtfulness. Be cautious and protect yourself and your loved ones, but avoid doing it from a place of fear, which is what the media is drumming up. The [media’s] messages are not necessarily incorrect. What they are recommending for the populace to do is correct, however, it is the intention behind the way it is presented that is discordant and not aligned with Love. As is often the case with the ego actions of the media that we spoke of earlier.

But, there are also love-based actions occurring and these actions have merit. This is something to examine with leaders and individuals in positions of power and wealth. What are the steps being taken, and what is the in

tention behind those steps? Is it love-based or is it to control for one’s self interest?

But yes, a global event is catalytic in this regard and it has been much needed. It is time for this awareness shift to begin.

Cindy: It is time. Oh my gosh, this is exciting!

Guides: Also, many are secluded, as you three are, and in like-minded proximity, physically, emotionally, and most importantly, vibrationally. These are clusters of harmonic vibrational alignment, intensifying the bright light of their awareness and raising their consciousness level. As we speak, these clusters are shedding the old, unproductive, less than useful ways, as a snake sheds its skin. Will there be pain? Of course. Will there be growth? Well, that is what pain is for. Is there purpose? Yes. Is there love to be expanded, aligned, and explored? Yes.

In many ways, these are sacred moments, pivotal moments. Moments where you can turn towards love, moments where you can align and practice harmonic vibrational living.

Through this alignment, collaboration can occur. Helping hands can be extended, lifting each other up, each in their own manner and each in their own turn. Each one ascending for a higher purpose, ascending for a more continuous vibrational experience. Try to live within this higher vibration, all while dealing with the banalities and the distractions of the third. Observe, have compassion, and do not participate in the fear and panic.

Does this resonate, Dear One?

Cindy: Oh, yes.

Guides: Do you have any other questions, sweetheart?

Cindy: Yes. I feel so curious about those people who are out on the front lines, caring for others, who need services or the simplest of things. I feel as though I am sitting and not doing anything. How can we be…

Guides: Tend to your spiritual growth. We all have our roles to play. Yours is to respect the isolation and work on your inner growth. Work on expanding your love and awareness on the other side, so you can step into more of a leadership role to help those who are seeking the understanding of what is for the Collective Good. Be a Wayshower for those who seek deep love and compassion. Work on extending your self-love, your self-compassion, and explore the God within you so that you are ready to assist when the time comes. Those who are seeking will see what you now have. Understand that your role is to help them understand what they have and who they are. The more you learn about who you are, the more you can help them discover who they are.

Cindy: Yes, I understand.

Guides: We are all connected, each of us like a cell in a body. All the millions of cells have their place, their purpose and their contribution. We all contribute at the same time in the same way. The organism is healthier when one singular human body begins living in harmony with God’s Grace. And when the collective species as a one body, all cells, all souls, live in harmony and peace, the dis-ease of the soul collective becomes peace and ease.

Cindy: We are on the precipice of that, are we not? But are we not that, already, at some other point in time and space?

Guides: Now you are beginning to express the understanding of the non-linear awareness of the reality of your thoughts and expressions, your God Nature. You are seeing and your eyes are opening to what we can come back to be, back to our true nature, with a greater appreciation and love for ourselves and for others.

Cindy: That’s wonderful.

Guides: Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Service is another path, as is gratitude, to walk with the Angels once again. Servitude is acting with the intention of doing what is good for the other and what is good for all Collective Souls. Not being willing to serve is an indication of ego, self-centered nature. It may bring wealth, materialism, and physical trappings to that soul’s physical experience, and that soul may not be returning to God.

Through service and selfless acts of love, the path back to yourself is revealed. This is the path back to your center, back to your heart, back to You, back to Us, back home again. Peace, self-love, contentment, and higher vibrational awareness all manifest from acts of service, kindness, compassion, patience, and love. It is our way home.

From The Guides – Closing Messages

Guides: These are the times that shape us. Pain must be felt for an extended period of time for us to be able to hold onto the vibrational shift toward gratitude. Humans tend to move back to the comfortable vibrations of lower thought patterns unless they are very motivated to hold vibrational changes. It is easy to slip back into old routines and behaviors. To hold a vibrational awareness as a collective soul group and gratitude for the mundane, there must be a level of deep remembrance. Hold gratitude for all the moments of life. By holding that higher vibrational awareness, it will assist the whole of our species. We will hold this vibrational shift after a pain level of some duration. Gratitude will then become a way of life.

The experience of simply going to work where one can be of service to others, will hold gratitude. The ability to enjoy the company of good friends will be held in a higher regard and respect. Love for our fellowman will be more appreciated than ever before. The population of our world will feel the effects of this virus, and the vast majority will come through healthy, but the effects of the experience will provide a profound shift towards higher awareness and gratitude, and higher vibrational thinking will become much more the norm. We will shift to a higher vibrational way of thinking as a species. Not all of course, but a much higher percentage than before the crisis.

Hold to a love based vibration as you walk through this experience and your self-love and your love for your fellow souls will increase. As will appreciation and gratitude for the experience of being human. Love will become a more consistent state of being. Know this fact and this will assist you in navigating the coming months. It will help you to perceive the situation with less stress. Hold to love based thinking and we all will come out better for it on the other side of this large soul group experience.

With Great Love, and may God’s Great Love, Compassion, and Grace be a constant companion for you always.

Thank you for reading this “special edition” of Angel’s Path. We would like to extend our love to all of you and we offer this message of hope, peace and love. Please feel free to share this with anyone who you believe may benefit from it!

Cindy & Scott

Angels Path Issue 25

Hello Friends,

Today is my 63rd birthday and my guides gave me a wonderful present in the form of these messages. Last night was the first time I channeled, auto wrote with no meditation ritual. I had a hard time falling asleep and then the guides came to me in a different manner with wonderful clarity. They asked me to get up and write, so I did. The following messages are from the night before my birthday and the morning of. These gifts of words they gave to me I wish to pass along to you, with deep love.
Thank you,Scott


Good Evening Dear Souls of  Light and Love,
To love someone, to truly love someone is to want nothing but happiness and peace for them. To want the highest good for them. To truly desire true, true happiness and abundance upon them. To begrudge them nothing or hold any envy or jealousy over any aspect of their lives. Your love for them is such that you have no desire to manipulate or change them in any way. You accept and love them for who they truly are, beings of love and light, and not their egoic expressions. You desire for their hearts to be joyful.
When you hold this regard for another soul, this deep abiding love and acceptance, this passion for their happiness, this deep love and desire for nothing but the best for them. When you radiate this love from your heart, from your soul, when these vibrations emit from your body out into the world around you. When you bring this vibration of love and peace with you as you move through your day, this vibration from your heart affects you, changes and clears your lens to the world around you. You become this peace, this vibration. Loving another and wanting only their true happiness, this is a form of service and an example of how the service of others brings love and peace to your soul, your experience, your countenance, your viewpoint of the world around you. This is the gift of love, this is the gift of service. Hold this love and acceptance for all your fellow man and see what this does to your perception of the world around you. How you begin to perceive Oneself in a new and different manner, one aligned deeper and deeper into and with the love experience.
Step aside and allow love to do what love do,All my love onto you both, may your hearts be sweet and light,David 


Good Morning Dear Souls of Love and Light, Holding this vibration as we move through our days,
Acceptance and Allowance for what is. Not trying to change or influence any situation to appease one’s ego. Just accepting the moment at hand with a vibration of love and influencing the moment with love while respecting the free will of the other. They may choose to respond or not. When one forces one’s ego upon a moment is when the likelihood of karma creation increases. To infuse love into a moment while not expecting a certain outcome. Being happy and grateful that you had the opportunity to love, to extend love into the moment. We come here to love and serve love and not one’s ego. This is a universal aspect of life. Our ego will attempt to tell us this is not true. You have the free will to choose which option serves you and your lessons in each moment that comes upon you. You know many of the possibilities and outcomes that may occur depending on which vibration you align with. You can surrender to love and make the choice, the decision on what path best serves the other, and therefore yourselves.
Accept and live with the love that rests within our hearts. Surrender to this love and let this love guide you. Surrender to the moment and infuse it with love, All of our love onto your hearts and may this love remain with you for the rest of your days of form and structure experience. Let this be so, allow this.
David and Kord along with the All that is of the Four, be well and be happy. Hold this intention and let this be so.

Angels Path Issue 24

Hello Dear Friends,

This issue of Angel’s Path relates to a very personal experience for me regarding death. For those who don’t know, I’m an only child from a Navy family that was mostly stationed on the West Coast and I grew up quite distant from the rest of my extended family that lived in the Midwest. I was fairly removed from them on an emotional level. I saw them quite infrequently and didn’t know them well at all. So when many of these relatives died, I didn’t feel too much emotion around it. Even though I’m 62 now, I haven’t had anyone really close to me pass that deeply affected me emotionally to the point of really experiencing grieving. I’ve had friends and contemporaries pass and I’ve felt loss, but nothing that brought on a high level of grief and pain. Until.

In the middle of February, while sitting on deck at my masters morning workout during a long swim set, I opened Facebook on my phone and discovered that one of my good friends from my club swim days had passed in her sleep the night before. I felt stunned, shocked and was in disbelief. I’ve had people I loved that were quite influential to me pass, like Jennie, my beautiful and wonderful mother-in-law and Rene, my greatest teacher and amazing mentor who taught me all about hair cutting and more about being a loving human. But for some reason this passing hit me square in my face and knocked me sideways from an energetic viewpoint. I really loved this woman like a sister that I never had.  

As I pondered our relationship and remembered the time we  spent together, I realized that there were often times when I judged her unfairly. I swam for a club swim team in Rancho Bernardo in the 70s, and there was definitely a hierarchy and a social standing depending on how much money your family had, where you lived, and how fast you swam. A fast kid from Rancho Bernardo had a higher standing than a kid from the Garden Road area of Poway who was middle of the pack on the team in regards to speed, like me. The Penasquitos area in those days was the lowest income district of the area, and the kids from this area were looked down upon by some swimmers and parents on the team. My friend was one of the fastest kids, from one of the poorest areas, living in the smallest house, and she qualified for financial assistance from the team to pay her dues. Her parents were very involved with parent volunteering and other duties to help offset costs. They were all loved and respected. But still judged a bit by some. Whispers in the shadows.

Thinking back on it now, I judged her as less than I. This was a projection, reflection, and reaction to how I felt others on the team perceived me and how I felt and accepted myself. Also, she would complain about her lot in life a little bit. Looking back she had reason to feel the way she did, but that didn’t stop me from judging her. She could be influenced by peer pressure to a degree and I judged her for this as well. But the reason we could be friends is that she accepted and loved me unconditionally. I also judged her for this. “She loves me even when I’m not particularly kind to her, what a doormat,” I would think subconsciously. She was always delighted to see me and to spend time with me and was always very supportive of whatever I was doing in my life. I could see her love, acceptance and admiration in her eyes. I did really enjoy our time together in spite of my judgement.

As I began my meditation after hearing of her passing, I found myself reflecting on her and reached out to her. In the past, I haven’t had a lot of psychic contact with people I’ve known in this life who have passed. On the few occasions that I’ve been able to connect to them, I would usually only get one sentence messages. But when I reached out to my friend in this manner, I felt intense physical pain. It felt as if I was suffocating and was panicking for air. It also felt as if my chair was sending me electric shocks. I found myself leaping out of my chair, crystals that I had placed on my chakras flew all over the place, and I chipped and damaged some of them. Major ouch! At night, when going to sleep, I would drop into a meditative state without much thought or effort, and the pain would come on me again, forcing me out of bed and onto my feet. I wound up being so tired that, when on my feet, I was sure I could drop off to sleep easily, and then when I was in bed again the pattern would repeat.

Eventually, I came to the point where I felt reluctant to meditate, and I actually skipped a morning or two. One of the last meditations I did, I had an experience from the viewpoint a father at a Nazi concentration camp, standing in filthy, muddy, freezing conditions, as he came to the realization that his entire family had been murdered. The resulting pain was extremely intense. It broke my heart and took my breath away.

I didn’t want to stop my channeling process, but I had to try something different. So I attempted meditation without any crystals and this seemed to bring the intensity of the experience down to a point where I could begin to surrender to the process and not leap out of my chair. As the initial pain subsided, I could begin to hear my friend and communicate with her.

I immediately asked for her forgiveness and, from my heart, extended all the love I ever held towards her and vowed to never judge another human being in this manner ever again. Her response explained that this was what she and I came together to do and that this was her karmic gift to me. It was my lesson to accept her unconditional love and drop any judgement I carried of others, and to learn not to see unconditional love as a weakness. It was to realize  that this love is a strength and a gift.

The second contact I had with her, she explained that I was feeling pain over her passing because I was identifying with the past and focusing on what I was missing. I was focusing on the pain and experiences that we can not relive, and on the past, my ego, and my pain. She explained that the main reason I recalled some memories over others was that these memories were where we shared a common experience, love, and a bond. Our love for each other was our commonality, and her love for me was still available to me in this present moment. She told me to focus on this love within my heart, mind, and experience. With the acceptance of this love, she would always be present for me and I could always feel her, and her love and influence. She would come to me whenever I thought of her. The vibration that she would bring would be directly related to the love, or lack of love in my heart, that I was experiencing while thinking of her. Her love, and my ability to align with this love, would keep me in the present. To think of her with pain and loss would trap me in the past and in my ego. However, whatever pain I experienced, chose to experience or would continue to experience would serve a higher purpose also in that it would help me to have compassion for others when they are in such deep emotional pain. So… with this as background here are the following messages from guidance on these topics.




Love is both your sword and your shield. 

*We are all children of God and deserve the love and respect we give to God. This same love and acceptance God gives us, we are to give to others. For we are all of One Love and Love cannot exclude itself from itself. Love accepts All unconditionally

This one jumped out at me.


To live and to die is human and divine.

Pain and darkness are meant to be experienced and released, surrendered to and you come to know and see yourselves as the light of love that we all are. The pain comes to us for a purpose, to experience and release this pain, to remember ourselves as love.




Good Afternoon, Children of light and love springing forth from the Central Sun, the wellspring of God’s Love,

We come from the light to see the dark that can come to us in form and structure. To see the light and the dark and to know where you came from and what and where you wish to align your energies, your awareness, your focus.  You see the dark and you can let it overtake you, with your ego’s assistance, or you can choose to embrace the light within our hearts. See the flicker of the flame and use love to breathe life into this flame so it may blossom with a greater awareness of love. You see the darkness for what it is and hold much greater appreciation for the light that you came from. You can be home again, holding the light within your heart up against the darkness and the influence of One’s ego. You embrace the light and come to see what an aspect of yourselves the light is. You come to know yourselves as the lights of love that God forms within our hearts. We have forgotten this as we come to form and structure and our gifts to you that you also give yourselves is to know yourselves as love once again. 

You have the dark so you can see the light and turn towards this light, this love, this intention to return to what you now remember, what you are. Without the dark, you would not have the great appreciation for the light that you will have after experiencing the dark and surrender and releasement of such darkness within your experience of life. Pain and darkness are meant to be experienced and released, surrendered to and you come to know and see yourselves as the light of love that we all are. The pain comes to us for a purpose, to experience and release this pain, to remember ourselves as love. When you feel pain remember this and apply love as a soothing salve for our souls. The more you can come to do this for oneself the more you can emote this healing vibration to others. The pain that you experience will result in more compassion and healing love for those who come to experience your energies and love. Knowing this pain has a purpose will help you to have the vision and the clarity to release such pain and live within a greater experience of yourselves, ourselves as love. Hold love within you as the sword against your pain and the pain of others. Love is both your sword and your shield. Use them thoughtfully and with an awareness of the healing power of love, for you know how this love has healed and will continue to heal your heart.

Love has purpose and is most effective when you can release your ego with the desire for the common good of your beloved fellowman. The more you desire to release your ego’s hold on you, the more you can come to love. Ego cannot be avoided, rather dealt with with loving intent. No need to beat oneself up when ego presents. Just accept love and awareness from yourselves and us and you will be drawn to align with love more and more often in your linear experience of life. Be grateful for the dark as you bid it farewell from your daily experience and when this darkness does come to you on occasion you will have a better viewpoint on how to deal and love through the pain that darkness can bring upon our awareness. Have gratitude for the dark but do not hold on to the dark. Release this darkness through the salve that unconditional love can provide for us. As we intend and wish to use this love. This is a decision based in love awareness. See the dark so you may come to know yourselves as love once again. See the dark with no need to identify or align with this dark any longer than what is best for your own learning curve in this life of form and structure. You will know this and get more and more adept at aligning with love and the healing opportunities that love brings to us. Hold this knowing and use the light of love to light your way and the way of others in your sphere of influence and them in yours. Go with  peace and love within your hearts. Hold this knowing and allow this knowing to manifest in your experiences of form and structure. Let it be so, Dear Loved Ones, Let it be so…..

David of the Four, coming to you with love from the Four and those of us who tend with love, no matter our spices of origin. Love is the glue that holds us all together as One in Love vibration and experience. Trust those aligned with the light and let this light align with the light and love within your own hearts that you are tending to with loving devotion more and more with each waking hour and passing day. We love you deeply and always have and always will. Those you miss in this life of form and structure will be available to you soon, both in form and structure and when you re-enter our side of the veil after your linear experience in your present bodies of form and structure. All will be well and you will reconnect with all that you have loved, love and will come to love.


Good Morning Dear Souls of love light and peace, choosing to live with Love vibration as your main reference to the world around you,

To live and to die is human and divine. When a soul returns to the love that we all are, share and experience as One consciousness, we come to drop our attachment to form, structure and ego attachment as we adjust to the experience of no longer being of form and structure. This is a process that for some souls can be a bit of a lengthy time, from a linear perspective. For others with a higher connection to love, this process can be of a much shorter duration. When the attachment to form and structure is released, what is left is love. The soul of the other, newly arrived in the world of spirit and energy, has a much deeper alignment with love after acceptance of the moment at hand. What we all have in common is the love vibration that unites us. This is what we can choose to experience when we think and merge our energies with the newly arrived soul on our side of the veil. When the illusion of form and structure is released, all that remains is love. Align the love of the others with the love within yourselves and the pain of the passing of the others, with the attachment to the remembrance of the other, is released and you share a deeper, clearer love connection without the ego and karmic issues one has in form and structure. Focus on the love within your combined hearts, and your connection with the other can be more deep and satisfying than when they were in form and structure with you.

Through the alignment of this love and peace, unconditional love and acceptance becomes the basis of your relationship with the newly departed. The connection can be one of greater awareness and peace, a deeper connection and appreciation for each other. A deeper and more unconditional acceptance of each other and the issues of past form and structure that are irrelevant for the experience of not being of form and structure. The connection of love is deep and the tapestry of your relationship is rich and varied. The mutual love within your hearts can grow by leaps and bounds. Your appreciation of the other deepens, as does theirs for you. Unconditional love and acceptance abounds in ways not experienced in past form and structure. This can be carried over to future life experiences in a linear experience of time, space and existence. 

The love of the other on this side of the veil that you connect with is outside the form and structure experience and the ego and karmic issues seem to be of little importance. These experiences are gratifying when love is fully experienced by the other and upon your heart also, with unconditional love and devotion to the love we share within our hearts and experience. This love flows both ways. Love experienced outside of form and structure while in a body of form  and structure changes your body and your brain chemistry and your world view expands, along with the love expressed from your and our hearts. Move to connect with the love and loved ones on our side of the veil that you have not been currently experiencing and your understanding and embracement of love expands to a great measure. This is the gift of dropping attachment to the form and structure experience of the other while holding a deep remembrance of the love shared and to be continued to be experienced in greater and greater detail and experience. Connect with the love across the veil and your experience and understanding of love deepens and broadens. This is the gift of love our dear departed loved ones can give us if we can move to a position of love and acceptance. Release the past attachments to experience of the other so you may focus on the love available to you now from the other. Release the attachment so you may feel the love and acceptance of you by the other. Experience the combined love and acceptance available in these moments of understanding and clarity.

Release the attachment to the past, so the love currently available for and from the loved one on this side of the veil can be more completely experienced and aligned with. Allow yourselves to feel the vast love that can be experienced from all those you love that no longer reside in form and structure more completely. You can carry this combined and aligned love through all your daily experiences of form and structure while holding a deeper and more joyful vibration. Feel this in your hearts and rejoice for the resulting gratitude.

All my Love onto you, your loving brother David with the wonderful backup of the Four. You will meet us all in time. Enjoy and love as you breathe and express yourselves through your experience of life and form and structure. Treasure each experience as it comes to you.


Good Morning Dear Beloved Souls, the essence of love, the essence of your soul coming to the forefront of your awareness, your consciousness,

Come to know the tenets of love as they come to you to be expressed through your heart experience. Embrace yourselves in love and ask for the clarity that pure love awareness can bring to us, our consciousness. Our ability to soften and align others vibration through complete love and acceptance.  Walk with this light of awareness, of love, hold it out in front of your energy fields as you move through life. All you come across receive this loving energy, no matter their circumstances or their energy, their karma, their blindness. The more wounded and blinded a beloved fellow soul may be, the more they can benefit from the extension of love, unconditional love from your hearts of acceptance and peace.

The more the other carries anger and pain, the more you love, accept them and have compassion for their pain. The more their ego howls at you its greatness, the more pain they are in and the more you move to love and accept them with deep unconditional love. The desire to judge another fades farther and farther away with each experience of love that comes to your awareness. The more pain the other holds, the more you move to love. You move to love, not so much for your self interest, more and more you move to love for the highest good. Metaphorically speaking, the cleaner and clearer the air is around us, the easier it is for the All of us to breathe. Clear the blocked energies of fear and pain with loving acceptance of all other souls no matter their fear level and we all benefit from this clearing and the resulting clarity this can bring to our awareness. The more pain the other carries, the more you move to love and accept them. This is the power of love, to transform the unlovable to lovable.  All souls are from God and are made up of the stuff of love so does it not stand to reason that all deserve love and acceptance? No matter the lessons, expression and karma of the other soul in front of you. We are all children of God and deserve the love and respect we give to God. This same love and acceptance God gives us, we are to give to others. For we are all of One Love and Love cannot exclude itself from itself. Love accepts All unconditionally, for we All are from love, at our source, our center. No matter how much One may have forgotten this.

Love All, my beautiful brothers and sisters, love all and walk with the love, peace and serenity that love awareness brings to our hearts, our lives and all that we see and touch. Accept, allow and love All. We bring this love to you, please accept this love with an open heart filled with kindness and the expression of such kindness.

David of the Four, with the many of the Four that complete the circles of love we extend onto you. You will know us all in time and you will know us by our love. Recognize pure love and align with this love. Hold gratitude and appreciation for the presence of love in your lives and in your hearts. Feel the joy that this awareness brings. Savor life and you savor love.


Good Morning Dear Souls of Love and Light,

Know that when a soul is acting out in over identification with ego, they are not their ego. They are beings of love, as we all are. They just have forgotten and you love the part of themselves that they no longer remember. Love them for their divine connection with source, as a source of love, not their egoic overlay lens and prism that they see and interpret their world through. They are not their ego, they are love. Hold this awareness in your minds as you move to extend love vibrations into their energy fields. This can help them to find their way back to love and themselves.

David and Kord, with great love from the Four


I realize much of this information can be rather dense. Sometimes I’ll read what the guides instructed me to write and  it can appear as gibberish. Other times I can experience the clarity and power of their words and this can leave Cindy and I awestruck. If you were able to read all of this material, fellow seekers, thank you.

All our Love,

Cindy and Scott

Angels Path Issue 23

Hello Dear Friends,

Scott and I, in agreement with The Four, thought that it might be helpful for you if we were to start pulling some “nuggets” from the writings.  We realize there is a lot to “unpack” in these messages, so the following bullet points are intended to quickly provide the main points. The passages have also been highlighted, so you can easily reference where these main points come from. These particular passages stand out to us, but what speaks to you will likely be different.

  • Know that love always prevails. 
  • Accept what is in each moment and see the love that is always present in each of these moments. Love is always present.
  • When you have an egoic response, it is a wonderful opportunity to look at the frail human aspects of yourselves. This gives you a loving opportunity to reflect on yourselves and your own humanness, brokenness, and where you still have opportunity and room for growth. 
  • When two souls aligned with love are in a honing situation, they both desire clarity and both will be willing to put down their point of view when it serves the common good. [When the Guides speak of “honing” or “contrast”, they are referring to the conflict you feel with another, within yourselves or with a situation. When you feel unhappy, uncomfortable or uneasy.This is an opportunity to practice some self reflection and to see where your personal responsibility may lay within the experience and the opportunity for growth and learning. -S]
  • When love is extended without an egoic attachment, you serve others in a manner consistent with God’s will and love. Your self will and God’s will are aligned in these moments. This is a form of Grace. 
  • All you have is the moment in front of you. This moment is not in the past or the future, it is simply now. As an experience, all you have is this moment at hand. There is no other moment than this one. Each moment is precious as each moment is an opportunity to love. 
  • To accept ourselves and others as we stumble is a divine expression of love and draws us to divine love like a moth to flame. 


Good Morning Dear Souls, Keepers of the Flame of love within our hearts,

Surrender all that you know to be and all that you are. Know that you are love and it is not possible at this moment in time and space to know all that there is. Surrender to what you do not know, for one cannot currently know all. Be at peace for not knowing and have gratitude for what you do know about One’s self. We are All of God’s Love. Accept what you do know, that you are love. Surrender what you do not know, which is all the rest. Surrender all that is not of love alignment, within yourselves and the observation of the world around us. Know that love always prevails. Know that sometimes, and quite often, the journey can be one of a long measure. Be alright with this and use every opportunity of which you hold awareness to emit and vibrate the deep love within your hearts into the world around you, into the hearts and minds of others, and into the energy fields we all share. Emit love and acceptance into the energy fields of your experience and help to shift the vibration of love to a higher plane for those souls on and connected to your Home in form and structure, planet Earth, Schoolroom Earth, where we relearn to allow the love that is us to come forth and blossom within our hearts and experience.

Surrender all that is not love, so you may see so much more clearly what is love and hold gratitude for this deep love within us that shows us the way back to our hearts. The more you surrender, the more clearly you see what love is and where others hold a non-alignment with love. Then you can see clearly the path to love and give them gentle directions to where the path of love may lay for them. The more clear your vision, the better you become at this loving skill. The more you surrender to life and the non-knowing aspects of life, the more you come to understand what love is and what it can accomplish, what can happen when love vibrates with deep alignment within your soul and experience. You see more and more examples, more and more often, and hold great gratitude and joy for the love you are beginning to see more and more clearly and manifest in greater and greater abundance of love.

Surrender your need to know and be okay with this and you find yourself at a place of true acceptance. Accept what is in each moment and see the love that is always present in each of these moments. Love is always present, allow yourself to see this in every moment by surrendering to the moment and allowing your ego responses to become less and less of a factor in how you choose to align the energies within your body and experiences. See, taste, feel, and touch where love is in every moment of your experience. This is where the abundance of love blossoms forth from our hearts. Surrender and love flows. Accept and Allow.

Accept our love and allow this love to flow through your body and your experience, and your soul will sing and rejoice and you will be joyful. The more often you feel this happening, the more skilled you become at holding alignment with love. Hold this knowing and awareness and you will be alright with not knowing, and the more you will manifest love.

David and Kord from the Four, bringing the deep love within our hearts to the doorstep of your experiences. Align with this love and let this love guide your thoughts and actions, and you will be fulfilled. Sometimes we tell the truth in advance when it concerns your inner heart experience. [The Four do not typically prophesize, but in this case, they are speaking to the emotions that aligning with love brings in terms of inner fulfilment. I believe this was a nudge of encouragement. – S] Allow yourselves to feel the love of the All.


Good Morning Dear Souls of Light and Love, standing with the Golden Light of God’s Love upon your shoulders,

As you come to greater and greater clarity and understanding of who you are, and of your purpose as agents of God’s love, the actions of others will have less and less effect on your ego. You come to see where the overreactions or underreactions of others have very little to do with you. When someone is upset or angry with you, it is a matter of recognizing their disconnection with Source, even when they feel the need to attack you. [When someone is aware of, connected with, or aligned with love energy that animates our bodies and is all around us, this is often referred to as being connected to the Source energy of the Divine and not aligned with ego. -S] You see the ego injuries and disparity they carry within themselves and you do not respond with anger or ego alignment. You respond with compassion and non-judgement.

When you do have an egoic response, it is a wonderful opportunity to look at the frail human aspects of yourselves. This gives you a loving opportunity to reflect on yourselves and your own humanness, brokenness, and where you still have opportunity and room for growth. The opportunity for growth is profound when one surrenders to what life brings us with the trust and confidence that love alignment brings us. You will see in others where they have an alignment with love and you will see the power of cooperation when we are aligned with love. You will still have honing and it is driven by the desire to serve the common good. You will pursue clarity without an egoic response, yet you can still have opinions, as do others. When two souls aligned with love are in a honing situation, they both desire clarity and both will be willing to put down their point of view when it serves the common good.

See where others cling to a point of view that they are absolutely sure of, one that is not aligned for the common good but rather for alignment with ego, and see the pain the ego can carry for them. Remember deeply when you would carry a similar stance and vibration and understand the situation and the pain expressed within it. Shine the loving light of acceptance and awareness onto them. Stand before them holding the understanding of the common good within your awareness and gently extend this understanding with compassion and grace. When this love is extended without an egoic attachment, you serve others in a manner consistent with God’s will and love. Your self will and God’s will are aligned in these moments. This is a form of Grace. When Grace is extended to others, they have an opportunity to turn themselves toward the light of love that rests within themselves. As they see and accept your vibration of love, they begin to see and recognize this love within themselves. They can then move toward self-love and acceptance.

We have all done this for each other over lifetimes. It is simply our turn to shine this light of love and compassion onto you so you may shine this light of love onto others in their lives of form and structure.

Our Love onto you both, now and always, 

David and Kord, reflecting the deep love of the Four onto you. We hold vast abundance of love for your souls and your hearts. Peace be upon your souls.


Good Morning Dear Sweet Tender souls of love, living your lives as expressions of this love,

Live each day as if it were your last. For all you have is the moment in front of you. This moment is not in the past or the future, it is simply now. As an experience, all you have is this moment at hand. There is no other moment than this one. Each moment is precious as each moment is an opportunity to love, and to hold the perspective of love within each experience. When the moment passes, there is no opportunity to reclaim this moment, which is why one is best served by living each moment as if it were your last in this land of form and structure. If this were your last moment, how would you like to experience it? In love vibration and alignment, or not? How would you prefer to be remembered for this last moment in this intersection of time and space?

Hold each moment before you as an opportunity to make a choice, to align with love, to experience the resulting vibration, or to express painful disconnection from Source and the resulting vibration this brings. Each experience has merit and is of divine expression. However, how long does one wish to have the same experience of love disconnection over and over? The choice is up to you, dear loved ones. Wallow in pain or move to an experience of love alignment and expression? Each moment is sacred and an opportunity to open our eyes, our hearts and souls to the experience and power of Love, God’s love, self-love, your love.

Surrender to the moment and allow love to flow into your life, your experience, and your expressions in your world of experience. Surrender to the experiences of life and you will find yourselves in deep love expression. What are your fears telling you? Let yourselves examine these fears with a loving perspective and intent. Surrender to love so that you may face your fears with the strong support of love to guide you and assist you. One never needs to face one’s fear alone. One most often does not realize this is an option for they have forgotten who they are. No need to judge this forgetting, it is why we are here. Hold gratitude that the remembrance of love and who you are is coming to you. The more one moves into a vibration of acceptance and surrender, the more one aligns with the vibration and experience of love, as yourselves, as love, and all others expressions and vibrations of love. Even as we stumble through life, we come back to a place of remembrance of ourselves as love experience and expression. To accept ourselves and others as we stumble is a divine expression of love that draws us to divine love like a moth to flame. This draw is of an exquisite nature. Enjoy your journey and savor each moment as unique and never to be repeated. Each moment is the only time one can experience such a moment, and so in a manner of speaking, it is the last and only moment of experience in this intersection of time and space within form and structure.

Ponder these words with loving intent and feel the growth of deep love expand within your hearts. Accept and be who you are – LOVE.

David and Kord, loving you from the Four, Our house of love. Live with us, with this Love. Our love, our hearts to yours. Breathe love as One breathes air. Know you are never truly alone, we are always with you.

Love always prevails.  I take such comfort in knowing that. 

These messages came after the incident at the US Capitol. As I watched the drama unfold, I found myself looking for the love that is always present. It came to me in the kind gestures of Representative Jason Crow, who has experienced combat and who provided calm and comfort to his colleagues during the incident, assuring them that he would remain present with them. In his actions, I found some love and feel gratitude for having recognized it in the midst of the chaos. He held steady to his service of others for the common good, a wonderful example!  Where are you finding the love that is always present? At times, it is clearly in front of us and other times, we need to dig deeper, but Love is always there. Love prevails. – C.

For me, I find myself reflecting on the moments where I feel aligned with love and the moments where I am certainly not. The phrase “I am human, fully God and I am God, fully human” comes to mind and is reflected in the world around me. I’m not completely aware of where I first heard  this phrase, from the Guides or perhaps I read it somewhere. I find myself including this phrase often in my morning affirmations. I believe it speaks to our nature as divine beings of love juxtaposed against our human nature and the failings and shortcomings that come with the experience of being human. We are spiritual beings coming here for a physical experience as opposed to physical beings coming for a spiritual experience. I guess this is life and our purpose is to extend as much love, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion as we can in each moment. 

Thank you for your time and energy in reading this email. Cindy and I are honored and thank you for letting us serve. -S

Love, Cindy and Scott