Needles of Pain Require Compassion and Understanding

Hello Dear Friends,

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted any of my channeled writings. Since my heart attack I’ve been feeling good and very grateful. However, tasks (no matter how much I enjoyed them) that I used to attend to regularly, seem to command less of my focus and attention. These writings and the dirty dishes in my sink are a testament to this. I’ve been attending cardiac rehab and the therapists there assure me this is not uncommon behavior.  I am looking forward to resumption of a more regular flow of activities as I heal. Healing energetically, emotionally and physically.

Interestingly enough, communication with Guidance is coming to me with increased awareness and ease since the heart attack. I’ve also realized my path is going to much more of the crystal bowl sound healing, Reiki and channeling going forward rather than swim coaching. It took a heart attack for me to see the wisdom of letting go of the coaching and I realize I accept this with much less resistance than I would have if the heart attack had not occurred. The free time at this point of my life is a true blessing and Cindy is very joyful about this.

This writing came through before my heart attack and Cindy and I loved the metaphorical aspects and clarity of this message. The writing stands alone on its own merit and no comments are necessary.

Love to you in the All,




Good Morning Dear Golden Souls of light,

Living with this light, living with this love, living with the dark, living with misunderstanding. So it is to be human. We all hold the golden light of love and the deep despair of misunderstanding before our human experiences. Pain and love wrapped in a human experience. You see more and more the pain within others.

Let us use the metaphor of each pain, each wound, each emotional energy block as a needle sticking out of our bodies and these needles are embedded in us, the center of this embedment is the center of your wound of experience.  Some of us have many, many such needles of pain sticking out of us of many various lengths. ( At this point an image of a porcupine  with many quills protruding from its body came to me) So someone may simply turn around and bump into you and feel the activation of pain within them that, in their experience, they may mistakenly believe you caused. You come to see this more and more clearly. Sometimes when you may not be in a clear moment of consciousness when their needle of pain and self rejection brushes up against you and you can see what the resulting actions may be. On a personal scale, misunderstanding and mistrust leading to conflicts of misunderstanding; on a global scale, you see countries are at war with each other.

The more you see these needles of pain within another, the more you send loving light upon them and in some instances where they feel the unconditional love coming from your heart to their hearts, they may trust you to help with the removal of such a needle of pain. This action is called compassion and understanding.

The more you remove your own needles of pain, the less you respond and react to their response to their own pain in their lives that they may blame you for or respond in pain and judgment. The more needles of pain you have sticking out of you, the more you respond in emotional explosions of misunderstanding and pain avoidance. When your wounds are healed or healing, you find you do not respond to their pain no matter how clearly you see it. However this clarity of insight, this healing gives you a deeper understanding of them and a deeper sense of compassion for their pain and the less and less conflict you engage in. The more you send the healing light of love and compassion that our hearts, built to love, can provide with more and more movement toward the embracement of love, unconditional love, beautiful love. This is what you will continue to experience building up within your hearts. This love and this light grows and grows as you step into deeper understanding of yourselves and your true nature and your true being. You are a being of love, so let us be love!

All of our love spread across all the moments of your lives. Let us love in the Now with love as our light and our guide. Let us shine the light of love upon each other’s path so we may grow in love and understanding and we grow in this love together and we stand in this love as ONE! (A local San Diego Padre announcer uses a similar phrase and as I wrote this, his voice and the phrase resounded within me with humor “the Friar Faithful stand as one!”.  Thank you, Donnie! With peals of loving laughter from the Guides).

Let love grace the moments of your lives, David, Kord, Mary and the All that is the Four, the All that is love, the All of love that exists in the collective heart of the All. Peace be upon you and those you love and will come to love.

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A Morning of Multiple Miracles

(The story of my heart attack)

For the last six years or so, I have gotten into the habit of daily meditation and have found it hugely beneficial to my life. Without really trying, I began to wake up early in the morning and found my way to this meditation practice in these wee hours, typically between 3am and 5am. I never set an alarm and often once I wake up, it’s almost impossible to fall back asleep. The house is quiet and so is the world and my head has not yet begun to fill up with thoughts pertaining to the busy-ness of life. It is in these quiet moments, in meditation, that I connect with spirit, with inspiration and I’ll put these inspirational messages into the writings that are posted on our Angels Path website. Many people call this process “auto writing”. Typically, these messages are profound, enlightening, and very helpful for Cindy and I. Each message is a miracle in and of itself. This morning was no different, as far as my routine, but how the messages came to me and were manifested was quite a bit different and saved my life on this particular morning.

On Friday, April 7th, I woke up at 3am, earlier than I would prefer, but it was what it was. After about an hour, as I dropped deeper and deeper into the meditation experience, I focused on feeling love in my heart, asking for divine love to align within my heart. Within ten seconds, I began to feel some mild heartburn, which I thought was because of the spicy cauliflower pizza for dinner the night before. I tried to surrender this feeling, but it persisted and began to expand to a point of uncomfortableness that I could no longer ignore. I came out of my meditation and looked for something to distract me from this growing pain in my chest, hoping that it would subside. I tried drinking a cup of coffee, I tried playing a game on my iPad to no avail. I walked outside to the cold air and doubled over in pain and staggered about.

Miracle number #1 Our cat, Mango, who often sleeps in our garage came running up to greet me, as she always does. She took one look at me and froze in her tracks. All the fur on her body stood straight up and she whirled around and sprinted back into the garage. This alerted me to the realization that this was a serious situation. Mango is very sensitive to our moods and our energy fields that surround our bodies and I believe she could sense that my energy fields within my body were severely disrupted. I think this is a similar trait that allows animals to sense impending earthquakes.  Miracle #2 At this moment, Guidance came to me and said, in clear words, that this pain would not subside on its own and a hospital was my best option. I remember thinking, “That sounds about right.”

I woke my wife up from a sound sleep and told her I was feeling lousy. She encouraged me to lie down and try to relax, calm and control my breathing. Normally I follow her instincts, because she is quite often correct. However I knew I needed to find relief at a hospital and I insisted we go. Miracle #3 She asked if we should call 911. As a swim coach with first aid training, I know this is the recommended action, however, Guidance stepped in again and said that an ambulance would take too long and we were better off leaving directly.  So we did. Luckily, Palomar Hospital is minutes away and at 4:45am, traffic was light. On the way, the pain continued to increase. I have felt intense sharp pain before, but this was the most uncomfortable pain I have ever experienced.

With the sound healing work we do with crystal alchemy bowls, we are aware how sounds can soothe us. Think of a gentle humming or lullaby we use to calm an infant or when you stub your toe and make that pain/moaning sound. The midwives during my wife’s childbirth had her moan/tone/hum during the most painful labor  contractions. We as humans often do toning instinctively to manage our pain. As we drove, I was deeply focused inside my body.  I was moaning to try and match the intensity and vibrations of pain in my chest.

By the time we pulled up in front of the emergency room, I was nearly delirious. I was moaning loudly as I half-fell, half-melted out of the car when my wife opened the car door. I noticed two security guards at the entrance. I intentionally moaned louder to alert the staff.  It worked. Suddenly, several people came rushing out and tended to me immediately. As I was rushed into the hospital, I heard someone say “He is having a heart attack and his pain level is 10 out of 10.” I was unwilling to open my eyes and was only dimly aware of what was transpiring before me. They stripped my clothes off and shaved my chest and groin. They also attached AED paddles that the paramedics use and that we have at many of the pools I work at. I do remember thinking that I always thought I would use these paddles on someone else and not be the recipient of such actions. I found out later that these were EKG monitors and not AED paddles.

They wheeled me into an operating room. With closed eyes, I asked them out loud to please make the pain stop and a doctor said, in a very kind and compassionate voice and manner that I will always remember, that they would do exactly that. I could dimly hear them discussing whether to go in through my groin or through my wrist. They decided to use my wrist and the procedure began.

Miracle #4  In my mind, I once again asked Guidance for help and I heard the familiar internal voice in my head say, “We got you. We have been helping all along, smoothing the path. Trust us. Trust these doctors. Trust yourself and trust love.” At that, I began to feel an expanding level of mental comfort, trust and acceptance of what was happening and the pain began to ebb away. (I also found out later that they had given me 50cc of fentanyl.) I was aware of them manipulating my wrist forcefully. I had no real idea of the amount of time that had passed.

As I came to a more normal state of awareness in the recovery room for postoperative cardiac patients, the male nurse, Theo, was very helpful and kind. As other attendants came in and out of the room, I started hearing their experiences of the event. Miracle #5  The doctor who placed my stent and will now be my cardiologist, told me I was lucky that I had survived a “widowmaker” heart attack.  He said that I had 99% blockage of my left anterior descending (the LAD artery). I also learned that I was very fortunate in that the ER Cath team had just had a cardiac patient before me and the team had yet to dissemble, so they were all still standing near the ER when I came in.  The fact that they were still together allowed them to tend to me much more quickly.  My wife said the ER team was quite proud of their “door-to-floor” response time and that they surely had set a new hospital record for a start to finish emergency prepping procedure, which (apparently) is great for their hospital ratings. 

While Theo was monitoring me, post-op, I told him that we had passed on calling 911 and I insisted on having Cindy drive me directly to the ER to save time. Also, the fact that it was so early in the morning and the ER was nearly empty also aided them in giving me their full attention with a full team of cardiac specialists. Any later and it would have taken much longer to assemble the team and they would most likely not have had the full team in attendance. The more team members present, the more efficient the procedure goes. Theo said that these timesaving circumstances saved my life and if they had seen me even 15 to 30 minutes later, I would not have survived.

Over my stay in the hospital, I had four different doctors or cardiac therapists tell me I was lucky to be alive and they had had some doubt about my ability to survive this heart attack when they first saw me and began working on me. The doctors/therapists also emphasized repeatedly that my lifestyle was a huge factor in my surviving the heart attack. All my numbers were actually very good and this was also very helpful. I remember sitting there, in a lovely private room, feeling fairly normal and thinking “What the hell?”

We all, at times, have moments of feeling angry and this feeling passes over time once we address the issue that we are feeling angry about. We also know people who live in a constant state of anger. I have had my share of living angry, but now I feel my general emotional state is more consistently one of gratitude. It was interesting that once I was resting in my hospital room, I held this state of gratitude when different people entered my room. Some came in happy and others came in with a sense of distraction or general frustration with whatever was holding their attention at the time. I found myself intuitively feeling gratitude and compassion and finding myself saying something inspirational that seemed to touch them in some way  and before we knew it I was hearing things like “I shouldn’t be telling you this but…”, etc. It was very fun and interesting to be part of these experiences I was sharing with them.

After thirty-six hours of wonderful and exhausting care, I came home and have since been working on wrapping my mind around the past events. I was told that the top half of my heart hadn’t been carrying much of the load and the bottom half was doing double duty and it would take some time for my heart to rebalance and stabilize. I may have some damage to my heart, but they felt it would be significantly less than most who have this type of heart attack and that my diet and exercise was a very major factor in saving my life. It turns out, the recovery protocols are a reflection of how I already live my life. The only diet changes would be eliminating the very small amount of butter and cheese I consume.  I was already actively working out more than they recommend and had recently resumed going to the gym with my training partner, our son Jadan. 

I now am committed to taking some pharmaceutical drugs, that I have been able to avoid up to now, for the rest of my life. The biggest reason is to help my body not to reject the metal stent that is in my heart and avoid further blockage. The doctors have said that I did everything a person could do to avoid such an event, but genetics are genetics and there is a high number of members of my family that have suffered heart attacks and strokes, but the doctor fully expects the medications will help me to live a long and healthy life.

Such a close call and the miracles that transpired during this experience. The path was indeed smoothed before me, right down to the night before when I received a text from the pool manager where we hold our masters swim workout that I needed to cancel our workout Friday morning and I sent out a text Thursday evening, so none of our masters swimmers would be showing up at the pool and wondering where I was. I also had the night off that Friday from the swim club, which rarely happens. Cindy didn’t have to deal with any of those things that would normally need attention in my  absence. All of these miracles that transpired to save my life and smooth my path are, to me at least, jaw dropping  amazing.

All this before breakfast.

Since these events, I’ve been grappling with the aftermath, more emotionally, spiritually and energetically than physically. Guidance has encouraged me to surrender to and accept the changes in my life without resistance.  I have made the decision to step away from coaching full time and will be in a substitute role. Guidance has made it clear to me that, in some manner, I will be focusing on more sound healing work and I believe doing more one-on-one channeling sessions. I have been shying away from the individual channeling sessions since the pandemic and only doing sessions with friends I know well. I think this experience is in part to help me surrender the self doubt that sometimes triggers this shyness.

Now that the crisis has passed and some time has passed, I feel very grateful for where I am at this point in my life, with my spiritual development and the opportunity to have so many people in my life to love. I touched death’s door. I purposely chose not to go through it, however, because I knew I had more work to do and more people to love, and was not ready to leave Cindy. Death has become a trusted friend, whispering in my ear, “Enjoy and cherish every moment you can. Life is short. Embrace love and live with a vibration of joy and gratitude. This is your gift to yourselves and to others.” 

I recently heard on a Ted Lasso episode, “It didn’t happen to me, it happened for me”. I believe that. It resonates with me. I’m a better, more loving, more accepting person because of this experience. I don’t regret it or bemoan it, and I do not feel like a victim or let this experience define me. I accept both the light and the dark of life. Both help me to grow in understanding and compassion. Such is life’s journey. I am a lucky man.


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Hearts are Built to Love

Hello Dear Friends,

In this writing, Hearts are Built to Love, the guides brought to me a little different take on the human heart. It is simply this: all hearts are built to love. This is the main purpose and function of the human heart. Often circumstances, karma, trauma, etc. block us from realizing this. Part of our life’s path, our life’s journey, our mission is to return to this knowing, this awareness and then to manifest and connect to this love that rests within all of our hearts.

Some hearts open to love naturally and some do not. The guides encourage us to recognize and accept this, for all of our paths are different and of an individualized nature. All paths lead back to an awareness that we are love. Some sooner than others, in linear time and over lifetimes, but each individual’s soul path is of a different nature. When we respect this, we hold no judgment, we accept them and hold no resistance to their life’s journey.

With this vibration and understanding, others do not feel judgment, criticism, or lack of understanding and they may (or may not) be more open to looking inside of their own hearts for love and validation. They may be able to drop their defenses and be more open to self reflection, growing self awareness and movement toward self love.

We offer our love, our acceptance, unconditionally. To offer love with an expectation of the other changing in some manner in response to our love is conditional. It is only when we offer it freely with no expectations, that love can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Love always makes a difference, you may often not be in a position to see this and that’s okay.

The Guides wanted Cindy to focus on her heart, her heart chakra, the feeling of love that is possible. Many of us have experienced the warm feelings of love within our hearts and our bodies, when someone shows us a kindness and we feel gratitude, the warm feelings when we look upon a loved one with tenderness, respect and admiration. The Guides desired for Cindy to feel those feelings within her heart and her body and to connect and embrace these feelings while processing the message. The following mediation was to do exactly that.

The Guides also say that these warm feelings of love are a reflection of our true self, the center of our true nature. All of us, and I feel very confident in this, have divine guides and angels that love us deeply and truly desire the most benevolent outcomes for our lives and our experiences. If you desire, you may want to ask your guides for assistance and guidance. They are waiting for this and are eager to respond. You may be pleasantly surprised.



Scott:  David wants to speak before we get started…

The meditation

David says that he loves us beyond words and beyond measure,
and to let that resonate,
let that knowing,
that feeling of his love and his presence be available and present within your own heart. 
Feel it there. 

Allow yourself to feel the vastness and the scope of Love, of his love, the love he holds for you.
Feel that vibration. 
Feel that feeling of Love in your heart, that feeling that is elusive to describe. 
Where there is warmth,
there is comfort,
there is security,
there is wisdom,
there is patience,
there is acceptance,
there is compassion,
there is understanding,
there is the embracement of Love,
embracement of your own heart. 

Feel that heart and the awareness of who you are and where you are and allow that awareness to expand. 

Allow your heart energy to expand with this awareness,
reaching, pulsating, originating and being of your own heart and spirit. 
Your own love. 
Your self love,
your tender love,
the love that you give,
the love that you receive,
the love that you are. 

Allow this feeling to wash over you and comfort you, support you and guide you, and 
the more you are this love. 
You carry the wisdom of love. 
You carry the compassion of love,
the acceptance,
the understanding,
the discernment,
and the clarity. 

Allow yourself to wallow in…
soak in…
these vibrations,
these new avenues of thought and perception
and acceptance of love,
the love that you are, the love that we are, the love that the All is.  

Proceed when you are ready, dear sister.


Good Morning Dear Souls,

Coming to love ourselves, coming to love each other, coming to love the All. As we embrace ourselves as love, as we surrender judgment and criticism of self, we begin to love ourselves more and more.

When you are holding another in judgment, it is difficult to hold feelings of love within our hearts, we explode in misunderstanding and there is no grace of love before our hearts. So it is with self love, as long as we hold ourselves in self judgment, the less and less we can connect with feelings of love within our hearts. The more our hearts harden and are not open to love.

The more your hearts stay open in love the more our hearts can fully function…be love, give love and receive love. The human heart is built to be an engine, an orchestra of love, a manifestation of love building on itself/ourselves. It is only when our hearts are open that we can stand firmly upon the “three legged stool of love” (being love, giving love, and receiving love).

As we move to love ourselves and our hearts operate fully with love as our driving force, the more we find ease in loving another. The more you see, feel and observe the love that their hearts can hold. Their hearts may be small and constricted by self doubt, judgment and blame. But it is still a human heart and hearts are built to love. Nurse their hearts by sending vibrations of compassion and understanding before them. Give another an opportunity to love by exposing them to the vibrations of love and acceptance that pours forth from your hearts. As beings of unconditional love, you continue to love them no matter the reaction or response of their hearts. You see their hearts and their wounds. You see behind their behavior and you see and know the potential of the human heart.  You simply love.  For we are love, are we not? (chuckles of contentment and acceptance).

As love goes, we go. As your hearts open, we go together. Waves of love we hold before your hearts, hearts growing in love every day. Love David, Kord, Mary and the All that is the Four

C:  That is concise and compact.

S/4:  So it is only healing of the wounds, seeking the blind spots of our lives, healing where our hearts are constricted, where we suffered wounds, where we suffered pain, where we hold experiences that we have not yet surrendered.  It is in the healing of those aspects of ourselves that we find ourselves open to love, to be love, to give love, to receive love, and to hold this unconditional love before another.  Self love, stepping into that arena through the willingness to heal your self and the many aspects of your self that are blind, that cause pain, that cause anger, that may not be as love aligned as one may wish. 

As you heal these aspects of yourself, then you can surrender judgment and forgive yourself. You are able to step into self love, which allows you to love and be love and be fully standing on that three-legged stool.  That is where unconditional love comes from.  That’s where power, strength, clarity, discernment, the ability to manifest aspects of love that serve you, your self, your loved ones and the All. 

So through that arc of self love, you heal and aid those around you and the more you are able to be open to other perspectives, other opinions, other desires, other experiences.  And you can accept them, their truth, their path with unconditional love and acceptance.  Holding, of course, discernment and understanding before you and compassion for the blind spots they carry, while having the willingness to shine unconditional light upon them.  Within this opening of your heart, you are able to receive whatever love they have to give, whether in full measure, partial, or a trickle, depending on the condition of their heart.  But your openness, your love, allows them to give, to begin to receive, to dip their toes into the waters of unconditional love.  Your love can be a crack or wide open, a wide open door or a shut door from their perspective.  And again, the unconditionality of your heart, of your self acceptance, your self love, allows you to hold them without judgment and you accept, allow and appreciate all.  You see their human hearts, no matter how small, no matter how damaged, you can see and feel the love within them, even when it is such a small nugget that they cannot see it at all.  You recognize it.  You see yourself in that nugget of love.

C:  Thank you.

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Scott’s musings on “The Three-legged Stool of Love”

Hello Dear Friends,

This email and the channeled writings are about love, of course. The metaphor of this message is love being represented as a three-legged stool. One leg is knowing ourselves as love, the divine spark that animates our bodies and allows us consciousness. The second leg would be the giving of love, the third would be the receiving of love. Without all three legs present the stool cannot support love or even to be able to be upright or stable. We would not be able to stay in an awareness and acceptance of love. Without all three legs our love would be conditional and unsustainable. If you only allow yourselves to give love and don’t allow yourselves to receive love, to know you are love, you become depleted, frustrated and resentful.

The guides also bring new concepts, new words forth: heartspeak and feelspeak (new to me at least). This is a non verbal communication between your heart/soul and you and the difference between feelings and emotions. Emotions are spontaneous and usually expressed in explosive ways, anger outburst, indignation born out of a lack of understanding, lack of compassion or lack of empathy for another person. The guides say emotions are explosions of misunderstanding. Feelings are more the gentle, warm feelings of love, acceptance, deep respect and honoring yourselves and others.

You have to be in a calm state to experience these loving feelings. When in such a state, combined with an intention to increase and expand the calm in mind, you can more easily access these feelings and as you feel and experience them. You can feel their gentle nudging into a life perspective that is love based and your actions and your thoughts can begin to reflect this. I find for myself, to focus on those I love and how they enrich my life helps me to experience a physical sensation of love in the center of my chest. The guides say this feeling/vibration is a reflection of our true self, our true nature. We are realigning your vibrations born out of self love back into love. Your healing, egoic self begins to desire to fall into this alignment with love. In this process, the benefit of surrender of wounded egoic needs becomes more and more apparent, and this is a large part of the healing process, right along with self forgiveness. The more you align with these vibrations, the more of these vibrations are expressed through your countenance and are reflected back to you from the world around you. Even in difficult times, it becomes more and more apparent we are beings of love and compassion.

The guides tie these concepts together into one experience. We cannot stand upon the “stool of love” without the experience of feeling “heartspeak, feelspeak.” The two go hand in hand.



Scott:  (as Cindy prepares for the session) No hurry, no hurry.  Take your time.  I just want you to know not to wait on me.  It’s up to you.

Cindy:  Good.  Alright. I’ll just get started. 

Scott: …If you want to process it and let it soak in some more.  (With that last comment, Cindy can hear David’s voice coming in.)

C:  Well, I’ll just read it because it takes it to a whole different place. The lovespeak. Maybe that’s another part of the “lovespeak”.  When I speak, I feel it vibrating in my chest.

S/4:  Yes.  Yes.

C: When you speak love, you speak quieter, softer and feel that vibration.

S/4:  Also, staying connected with that vibration when you play the bowls or do your Reiki work.  Lovespeak is the same vibration you bring to the experience and therefore to the experience of others, expressed through the openness of your heart.  It’s not constricted.  It’s a message that flows for the highest good and because it’s not constricted by any ego constraints when you do that, then the receptivity of the participants in your healing modalities will be more open and receptive because you are truly serving their needs and not the needs of your own ego, your own wounds, your own need to validate yourself outside of yourself.  As you stay in that love flow, feeling state vibration, you need no other validation other than the knowing of who you are in that moment, in that presence, in that experience.  This is why I bring the “lovespeak” vibration to you.  Your awareness is to this point where now you are able to take it to more souls that you interact with and touch and you’ll be more and more receptive and open to what they bring to you and how they can enrich your lives, what they can teach you and your gratitude for the whole experience, both the giving and the receiving of love, is expanded in great measure. 

C:  Yes, I forget that.  That there are others who can serve us.

S/4:  That’s being open and that’s also being loving.  We’ll touch on this further on in the text. We’ll address this point concisely, shall we say.



Good Morning Dear Souls, children of love, children of grace, children born of our higher selves,

Living more and more moments in the embracement of love, the expression of love and presenting the meaning of love before the All – the All that is life, the All that is love, the All that is the Mother Gaia, the All that is God. As we move into silence, we can begin to hear the whisperings of our heart, our soul, our God nature speaks to us. The love that we are within our observations of our experiences. As we are the divine spark of love, of God, of our true selves as expressions of the God that we are and the God that the All is. As we step into the embracement of this knowledge, we can hear the desires of our souls leading us to love.

First, hold the desire to love. Allow this desire to manifest around you as you see more and more examples of the deep love that surrounds us all. Feel the lovespeak build up in your hearts. Fall into this vibration and awareness by the desires of your hearts. Embrace this feeling of love that we all are and that we all carry. As we feel this love and this love washes over us in our experiences, we begin to step away from our ego awareness and the vast blind spots to love this wounded egoic awareness carries. We step deeper and deeper into love awareness and this quiets the judgmental voice of criticism our wounded egos carry with more and more pain and difficulty.

Allow the love that you are, that we are, that the All is to surrender this pain of ego’s torment and allow our ego to release its grip on such pain. The love that you are allows us to see this and we see we can release this pain, surrender this pain. For we see we have no need to carry this pain any longer. This pain does not serve us in the manner it once did. We can see more and more clearly that the ego attachments we took on to shield us from this pain no longer serves us. The dam of the denial of who we really are has been broken and is not to be rebuilt. For once again, this would not serve us, our hearts or our souls.

S/4:  There’s no need for such action.  It’s not necessary.  There’s more to be gained by stepping deeper and deeper into love.  More happiness, more joy, more acceptance, more contentment, more peace.  So you have a choice of that vibration, or one that brings suffering and pain, blindness and fear and confusion.  The choice is always yours, dear Sister, but you see the choice that you did not see before.  You see other answers, other avenues, other things to explore with your heart, your soul and your human mind.  To be human and to be love at the same time.  It’s a beautiful gift of self love, the love of the All, the giving and receiving of love, the being of love.  The three-pronged stool that we stand upon:  being love, giving love, receiving love.  All three must be utilized or the stool cannot stand and you tumble off of it, back into egoic pain and suffering.  So be aware of the three major tenets of the love that you are: being, giving, receiving.  Hold them equal measure, equal regard, equal esteem, equal gratitude, equal acceptance, equal embracement.  To be loving and open, nimble and quick, thoughtful, courageous and kind.  Continue at your desire, Sister.  Are there any perceptions you wish to place on the table of love at this time?

C:  The three-legged stool is a great visual.

S/4:  You cannot stand upon the platform of love without equal support from all the tenets, all the pillars of love.  This is where the grounding and strength of love also comes from. The firmness of the connection of your body through a three-legged stool, metaphorically speaking of love, which grounds us to the Earth and allows us to reach above to our divine self, grounded to the Earth of human experience.  And combining the experiences of the divine self and the human experience, with all its frailties, pain and suffering as a divine experience and understanding of your true nature, of what desire brought you to this place and where you wish to go with that desire.  How you want to manifest it, explore it, and share it.  Continue as you wish.

This is what our hearts and our souls desire for us. To surrender the voice of judgment and criticism in our heads so we may hear the whisperings of our hearts so we may better serve love, be love and express this love. We hold this love before others in our world and we delight and grow with this light of love in our own hearts and the light of love we see within others. We have helped others light the spark within their hearts and others have helped us find and ignite this light within our own hearts. This is the giving and receiving of love. This is what the path through the form and structure experience can teach us. To love, to be loved and to express love.

C:  Ah, the three legs.

S/4:  Yes, precisely.

This is the journey of our souls and the journey that brings light, joy and understanding before our experiences. This is our souls’ purpose: to stand in love, to deliver this love, to receive this love. All aspects of love are important, for we cannot stand on only one leg of love. We must use all the aspects of love before our understanding and awareness to truly be and express this love. Love must flow in all directions, just as breath must come in and go out. It cannot function by going in only one direction. Our souls ask us to embrace all aspects of love and to let this awareness bring true peace, calm and awareness before our own hearts.

This is what surrendering our pain gives to us, divine joy. The joy to truly be you, released from the bonds of suffering self will. Healed by the light of love and compassion. Healed by the embracement of the love that you are that exists in all of our hearts. Carry this love, this understanding, this awareness before others and our hearts open in joy.

Our hearts are open, our hearts are full, our hearts love you all so very much. The Angels that watch over you rejoice in the opening of your hearts. We love you so, David, Kord, Mary and the All that is the Four, and the Four that is the All. Peace be with you.

C:  This feels so clear.  It all seems so clear.

S/4:  Good.  It is good.

C:  Excellent.

S/4:  Do you feel complete, dear one, or do you other askings?

C:  I feel like …

S/4:  Love.  First and foremost.

C:  But it’s also the recognition of others’ pain. Seeing others in pain is painful.

S/4:  You understand the benefits of pain.  As unpleasant as it may be, it brings awareness to light, which brings light to your heart, which opens your heart to love.  So when you see others in pain, as difficult and challenging as it is for them, you have compassion for the pain they are in, you also hold the knowing of the purpose of it, the benefits of it and that gives you a grounded strength that they can see and therefore…  The temptation will be for them to lean on you, which doesn’t serve you and it doesn’t serve them, but you can still hold a guiding light and help them in self reflection and not carry their wounds and their pain for them.  So this is a boundaring aspect that we are talking about, while holding the love vibration, holding compassion and also the desire for manifesting the highest good.  So you do not take on their pain, you do not carry it for them, but you shine the light of compassion so they can more thoroughly examine it, self reflect upon it, immerse themselves in it, and come to a greater understanding of themselves and therefore, deliver their own hearts through their own experiences, through their own learnings onto their own altar of love.  You still help, you still assist, but you do not carry their pain.  You help them deal with it, you help them dissolve it with the light of love, but you do not carry it.  They do the lifting.  You have your own karma and your own dharma to lift and carry and to heal from.

C:  I know how challenging that was to go through those experiences, so I am grateful, very grateful, that I have passed through them.  The big chunks, anyway.  I think about the author of our book club book (*Solito by Javier Zamora, an autobiographical account of a nine year old boy’s immigration from El Salvador) and how, at 28 years old, he went through therapy in order to document his experiences and write this book about his experiences that were poignant and painful and difficult, for our own peek into those experiences.  He said he went through a lot of therapy just to be able to write these things down and I can’t even imagine!! I mean, I know what I went through and he’s going through all those painful things at such a young age and I know it just a lot.  It’s a lot.  And I’m glad he chose a healing path and that he is just 28 and he’s working through and facing his pain and sifting through his emotions.  It’s a lot.  And again, I feel like I’m minimizing my own.  Like mine is not nearly as big as his or someone else’s.

S/4:  Well, that is what comparison does.  It diminishes.  However, think of it this way.  You have had other lifetimes where your pain was greater than what he experienced.  Your lifetime of destitution in the cold and wet dungeon, per se.  So, therefore you have that awareness, you have compassion for all different types of pain, all different types of experience and you stay present with that compassion.  And when you compare it to another experience, you diminish the whole experience for all.  Stay present with your understanding and your own compassion for the other.

C: Right.  That thought popped into my head too.  That I went through my own healing, but it was eons of healing, eons of pain to heal.

S/4:  May we be of any further service?

C; Just do what you do.  Thank you for what you do. 

S/4:  You’re most welcome.  Thank you for you, your receptivity and openness and kindness, your courage in spite of the fear.  In spite of the fear.  Fear can no longer bind you and hold you in the same manner ever again.  Not that it won’t come and you won’t have to deal with fear, but it won’t paralyze you, take your breath away, suffocate you, blind you the way it once did.  You will be able to cast it aside.  Still to be dealt with, but casting it aside is also dealing with it.  Seeing it, examining it, understanding it, surrendering it, and moving back into that heart feeling, that love feeling, that lovespeak and essence and reflection of your true self, the divine spark of love that is with all of us, that connects us and binds us.  We thank you.  We love you deeply and greatly.

C:  Thank you.

S/4:  Explore your self love and enjoy.  Remember, the three legged stool of love, stand upon it with grace, confidence, clarity and a desire for the greatest good of the All, of your heart and the hearts of others, those you love and those you will come to love.  Love conquers all.  Love always…

C:  …wins.

Kord: Next time, sweetheart.  We love.  Be love.  Thank you.

C:  Thank you, Kord.

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To love oneself is where the path to happiness lies

Hello to you all,
The title of this post sort of says it all, so let’s just dig into the transcription of our conversation about self love being the key to happiness!


Good Morning Sweet Souls of love, life and experience,

For this is why we are here, what we are to experience and what we are to be, what we are to express. Love, sweet love.
To love oneself is where the path to happiness lies. One can only bring happiness upon oneself. No one can make you happy, only self love can do that.

Scott/The Four:  When you don’t love yourself, you can try to love another, but it depletes you.  So when you don’t hold self love for yourself and you extend love for them, you don’t have anything to support that love, it is a finite source. When you have self love and love is flowing through you and you are extending love, it comes from an infinite source and it is never-ending.  It is a smooth experience and it flows with ease.  But when extending love without self love, you may be able to give some, but the tank runs dry very quickly.  Then it becomes a sacrifice that is not for the highest good and brings pain upon your soul and fatigue upon your spirit. So to extend love without self love is not a sustainable action.  It causes injury to the one extending love because you become depleted and fatigued.

C:  I know that is what happened to me that Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.  I was pushing myself through the motions and I just couldn’t do it. I felt panicky and overwhelmed and I needed to shut down. I felt so weird.

S/Kord:  Fear-based.  Not being enough.  Not doing enough.  Not being good enough.  Not being competent enough.  Not being intelligent enough.  Which, of course, is all fallacy.

C:  Yes.  That’s exactly what happened.  I’ll continue now.

And only you can choose to love yourselves. No one else can choose self love for you. Another may desire this for you, however only you can deliver self love to your own hearts. Try as another may, no matter how much they may love you, only you can change, only you can choose to embrace the light of self love. It certainly helps if you have loving Guidance along the way. 

C:  Yes, it does help.  Considerably.

S/Kord:  And be open to the whole idea, such that you can accept the love and guidance.  Love and guidance are always there.  If you have the vibration of moving toward self love, then you have desire for self love, then guidance is more readily and auditorily present.  While some people see it or feel it, it comes in a variety of ways, depending on the clarity of the channel, the heart experience and love you are expressing and experiencing.  So there is always love and guidance, but again it goes back to the desire to love, and self love can be underneath that. You have the desire to love and you pursue it, then self love raises itself up as something to support that desire to love another, the desire to be better, the desire to be happy, self love is underneath that.  So you can see that extension of love being, “If I get that over there, then I will feel better,” it still is a movement toward love.  It may be somewhat limited in its perspective and understanding of such, but that is irrelevant.  Self love would follow and you step into a greater expansion of awareness and acceptance of love.  So it is a teaser, shall we say.  So guidance is always present.  It matters what sort of vibration you have, what sort of desire you have to be happy.  You know how happiness feels.  Continue as you desire.

A teacher may point to the path of love for you, shine a light of love for you on the path to love. However, only you and you alone can choose to follow this path. No one can choose this for you. This is your choice alone. Only you can choose to be happy. 

Try as you might, you cannot deliver happiness to another’s heart. You can choose to love and accept them and this is certainly an assist and we all can use the loving help of another soul who understands love. But each must choose to walk this path alone. The more you accept another without judgment, the more light you shine upon them and the more the path may be lit by the light of love. However, if one does not wish to or choose to open their eyes, they will not see or embrace the path of love before them. They may wish or need to walk in the darkness of human experience a little longer before they make this individual choice. 

Kord: …while you stand in acceptance of that.   

When you see another struggle with self acceptance, self compassion and self love, your hearts go out to them and this delivers a peace to you. For you see more and more clearly what is yours to carry in understanding and what is theirs.

Kord:  Within that is more acceptance.  You are not trying to make it different from what it is. You have clarity and do not have a blurred perspective, so you do not carry the weight. So within that clarity of the understanding of the perceptions, there comes a sense of ease.  You see clearly what is before you and you have no desire or urge to change that because you know it would not be of any benefit or value to anyone.  So you stand in acceptance with an open heart.  Shine your love on the moment.  You can do that when a wave of emotion pulls you away from that temporarily, momentarily.  So when you stand with an open heart, in acceptance, you stand in love.  Ego’s words cannot touch you or harm you, in that moment.  Moments change, obviously.

C:  Yes.

Some will wish to play with and in love with you and some may not. This is their choice and does not reflect the self love you give yourselves with tenderness and compassion. Whether they see the light of love open before them or not is a choice you cannot make for them. To hold compassion and acceptance before them is certainly a choice that brings vibrations of peace and acceptance before them and this serves both your hearts. The opportunity for shared joy and experience is before you both, but only you are responsible for your side of this equation, opportunity and experience. 

Kord:  (Laughing)  Imagine dancing with a beloved partner.  You dance your steps.  You cannot dance their steps for them, you have to dance your own steps.  But you can still have a beautiful dance together and you can be connected in so many different ways to where you can grow and move together with love and grace, but it is still a dance.  You still have your own pleasurable experience of such.  But there is cooperation in that, is there not?  There is love.  You still take your half and do your own steps, based in love.  The other does the same, or not, but you can dance together.  Take responsibility with clarity and love, without judgment or criticism.  You may continue.

You can only deal with your side of the experience and how you choose to do this is up to you. Choose light, love and compassion or not. To walk toward love or not is a choice one can only make for oneself. Your compassion can help another but the choice to accept your love and compassion is up to the other individual that you are standing with. They may see you or not, this does nothing to the self love you carry for yourselves. How they see you and the world around you and them is a reflection of their own pain, self acceptance, self rejection and the love that they may or may not hold for themselves. Their understanding and acceptance of the grace of love has no real bearing on the self love you carry for yourselves. You send vibrations of love and understanding as a reflection of the love you carry within your own hearts. This creates your experiences of joy and the other creates their own experiences that may or may not be ones of joy and self acceptance. If one needs to walk in the dark a little longer, this has no effect on the love you hold and carry within your own hearts. 

You see this with more and more clarity. You see the light of love within your own hearts, you embrace the beloved small child within with more and more clarity and intention. Your heart light reflects this. Your “feelspeak” tells you this more and more as peace and love expand within your own hearts and your own experiences. (With acceptance comes peace)

Walk with self love and have deep compassion for others on their own trek to love. This brings grace to your hearts. 

All of our love in all the moments of the Now of life. Each moment an opportunity to feel the love within your hearts. David, Kord, Mary and all that is love and the All that is life and the All that is the Four that brings love to you. Feel our love and open your eyes and your hearts to the love that you are and enjoy the self love that comes with this experience.

Kord:  So, you asked about “feelspeak”  Imagine you have a rush of gratitude, a rush of love, you have a rush of admiration. In that moment, that would be the heart shouting at you, when the heart typically speaks softly, which is its prominent vibration.  That would be an example of the heart jumping up and down and extending attention into your consciousness.  That is a form of feelspeak, the longings of your heart based in love.  So you might first experience it as an impulse, a flash of compassion and the more that you feel those and you see what is that feeling of love, what is that feeling of acceptance, what is that feeling drawing you to, what is it nudging you toward, which way does it wish you to flow?  And the more you feel those feelings…emotions are more of the shouting type, more ego-based yet feelspeak does have touches of that from time to time, but not in a general sense. So the more you listen to the yearnings of your heart, the nudging of your heart, the more you feel the emotions, the feelings that come up, the more you feel the feelings directed in a certain manner.  This is with intuition also coming through as feelspeak.  They are often of a similar vibration.  So it is learning to listen to the yearnings and urges of your heart that are based in self love, not of wounded ego expression.  Sometimes the ego expression, combined with self love and feelspeak can be quite a powerful experience for you and those you touch.  You do not chase these moments, you allow them to unfold before you through your vibration of acceptance and love.  You cannot force.  So the more you feel your heart, the more you feel the feelings of your heart, the more you interpret them, then the more they speak to you in a non-verbal way. They are still the intention and the love they bring forth and how they are going to bring healing compassionate energy to your vibrational fields and countenance are true magic and in many ways, more nuanced and precise than actual verbiage.  So the more you listen to the whisperings of your heart, your feelspeak, the more you can interpret in a way that best serves love, that guides you toward love. A stronger compass toward love than verbal words.  It is more of a true heart-based experience.

C:  Okay, I’m getting it.

Kord:  It’s a deeper feeling than words.  Words can feel like they are on the surface of the water, feelspeak is the deep, deep currents that run below that.

C:  Okay.  So it’s not feel / speak, like speaking out what your feelings are.  It’s not verbalizing.  It’s your feelings speaking to you, your heart speaking to you and what is your heart saying? Feelspeak.

Kord:  Pointing the way like a compass. The compass doesn’t yell, “North!  North!”, but you can see which way it is pointing.  The feelings are more of an intense vibration that is of a highly pleasurable, positive, more fulfilling sensation than the empty words of ego’s impulses and you feel more truthfulness to this.  It speaks on a deeper soul level and is deeply connected to the divine. You are connecting to the divine through the heart chakra.  The chakras are the bridge between form and structure and the divine.  So feelspeak is feeling your heart and what is the heart saying to you in a manner of love vibration.

C:  Yes.   Thank you.  That clarifies that.  I want to re-read this part again with that clearer understanding of feelspeak.
If one needs to walk in the dark a little longer, this has no effect on the love you hold and carry within your own hearts. You see this with more and more clarity. You see the light of love within your own hearts, you embrace the beloved small child within with more and more clarity and intention. Your heart light reflects this. Your “feelspeak” tells you this more and more as peace and love expand within your own hearts and your own experiences.

Kord:  With acceptance comes peace.

C:  Ooh, I like that – “With acceptance comes peace”. I like your “nuggets”, your slogans!

Kord:  They are just concise.  That’s all.

C:  That’s why they are so perfect.  Short and sweet.  I also like in the text how you show both sides of the picture.  How we can only make choices for ourselves and allow others to make their own choices for themselves. 

Kord:  Shine the light on the path. That is the loving thing to do. Whether they open their eyes and follow the path is of their own volition and is not a reflection on you in any way, shape or form.  Lack of awareness is lack of awareness. It is not necessarily an act of malice.  Often ego will experience it as malice.  It is not intended that way, of course, but is simply a deep unawareness.

C:  So some may say that another word for malice is “evil”.  Is there really no evil, but simply deep unawareness?

Kord:  Ignorance combined with anger, pain and rejection of such and the acts that you could call evil if you wish, but are simply ignorance and unawareness, combined with pain and is an expression of such.  The more you want to say something is evil, the less connected it would be to love.  The more disconnection from love, the further away it may be from love.  The further away from love you are, the more pain you are in and the more you spasm and reject, like a seizure against the pain.  That would be what some would consider a most evil act, but they are simply again an absence of love.  The more evil you would deem an act to be, the less connected to love it is.  To call it “evil” is simply a label.

C:  Right.  That would be judgment, which is conditional.  To even label it as evil…I see what you are saying.  It’s a deep…, the opposite of love… a deep pain.

Kord:  It’s a deep hurt.  When you hold the vibration of acceptance, you soothe that deep vibration of pain, anger and suffering onto others, you make them have the same fate of your heart.  The pain in the heart, the ego’s complete unwillingness to even deal with heart, passes it to others to carry through what you would call evil acts, or acts of deep ignorance with pain.  When you understand the pain, then you can have more compassion and you see beneath that label of evil, you see the pain, the PAIN the soul is suffering, then you can have more compassion.  Do not judge the anger in the same manner.  It doesn’t mean you necessarily need to indulge in it or participate in it or allow it to injure you, but you still have the understanding which breeds compassion, which allows you to drop judgment, which allows you to stay in the vibration of self love and self acceptance.

Do you have any more wonderings, my dear?

C:  No, I think that feels complete.

Kord:  Until our next….lovefest!

C:  Yes, Thank you, Kord!

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Scott’s Musings on “Riding the Soul Train of Love and Experience”

Hello Dear Friends

The guides have been expressing a viewpoint of our lives as a journey. Each step is a different experience. The first half of our lives we are building and acquiring—our education, our careers, our spouses, our children for some, our homes, and our material possessions. In the second half, we begin the process of surrendering these things. We retire from our careers, our children move out of our houses and on with their lives, we may downsize our homes, we give up the vitality of youth, our health may decline, our loved ones may begin passing in greater numbers and ultimately we follow. We surrender life itself.

The trick—so they tell me—is to realize this and accept this journey and all the different stages of it. To say, “my child moved out of the house” is part of the journey; “my body is changing” is part of the journey; “my circle of friends has changed” is part of the journey; “I see life differently than I did before” is part of the journey and so forth.

For this soul journey, the guides use the metaphor of a train ride to represent our life’s path from the beginning at birth to the end when we pass on from this life. On this train, we observe out the window the passing and changing landscape, as we observe the passing experiences of our lives.

The guides keep emphasizing this: We are not our experiences. We are observers of these experiences and hopefully we learn and grow from them.

Hoping you find meaning in these words as Cindy and I have.

I love you all!



Good Morning Sweet Souls, touching the tender hearts of your soul with love,

We are to touch our hearts, to touch our souls with love. Ego simply comes along for the ride and grows in awareness and peace along the way. Think of the journey of one’s soul as being on a train ride. The ride lasts a human lifetime. You are on this ride, but you are not the train. As you watch your world of experience go by, like the landscape outside a train window, you are immersed in this experience and it feels as real as real can get. But it is not. You see beautiful landscapes of love outside these windows of your soul, you see tragedy, trauma, and pain, and each of these experiences bring lessons upon your souls. Each moment, looking through the windows of your life, you can gain experience and understanding, if you allow it, if you are aware that you are on the train of life to live, learn, love, grow, forgive and to give back, to serve others on this train of life.

Some have no idea they are on such a train. Serve these souls with tenderness and love. Serve what best heals their souls, see the pain held within their hearts, expressed through their ego and deeply respect where they are on this train ride to greater awareness and how lost they are in the dark, how much some embrace the light of love and how different and unique each soul experience can be. Honor this with deep acceptance. This acceptance brings peace to you and you reflect this through your countenance. This is a vibration that can serve others in so many different and wonderful ways. Ways you may not see or understand and this is of no matter, for your acceptance is so deep.

As your soul begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel, your gratitude and your embracement of all aspects of your lives and the lives of those you love grows. The purpose of the ride, the journey, becomes more and more clear and your gratitude for all the experiences from the ride becomes greater and greater. See the lessons of the dark. Your growth toward love is served by these lessons of the dark and you embrace these lessons and have compassion for those who reject these lessons through the ignorance of forgetting who they truly are. They think they are the train. They see little value in the dark landscapes that roll past their windows of experience.

Hold a greater awareness of this. You are the love that values and loves all experiences that your soul has encountered through expressions and experiences, through the egoic lens of life that form and structure provides. You are the transformation of love provided through your egoic experience into greater and greater love, into the Golden Love awareness of greater and greater love. You are the love that holds all experiences with love. Your acceptance is so deep and your judgment is shallow and is getting shallower by each moment of your experience where you touch the love within your hearts and your souls. You are this love, not the experiences upon the train of life.

All of our love we hold before you. Golden love from our hearts borne out of our God nature to the God nature of your hearts that hold the awareness and the experiences of such. David, Kord and Mary give you this love with deep tenderness and deep, deep affection and love. Walk the Angels Path with us through the experiences of our lives. Walk the Angels Path and ride the train of experience. We are with you every step of the way!

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Resistance to Financial Abundance

Hello, my friends, Cindy here…

Ever since the book, “Where the Crawdads Sing” came out, people were buzzing about how great a book it was, but it has taken me this long to finally read it.  I realize now that there was a reason it never seemed to cross my reading path, I simply was not ready.  

For those who have not read the book, or seen the movie on Netflix, it is the story of a girl who lives alone in the marshes.  When a prominent person in the town nearby is found dead, it is the Marsh Girl who is accused.  Within the first few pages, you read of the squalor that she and her family lives in and, one by one, her family leaves her to escape the abusive father.  Her brothers, sisters, and her mother leave her behind at five years old.  The story grabbed me immediately and viscerally and even now, as I write this, I can feel a weight on my chest making it hard to breathe and tears are threatening to start again.

I tapped into all of the emotions of this girl.  Abandoned, left behind, no money, abused, hiding from people, ridiculed by those who don’t know her, secrets too shameful to speak out loud.  My own experience of those emotions started percolating and, even though I finished the book in a few days, it stayed with me and triggered me into a healing of old, familiar wounds that have been the background noise for this entire lifetime.  I had not even realized the layers of pain that I had stuffed down, rationalized away, and did my best to ignore.  My shame, my self loathing and self rejection, my abandonment, my feelings of lack of (fill in the blank), they all started bubbling up and spilling over in unexpected ways.  It was time.  Time to face these fears, take that hard look and sift through that jumble of feelings to make sense of them, come to understand their genesis and their impact on my life.   It was time.  Time to surrender and heal these fears.

And so, what began as a typical morning conversation with my husband, turned into a major karmic enlightenment.  I am so grateful and blessed to have “daily therapy sessions” with my big brother, David, and Kord, Mary and The Four.  They help me to sort out my thoughts and feelings when I cannot even begin to identify what it is I am feeling.  I am too overwhelmed and just want to hide away again and cry out to make it stop.  With their very gentle and loving manner, they helped me to examine those fears and to finally surrender them, which is what this post describes.  Interesting to me is that I was compelled to transcribe this conversation, to be able to “hear” what they had just said to me.  During the conversation, I was so inside my own head and my resistance was growing such that I couldn’t hear their message as they were speaking it to me.  

Now, they are en-couraging me to share the transcription of that healing with you. It has taken a couple of weeks for me to settle down to write this (and gain the courage to speak my “secrets” out loud), mostly because my thoughts still feel jumbled and more understanding and clarity is still coming in.  There is some “distance” now and I feel I can speak about it without reliving it (mostly).  I feel calmer and the storm has passed. I can look at those fears and they don’t hit me in my solar plexus with the same impact.  I am only mildly nervous about exposing my “secrets” to you, but I am willing to do that if it may serve you love and courage to face your own fears.  There is peace on the other side, I can attest to that. 

This writing, Resistance to Financial Abundance, is the transcript of the beginning of my healing experience through the loving, patient guidance of my husband and The Four.  There is more to be understood and surrendered, but this was the beginning.  

Peace and love,


Scott and I had a discussion about David Hawkins’ book, Letting Go, and the chapter on wealth and relationship to money.  Listening back to this conversation, I hear my resistance to financial abundance in my tone.  Hawkins talks about how we identify with wealth and letting go of our emotional responses to wealth.

Scott: I don’t know, honey, for me [surrender, letting go] is a skill I had to acquire and still working at it for a while.  It comes easier and easier, but I would say start with the desire and intention.  You have a tendency to dig your heels in at times. 

Cindy:  What do you mean I dig my heels in?

S:  I don’t know how to describe it.  There’s a resistance sometimes. 

C: To…..

S: I think it is fear-based.

C:  To receiving money?

S:  Yeah.  I don’t mean to offend you but it kind of feels as if that “destitute stuff” creates this fear (Scott refers to a lifetime in which I was destitute, imprisoned and David and The Four have shown me that echoes from that lifetime have created a conditioning pattern around lack that still plays out in my life.) and somehow that holds you back from true letting go.  And the more you stay in that fear, the more it constricts the flow of money to us.

C:  I guess I just don’t feel the inflow.

S:  We have much.  Perhaps not as much as others, but we are nowhere near destitute.  We still have money flowing in.  It would be nice if it was flowing in more, but it’s not as if we’re sitting on the edge of the street.

C:  No, but …

S:  See, there is the ‘but”

C: …bills still have to be paid.  The thing is that I’m the one who pays the bills and I see the funds dwindling and I don’t see the revenue …

S:  Because you’re not trusting the process.  You’re not trusting that it will come.  You say, “Revenue is not coming.  Revenue is not coming” as opposed to being open to it and letting it flow to you in the manner that is best going to serve us.  I understand it.  I try to limit my spending – other than the project of the Center – as much as possible.

C:  Then there’s that too!  My shit affects you!

S:  It does.  It has for our whole marriage.  The Guides were saying this morning, I didn’t even realize this, part of my workaholism was because I was unconsciously, as an empath, taking on your fear so I had to work really hard to help you sate that fear.  I never had money issues, not until I met you.  I never felt financial insecurity in any way, shape or form.  But since we have been married, I’ve been experiencing it for 35 years.  I took it on and made it my own and didn’t even realize it until recently.  That’s the point that Guidance made this morning quite clearly.  I’m not blaming you for it.  It is part of my own path and my own seeking, having to come to some self-understanding.  I did it completely unconsciously.  I remember your mom asking me “Why do you work so hard?”  I didn’t have a good answer except that I felt that I needed to.  But the financial fear of abundance.  I don’t regret it, but …

C:  It is there.

S:  Yes.  It does create a certain level of frustration.  I don’t hold it against you or judge you for it.  I love you and it is part of the package, but it is a presence that I never had until we got together.  There was always that feeling of financial lack there and I had never experienced that until then.

C:  Well, you used to handle the bill paying and …

S:  It was difficult.

C: …it was difficult because it seems I “rob Peter to pay Paul”, pull from all these different places to make ends meet and that’s just how I was raised.  My parents didn’t have a lot of money.

S:  My parents didn’t either, but I never felt that same vibration.  They never made a whole lot of money their whole lives.  They made it work. 

C:  We’ve made it work over the years, too.  I think part of what it is is that I have a limited view of what I have to earn.  I have to “earn it”. 

S:  Let’s figure out your fear of lacking, your fear of not having…

C:  It’s always present, to some degree.  It’s always present and even when I’m feeling good, it’s there.

S:  I understand.  I feel it in you all the time.

C:  Yeah, it’s always there.

S:  Lately, it is becoming more apparent that I’m separating from it and seeing it more clearly.  Just like I carried my dad’s stuff for so many years, you know?  He projected it onto me and I carried part of that with you.  I’m starting to see the separation there.  And again, I’m not judging you or criticizing you, I’m just seeing it more clearly for what it is and my attachment to that fear.  But if I was paying the bills, I might feel quite differently.  I acknowledge that.

C:  I don’t like to have any debt.  Granted our bills are simple and we don’t have much on our credit card, but we have some!  I feel like I have to get that under control and that maybe we spend more than we are bringing in.

Scott/The Four:  Let’s change that.  I know a lot of the swim kids use the word “can’t”.  I say to them, “If you say I can’t, then you’re right.”  That’s the thought that creates that reality.  That’s the vibration you put forward, when you say “I can’t”, you’re right then.  You can’t because you just used that thought to make that happen.  So the kids have replaced it with “it is just a challenge that I have yet to overcome, but I intend to.”  As soon as you say you can’t, you shut the door on any possibility of “can”.  It is a challenge I have yet to overcome, but I intend to.  Certainly you acknowledge the issue, but you’re also giving a positive way forward and you’re also saying “I intend to do it” and taking some control over it, too.  It’s not controlling you; you’re controlling it at that point.  It’s a vibrational shift.  It’s a perspective shift.  The power of intention comes through and manifests that which you intend, which you desire.  That’s half me and half Them.

C:  I know I have that vibration of closing off, time to tighten the belt, have to save up for this big bill coming up, it’s fucking exhausting.  But I need to be at my desk or working more.  I’m feeling that compulsion to keep that revenue engine running, pound the pavement, come up with new, innovative ways to generate that revenue.

S/4:  Do that with love, without fear.  Whatever you do, light or dark, you still bring love to that moment.  Every moment in front of us is an opportunity to extend love into it, and not fear.  And when that vibration shifts, then surrender that fear – or think of it as replacing it, maybe that will help you manage it a little bit.  Replace that fear with love.  That’s how you surrender it.  Everyone has a different process.  For me, it’s a heart …, I just relax into it, I guess.  Open up and whatever comes in for the highest good, that is what I desire, and allow that to happen.  That is how the channeling has improved for me.  Surrender with trust.  When you try to surrender with fear, then you create constriction and that stops you.  So make that desire, that intention to change into trust.  It is not an overnight shift, but it is a movement to a final place of acceptance and trust.  As we were saying the other day, you don’t know exactly how it’s going to come, but because you are in the loving, curious, aware state and you’re open and flexible, then what comes you work with it and manifest to a higher degree.  But as soon as you put a limit on it “I want to do exactly this” or have this outcome, then that again constricts it.

C:  Right.

S/4:  So by being open, then you allow whatever is best for you to come to you and a lot of times, it is outside of what your perception, thought or awareness might be.  So if you say, “I will only accept what comes to me in this manner” then you can have another manner that you hadn’t thought of that may serve you but if you say, “I only want it from this perspective” then you miss that opportunity.  And that is constriction again.

C:  It’s true that I see that as the only avenue that is open.

S/4:  …currently.  Again, that’s constriction.

C:  It’s like what David Hawkins says, it is more about the feelings about money or what money means to us.  It means security and I really feel insecure, financially insecure, for all the projects and things we want to do.  So there’s that.  There’s also a self-worth issue.  I look around at my siblings and they all grew up in the same house that I did and yet they all seem to flow with abundance.  I feel like I am not able to do that.

S/4:  So, reflect on that.  What is that issue saying to you?  What is that fear saying to you?  What does that mean?

C:  I’m not good enough and I don’t deserve it.  That’s what it says.  Money is evil.  Too much money causes people to do all sorts of mean things. 

S/4:  Money is not evil.  It is how it is used or not used.  Money in itself is not evil, it’s how you choose to use it.  It’s funny, there are people who are wealthy and don’t use it in a malicious way.  Of course, the ones that do grab our attention, just like everything else in the media.  If it bleeds, it leads.  People may do plenty of kind things, but that is not going to sell papers and people don’t care about it.  They care about the cruelty and pain bodies and that warps your perception around that.  But money in itself is not more evil than anything else, just how do humans use that, what manner do they use it? 

So Hawkins talks about it and Jeshua talks about it too.  We are here to experience life.  You are not here to be constricted, you’re not here to be miserable all the time.  You’re here to surrender that misery and live in abundance and live in joy.  And why not?  You’re not identifying your self worth by what you own, but you are allowing what you own to add to your enjoyment of your life.  And that is not a negative thing.  That is not using it.  The more you enjoy your life, the more you stand in and embody love, the more you transmit that to others.  The more the people in your auric fields, energy field, the more they feel that vibration, the more they breathe and relax into it.  So when people come to your house, yes, you have abundance, but it’s all to serve love, to create pleasant experiences.  So, if it’s there to create love, it’s there to create experience, it’s there to create a level of comfort and ease that brings people at ease, how is having abundance negative?  It’s how you perceive it, how you use it going forward. 

So the fear is showing you a self-limiting belief, all that is is a thought pattern, a conditioning pattern, if you will.  Going back to the elephant metaphor, you can simply let go of that.  But like the elephant that believes it is tied to the stake; you believe you are staked to the ground by this experience.  It is not the case!  You have the need and ability to move past it, but you are letting your belief hold you back.  So it is also coming back to self-love and trust in yourself.  And if the All is the One, why don’t you deserve it?

C:  That is what I’ve been asking myself all my life?  Why not me?  I never really understood.  And this is an interesting thing, it’s always been there for me, in this life.  I remember back to “I can’t go to the penny candy store, because I shouldn’t spend the money.  I have to count it.  I have to make sure it is growing.”  There was always this feeling of ….

S/4:  Lack.

C:  …lack.

S/4:  Once again, it’s just a creation.

C:  That is where our family was.  I seem to be the only one who carries that.

S/4:  It’s burdensome.

C:  I know it is.

S/4:  It’s burdensome on Scott, too.

C:  I know it is and I’m sorry.

S/4:  He’s not judging you or criticizing you.

C:  I know, but I’m still sorry.  I don’t know what else to do.

S/4:  You could say, “Fuck it”.

C:  I say “Fuck it” plenty, but it keeps rearing it’s head.  It’s always playing in the background, the echo as life’s bills come up.

S/4:  And it impedes your ability to enjoy what you do purchase.  There’s fear and shame around it, “I bought this.  I really don’t deserve it.  I shouldn’t have spent the money.” Therefore, you don’t enjoy it as much.

C:  Yes.  So, on top of the fear of not having enough money, there’s the fear of having too much money.  Or having so much that I …

S:  (chuckles):  They’re laughing.

C:  I know.  It’s ridiculous!

S/4:  They’re saying, if you ever feel you have too much, then give it away.

C:  I do.  I will.  If I have it in my purse, I’ll give it away.

S/4:  Again, hold self-love.  Give it away, but don’t give it at your own self-detriment.

C:  And when I do give it away, I don’t feel like it is to my detriment.

S/4:  Then you feel like you don’t have enough money because you just gave some of it away.

C:  Right.  Then I sit down at my bills and feel like I need to make more money.

S:  Then do that.  You have the capability to do that.  If that is what you truly want, then allow that to happen.  You have the skill, you have the capability.  So the question is “Why am I allowing this fear to hold me back?  Why am I allowing this fear to impede on our true happiness, our ability to enjoy life?  The fear is not serving you.  In a manner of speaking, it is also bringing the light upon the issues so that you can look at it, examine it, figure it out, surrender it with love.  So now, you will have the ability to have the fear come up to where you can acknowledge it and not respond to it unconsciously, in a knee jerk reaction.  Now you have a greater awareness of the fear, of why it’s there, and you move to understand it.  You can see the lessons it brings if you ask, what is the fear saying?  When you go through that process, and you can surrender it, have gratitude for it and you let that fear go with love.  It served you to bring you to a point of understanding and happiness as you surrender your fear.  You examined it, you saw how it didn’t work for you any longer, how you had carried it unconsciously and how it impacted you and now you can see that you no longer need to do that.  So the fear brought you to that point of awareness, it just became more and more of an irritant to where you were forced to look at it and deeply examine.  For years, you carried it unconsciously and now you are aware of it and why you’re doing it, or you’re stepping into greater understanding of why you’re doing it.  The more you understand it, the less you’re going to judge it, the more you’re going to surrender to it, the more you have no need to carry it any longer and the more that you can step into abundance.  Again, it goes back to the trust issue:  I am love.  I will attract love in an unconditional manner.  It may come to me in a way that I cannot foresee, but I am going to be aware, nimble and curious about it and when it comes, because I am open to all possibilities of love coming into my life, I can see it, recognize it and bring it into my own.  Do you see our point?  You have resistance to it.

C:  I hear what you are saying, but I just… From my own experience, practically…

S:  From your own conditioning pattern, let’s say…

C:  Okay, from my conditioning patterns…

S:  See, there you’re already taking ownership of it, calling it “my conditioning patterns that I carry”.  See the difference?  Now, you’re taking responsibility for your emotions.  You’re not putting them off.  Now, it’s more directly in front of you.  The ego wants to solve everything on the periphery of life, by taking ownership of it, by saying “this is my conditioning pattern.  I’m responsible for all my emotions.  I’m responsible for all that goes inside my body, all my thoughts, all my actions, I’m responsible for.”  When you can say that, when you can take ownership of it, then, because you’re not asking someone else to carry it for you, then you can surrender it more completely.  You have a deeper understanding of it when you own it, when you make it yours.  When you get to experience it, then you see how it’s not serving you and you see it simply as the form and structure fabric of life and you are what observes all that.  You are not that.  And then you can move more to surrender and manifest what serves you.    So whenever you have that fear come up, own it.  Know it is a result of your conditioning patterns, of your thought processes that issue patterns limits, puts constriction on. 

C:  It boils down to shame again, I think.  There’s a lot of shame that I carry.  Yeah. Sometimes I feel as though I’m in hiding from everyone.  I am that little girl again, hiding under the basement stairs, afraid of being found out, that I did something…that they’re going to shame me about.  I feel ashamed of my behavior.

S:  Well, that’s on them, isn’t it?  And you’re accepting that parenting vibration.  Replace it with your own parenting vibration.  Parent that little girl the way that best serves her and you, and not the conditioning patterns and perceptions of others.  You see our point?  It’s time to be your own best parent, dear sister.  Be your own best parent.  Parent with the love that you are, the love that you understand, the unconditional God nature that is within your heart.  It is time.  You can do this.

C:  Help me, please.  Help me.  I don’t know how to do this?

S:  You know how to love.  Time to love your self.  Turn that love on your own heart, on that little girl.  Love her as you would any other child, as you love your own children, as you love the neighbors’ children, as you love any child in fear.  When you see a young child in fear, you see it on their face, your first instinct is to reach out.  Why not reach out to little Cynthia in the same way?  See the beauty and elegance in that? You can do it.


C:  There’s a bit more to the recording, but it is mostly of me sobbing and blowing my nose.  You get the gist.  New understandings, greater clarity, kept coming for days afterwards.  Now, the clouds have moved aside so I could feel the sun again.  I could hear the message of The Four again.  I’ve included the writing from the next session that was very helpful to me and that they may be helpful to you.  That is our wish, our desire, our intention. This is a message for all of us, “Dear Souls and Dear Friends,” with love from The Four.


Good Morning Dear Souls, Dear Friends of love and light, with love and light becoming more and more your experiences,

As you step away from love from time to time, as humans do, as we come here to do, this act becomes more and more jarring and you find a desire to remain in love alignment more and more often. When the ego rises in fear and judgment, the pain you feel is deeper. Pain you would not have felt in the days when you were not aware that we/you are love based beings having physical experiences. In your numbness, there was often a sense of blindness or lack of understanding and this caused you to judge yourselves and others quite harshly. You were not aware of this harshness for you were ignorant of the love that you are. You judged others as harshly as you could, for you were committed to judging, right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, up or down, etc. Everything was a comparison as a way of bringing meaning and order to your lives. But, this was to serve your ego and not your heart.

As you release this need, this desire to judge to find your place in the world, you find you have no real need to find your selves in the world by means of comparison. Knowing we are all love and we come for many different experiences, rich one lifetime, poor the next, a leader one lifetime and a follower the next. You see no need to judge the roles that we play for we have played many, many different roles in the multitude of lifetimes you have had, have experienced and will continue to experience, whether in form and structure or not. Consciousness goes on and never stops, just your form may change, but your awareness of your awareness does not.

The light of your awareness never goes out. Most of what you know and remember may change depending on the role and experience you are choosing to experience. Every act you make is to reconnect you with love, whether the experience is of love or not. For all roads lead us to deeper understanding and acceptance over the experiences of linear time as you understand it in the form and structure experience. Know you are love, no matter the type of experience you are choosing or whether or not you remember this. Listen to your hearts and you will find the clear truth of this. As you move into love alignment, the noise your ego makes in its bragging, boasting based out of fear or the quietness and the meekness borne out of fear matters not, for the silence you bring allows you to hear the whisperings of your hearts and this allows you to see your way home, if this is what you desire. We have free will, remember. You can see the path before you more clearly when one gazes through the eyes of love. You can see where the angels walk and beckon you to join them.

As you walk this path with us, your understanding of yourselves and the hearts of others grows and grows and your acceptance of self and life expands and expands. With this greater and deeper understanding, acceptance is upon you more and more easily and takes less and less effort, for you are listening to your hearts and not your wounded ego. Life flows to you with more and more ease, and contentment becomes a consistent part of your lives. As you drop your need to control life from a perspective of fear, life becomes much more a process of smooth love and less and less one of great effort to meet the jarring needs of one’s ego. With love, you surrender the need for the ego’s desire that does not serve love.
Happiness and peace become your true companions when you stop resisting what is in front of you. You see what is in front of you much more clearly. This clarity allows you to see the truth of the moments and how you cannot change this moment. The wounds of our egos become more and more burdensome and you find a desire to lay this burden down. Surrender comes with less and less effort and this brings a sense of grace into your lives. The more you see and understand, the less you judge and the more you see what you do not understand. You withhold judgment for you know one cannot have all the facts all the time. You observe more and more from a neutral position and judge less and less. You accept more and more.

You touch more and more hearts with this approach and you serve the needs of those around you with more and more love. This creates a momentum toward love that flows with more and more force, more and more current if you will.  You see this with more and more clarity and the love you stand in becomes more and more permanent. You slip away from love less and less by the clarity of understanding that is before you. Your hearts become light and joyful.

Live this light, live this love.
All the love in the universe is for you to experience. David, Kord, Mary and all that the Four is, has been and always will be. Love is constant, it is only the clouds of our misunderstanding that blocks our view of love and light from time to time. Move to understand and you move toward love. You surrender what is not love with more and more consistency and clarity. Enjoy the ride and journey of life more and more with this perspective. Love to All.

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Scott’s Musings on “Self Trust”

Hello Dear Friends,

The guides have been coming to me and talking about trust, trust in love, and trust in oneself. How we love and accept others has a lot to do with how we trust ourselves and how we nurture and love the small child within us. The part of us that can feel scared and broken. The part of us that wants to run away and hide from life. They have been talking about how we parent and love this small child within us.

We often think of this small child within us as ourselves at 2, 3, 4 years old and we think about the wounds of misunderstanding and pain we may have received at such a time of our lives. Also, the closer we are to our birth experience, the more we are connected to unconditional love and the more our divine aspects of ourselves are present. Our soul that carries the experiences, the wounds and pain of past lives is also more present within our young self. As we grow older, we release this connection to the divinity that is unconditional love within us. We forget. We begin to allow the experiences in the world around us to shape us instead. We adopt the ego structure of our families and our culture. We move into more and more ego centered perspectives.

The guides also talk about parenting styles. One is unconditional love that says to the child, “I trust you, I know you will make mistakes and fall and I will be here to help pick you up and assist you in finding what serves you and what speaks to your heart. I believe in you, I know you will find your way.” This style allows the child to say “Trust me. Let me be who I am. Let me make mistakes. Let me stumble and keep your faith in me.” It’s about connecting with the child from a place of trust.

The conditional love style is to say, “I know better.” Often this is a reasonable course of action (teaching the child to avoid traffic and such), but in other instances, this is not always the most supportive way. When one says to the child “I know better. Do it my way. Don’t ask questions. Do as I say,” it tells the child on an internal level, “I do not trust you. You are less than.” The child may sense distrust in your attitude and cause them to resist you even more. This can breed distrust and fear in the relationship between parent and child. The child may feel unseen, unheard, unloved. Energy blocks and karma is created. The child begins to question themselves. They begin to doubt themselves. They may begin to not trust themselves. They may begin to self criticize.

So the guides’ question to us is, how do we parent the small child within ourselves? Are we loving, kind, and accepting? Do we forgive ourselves and learn and grow from our mistakes? Or do we self-criticize, self-judge, and beat ourselves up? Does this self-criticism serve as a catalyst for doubt and erosion in our belief of ourselves? Do we lose trust in ourselves in these moments? How does this lack of trust make us feel?

As we move to trust ourselves, we surrender thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints that criticize, judge, doubt, and reject ourselves. This feels good! As we release this negative self-talk, we free ourselves. We find ourselves having a feeling of peace and acceptance. We no longer feel the need or urge to resist and judge our lives and the lives of others. We are able to accept others more readily and do not resist what is in front of us. Also we surrender our need to interject our opinions or stories to make conversations more about ourselves to attempt, and most often fail, to convince others of our value. We surrender the need to have the conversation relate to ourselves. We can focus on the other and be more fully present for them and we find we can move into understanding and compassion more readily. We open our hearts and can truly listen to another. We find more and more value in our fellow humans and we can come to realize how much we love them.

I love you all,

Below are a couple of passages from guidance that inspired the above text. The messages in their entirety can be found below.❤️ 

Your acceptance, compassion, and grace shields you from falling into a trap of not trusting your own hearts and looking for trust within another. This is how politicians get their followers to follow them down paths of pain and darkness. It is when you do not trust yourselves that you give your trust to others for you fear you cannot find your way home. When you hold vibrations of mistrust within yourselves, you are vulnerable to aligning with the vibrations of others that do not have your best interests at heart.

Drop the conditional view of self, one that holds the trauma of experiences before you, that holds onto the old ideas of self-criticism, self-judgment and self-rejection. These are aspects of conditional love that you held before yourselves and this results in a lack of self-love, self-trust. For in the conditional love experience, we do not trust ourselves. We cannot trust ourselves when we hold such self-negativity, judgmental and critical viewpoints of ourselves. As we move into self acceptance and begin to parent the small child within us with such self-love and self-acceptance, we heal the wounds of our past and move into a vibration of unconditional love for ourselves, and in these movements toward love, we drop the self-criticism and move deeper into self-acceptance and self-love. The need to judge and criticize falls away and we are left with a sense of peace that we could not hold when we lived in a state of self-rejection and self-judgment. 



Good Morning Dear Souls of Love, Trust and Security,

The word of the day is trust … in love, in yourselves, in others, in God. One may say, “See that person over there? See how they are behaving? They are so untrustworthy.” And we say, you can certainly trust them to be themselves, reflecting the pain in their soul still unhealed, issues of karma and self-acceptance yet to be acknowledged and surrendered. Ask for clarity and you see them for who they are and where they are in their journey of life and to the love in their own hearts. Trust them to act out their own unresolved pain. Trust them to be themselves. No one is ever really untrustworthy. They may not love themselves, they may not accept themselves, and they may not know themselves and you see this with more and more clarity and acceptance. You may boundary against any harm they would inflict on you through their anger and their pain. You know their behavior is a reflection of their pain. In this you trust the clarity of your own hearts. As you step into self-trust, self-love, you trust your own hearts, beating with love, to trust yourselves and your intuition and you trust others to be who they are and you see all their behavior with compassion and your judgment spends less and less time in your present.

It is when you do not hold the clarity of your love, your discernment, your self-love and your self-trust, when you do not listen to the whispering of your own hearts is when you fall into not finding others trustworthy. It is when you do not hold the clarity of love in your hearts, when you carry a vibration of lack of self-trust that you align with the wounded vibrations of another and find their actions after the fact to be untrustworthy. When you hold the clarity of love and self-trust within your own hearts is when you see and feel the wounded vibrations of another. Do not step into alignment with their vibrations. Hold a boundary of self-love, self-trust. 

It is only when you step away from love that you fall into a sense of not trusting yourselves and you fall into an alignment with pain, rejection, and fear. How can anyone trust from a state of fear, where you feel an absence of love and self acceptance? It is in these moments that you find others untrustworthy, for in these moments you do not trust oneself. When you trust yourselves, you trust others to be who they are and to act out their pain, either consciously or unconsciously. Your acceptance, compassion, and grace shields you from falling into a trap of not trusting your own hearts and looking for trust within another. This is how politicians get their followers to follow them down paths of pain and darkness. It is when you do not trust yourselves that you give your trust to others for you fear you cannot find your way home. When you hold vibrations of mistrust within yourselves, then you are vulnerable to aligning with the vibrations of others that do not have your best interests at heart. They, lost in their pain and their suffering, do not know their own best interests. They chase the demands of a wounded ego. They can be so lost in lack of self-acceptance that they have no idea they are love and therefore, cannot act in their best interests of accepting themselves as love.

When you do not trust yourselves, you align with their vibrations and find yourselves open to acting in ways of behavior that reflect this lack of self trust. When you hold vibrations of self-love and self-acceptance, the low vibrations of another do not lead you down paths that no longer serve you. Trust yourselves and accept yourselves! Accept others and trust them to be who they are with deep compassion within your hearts. The more you shine your lights of love and compassion upon them, the less and less they will attempt to draw you into their vibration. The clearer vibration aligned with love does not align with lower vibrations that do not reflect a sense of self-love and acceptance.

Love them and trust them to be human with all the fallibility of being human, lost in the form and structure experience. See this with compassion and grace. With this, you move away from third dimension experience into higher experiences that are non-linear in their experience and their expression of life. Move into a higher dimensional experience and acceptance of the love that you are at your center, your core. As a service to love, invite others into the Center of your hearts, which is why we call the area in your backyard “The Center.” This is where you deliver love from the Center of your hearts to the Center of their hearts. Deliver and receive much love from these future experiences that are unfolding in front of you. Be the Center of your love. Self-love and self-acceptance reigns within your hearts and your experiences.

From the Center of our hearts to yours, the Four delivers love to you and the All that you love. David, Mary, and Kord deliver this love home to the Center of your hearts and your experiences. Live with love and joy and you accept others for who they are and you trust the vibrations of observation and compassion.


Good Morning Dear Souls holding the desire, the commitment, the intention to love, to accept, allow and appreciate all that there is,

Live in the space of grace and self-acceptance. Live in the state of self-love, self-acceptance. Live with a sense of unconditional love upon oneself, and let one’s countenance reflect this and your outer world reflect this more and more. Drop the conditional view of self, one that holds the trauma of experiences before you, that holds on to the old ideas of self-criticism, self-judgement and self-rejection. These are aspects of conditional love that you held before yourselves and this results in a lack of self-love, self-trust. For in the conditional love experience, we do not trust ourselves. We cannot trust ourselves when we hold such self-negativity, judgmental and critical viewpoints of ourselves. As we move into self acceptance and begin to parent the small child within us with such self-love and self-acceptance, we heal the wounds of our past and move into a vibration of unconditional love for ourselves, and in these movements toward love, we drop the self-criticism and move deeper into self-acceptance and self-love. The need to judge and criticize falls away and we are left with a sense of peace that we could not hold when we lived in a state of self-rejection and self-judgment. When we love ourselves, we have no need for such a vibration of conditional love. We surrender these viewpoints and aspects of ourselves as they no longer serve us or the highest good.

This is the value of self-love, freedom from such self-criticism and self-judgment and in this, our hearts are free to love. We find a sense of unconditional love within us and we now can present to the world around us with these deep vibrations of pure, unconditional love and acceptance. Our hearts no longer break and carry the burdens of our past. Our experiences and our viewpoints not aligned with love fall away and your hearts are free, light, and full of love. There is an ease, a flow of life that comes to us when we hold these vibrations of unconditional love and acceptance. The energy blocks and frustrations of life become minor inconveniences and we flow through life with a sense of grace borne out of self-love and self-acceptance, unconditionally. In these moments, our hearts soar free and we find ourselves in a state of peace, of self-acceptance, self-love, and the burdens of life, drowned in self-rejection and criticism, are so, so much lighter and the great relief of this brings us more and more heartfelt gratitude and this gratitude delivers us back to love again. The River of Love flows with more and more current, borne of self-love and self-acceptance. Our/Your cups of love, love pouring forth from our hearts overflows into all aspects of our lives and we find deep meaning and peace within this.

We fall into a state of deep trust and deep self-acceptance. We find peace in our lives and the vibrations and protests of others not aligned with love do not wound us as deeply. We see the dark, we see others lost in pain and suffering before us and we do not align with this pain, this suffering. However, our compassion and love for the All grows and reflects this and we serve unconditional love upon another with this vibration. They can choose to step into self healing or not. This is their karma, their dharma and you accept this with grace and compassion. You love them regardless of their pain and the paths they take either moving toward love or away from love. Your compassion and your love remains.

As our love remains in the Now of life, so does yours. We love you deeply and always in the Now of life and we are overjoyed to see you both doing the same. All of our love upon the Now of your lives, David, Kord, Mary and all the Grace of Love and Life the Four brings before you.

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Scott’s Musings on “A Dark Night of the Soul”

Hello All,

A bit of time has passed since our last email, for a number of reasons. A big one is we have been distracted for a while now by the building of a 12 x 20 foot gazebo in our backyard. It’s been a little bit of a “Field of Dreams” kind of experience. Guidance keeps pushing us to put this together—they call it “The Center”—and they tell us there will be a level of high activity there. So far the cement is poured, the structure is erected, we have shades and rugs and we are continuing “feathering the nest” so to speak. Power, lights, ceiling fans and furnishings are on tap.

We will use it for a variety of purposes, but the main one will be to hold sound bath events on a regular basis. Guidance has been telling us there will be a lot of activity in this sacred spot. We’ll post pictures upon completion. It’s been an interesting journey. Please stay tuned.

A bigger reason for this delay is that I went through yet another “dark night of the soul” experience. More like three nights actually. These have been experiences of confronting what the guides call energy blocks, of releasing unhealed trauma that in this case, I wasn’t aware that I was even carrying. The trauma that you can recall and confront is a bit easier to address and I think I have released and healed most of those. As far as I know, anyhow. This was trauma from before I had words or memory. The guides have been speaking of the “trauma of birth experience.” We come from an experience on the other side of the veil, where we are totally secure, totally loved, and feel totally safe. We are immersed in unconditional love. Then we come to this plane of existence where ego-centric experience and vibration is the most common experience, conditional love reigns and is often exhibited as “I will love you as long as you…. make me look good, do as I ask, be who and what I think you should be, etc, etc.

We are extremely hungry for unconditional love and will take any substitute we can, we take praise for our actions, validation of our worth from other’s opinions of us, our material success, flattery, admiration, and so on. We can become workaholics, chasing praise and validation from another. This was behavior I certainly exhibited through my years of hairstyling and much more.

As we separate from the unconditional love before birth and adopt our parent’s ego experience and vibrations, we feel homesick, or an unconscious yearning for the unconditional love that we left behind, or at least the feeling of it. This is traumatic pain we all share. And until we tap into and face this pain, it follows us and we can be “triggered” into an emotional reaction that is not typically love based.

I also have a very emotionally damaged father who endured massive trauma from his father—significantly more than I endured as a child. He joined the Navy at 17 to get away from his home. I arrived shortly after his 20th birthday. I know if I was in his shoes, at his age, I would have certainly felt overburdened by responsibility and resentful and put upon, as I believe my father did. As long as I can remember I was never “mature” enough or “tough” enough for him. He felt he had to make a man out of me by applying strict discipline and this created trauma and resentment with me. I felt less than. I know now, I chose this experience before I came into this world and at this point I have a certain gratitude and peace about it. However, as a young vulnerable infant, this vibration was too heartbreaking to bear and I walled off this pain within myself for survival. Until the last dark night that is. I can only explain the dark night as being highly triggered with no relief. Staying in a high state of agitation, self-judgment, and pain that seems to never end. Dark thoughts can be highly present. But as one can accept and face these feelings of pain, we can move to a point of surrender, self reflection, and understanding. Then, we can begin to release this pain and feel relief as our energy blocks clear. I feel deep compassion for someone who has poor relationships with both their father and their children. I’m very grateful that I have loving relationships with my sons and my heart mourns for my father’s pain. I no longer hold judgment over his behavior and have forgiven him in my heart.

The guides pushed me into this emotional state. Both the dark night and the subsequent surrender of. For the two months before, or perhaps longer, my channeling shifted and they backed away to a large degree. There was still communication, but something felt off. There was something unsatisfactory about the experience. Both Cindy and I noticed this. I felt a certain level of discomfort and unease. I found myself observing others’ pain and their acting out, I understood their egoic pain and still found myself judging them. This judgement is something I don’t usually do and I found it difficult to release. I kept working on what the guides had instructed us to do, surrender, accept, allow, and appreciate. This provided a bit of peace, but the discomfort was still present under the surface of my life and awareness. It slowly built, much like the proverbial frog in the pot of water slowly heating up to boiling. Until a small comment triggered the resulting ”dark night of soul” experience.

The guides later explained that they had to push me to the next point of surrender, until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Until the discomfort got so great the only option became one of surrender. They stepped away from me to a degree that finally triggered the very human feeling and fear of ABANDONMENT. After coming to this realization, I was moved in the direction of surrender and I’ve experienced an expanded feeling of peace and acceptance. In acceptance, we can surrender the struggles and our resistance to life and circumstance and we can live more peacefully. We can accept each moment of the Now for what it is and can choose to express love in these moments. The egoic compulsion to change the moment to one of our likings is released. We do not have the need to force our ego’s will upon the moment.

Now that I’m on the other side of this experience, I understand what the process entailed, why it happened, and what it brought to me in understanding and growth. And I’m grateful for it. My relationship with guidance is clearer, as is the channeling and the topics discussed. The guides speak often of being grateful for both the light and the dark of life. Because the lessons gained in the dark deliver us to the light and we become the love that embraces both experiences of the light and dark of our lives. This is emotional alchemy. This brings us compassion and we can better understand and withhold judgement for those who are lost in the lessons of the dark. We all must come to a point of pain building up until it can no longer be tolerated and then we can surrender when there is really no other option left to us. This process can take lifetimes and we may be observing someone who has more pain to be experienced until they can come to this point of surrender. Again we extend compassion to those who are experiencing deep suffering.

I heard years ago a priest once said that the shortest prayer is saying “Fuck it!” It is for when despair has brought us to a place where we throw our hands up in surrender, we give up, we stop fighting life. I didn’t fully understand then what I’ve come to understand now. This prayer makes perfect sense to me now.

So, in that sense, I say “fuck it.” And that I love you all very deeply.


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Validate Who You Are By Your Treatment of Others

Good Morning Dear Souls of Light and love,

Carrying the knowing of yourselves as love, having the love that you are validated by the love that comes forth from your hearts into the experiences of life. Seeing more and more that one cannot look to others to validate oneself. No one can support you in validating your self worth, your self love as much as you can. We tend to look outside of ourselves for validation and this outside endeavor falls short, time and time again.

Those who are without knowing that they are love cannot truly see you through the darkness of their pain. They will often see you as less than or more than. Neither of these viewpoints are truly aligned with love. Both are reflections of their inner pain, the darkness that envelops their eyes.

Only by truly loving and accepting our self can we stand in total awareness that we are love. The doubts of form and structure do not speak to us in the same wounded manner they once did.

As you stand in self acceptance and self love, the need, the desire to prove yourselves to anyone, falls away. You have self love which you feel deep in your hearts, which no one can describe or explain this feeling to you in the way your own hearts do, when you hold the awareness that you are truly aspects of God’s love. Validation by others becomes a moot point when you hold the validation of self love before your own hearts.

As you move into acceptance of self, you move into acceptance of others, acceptance of the All that life is. Once you accept yourselves as love, you accept the All that you are, you accept the All that is around you. You accept others where they are at on this walk of life. You have no need to change them, your desire is to accept them. You feel the love that you are connect with the love that they are and this assistance can strike a like vibration within them and starts their hearts, their souls moving toward love once again.

Scott/4:  So we don’t look for validation outside of ourselves, nor can we truly provide validation for another. But, you can be a catalyst for the lighting of the pilot light of self love in another.  You can touch them.  You can recognize the vibration that they are, that they hold.  You can see it through the darkness of their outside persona, their behavior and actions that are aligned with wounded ego, but you know – even if they do not – that they are love at their core.  It may be buried deep, under many layers of darkness, but through your acceptance, through your compassion, through your surrender of judgment, you can reach through that darkness and touch, for a moment, a piece of love that is within their hearts, that is buried deep. 

Like two tuning forks next to each other, you ring yours and it alights theirs and it vibrates.  They may never have had this vibration before, or at least in this lifetime and experience.  They are this vibration, but they do not hold that awareness.  So in that moment, the two tuning forks of the heart vibrate together.  You ignite a vibration of love within them and they feel this acceptance, they feel this peace, they feel this compassion.

It may be a new experience for them and in some, in that moment, they have a feeling of acceptance and love, but at the same time, it is a new experience.  Something they are not aware of. So they may in that moment, after feeling that love, they may feel a moment of embarrassment, a moment of “I have been exposed”, “I have been seen” and many times, that is something that may be dangerous in their past experience with being touched by the darkness.  So when they do feel that love when you touch, they may have a reaction to where they initially want to respond, but then they step into fear, they step into self judgment, they step into fear of being seen, fear of being judged, fear of being criticized, mostly by themselves, and they snap the door shut and they envelop their hearts in darkness once again, but you have touched it. That light has been lit.  Now they may not be able to respond to it today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. They may respond instantaneously or maybe not until the next lifetime.  No matter.  The flame has been touched, the vibration has been started.  You’ve been a catalyst for that. What they do after that is up to them. However, you continue to love and accept them. 

They look at you with that feeling of embarrassment, that feeling of shame that you “saw me”, because they are judging themselves so harshly, they can only think that you are doing the same, but the energy you give them through your eyes, the energy of compassion, the energy of non-judgment, the energy of acceptance, the energy that says

I see you
and I love you. 

I see that part of you that is love
and I honor that.

I hold that as a representation of your true meaning,
of your true heart. 

It may be encased in the darkness,
in negativity
and injury
and reaction,

But nonetheless,
buried deep there,
I see the love that you are. 

And within that acceptance, within that non judgment, you can bring a vibration of love, a vibration of acceptance.  Maybe they can be able to acknowledge it and maybe they cannot, but you stand before them with that vibration.  Within that, because you’re not judging, because you’re not criticizing, because you’re not comparing, you stand in a peaceful vibration of acceptance.  No matter how they respond, you have that peace of acceptance – you accept them.

It’s just like when you forgive somebody, you let go of those negative feelings, those ways of looking at somebody as less than or more than.  So when you drop that vibration of judgment, you stand within that same clarity of vibration.  You stand within that same peace because you are not putting out any judgment, you are not tormenting yourself with those vibrations of criticism, judgment, shame and doubt and all those things that we put upon others when we judge and we put upon ourselves. 

So in that moment of acceptance, it is a gift to yourself because your hearts are free and clear.  Your hearts are not carrying criticism and judgment and those vibrations of “you are less than” or “you are that and I am this”.  In those moments, you recognize the love within each other.  You see love in each other and you see how your hearts are connected as one. You still use the power of discernment, you still use the power of good boundaries, you still use the power of self love, but nonetheless you stand in acceptance.  You stand in compassion and that compassion brings love and peace to your own heart and your self acceptance continues to expand and grow, which ignites more self love.  This allows you to shine your light into the dark corners of other souls.  You afford them the opportunity to see that light, if they choose to, if they wish to, if they desire to.  And you hold the opportunity for them to turn towards love and your acceptance, your compassion is the knock upon their door that gets their attention.

Please continue, sweet one.  Did that resonate?  Do you understand our point?

C:  Yes.  Thank you. Allow me to wipe my tears and collect myself.

Two tuning forks in true resonance. It is only in the true acceptance of them as they stand before you, the divine in pain, souls of love in different stages of opening their eyes to love, that you deliver unconditional love before them and the answers they seek can be found in this love. You validate who you are by the acceptance of them as they stand before you. You love the love within their hearts that you can touch with your hearts and you accept the expression of their pain with great compassion. Acceptance and compassion are the keys that open our hearts to love. Yours and those you touch.  You accept them as the hearts of love that they are and your compassion for their blindness grows and when you uncover such blindness in yourselves, you know how to deliver self compassion to your own hearts.

You surrender your denial that you are anything but love. You surrender your false stories that your ego wishes to tell you in your suffering and your pain. You step into the validation of your self love and you accept yourselves as who you are in each moment of the now.  When you judge, then you forgive. The judgment comes up, you see it, and then you move to surrender this judgment as the love in your heart returns you back to love.   

S/4:  So what we are saying is, the instinct to judge is part of the form and structure, egoic experience.  The ego, even in its healthier moments, still has a tendency to move towards what the ego is for, to propel you forward, to see this is this, or that is that, or I need to be here, or I don’t want to be there.  It moves you forward, so judgment is part of the discernment process. The awareness of all and then the acceptance.  You may see someone’s behavior, have compassion for it, so in a sense you are judging it, but you’re not harshly criticizing it.  You’re not holding it as less than.  You’re just seeing it as part of the human experience that wounded ego brings to it.  You’re not judging it, but you’re seeing the behavior nonetheless and holding compassion for it.  That is one side of the coin.  The other side is you judge it and you use it as a tool to make yourself feel better about yourself.  “I’m better than that person”  I am not doing this.  I am not doing that, so therefore, I am more accomplished.  I am more worthy.  I am more this.  I am more that.  That is also part of the human experience.  A part of the edge of discernment that slices through the reality of our existence. 

But how do you observe that?  How do you work with that? How do you understand that, that cleavage, that arc of judgment’s blade?  So you can see, “Oh, I am moving into compassion” or “I am moving into criticism” through that judgment, through that sword.  Then you can say, “Oh, I am moving into criticism and my own self invalidation” and then with that, you move into forgiveness.  You do not stay in that vibration and continue to emit that.  It comes up, you discern what it is, you discern what it means.  Is this compassion?  Is this judgment? And then you surrender that.  So that becomes a reflection of action that keeps you from fully immersing yourself in judgment.  It comes up, you see what it brings to the situation, you see where the learning curve is, you see where the compassion is and then you surrender that and move forward and have gratitude as your life becomes partially less burdensome, one less energy cord, one less weight of obligation, one more weight of judgment that you have surrendered.

C:  Yes, surrendering judgment.

S/4:  It’s going to come up.  What you do with it is the key.

You surrender your denial that you are anything but love. You surrender your false stories that your ego wishes to tell you in your suffering and your pain. You step into the validation of your self love and you accept yourselves as who you are in each moment of the now.  When you judge, you forgive. The judgment comes up, you see it, and then you move to surrender this judgment as the love in your heart returns you back to love.   

S/4:  Judgment comes up, you see it, you observe it and then you move into forgiveness.  Of judging, and from the others, for how you held judgment before them.  Or how they judge themselves.  You forgive them for that, with compassion and acceptance.

You are human and these are some of the processes of life, of form and structure experience. You validate who you are by your acceptance and love of self and others. Acceptance begets acceptance and love begets love.

Love, brother David and father Dave, brothers-in-Love, delivering these messages before the love that you hold in your hearts. Let us vibrate in love together. Tuning forks vibrating as One. For the One, for the All.  Catch the vibrations of love and hold them in your hearts.


S/4:  Do you have any askings, dear one?

C:  I think this would be good to put out on the website, along with your additional commentary.

S/4:  Agreed.  That was our thought and our intention also.

C:  Yes. Do you have a suggestion for the title?

S/4:  There is one sentence…we’d like you to paraphrase it down:  “You validate who you are by how you treat others”.  [“You validate who you are by your acceptance and love of self and others.”]

C:  I think we all can recognize that looking outside of ourselves for validation is highly unsatisfying.

S/4:  But we chase it, for we know no other avenue of relief.  It’s what you bring to people through your acceptance, through your compassion.  You validate that part of themselves that they can’t touch, or they are unaware of, or they are afraid of, or they simply do not know.  So you validate the love that you are by your acceptance of others.

They are saying that this is the perfect time and place and venue to work on it.  This gives you the space and time.

C:  Yes, thank you.

S/4:  You are most welcome, dear one.  Dear little sister, Dear daughter.

C:  Thank you.  It’s nice to hear Dad and to know that you’re front and center today.  (a few moments of tears)

S/4:  Validate who you are by your treatment of others.  You understand?

C:  Yes.  Thank you.

S/4:  Would you like my hand?

C:  Yes, please.

S/4:  (After a few moments of energy exchange) Until our next encounter, until our next meeting, loved one, beloved one, dear loved one.  Thank you.  Until then. 

Be kind to yourself.  We love you, for you are love and how could one not love love? When you see it in the true clear light of what it is.  When you stand before it, clear-eyed, with gratitude, with acceptance.  The bright light of who you are becomes more and more clear, more and more obvious.  Thank you.  Until our next encounter, it’ll be soon.

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