Angels Path #31

Hello All!

Guidance spoke in the last email about the difference between pity and compassion. Now, they take a look at judgement and discernment. While observing the behavior of our beloved brothers and sisters struggling with life and the issues life brings before them, judgement is more ego based and discernment is more loved based .

Also, they made a strong statement in a verbal session with Cindy about the news and politics: “Do not align with any political party, for to do so puts you into a position of judgement of the opposition with little or no awareness of the truth or fallacy of their positions, and you hold your own party as ultimate truth while ignoring the aspects of their viewpoints that are not aligned with love awareness. Stay apart from a party’s particular ideologies and be able to more accurately discern where the truth lies, both for the party you once aligned with and the opposing party. This also holds true for the news. The vast majority of all news sources are not aligned with love or truth. This is an egoic perspective and does not serve love and creates conflict. Surrender this perspective and your relationships with your loved ones will become ones more aligned with love.”

The Guides returned once again to the metaphor of the baby elephant staked to the ground who cannot pull the stake up and free himself and each time he tries his “trainer” punishes him. He comes to accept this and his reality becomes that he cannot free himself and it’s too painful to try. Thus, a “conditioned pattern” is set. These patterns become our self imposed prisons, until we have had enough and the pressure mounts to the point when we are ready to surrender those conditioning patterns and explore our worlds with a new awareness and with much more gratitude.

All our love,

Cindy and Scott

From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Beautiful Souls of Love and Light,

God is Love. When we align with Love, we are Love. Love becomes a greater part of our countenance, what we express to the world. Love is the true master in life. Love is what we serve and who we are. Love brings us to a greater understanding and acceptance of life. We see judgement, we see discernment, we see pity and we see compassion. Judgement and pity are twin vibrations of each other; discernment and compassion are also twin vibrations of each other. Which are aligned with love? When we observe with this perspective, it is quite easy to see ego and it’s drive to serve itself and deliver itself away from pain by the soothing aspects of addiction’s draw. Love stands alone with a true desire to see and serve what is around us with expanded vibrations of compassion and peace and we are One when we stand together in this understanding.

Love is peace, ego is war. For love brings collaboration and acceptance, ego brings conflict and judgement. To discern a situation is much different than to judge a moment in time and space, or reality in the perceptions of the third.

Discernment says, “I accept whatever actions you need to take and I respect that. While I hold no judgement over you, my path and my dharma lead me in a different direction and yours leads you on the path that best serves you. All paths are different and we all respect this.”

Judgement is all about ego with very little concern for those you are judging in a moment of ego rising or being triggered by ego reactions to wounds yet to be fully healed. Ego’s roar can point us in the direction of understanding our wounds. When we come to see the validity of this, this understanding and this response aligns with love.

Such is the understanding that love brings before us. Judge not, so that you are not judged. Accept so that you may have a greater understanding of self and therefore all that you see and love, so you come to accept yourselves fully, love yourselves fully, love the All fully. See what discernment and compassion bring to us, to you, to the All.

Discernment holds understanding and acceptance while holding the boundaries of self love. Judgement inflames the ego and we all know what that brings before us, conflict and deep pain, adding on more and more layers of karma and misunderstanding, leading to more and more judgement, leading us back around to more and more pain that we do not learn from. These are the cycles of karma and pain. You can surrender this pain once you see and accept this pain within you. The releasement of this pain becomes a matter of surrendering more and more, which has become more and more of a skilled movement, energetically speaking. You move into love alignment with more and more grace, with the grace of God’s wind at your backs. You see all with more and more clarity, more and more love and acceptance, less and less judgement, until judgement is but a faint echo within you that holds little or no sway over you, for you stand in love alignment and awareness. Compassion becomes your calling card. You move with more and more grace and peace and your countenance reflects this. Such is love.

Returning to the metaphor of the baby elephant and the stake, another elephant approaches the one who is staked and clearly sees that the elephant could pull the stake up. They could argue for hours over who is correct. “Can the stake be lifted or not?” Humans have fought wars over these types of arguments. When the elephant comes to understand the limitations of the belief that he could not pull the stake out, he realizes that he can have a whole new way of understanding and interacting in the world open before his eyes.

Such is the power of embracing love and surrendering the energy blocks of misunderstanding and darkness. Surrendering the beliefs and limits that others have placed before us and releasing those patterns, those beliefs. When the elephant sees that he can roam free, a whole different experience of life opens before him, a new joy, a new freedom that he could have not imagined before his realization that he can pull the stake comes before him. He can travel far and wide and share his experiences so others may come to understand how they can pull their own stake out of the ground that limits their awareness, limits their happiness. He can lead where he has been. So shall you all. We bring the pain and awareness of your conditioning patterns so you may grow and experience new freedoms and new ways of understanding and exploring your worlds of experience.

The elephant’s mind is “blown” in a manner that would have been inconceivable before his new awareness came before him. His life is completely different as he surrenders the pain and the energy blocks that the staked experience brought to him. We wish to “blow” your minds in a similar manner. There is some pain and suffering for sure, but then you are released to travel wide and have a new host of amazing, satisfying experiences on a deep soul level that brings you great peace and happiness and you have the talent, the opportunity to share these vibrations that you have come to embrace. Then you are behaving in new ways, in a new manner, that you would not have done before and your lives are rich and deep.

The pain of the pattern can be deep and the rewards of the blocked energy releasing are of much greater value and the resulting experiences are of a divine nature and your happiness and compassion runs deeper and deeper and your judgement of others becomes so much less and less. You expand in ways and vibration extension that brings a deep sense of happiness and growth toward a greater awareness and understanding of ourselves. Your hearts expand upon each step you take on your own “Angels Path” toward the love within yourselves, your hearts and your experiences. Surrender and love will lead you to this awareness, understanding, and destination. You become deeper and deeper aspects of these vibrations and experiences of love. You bring great healing to your soul and those souls you touch.

We bring love and peace before you, more and more awareness then comes upon you to what this truly means. Peace before you, our beautiful brothers and sisters. Be with peace. All of our love, we send to your hearts,

David and Kord, from the ever lovin’ Four.

Hello, All! Cindy here!

I love elephants, so of course the elephant metaphor speaks volumes to me. I am that elephant. I have been examining my own stake in the ground over the last few months. It began with feeling a tension, something stirring within, percolating, bubbling over occasionally, and I sort of braced myself for a clearing that felt imminent. Since Scott began channeling the soul that is my brother David and The Four, they had been helping me with releasing energy blocks, so I had some experience and felt I could anticipate how the process would go. This time, however, the blocks felt bigger, like lifetimes of pain, eons of pain and it was confusing and really scary.

I’ve heard a saying that God gives us only as much as we can handle. So, like peeling the layers of an onion, I began going through my inventory and clearing a bit at a time. It took time for me just to sort out and identify my feelings, everything felt jumbled. Something seemingly mundane would trigger an ego outburst, after which I would go into deep shame. A couple of days of contemplation, self-reflection and then my spirit would lift, then another wave would wash over me and more triggering, more pain and shame, more reflection, more surrendering. I felt stuck in the surf zone! It just kept coming for days and days, then weeks and weeks. It was exhausting. I needed a break and was getting ready for a much anticipated family reunion and I intended to be done with this process, so I could enjoy our trip. We enjoyed it very much. It was a welcome respite, but when we got home, it was apparent that there was more work to do.

Our dear friend conducted a sound healing workshop that involved 30+ alchemy crystal bowls, gongs, harmonium playing, chanting, meditation, and inner child healing and reflection. It was a wonderful weekend experience with an amazing group of women. Oh boy, did it stir up even more for me to release and I was already “ripe.” The next wave hit me within minutes of coming home at the end of the workshop. For the next couple of weeks, Scott and I volleyed back and forth, both clearing energy blocks while the other held space and supported. It was quite intense for both of us.

David and The Four were supportive and loving, gently reminding me of who and what I am. There were some writings that I could not read aloud, as I typically do. My ego was wailing so loudly, I could not hear or accept their words. That said, throughout this whole process, I knew this was ego and karmic, like a program running in the background. At one point, David was able to break through my ego-induced fog and said “your ego, your fucking ego, is full of shit!” (Yes, he said that.) My first response was, “THAT should be on a t-shirt!!” But that simple statement broke through. Where before all I could feel was anger, shame, fear of breaking apart if I let go of my conditioning patterns, I suddenly was laughing.

At another point, he said that I kept reliving this trauma and pain, but was forgetting the self-forgiveness part of the surrendering. How many times had we spoken of self-forgiveness and at that moment, it felt like an entirely new concept. I needed to come to accept and forgive myself for my humanness. The Ho’oponopono Prayer, the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness, came to the forefront again: I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. That mantra has pulled me out of many dark places and it continues to serve in the most simple and impactful way.

At yet another point of deep pain, I heard, “since when are you responsible for everyone else’s feelings?” After sitting with that and feeling gobsmacked, I started looking at all the times I felt compelled to carry everyone’s feelings. I felt that my children’s, my family’s, my husband’s triggers were all because of me, because of something I did or didn’t do. What an epiphany! That understanding, awareness, and moment of clarity was enough to help lift me out of my funk. Still the waves keep coming, but I have some footing now and feel more ground and I don’t get tossed around as before. Now I can see my ego clearly and how it has been feeding me lies.

And now comes the gratitude! Gratitude for being on the other side of this long dark night of the soul (mostly). Gratitude for the clarity to see my karmic issues and to practice surrendering what no longer serves me. Gratitude for my husband who was doing his own clearing and still stood by me with love and support. Gratitude for the daily “therapy” sessions with David and Kord, even though I felt like I was a tough nut to crack at times. Believe it or not, I feel gratitude for my ego for it has led me into the valley of darkness and showed me where my old conditioning patterns originated and how they have controlled my behaviors and are no longer necessary. There’s so much more to be grateful for…

So, I am now feeling like my stake in the ground is much looser and I’m feeling confident that I can pull it out completely. I’m ready to surrender that reality of being tethered by my thoughts and move into a new reality with freedom to express my authentic self. Little by little, I am recognizing when I take steps toward revealing my true self. This writing is one of them.

Thank you, fellow beloved Souls, for listening this far. I am plucking my silver heart strings that connect me to all of you and sending you love vibrations and prayers for your own peace and calm.

With a warm heart,


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