Hearts are Built to Love

Hello Dear Friends,

In this writing, Hearts are Built to Love, the guides brought to me a little different take on the human heart. It is simply this: all hearts are built to love. This is the main purpose and function of the human heart. Often circumstances, karma, trauma, etc. block us from realizing this. Part of our life’s path, our life’s journey, our mission is to return to this knowing, this awareness and then to manifest and connect to this love that rests within all of our hearts.

Some hearts open to love naturally and some do not. The guides encourage us to recognize and accept this, for all of our paths are different and of an individualized nature. All paths lead back to an awareness that we are love. Some sooner than others, in linear time and over lifetimes, but each individual’s soul path is of a different nature. When we respect this, we hold no judgment, we accept them and hold no resistance to their life’s journey.

With this vibration and understanding, others do not feel judgment, criticism, or lack of understanding and they may (or may not) be more open to looking inside of their own hearts for love and validation. They may be able to drop their defenses and be more open to self reflection, growing self awareness and movement toward self love.

We offer our love, our acceptance, unconditionally. To offer love with an expectation of the other changing in some manner in response to our love is conditional. It is only when we offer it freely with no expectations, that love can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Love always makes a difference, you may often not be in a position to see this and that’s okay.

The Guides wanted Cindy to focus on her heart, her heart chakra, the feeling of love that is possible. Many of us have experienced the warm feelings of love within our hearts and our bodies, when someone shows us a kindness and we feel gratitude, the warm feelings when we look upon a loved one with tenderness, respect and admiration. The Guides desired for Cindy to feel those feelings within her heart and her body and to connect and embrace these feelings while processing the message. The following mediation was to do exactly that.

The Guides also say that these warm feelings of love are a reflection of our true self, the center of our true nature. All of us, and I feel very confident in this, have divine guides and angels that love us deeply and truly desire the most benevolent outcomes for our lives and our experiences. If you desire, you may want to ask your guides for assistance and guidance. They are waiting for this and are eager to respond. You may be pleasantly surprised.



Scott:  David wants to speak before we get started…

The meditation

David says that he loves us beyond words and beyond measure,
and to let that resonate,
let that knowing,
that feeling of his love and his presence be available and present within your own heart. 
Feel it there. 

Allow yourself to feel the vastness and the scope of Love, of his love, the love he holds for you.
Feel that vibration. 
Feel that feeling of Love in your heart, that feeling that is elusive to describe. 
Where there is warmth,
there is comfort,
there is security,
there is wisdom,
there is patience,
there is acceptance,
there is compassion,
there is understanding,
there is the embracement of Love,
embracement of your own heart. 

Feel that heart and the awareness of who you are and where you are and allow that awareness to expand. 

Allow your heart energy to expand with this awareness,
reaching, pulsating, originating and being of your own heart and spirit. 
Your own love. 
Your self love,
your tender love,
the love that you give,
the love that you receive,
the love that you are. 

Allow this feeling to wash over you and comfort you, support you and guide you, and 
the more you are this love. 
You carry the wisdom of love. 
You carry the compassion of love,
the acceptance,
the understanding,
the discernment,
and the clarity. 

Allow yourself to wallow in…
soak in…
these vibrations,
these new avenues of thought and perception
and acceptance of love,
the love that you are, the love that we are, the love that the All is.  

Proceed when you are ready, dear sister.


Good Morning Dear Souls,

Coming to love ourselves, coming to love each other, coming to love the All. As we embrace ourselves as love, as we surrender judgment and criticism of self, we begin to love ourselves more and more.

When you are holding another in judgment, it is difficult to hold feelings of love within our hearts, we explode in misunderstanding and there is no grace of love before our hearts. So it is with self love, as long as we hold ourselves in self judgment, the less and less we can connect with feelings of love within our hearts. The more our hearts harden and are not open to love.

The more your hearts stay open in love the more our hearts can fully function…be love, give love and receive love. The human heart is built to be an engine, an orchestra of love, a manifestation of love building on itself/ourselves. It is only when our hearts are open that we can stand firmly upon the “three legged stool of love” (being love, giving love, and receiving love).

As we move to love ourselves and our hearts operate fully with love as our driving force, the more we find ease in loving another. The more you see, feel and observe the love that their hearts can hold. Their hearts may be small and constricted by self doubt, judgment and blame. But it is still a human heart and hearts are built to love. Nurse their hearts by sending vibrations of compassion and understanding before them. Give another an opportunity to love by exposing them to the vibrations of love and acceptance that pours forth from your hearts. As beings of unconditional love, you continue to love them no matter the reaction or response of their hearts. You see their hearts and their wounds. You see behind their behavior and you see and know the potential of the human heart.  You simply love.  For we are love, are we not? (chuckles of contentment and acceptance).

As love goes, we go. As your hearts open, we go together. Waves of love we hold before your hearts, hearts growing in love every day. Love David, Kord, Mary and the All that is the Four

C:  That is concise and compact.

S/4:  So it is only healing of the wounds, seeking the blind spots of our lives, healing where our hearts are constricted, where we suffered wounds, where we suffered pain, where we hold experiences that we have not yet surrendered.  It is in the healing of those aspects of ourselves that we find ourselves open to love, to be love, to give love, to receive love, and to hold this unconditional love before another.  Self love, stepping into that arena through the willingness to heal your self and the many aspects of your self that are blind, that cause pain, that cause anger, that may not be as love aligned as one may wish. 

As you heal these aspects of yourself, then you can surrender judgment and forgive yourself. You are able to step into self love, which allows you to love and be love and be fully standing on that three-legged stool.  That is where unconditional love comes from.  That’s where power, strength, clarity, discernment, the ability to manifest aspects of love that serve you, your self, your loved ones and the All. 

So through that arc of self love, you heal and aid those around you and the more you are able to be open to other perspectives, other opinions, other desires, other experiences.  And you can accept them, their truth, their path with unconditional love and acceptance.  Holding, of course, discernment and understanding before you and compassion for the blind spots they carry, while having the willingness to shine unconditional light upon them.  Within this opening of your heart, you are able to receive whatever love they have to give, whether in full measure, partial, or a trickle, depending on the condition of their heart.  But your openness, your love, allows them to give, to begin to receive, to dip their toes into the waters of unconditional love.  Your love can be a crack or wide open, a wide open door or a shut door from their perspective.  And again, the unconditionality of your heart, of your self acceptance, your self love, allows you to hold them without judgment and you accept, allow and appreciate all.  You see their human hearts, no matter how small, no matter how damaged, you can see and feel the love within them, even when it is such a small nugget that they cannot see it at all.  You recognize it.  You see yourself in that nugget of love.

C:  Thank you.

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