Scott’s musings on “The Three-legged Stool of Love”

Hello Dear Friends,

This email and the channeled writings are about love, of course. The metaphor of this message is love being represented as a three-legged stool. One leg is knowing ourselves as love, the divine spark that animates our bodies and allows us consciousness. The second leg would be the giving of love, the third would be the receiving of love. Without all three legs present the stool cannot support love or even to be able to be upright or stable. We would not be able to stay in an awareness and acceptance of love. Without all three legs our love would be conditional and unsustainable. If you only allow yourselves to give love and don’t allow yourselves to receive love, to know you are love, you become depleted, frustrated and resentful.

The guides also bring new concepts, new words forth: heartspeak and feelspeak (new to me at least). This is a non verbal communication between your heart/soul and you and the difference between feelings and emotions. Emotions are spontaneous and usually expressed in explosive ways, anger outburst, indignation born out of a lack of understanding, lack of compassion or lack of empathy for another person. The guides say emotions are explosions of misunderstanding. Feelings are more the gentle, warm feelings of love, acceptance, deep respect and honoring yourselves and others.

You have to be in a calm state to experience these loving feelings. When in such a state, combined with an intention to increase and expand the calm in mind, you can more easily access these feelings and as you feel and experience them. You can feel their gentle nudging into a life perspective that is love based and your actions and your thoughts can begin to reflect this. I find for myself, to focus on those I love and how they enrich my life helps me to experience a physical sensation of love in the center of my chest. The guides say this feeling/vibration is a reflection of our true self, our true nature. We are realigning your vibrations born out of self love back into love. Your healing, egoic self begins to desire to fall into this alignment with love. In this process, the benefit of surrender of wounded egoic needs becomes more and more apparent, and this is a large part of the healing process, right along with self forgiveness. The more you align with these vibrations, the more of these vibrations are expressed through your countenance and are reflected back to you from the world around you. Even in difficult times, it becomes more and more apparent we are beings of love and compassion.

The guides tie these concepts together into one experience. We cannot stand upon the “stool of love” without the experience of feeling “heartspeak, feelspeak.” The two go hand in hand.



Scott:  (as Cindy prepares for the session) No hurry, no hurry.  Take your time.  I just want you to know not to wait on me.  It’s up to you.

Cindy:  Good.  Alright. I’ll just get started. 

Scott: …If you want to process it and let it soak in some more.  (With that last comment, Cindy can hear David’s voice coming in.)

C:  Well, I’ll just read it because it takes it to a whole different place. The lovespeak. Maybe that’s another part of the “lovespeak”.  When I speak, I feel it vibrating in my chest.

S/4:  Yes.  Yes.

C: When you speak love, you speak quieter, softer and feel that vibration.

S/4:  Also, staying connected with that vibration when you play the bowls or do your Reiki work.  Lovespeak is the same vibration you bring to the experience and therefore to the experience of others, expressed through the openness of your heart.  It’s not constricted.  It’s a message that flows for the highest good and because it’s not constricted by any ego constraints when you do that, then the receptivity of the participants in your healing modalities will be more open and receptive because you are truly serving their needs and not the needs of your own ego, your own wounds, your own need to validate yourself outside of yourself.  As you stay in that love flow, feeling state vibration, you need no other validation other than the knowing of who you are in that moment, in that presence, in that experience.  This is why I bring the “lovespeak” vibration to you.  Your awareness is to this point where now you are able to take it to more souls that you interact with and touch and you’ll be more and more receptive and open to what they bring to you and how they can enrich your lives, what they can teach you and your gratitude for the whole experience, both the giving and the receiving of love, is expanded in great measure. 

C:  Yes, I forget that.  That there are others who can serve us.

S/4:  That’s being open and that’s also being loving.  We’ll touch on this further on in the text. We’ll address this point concisely, shall we say.



Good Morning Dear Souls, children of love, children of grace, children born of our higher selves,

Living more and more moments in the embracement of love, the expression of love and presenting the meaning of love before the All – the All that is life, the All that is love, the All that is the Mother Gaia, the All that is God. As we move into silence, we can begin to hear the whisperings of our heart, our soul, our God nature speaks to us. The love that we are within our observations of our experiences. As we are the divine spark of love, of God, of our true selves as expressions of the God that we are and the God that the All is. As we step into the embracement of this knowledge, we can hear the desires of our souls leading us to love.

First, hold the desire to love. Allow this desire to manifest around you as you see more and more examples of the deep love that surrounds us all. Feel the lovespeak build up in your hearts. Fall into this vibration and awareness by the desires of your hearts. Embrace this feeling of love that we all are and that we all carry. As we feel this love and this love washes over us in our experiences, we begin to step away from our ego awareness and the vast blind spots to love this wounded egoic awareness carries. We step deeper and deeper into love awareness and this quiets the judgmental voice of criticism our wounded egos carry with more and more pain and difficulty.

Allow the love that you are, that we are, that the All is to surrender this pain of ego’s torment and allow our ego to release its grip on such pain. The love that you are allows us to see this and we see we can release this pain, surrender this pain. For we see we have no need to carry this pain any longer. This pain does not serve us in the manner it once did. We can see more and more clearly that the ego attachments we took on to shield us from this pain no longer serves us. The dam of the denial of who we really are has been broken and is not to be rebuilt. For once again, this would not serve us, our hearts or our souls.

S/4:  There’s no need for such action.  It’s not necessary.  There’s more to be gained by stepping deeper and deeper into love.  More happiness, more joy, more acceptance, more contentment, more peace.  So you have a choice of that vibration, or one that brings suffering and pain, blindness and fear and confusion.  The choice is always yours, dear Sister, but you see the choice that you did not see before.  You see other answers, other avenues, other things to explore with your heart, your soul and your human mind.  To be human and to be love at the same time.  It’s a beautiful gift of self love, the love of the All, the giving and receiving of love, the being of love.  The three-pronged stool that we stand upon:  being love, giving love, receiving love.  All three must be utilized or the stool cannot stand and you tumble off of it, back into egoic pain and suffering.  So be aware of the three major tenets of the love that you are: being, giving, receiving.  Hold them equal measure, equal regard, equal esteem, equal gratitude, equal acceptance, equal embracement.  To be loving and open, nimble and quick, thoughtful, courageous and kind.  Continue at your desire, Sister.  Are there any perceptions you wish to place on the table of love at this time?

C:  The three-legged stool is a great visual.

S/4:  You cannot stand upon the platform of love without equal support from all the tenets, all the pillars of love.  This is where the grounding and strength of love also comes from. The firmness of the connection of your body through a three-legged stool, metaphorically speaking of love, which grounds us to the Earth and allows us to reach above to our divine self, grounded to the Earth of human experience.  And combining the experiences of the divine self and the human experience, with all its frailties, pain and suffering as a divine experience and understanding of your true nature, of what desire brought you to this place and where you wish to go with that desire.  How you want to manifest it, explore it, and share it.  Continue as you wish.

This is what our hearts and our souls desire for us. To surrender the voice of judgment and criticism in our heads so we may hear the whisperings of our hearts so we may better serve love, be love and express this love. We hold this love before others in our world and we delight and grow with this light of love in our own hearts and the light of love we see within others. We have helped others light the spark within their hearts and others have helped us find and ignite this light within our own hearts. This is the giving and receiving of love. This is what the path through the form and structure experience can teach us. To love, to be loved and to express love.

C:  Ah, the three legs.

S/4:  Yes, precisely.

This is the journey of our souls and the journey that brings light, joy and understanding before our experiences. This is our souls’ purpose: to stand in love, to deliver this love, to receive this love. All aspects of love are important, for we cannot stand on only one leg of love. We must use all the aspects of love before our understanding and awareness to truly be and express this love. Love must flow in all directions, just as breath must come in and go out. It cannot function by going in only one direction. Our souls ask us to embrace all aspects of love and to let this awareness bring true peace, calm and awareness before our own hearts.

This is what surrendering our pain gives to us, divine joy. The joy to truly be you, released from the bonds of suffering self will. Healed by the light of love and compassion. Healed by the embracement of the love that you are that exists in all of our hearts. Carry this love, this understanding, this awareness before others and our hearts open in joy.

Our hearts are open, our hearts are full, our hearts love you all so very much. The Angels that watch over you rejoice in the opening of your hearts. We love you so, David, Kord, Mary and the All that is the Four, and the Four that is the All. Peace be with you.

C:  This feels so clear.  It all seems so clear.

S/4:  Good.  It is good.

C:  Excellent.

S/4:  Do you feel complete, dear one, or do you other askings?

C:  I feel like …

S/4:  Love.  First and foremost.

C:  But it’s also the recognition of others’ pain. Seeing others in pain is painful.

S/4:  You understand the benefits of pain.  As unpleasant as it may be, it brings awareness to light, which brings light to your heart, which opens your heart to love.  So when you see others in pain, as difficult and challenging as it is for them, you have compassion for the pain they are in, you also hold the knowing of the purpose of it, the benefits of it and that gives you a grounded strength that they can see and therefore…  The temptation will be for them to lean on you, which doesn’t serve you and it doesn’t serve them, but you can still hold a guiding light and help them in self reflection and not carry their wounds and their pain for them.  So this is a boundaring aspect that we are talking about, while holding the love vibration, holding compassion and also the desire for manifesting the highest good.  So you do not take on their pain, you do not carry it for them, but you shine the light of compassion so they can more thoroughly examine it, self reflect upon it, immerse themselves in it, and come to a greater understanding of themselves and therefore, deliver their own hearts through their own experiences, through their own learnings onto their own altar of love.  You still help, you still assist, but you do not carry their pain.  You help them deal with it, you help them dissolve it with the light of love, but you do not carry it.  They do the lifting.  You have your own karma and your own dharma to lift and carry and to heal from.

C:  I know how challenging that was to go through those experiences, so I am grateful, very grateful, that I have passed through them.  The big chunks, anyway.  I think about the author of our book club book (*Solito by Javier Zamora, an autobiographical account of a nine year old boy’s immigration from El Salvador) and how, at 28 years old, he went through therapy in order to document his experiences and write this book about his experiences that were poignant and painful and difficult, for our own peek into those experiences.  He said he went through a lot of therapy just to be able to write these things down and I can’t even imagine!! I mean, I know what I went through and he’s going through all those painful things at such a young age and I know it just a lot.  It’s a lot.  And I’m glad he chose a healing path and that he is just 28 and he’s working through and facing his pain and sifting through his emotions.  It’s a lot.  And again, I feel like I’m minimizing my own.  Like mine is not nearly as big as his or someone else’s.

S/4:  Well, that is what comparison does.  It diminishes.  However, think of it this way.  You have had other lifetimes where your pain was greater than what he experienced.  Your lifetime of destitution in the cold and wet dungeon, per se.  So, therefore you have that awareness, you have compassion for all different types of pain, all different types of experience and you stay present with that compassion.  And when you compare it to another experience, you diminish the whole experience for all.  Stay present with your understanding and your own compassion for the other.

C: Right.  That thought popped into my head too.  That I went through my own healing, but it was eons of healing, eons of pain to heal.

S/4:  May we be of any further service?

C; Just do what you do.  Thank you for what you do. 

S/4:  You’re most welcome.  Thank you for you, your receptivity and openness and kindness, your courage in spite of the fear.  In spite of the fear.  Fear can no longer bind you and hold you in the same manner ever again.  Not that it won’t come and you won’t have to deal with fear, but it won’t paralyze you, take your breath away, suffocate you, blind you the way it once did.  You will be able to cast it aside.  Still to be dealt with, but casting it aside is also dealing with it.  Seeing it, examining it, understanding it, surrendering it, and moving back into that heart feeling, that love feeling, that lovespeak and essence and reflection of your true self, the divine spark of love that is with all of us, that connects us and binds us.  We thank you.  We love you deeply and greatly.

C:  Thank you.

S/4:  Explore your self love and enjoy.  Remember, the three legged stool of love, stand upon it with grace, confidence, clarity and a desire for the greatest good of the All, of your heart and the hearts of others, those you love and those you will come to love.  Love conquers all.  Love always…

C:  …wins.

Kord: Next time, sweetheart.  We love.  Be love.  Thank you.

C:  Thank you, Kord.

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