To love oneself is where the path to happiness lies

Hello to you all,
The title of this post sort of says it all, so let’s just dig into the transcription of our conversation about self love being the key to happiness!


Good Morning Sweet Souls of love, life and experience,

For this is why we are here, what we are to experience and what we are to be, what we are to express. Love, sweet love.
To love oneself is where the path to happiness lies. One can only bring happiness upon oneself. No one can make you happy, only self love can do that.

Scott/The Four:  When you don’t love yourself, you can try to love another, but it depletes you.  So when you don’t hold self love for yourself and you extend love for them, you don’t have anything to support that love, it is a finite source. When you have self love and love is flowing through you and you are extending love, it comes from an infinite source and it is never-ending.  It is a smooth experience and it flows with ease.  But when extending love without self love, you may be able to give some, but the tank runs dry very quickly.  Then it becomes a sacrifice that is not for the highest good and brings pain upon your soul and fatigue upon your spirit. So to extend love without self love is not a sustainable action.  It causes injury to the one extending love because you become depleted and fatigued.

C:  I know that is what happened to me that Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.  I was pushing myself through the motions and I just couldn’t do it. I felt panicky and overwhelmed and I needed to shut down. I felt so weird.

S/Kord:  Fear-based.  Not being enough.  Not doing enough.  Not being good enough.  Not being competent enough.  Not being intelligent enough.  Which, of course, is all fallacy.

C:  Yes.  That’s exactly what happened.  I’ll continue now.

And only you can choose to love yourselves. No one else can choose self love for you. Another may desire this for you, however only you can deliver self love to your own hearts. Try as another may, no matter how much they may love you, only you can change, only you can choose to embrace the light of self love. It certainly helps if you have loving Guidance along the way. 

C:  Yes, it does help.  Considerably.

S/Kord:  And be open to the whole idea, such that you can accept the love and guidance.  Love and guidance are always there.  If you have the vibration of moving toward self love, then you have desire for self love, then guidance is more readily and auditorily present.  While some people see it or feel it, it comes in a variety of ways, depending on the clarity of the channel, the heart experience and love you are expressing and experiencing.  So there is always love and guidance, but again it goes back to the desire to love, and self love can be underneath that. You have the desire to love and you pursue it, then self love raises itself up as something to support that desire to love another, the desire to be better, the desire to be happy, self love is underneath that.  So you can see that extension of love being, “If I get that over there, then I will feel better,” it still is a movement toward love.  It may be somewhat limited in its perspective and understanding of such, but that is irrelevant.  Self love would follow and you step into a greater expansion of awareness and acceptance of love.  So it is a teaser, shall we say.  So guidance is always present.  It matters what sort of vibration you have, what sort of desire you have to be happy.  You know how happiness feels.  Continue as you desire.

A teacher may point to the path of love for you, shine a light of love for you on the path to love. However, only you and you alone can choose to follow this path. No one can choose this for you. This is your choice alone. Only you can choose to be happy. 

Try as you might, you cannot deliver happiness to another’s heart. You can choose to love and accept them and this is certainly an assist and we all can use the loving help of another soul who understands love. But each must choose to walk this path alone. The more you accept another without judgment, the more light you shine upon them and the more the path may be lit by the light of love. However, if one does not wish to or choose to open their eyes, they will not see or embrace the path of love before them. They may wish or need to walk in the darkness of human experience a little longer before they make this individual choice. 

Kord: …while you stand in acceptance of that.   

When you see another struggle with self acceptance, self compassion and self love, your hearts go out to them and this delivers a peace to you. For you see more and more clearly what is yours to carry in understanding and what is theirs.

Kord:  Within that is more acceptance.  You are not trying to make it different from what it is. You have clarity and do not have a blurred perspective, so you do not carry the weight. So within that clarity of the understanding of the perceptions, there comes a sense of ease.  You see clearly what is before you and you have no desire or urge to change that because you know it would not be of any benefit or value to anyone.  So you stand in acceptance with an open heart.  Shine your love on the moment.  You can do that when a wave of emotion pulls you away from that temporarily, momentarily.  So when you stand with an open heart, in acceptance, you stand in love.  Ego’s words cannot touch you or harm you, in that moment.  Moments change, obviously.

C:  Yes.

Some will wish to play with and in love with you and some may not. This is their choice and does not reflect the self love you give yourselves with tenderness and compassion. Whether they see the light of love open before them or not is a choice you cannot make for them. To hold compassion and acceptance before them is certainly a choice that brings vibrations of peace and acceptance before them and this serves both your hearts. The opportunity for shared joy and experience is before you both, but only you are responsible for your side of this equation, opportunity and experience. 

Kord:  (Laughing)  Imagine dancing with a beloved partner.  You dance your steps.  You cannot dance their steps for them, you have to dance your own steps.  But you can still have a beautiful dance together and you can be connected in so many different ways to where you can grow and move together with love and grace, but it is still a dance.  You still have your own pleasurable experience of such.  But there is cooperation in that, is there not?  There is love.  You still take your half and do your own steps, based in love.  The other does the same, or not, but you can dance together.  Take responsibility with clarity and love, without judgment or criticism.  You may continue.

You can only deal with your side of the experience and how you choose to do this is up to you. Choose light, love and compassion or not. To walk toward love or not is a choice one can only make for oneself. Your compassion can help another but the choice to accept your love and compassion is up to the other individual that you are standing with. They may see you or not, this does nothing to the self love you carry for yourselves. How they see you and the world around you and them is a reflection of their own pain, self acceptance, self rejection and the love that they may or may not hold for themselves. Their understanding and acceptance of the grace of love has no real bearing on the self love you carry for yourselves. You send vibrations of love and understanding as a reflection of the love you carry within your own hearts. This creates your experiences of joy and the other creates their own experiences that may or may not be ones of joy and self acceptance. If one needs to walk in the dark a little longer, this has no effect on the love you hold and carry within your own hearts. 

You see this with more and more clarity. You see the light of love within your own hearts, you embrace the beloved small child within with more and more clarity and intention. Your heart light reflects this. Your “feelspeak” tells you this more and more as peace and love expand within your own hearts and your own experiences. (With acceptance comes peace)

Walk with self love and have deep compassion for others on their own trek to love. This brings grace to your hearts. 

All of our love in all the moments of the Now of life. Each moment an opportunity to feel the love within your hearts. David, Kord, Mary and all that is love and the All that is life and the All that is the Four that brings love to you. Feel our love and open your eyes and your hearts to the love that you are and enjoy the self love that comes with this experience.

Kord:  So, you asked about “feelspeak”  Imagine you have a rush of gratitude, a rush of love, you have a rush of admiration. In that moment, that would be the heart shouting at you, when the heart typically speaks softly, which is its prominent vibration.  That would be an example of the heart jumping up and down and extending attention into your consciousness.  That is a form of feelspeak, the longings of your heart based in love.  So you might first experience it as an impulse, a flash of compassion and the more that you feel those and you see what is that feeling of love, what is that feeling of acceptance, what is that feeling drawing you to, what is it nudging you toward, which way does it wish you to flow?  And the more you feel those feelings…emotions are more of the shouting type, more ego-based yet feelspeak does have touches of that from time to time, but not in a general sense. So the more you listen to the yearnings of your heart, the nudging of your heart, the more you feel the emotions, the feelings that come up, the more you feel the feelings directed in a certain manner.  This is with intuition also coming through as feelspeak.  They are often of a similar vibration.  So it is learning to listen to the yearnings and urges of your heart that are based in self love, not of wounded ego expression.  Sometimes the ego expression, combined with self love and feelspeak can be quite a powerful experience for you and those you touch.  You do not chase these moments, you allow them to unfold before you through your vibration of acceptance and love.  You cannot force.  So the more you feel your heart, the more you feel the feelings of your heart, the more you interpret them, then the more they speak to you in a non-verbal way. They are still the intention and the love they bring forth and how they are going to bring healing compassionate energy to your vibrational fields and countenance are true magic and in many ways, more nuanced and precise than actual verbiage.  So the more you listen to the whisperings of your heart, your feelspeak, the more you can interpret in a way that best serves love, that guides you toward love. A stronger compass toward love than verbal words.  It is more of a true heart-based experience.

C:  Okay, I’m getting it.

Kord:  It’s a deeper feeling than words.  Words can feel like they are on the surface of the water, feelspeak is the deep, deep currents that run below that.

C:  Okay.  So it’s not feel / speak, like speaking out what your feelings are.  It’s not verbalizing.  It’s your feelings speaking to you, your heart speaking to you and what is your heart saying? Feelspeak.

Kord:  Pointing the way like a compass. The compass doesn’t yell, “North!  North!”, but you can see which way it is pointing.  The feelings are more of an intense vibration that is of a highly pleasurable, positive, more fulfilling sensation than the empty words of ego’s impulses and you feel more truthfulness to this.  It speaks on a deeper soul level and is deeply connected to the divine. You are connecting to the divine through the heart chakra.  The chakras are the bridge between form and structure and the divine.  So feelspeak is feeling your heart and what is the heart saying to you in a manner of love vibration.

C:  Yes.   Thank you.  That clarifies that.  I want to re-read this part again with that clearer understanding of feelspeak.
If one needs to walk in the dark a little longer, this has no effect on the love you hold and carry within your own hearts. You see this with more and more clarity. You see the light of love within your own hearts, you embrace the beloved small child within with more and more clarity and intention. Your heart light reflects this. Your “feelspeak” tells you this more and more as peace and love expand within your own hearts and your own experiences.

Kord:  With acceptance comes peace.

C:  Ooh, I like that – “With acceptance comes peace”. I like your “nuggets”, your slogans!

Kord:  They are just concise.  That’s all.

C:  That’s why they are so perfect.  Short and sweet.  I also like in the text how you show both sides of the picture.  How we can only make choices for ourselves and allow others to make their own choices for themselves. 

Kord:  Shine the light on the path. That is the loving thing to do. Whether they open their eyes and follow the path is of their own volition and is not a reflection on you in any way, shape or form.  Lack of awareness is lack of awareness. It is not necessarily an act of malice.  Often ego will experience it as malice.  It is not intended that way, of course, but is simply a deep unawareness.

C:  So some may say that another word for malice is “evil”.  Is there really no evil, but simply deep unawareness?

Kord:  Ignorance combined with anger, pain and rejection of such and the acts that you could call evil if you wish, but are simply ignorance and unawareness, combined with pain and is an expression of such.  The more you want to say something is evil, the less connected it would be to love.  The more disconnection from love, the further away it may be from love.  The further away from love you are, the more pain you are in and the more you spasm and reject, like a seizure against the pain.  That would be what some would consider a most evil act, but they are simply again an absence of love.  The more evil you would deem an act to be, the less connected to love it is.  To call it “evil” is simply a label.

C:  Right.  That would be judgment, which is conditional.  To even label it as evil…I see what you are saying.  It’s a deep…, the opposite of love… a deep pain.

Kord:  It’s a deep hurt.  When you hold the vibration of acceptance, you soothe that deep vibration of pain, anger and suffering onto others, you make them have the same fate of your heart.  The pain in the heart, the ego’s complete unwillingness to even deal with heart, passes it to others to carry through what you would call evil acts, or acts of deep ignorance with pain.  When you understand the pain, then you can have more compassion and you see beneath that label of evil, you see the pain, the PAIN the soul is suffering, then you can have more compassion.  Do not judge the anger in the same manner.  It doesn’t mean you necessarily need to indulge in it or participate in it or allow it to injure you, but you still have the understanding which breeds compassion, which allows you to drop judgment, which allows you to stay in the vibration of self love and self acceptance.

Do you have any more wonderings, my dear?

C:  No, I think that feels complete.

Kord:  Until our next….lovefest!

C:  Yes, Thank you, Kord!

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