Scott’s Musings on “Riding the Soul Train of Love and Experience”
Hello Dear Friends
The guides have been expressing a viewpoint of our lives as a journey. Each step is a different experience. The first half of our lives we are building and acquiring—our education, our careers, our spouses, our children for some, our homes, and our material possessions. In the second half, we begin the process of surrendering these things. We retire from our careers, our children move out of our houses and on with their lives, we may downsize our homes, we give up the vitality of youth, our health may decline, our loved ones may begin passing in greater numbers and ultimately we follow. We surrender life itself.
The trick—so they tell me—is to realize this and accept this journey and all the different stages of it. To say, “my child moved out of the house” is part of the journey; “my body is changing” is part of the journey; “my circle of friends has changed” is part of the journey; “I see life differently than I did before” is part of the journey and so forth.
For this soul journey, the guides use the metaphor of a train ride to represent our life’s path from the beginning at birth to the end when we pass on from this life. On this train, we observe out the window the passing and changing landscape, as we observe the passing experiences of our lives.
The guides keep emphasizing this: We are not our experiences. We are observers of these experiences and hopefully we learn and grow from them.
Hoping you find meaning in these words as Cindy and I have.
I love you all!
Good Morning Sweet Souls, touching the tender hearts of your soul with love,
We are to touch our hearts, to touch our souls with love. Ego simply comes along for the ride and grows in awareness and peace along the way. Think of the journey of one’s soul as being on a train ride. The ride lasts a human lifetime. You are on this ride, but you are not the train. As you watch your world of experience go by, like the landscape outside a train window, you are immersed in this experience and it feels as real as real can get. But it is not. You see beautiful landscapes of love outside these windows of your soul, you see tragedy, trauma, and pain, and each of these experiences bring lessons upon your souls. Each moment, looking through the windows of your life, you can gain experience and understanding, if you allow it, if you are aware that you are on the train of life to live, learn, love, grow, forgive and to give back, to serve others on this train of life.
Some have no idea they are on such a train. Serve these souls with tenderness and love. Serve what best heals their souls, see the pain held within their hearts, expressed through their ego and deeply respect where they are on this train ride to greater awareness and how lost they are in the dark, how much some embrace the light of love and how different and unique each soul experience can be. Honor this with deep acceptance. This acceptance brings peace to you and you reflect this through your countenance. This is a vibration that can serve others in so many different and wonderful ways. Ways you may not see or understand and this is of no matter, for your acceptance is so deep.
As your soul begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel, your gratitude and your embracement of all aspects of your lives and the lives of those you love grows. The purpose of the ride, the journey, becomes more and more clear and your gratitude for all the experiences from the ride becomes greater and greater. See the lessons of the dark. Your growth toward love is served by these lessons of the dark and you embrace these lessons and have compassion for those who reject these lessons through the ignorance of forgetting who they truly are. They think they are the train. They see little value in the dark landscapes that roll past their windows of experience.
Hold a greater awareness of this. You are the love that values and loves all experiences that your soul has encountered through expressions and experiences, through the egoic lens of life that form and structure provides. You are the transformation of love provided through your egoic experience into greater and greater love, into the Golden Love awareness of greater and greater love. You are the love that holds all experiences with love. Your acceptance is so deep and your judgment is shallow and is getting shallower by each moment of your experience where you touch the love within your hearts and your souls. You are this love, not the experiences upon the train of life.
All of our love we hold before you. Golden love from our hearts borne out of our God nature to the God nature of your hearts that hold the awareness and the experiences of such. David, Kord and Mary give you this love with deep tenderness and deep, deep affection and love. Walk the Angels Path with us through the experiences of our lives. Walk the Angels Path and ride the train of experience. We are with you every step of the way!