Scott’s Musings on “A Dark Night of the Soul”
Hello All,
A bit of time has passed since our last email, for a number of reasons. A big one is we have been distracted for a while now by the building of a 12 x 20 foot gazebo in our backyard. It’s been a little bit of a “Field of Dreams” kind of experience. Guidance keeps pushing us to put this together—they call it “The Center”—and they tell us there will be a level of high activity there. So far the cement is poured, the structure is erected, we have shades and rugs and we are continuing “feathering the nest” so to speak. Power, lights, ceiling fans and furnishings are on tap.
We will use it for a variety of purposes, but the main one will be to hold sound bath events on a regular basis. Guidance has been telling us there will be a lot of activity in this sacred spot. We’ll post pictures upon completion. It’s been an interesting journey. Please stay tuned.
A bigger reason for this delay is that I went through yet another “dark night of the soul” experience. More like three nights actually. These have been experiences of confronting what the guides call energy blocks, of releasing unhealed trauma that in this case, I wasn’t aware that I was even carrying. The trauma that you can recall and confront is a bit easier to address and I think I have released and healed most of those. As far as I know, anyhow. This was trauma from before I had words or memory. The guides have been speaking of the “trauma of birth experience.” We come from an experience on the other side of the veil, where we are totally secure, totally loved, and feel totally safe. We are immersed in unconditional love. Then we come to this plane of existence where ego-centric experience and vibration is the most common experience, conditional love reigns and is often exhibited as “I will love you as long as you…. make me look good, do as I ask, be who and what I think you should be, etc, etc.
We are extremely hungry for unconditional love and will take any substitute we can, we take praise for our actions, validation of our worth from other’s opinions of us, our material success, flattery, admiration, and so on. We can become workaholics, chasing praise and validation from another. This was behavior I certainly exhibited through my years of hairstyling and much more.
As we separate from the unconditional love before birth and adopt our parent’s ego experience and vibrations, we feel homesick, or an unconscious yearning for the unconditional love that we left behind, or at least the feeling of it. This is traumatic pain we all share. And until we tap into and face this pain, it follows us and we can be “triggered” into an emotional reaction that is not typically love based.
I also have a very emotionally damaged father who endured massive trauma from his father—significantly more than I endured as a child. He joined the Navy at 17 to get away from his home. I arrived shortly after his 20th birthday. I know if I was in his shoes, at his age, I would have certainly felt overburdened by responsibility and resentful and put upon, as I believe my father did. As long as I can remember I was never “mature” enough or “tough” enough for him. He felt he had to make a man out of me by applying strict discipline and this created trauma and resentment with me. I felt less than. I know now, I chose this experience before I came into this world and at this point I have a certain gratitude and peace about it. However, as a young vulnerable infant, this vibration was too heartbreaking to bear and I walled off this pain within myself for survival. Until the last dark night that is. I can only explain the dark night as being highly triggered with no relief. Staying in a high state of agitation, self-judgment, and pain that seems to never end. Dark thoughts can be highly present. But as one can accept and face these feelings of pain, we can move to a point of surrender, self reflection, and understanding. Then, we can begin to release this pain and feel relief as our energy blocks clear. I feel deep compassion for someone who has poor relationships with both their father and their children. I’m very grateful that I have loving relationships with my sons and my heart mourns for my father’s pain. I no longer hold judgment over his behavior and have forgiven him in my heart.
The guides pushed me into this emotional state. Both the dark night and the subsequent surrender of. For the two months before, or perhaps longer, my channeling shifted and they backed away to a large degree. There was still communication, but something felt off. There was something unsatisfactory about the experience. Both Cindy and I noticed this. I felt a certain level of discomfort and unease. I found myself observing others’ pain and their acting out, I understood their egoic pain and still found myself judging them. This judgement is something I don’t usually do and I found it difficult to release. I kept working on what the guides had instructed us to do, surrender, accept, allow, and appreciate. This provided a bit of peace, but the discomfort was still present under the surface of my life and awareness. It slowly built, much like the proverbial frog in the pot of water slowly heating up to boiling. Until a small comment triggered the resulting ”dark night of soul” experience.
The guides later explained that they had to push me to the next point of surrender, until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Until the discomfort got so great the only option became one of surrender. They stepped away from me to a degree that finally triggered the very human feeling and fear of ABANDONMENT. After coming to this realization, I was moved in the direction of surrender and I’ve experienced an expanded feeling of peace and acceptance. In acceptance, we can surrender the struggles and our resistance to life and circumstance and we can live more peacefully. We can accept each moment of the Now for what it is and can choose to express love in these moments. The egoic compulsion to change the moment to one of our likings is released. We do not have the need to force our ego’s will upon the moment.
Now that I’m on the other side of this experience, I understand what the process entailed, why it happened, and what it brought to me in understanding and growth. And I’m grateful for it. My relationship with guidance is clearer, as is the channeling and the topics discussed. The guides speak often of being grateful for both the light and the dark of life. Because the lessons gained in the dark deliver us to the light and we become the love that embraces both experiences of the light and dark of our lives. This is emotional alchemy. This brings us compassion and we can better understand and withhold judgement for those who are lost in the lessons of the dark. We all must come to a point of pain building up until it can no longer be tolerated and then we can surrender when there is really no other option left to us. This process can take lifetimes and we may be observing someone who has more pain to be experienced until they can come to this point of surrender. Again we extend compassion to those who are experiencing deep suffering.
I heard years ago a priest once said that the shortest prayer is saying “Fuck it!” It is for when despair has brought us to a place where we throw our hands up in surrender, we give up, we stop fighting life. I didn’t fully understand then what I’ve come to understand now. This prayer makes perfect sense to me now.
So, in that sense, I say “fuck it.” And that I love you all very deeply.
Validate Who You Are By Your Treatment of Others
Good Morning Dear Souls of Light and love,
Carrying the knowing of yourselves as love, having the love that you are validated by the love that comes forth from your hearts into the experiences of life. Seeing more and more that one cannot look to others to validate oneself. No one can support you in validating your self worth, your self love as much as you can. We tend to look outside of ourselves for validation and this outside endeavor falls short, time and time again.
Those who are without knowing that they are love cannot truly see you through the darkness of their pain. They will often see you as less than or more than. Neither of these viewpoints are truly aligned with love. Both are reflections of their inner pain, the darkness that envelops their eyes.
Only by truly loving and accepting our self can we stand in total awareness that we are love. The doubts of form and structure do not speak to us in the same wounded manner they once did.
As you stand in self acceptance and self love, the need, the desire to prove yourselves to anyone, falls away. You have self love which you feel deep in your hearts, which no one can describe or explain this feeling to you in the way your own hearts do, when you hold the awareness that you are truly aspects of God’s love. Validation by others becomes a moot point when you hold the validation of self love before your own hearts.
As you move into acceptance of self, you move into acceptance of others, acceptance of the All that life is. Once you accept yourselves as love, you accept the All that you are, you accept the All that is around you. You accept others where they are at on this walk of life. You have no need to change them, your desire is to accept them. You feel the love that you are connect with the love that they are and this assistance can strike a like vibration within them and starts their hearts, their souls moving toward love once again.
Scott/4: So we don’t look for validation outside of ourselves, nor can we truly provide validation for another. But, you can be a catalyst for the lighting of the pilot light of self love in another. You can touch them. You can recognize the vibration that they are, that they hold. You can see it through the darkness of their outside persona, their behavior and actions that are aligned with wounded ego, but you know – even if they do not – that they are love at their core. It may be buried deep, under many layers of darkness, but through your acceptance, through your compassion, through your surrender of judgment, you can reach through that darkness and touch, for a moment, a piece of love that is within their hearts, that is buried deep.
Like two tuning forks next to each other, you ring yours and it alights theirs and it vibrates. They may never have had this vibration before, or at least in this lifetime and experience. They are this vibration, but they do not hold that awareness. So in that moment, the two tuning forks of the heart vibrate together. You ignite a vibration of love within them and they feel this acceptance, they feel this peace, they feel this compassion.
It may be a new experience for them and in some, in that moment, they have a feeling of acceptance and love, but at the same time, it is a new experience. Something they are not aware of. So they may in that moment, after feeling that love, they may feel a moment of embarrassment, a moment of “I have been exposed”, “I have been seen” and many times, that is something that may be dangerous in their past experience with being touched by the darkness. So when they do feel that love when you touch, they may have a reaction to where they initially want to respond, but then they step into fear, they step into self judgment, they step into fear of being seen, fear of being judged, fear of being criticized, mostly by themselves, and they snap the door shut and they envelop their hearts in darkness once again, but you have touched it. That light has been lit. Now they may not be able to respond to it today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. They may respond instantaneously or maybe not until the next lifetime. No matter. The flame has been touched, the vibration has been started. You’ve been a catalyst for that. What they do after that is up to them. However, you continue to love and accept them.
They look at you with that feeling of embarrassment, that feeling of shame that you “saw me”, because they are judging themselves so harshly, they can only think that you are doing the same, but the energy you give them through your eyes, the energy of compassion, the energy of non-judgment, the energy of acceptance, the energy that says
I see you
and I love you.
I see that part of you that is love
and I honor that.
I hold that as a representation of your true meaning,
of your true heart.
It may be encased in the darkness,
in negativity
and injury
and reaction,
But nonetheless,
buried deep there,
I see the love that you are.
And within that acceptance, within that non judgment, you can bring a vibration of love, a vibration of acceptance. Maybe they can be able to acknowledge it and maybe they cannot, but you stand before them with that vibration. Within that, because you’re not judging, because you’re not criticizing, because you’re not comparing, you stand in a peaceful vibration of acceptance. No matter how they respond, you have that peace of acceptance – you accept them.
It’s just like when you forgive somebody, you let go of those negative feelings, those ways of looking at somebody as less than or more than. So when you drop that vibration of judgment, you stand within that same clarity of vibration. You stand within that same peace because you are not putting out any judgment, you are not tormenting yourself with those vibrations of criticism, judgment, shame and doubt and all those things that we put upon others when we judge and we put upon ourselves.
So in that moment of acceptance, it is a gift to yourself because your hearts are free and clear. Your hearts are not carrying criticism and judgment and those vibrations of “you are less than” or “you are that and I am this”. In those moments, you recognize the love within each other. You see love in each other and you see how your hearts are connected as one. You still use the power of discernment, you still use the power of good boundaries, you still use the power of self love, but nonetheless you stand in acceptance. You stand in compassion and that compassion brings love and peace to your own heart and your self acceptance continues to expand and grow, which ignites more self love. This allows you to shine your light into the dark corners of other souls. You afford them the opportunity to see that light, if they choose to, if they wish to, if they desire to. And you hold the opportunity for them to turn towards love and your acceptance, your compassion is the knock upon their door that gets their attention.
Please continue, sweet one. Did that resonate? Do you understand our point?
C: Yes. Thank you. Allow me to wipe my tears and collect myself.
Two tuning forks in true resonance. It is only in the true acceptance of them as they stand before you, the divine in pain, souls of love in different stages of opening their eyes to love, that you deliver unconditional love before them and the answers they seek can be found in this love. You validate who you are by the acceptance of them as they stand before you. You love the love within their hearts that you can touch with your hearts and you accept the expression of their pain with great compassion. Acceptance and compassion are the keys that open our hearts to love. Yours and those you touch. You accept them as the hearts of love that they are and your compassion for their blindness grows and when you uncover such blindness in yourselves, you know how to deliver self compassion to your own hearts.
You surrender your denial that you are anything but love. You surrender your false stories that your ego wishes to tell you in your suffering and your pain. You step into the validation of your self love and you accept yourselves as who you are in each moment of the now. When you judge, then you forgive. The judgment comes up, you see it, and then you move to surrender this judgment as the love in your heart returns you back to love.
S/4: So what we are saying is, the instinct to judge is part of the form and structure, egoic experience. The ego, even in its healthier moments, still has a tendency to move towards what the ego is for, to propel you forward, to see this is this, or that is that, or I need to be here, or I don’t want to be there. It moves you forward, so judgment is part of the discernment process. The awareness of all and then the acceptance. You may see someone’s behavior, have compassion for it, so in a sense you are judging it, but you’re not harshly criticizing it. You’re not holding it as less than. You’re just seeing it as part of the human experience that wounded ego brings to it. You’re not judging it, but you’re seeing the behavior nonetheless and holding compassion for it. That is one side of the coin. The other side is you judge it and you use it as a tool to make yourself feel better about yourself. “I’m better than that person” I am not doing this. I am not doing that, so therefore, I am more accomplished. I am more worthy. I am more this. I am more that. That is also part of the human experience. A part of the edge of discernment that slices through the reality of our existence.
But how do you observe that? How do you work with that? How do you understand that, that cleavage, that arc of judgment’s blade? So you can see, “Oh, I am moving into compassion” or “I am moving into criticism” through that judgment, through that sword. Then you can say, “Oh, I am moving into criticism and my own self invalidation” and then with that, you move into forgiveness. You do not stay in that vibration and continue to emit that. It comes up, you discern what it is, you discern what it means. Is this compassion? Is this judgment? And then you surrender that. So that becomes a reflection of action that keeps you from fully immersing yourself in judgment. It comes up, you see what it brings to the situation, you see where the learning curve is, you see where the compassion is and then you surrender that and move forward and have gratitude as your life becomes partially less burdensome, one less energy cord, one less weight of obligation, one more weight of judgment that you have surrendered.
C: Yes, surrendering judgment.
S/4: It’s going to come up. What you do with it is the key.
You surrender your denial that you are anything but love. You surrender your false stories that your ego wishes to tell you in your suffering and your pain. You step into the validation of your self love and you accept yourselves as who you are in each moment of the now. When you judge, you forgive. The judgment comes up, you see it, and then you move to surrender this judgment as the love in your heart returns you back to love.
S/4: Judgment comes up, you see it, you observe it and then you move into forgiveness. Of judging, and from the others, for how you held judgment before them. Or how they judge themselves. You forgive them for that, with compassion and acceptance.
You are human and these are some of the processes of life, of form and structure experience. You validate who you are by your acceptance and love of self and others. Acceptance begets acceptance and love begets love.
Love, brother David and father Dave, brothers-in-Love, delivering these messages before the love that you hold in your hearts. Let us vibrate in love together. Tuning forks vibrating as One. For the One, for the All. Catch the vibrations of love and hold them in your hearts.
S/4: Do you have any askings, dear one?
C: I think this would be good to put out on the website, along with your additional commentary.
S/4: Agreed. That was our thought and our intention also.
C: Yes. Do you have a suggestion for the title?
S/4: There is one sentence…we’d like you to paraphrase it down: “You validate who you are by how you treat others”. [“You validate who you are by your acceptance and love of self and others.”]
C: I think we all can recognize that looking outside of ourselves for validation is highly unsatisfying.
S/4: But we chase it, for we know no other avenue of relief. It’s what you bring to people through your acceptance, through your compassion. You validate that part of themselves that they can’t touch, or they are unaware of, or they are afraid of, or they simply do not know. So you validate the love that you are by your acceptance of others.
They are saying that this is the perfect time and place and venue to work on it. This gives you the space and time.
C: Yes, thank you.
S/4: You are most welcome, dear one. Dear little sister, Dear daughter.
C: Thank you. It’s nice to hear Dad and to know that you’re front and center today. (a few moments of tears)
S/4: Validate who you are by your treatment of others. You understand?
C: Yes. Thank you.
S/4: Would you like my hand?
C: Yes, please.
S/4: (After a few moments of energy exchange) Until our next encounter, until our next meeting, loved one, beloved one, dear loved one. Thank you. Until then.
Be kind to yourself. We love you, for you are love and how could one not love love? When you see it in the true clear light of what it is. When you stand before it, clear-eyed, with gratitude, with acceptance. The bright light of who you are becomes more and more clear, more and more obvious. Thank you. Until our next encounter, it’ll be soon.