Just Be

Scott: I have been listening lately (and reading along in the book) to the Jeshua Channelings (Pamela Kribbe) and they say to “just be”. The Four were commenting on it. When you drop the self judgment, the self criticism, the voice in the head that is not aligning with love or presents you with a viewpoint that is somewhat less than love, all the things that ego does. When you surrender that, then you don’t have the critical voice, you don’t have the judgment and self criticism, then you just be who you are without judging yourself or anybody else and with presence and awareness and love vibration and acceptance. So you drop that voice in the head, that critical self talk, those old tapes that the wounded ego aligns with, then you can just simply be who you are in those moments, fully present, not judging anything, not anticipating anything, not throwing any expectations out of any sort, accepting what come to you in that moment, and just sit with that with love. It is such a relief and such a freeing feeling emotionally to have, to be free of the self talk, the criticism and self judgment and self admonition. So that’s where freedom comes from. You’re not shackled by that viewpoint, that lens of reality, that perspective of you being less than. You are love, but you forgot that you are love. So because you forgot that you are love, it is easy to fall into that “I am less than that” because that is what you came from to create that contrast, to create that darkness and misunderstanding to where back into light. There’s a greater awareness and appreciation for both the light and the dark of life. They both brought you to this point of awareness and love, so aren’t they to be equally balanced, respected and treated with love?
So that is what came through this morning. I just dropped in really fast, it was surprising. I didn’t even bother putting my crystals in place. I did put one on my third eye and crown, but that was about it.
C: Well, I’m looking forward to reading this morning’s message. I’m going to wordsmith a sentence or two.
S: A lot of times, it makes more sense once you read it out loud. I was typing fast.
C: Alright then, I’ll begin.
Good Morning Dear Souls of light,
Children of God, light emanating from your bodies, waves and vibrations of love. Souls coming from the primordial soup of the collective of souls from which we moved into form and structure from, becoming individual souls of awareness.
Learning to “just be” by dropping forms of self judgment and self criticism. The destructive voice in your head goes into a silent mode and the relief you feel leads you to greater compassion and grace. There is peace and calm with the release of these self critical vibrations brought forth from your soul’s experience with pain and misunderstanding. From standing in ignorance and then moving into deeper and deeper awareness of ourselves as beings of love and awareness. Instead of self judging, you simply “be” who you are, and this awareness of yourselves as love leads you away from wounded egoic identification. The surrendering of judgment and criticism, both of self and of the All (which is ourselves, of course), brings a sense of peace and acceptance. You simply are who you are, an aspect of God awareness and love, of acceptance and grace. This is who we are at our core, and you have purposely forgotten who you are so that you may have more and more experiences of contrast, bringing who you are into a sharper focus and bringing a deeper appreciation of the love that you are.
The more you feel and see the contrast in your lives and the lives of others, the more you appreciate that you are this love that wells up in your hearts, as you experience more and more and deeper and deeper compassion and grace. Peace falls over your hearts and awareness when you simply “drop the rope” of self judgment, truly coming to separate who you are from your past experiences of pain and suffering, lessons and vibrations that are more completely experienced in the form and structure experiences. The soul progression and turning toward love is accelerated through the contrast of your experience. Love on one side and egoic experience on another and you come to truly feel and see that you are love. The contrast of the experience makes this more and more plain to you.
Those around you begin to see this love welling up in you and the peace between you and them grows as does your compassion and acceptance. Your intentions and the awareness of the love that you are brings vibrations of peace before you and you hold this peace when you encounter souls that are completely blind in this lifetime of experience. The “being” of who you are without judgment allows this. You surrender judgment through your self love. You are perfect aspects of God with the human frailty of the experience built in and when you know this, you breathe easier and walk upon this Earth with lighter and lighter vibrations of love. You are not your ego and you are not your wounds. You are love and as each day passes, you step further and further into this knowing.
Peace and love before you and the All that you love,
Your loving brother, David and with the backup that the Four accords. Go in peace, our beloved ones.
C: That was beautiful. Okay, so…you surrender judgment through your self love. Would you like to comment further? It is a beautiful message to just “be”.
4: It’s an act of self love, because to judge yourself would not be aligned with loving acts, so to love yourself is to surrender judgment. If you are judging another, you are not standing in love, you are standing in judgment, you are standing in ego, which says this is right or this is wrong, this is black and this is white, this is up and this down. That is what creates the contrast. We have appreciation for the contrast because through our experience of the contrast and the shaping and honing of the contrast, you come to understand who you are and who you are not. We are also grateful for the ego, in the form and structure environment, because without that dynamic, you would not have the contrast that helps us to remember and brings us to a greater appreciation for the alignment of love that we are. So therefore, the contrast and ego involvement is of a highly appreciative experience. It is a beautiful device. It is a wonderful tool, particularly when it is used consciously and with love. Then it becomes that much more sharper and you cleave to the heart of the matter, which is love, with that much more ease.
You have the misunderstanding that you are love and you stand in the ignorance of love, then that blade that cleaved with clarity is dull and broadens and is not sharp to cut cleanly and that creates more and more contrast. So, as you come through to the awareness of this pain, when you get to the bottom of the well, so to speak, where there is no place left to look but up, you can’t look down any further because you are already as far as you can go and everybody has got a different depth of well, depth to the bottom, but nonetheless, at that point, you look up again. And you would not look up if you didn’t have the pain and contrast to help you look up to see who you truly are, the light above us that draws us back home.
C: Yes. Very beautifully said.
4: It all comes down to accepting yourself as love and through that, you surrender criticism and you surrender self judgment and you simply find yourself being who you are, which is a love vibration, which brings peace, harmony and gratitude and all those aspects of love that we hold so dear, that we find so beautiful. And you also understand that you would not have that understanding without the contrast of life, without the frailties and admonitions that, even though you stand in love, you’re still going to experience those frailties from time to time because that is what we are here to have, to have that warped, honing experience is so much sharper and there’s more grit to it than there is on the other side (of the veil). There is a deeper realism that you experience on this side which propels our souls to reach for greater understanding of ourselves, which is why we come to this dimension (the third dimension), this plane of existence is to sharpen and hone ourselves to where we have a greater appreciation for the love that we are. You need the darkness before you can appreciate the light. If you’re just in the light, you are not flowing, you are not moving. You are stuck, as Jeshua likes to say. So it is through the honing process that we get momentum back toward love. So we created something that is not love so we can come back to appreciate ourselves as love more and get that chi of life, the yin and yang, the light and dark, the male and the female, the left and the right, the up and down that move and flow towards love. When you are always turning right, you have only one course of action. The contrast of life gives us multiple avenues to explore and discover ourselves per and deeper aspects of love and therefore, deeper appreciation for the love that we are.
C: This made me think of our niece, this one sentence where you said, “Those around you begin to see this love welling up in you and the peace between you and them grows as does your compassion and acceptance.
4: Well, they feel no judgment from you so therefore they can relax. They feel accepted. They feel understood. They feel seen. And within that comes a certain feeling of confidence, a certain feeling of safety, that you’re not going to be attacking, you’re not going to be judging, you’re not going to be criticized, which is the common human element of ego that the majority of people experience pretty much all the time. So when do you have that respite, that vibration of unconditional love before you, it feels good and you relax and you appreciate it. You are drawn to it, you move into it. Now, not everybody is going to be of that awareness, they are too lost in the darkness at this point, which again is where they are supposed to be karmically, so do not judge that. We do not hold that against them, we do not make them less than that. They are at a different spot, a different point in the journey towards love. But those who are a little bit further along – and again, this is not a linear thing; it’s not an “I came before you”. It is a more a greater understanding of a deeper experience. It is just having more experience, shall we say, in this particular form and structure dimension. They will have other dimensions, other experiences so you do not hold yourselves as “better than” because, at the end of the day, we are all aspects of love doing our individual exploration of the honing and the contrast of life. Experimenting with the different darknesses and tasting different levels of it and having different experiences of it, which all bring to the greater Collective Consciousness a greater awareness of experience and therefore a greater awareness of the love that we are. So we all contribute in our own way, no matter where we are in this process of coming back to life and love awareness. So those who are more ready, yes, you can initiate them. You can give them that little nudge that moves them towards love, that allows them to feel the love swelling in their hearts and they’re not quite sure where it is, they cannot quite touch it yet, but it’s there and they are starting to experience it. You can help nudge them in the direction where therefore it lays and therefore they step into a greater awareness of love that your vibration of love helped support them to where they can make that decision, where they can feel safe in that journey, in that void, shall we say. Which is always a fluid and shifting nature, of course. Which again helps us with the contrasting aspects of life. And we do not judge the contrast. We do not rail against it with the same sort of venom misunderstanding and judgement brings you, because you understand what contrast brings to you. It doesn’t mean it’s always a comfortable experience or you are not going to have egoic moments within that experience, but the awareness of the contrast of life and what it brings to you allows you to move through that process of honing that much more quickly and with that much more ease, which you are fully aware of.
But having gratitude for those difficult points of life because again, it is accelerating our learning curve of our soul journey towards love. It gives us more momentum towards love, to hold a greater awareness and intention of that. It helps us keep that to a greater percentage, shall we say, of our total awareness and consciousness of who we are. So we have a deeper and greater understanding through our appreciation of it, for we have a broader understanding of it. We see with wider eyes shall we say, we see more what is in the periphery where you once only saw what was directly in front of you. So you see a broader pallet of life experience and love, the great tapestry of love that is before us. And we can focus on the colors of that tapestry that speak to us and nurture us and bring us home again.
C: And to bring us back to one another, to come back to embrace one another, embrace the All.
4: Well, again we are all love. So to embrace another is to embrace yourself; to embrace yourself is to embrace the All. It’s only the egoic aspects of life, and we’re not necessarily saying this is bad, we are not saying this is good, we are saying it is simply what is. And that accepting the “what is” of life is part of having that egoic structure begin to work for you, in a sense of manifesting what most speaks to your heart. It’s never going to work truly against you, though you may seem that way, but again that is the part of the contrast of life, part of the honing experience. Sometimes you have more intense honing and sometimes you have less, but as you move more and more towards love, you need less and less intensity of honing. There is still honing to be done, nonetheless, and you have appreciation for all the moments. And each honing experience propels us that much further towards love and our heart will, through that process that is not always fun going through it, but when you are done with that process, your heart will open wider in gratitude, love and acceptance, self love, self appreciation and love for the All. And the judgment becomes more and more distasteful. Something that you find less and less any interest whatsoever to even participate in. Then, you can stand in the knowing and being of self love and love of the All. You simply stand and bask in the light of self acceptance and self love. Your hearts are drawn to this and they open and they soften and they expand and you feel more and more the gentleness of your soul coming up and feel more and more peace within that. That is the vibration you hold before others and that is how you begin the ascension process, which is already well underway and there’s more to go, of course, but that is the vibration that connects us and helps lift us all together. Some, of course, are completely unaware of that and are lost in their ignorance and judgment and that is fine. That is where they are at. Nonetheless, you hold that vibration of love and understanding.
So you can call this website post “Just Be”.
C: Perfect. Thank you! Thank you so much!
4: Enjoy the transcription. Your heart will be very tender!
C: Yes, I feel very tender right now, so thank you.
4: You are most welcome. We are here to serve. Thank you for allowing us to serve our purpose, which also helps us in high degree and we have great gratitude for the opportunity and the blessings it brings upon our experience. We are very fortunate to have this relationship and we have great gratitude for that also. So we cherish you every bit as much as you cherish us.
C: Yes. Thank you.
4: Any further askings, dear sister?
C: Not at this time. And if I do, I’ll save it for our next gathering. Thank you.