
Hello All,
The guides wanted to talk about prayer. They’ve discussed this before and today’s message is a deeper dive into the topic. Many of the messages I receive carry a strong similarity, and there is an aspect of repetitiveness, however for me, each message is a slightly different viewpoint or take on whatever aspect of love, acceptance, allowance and appreciation they are bringing to me. In this case prayer. Each message can allow me a small shift toward a deeper understanding, acceptance and a desire to dive into love more deeply. When I fall short, and I do, I have an opportunity to practice self forgiveness and acceptance, always doing my best to make amends if I’ve caused any harm to another.
Each day for the last 35 years, I have repeated the same prayers/affirmations and the guides still show me new aspects of meaning within my own words. As I have moved to live with more love based intention, I find the nuances of meaning shift consistently. The connection, understanding, clarity and the power behind the prayer increases.I see just how deeply we are all connected and I see the power of collaboration and serving for the highest good that serves all of us.
Also, the guides have been sharing lately a viewpoint that we All share one heart, God’s heart, and this connects us, and we each contribute our own piece to the grand divine puzzle that is one of the great mysteries of life that we experience as we walk through life together. As we become more and more aligned with love, the more we can receive glimpses of the divinity that our souls carry. Often there are no words to describe this. I’ve had fleeting experiences and I know the deep pleasure of self love that I experienced. This is available for all humans, the path can be through prayer/meditation, resulting in self reflection, self forgiveness, self acceptance and self love. It’s a journey and can be quite difficult at times, however I believe this is where the love in our hearts will ultimately lead us…. and it is so worth it. Whatever your path is, wherever your heart leads you. Each unique experience aligned with love contributes to all of us.
I love you all,
Scott/The Four: So they are saying, we are not the behavior, we are what creates the behavior and with that understanding you have more control over the behavior you create as opposed to the egoic side of yourself grabbing the steering wheel of life. You are what creates the behavior; you are not the behavior. You are the catalyst and the instigator of the behavior, but you are not the behavior. You’re the spark, but you’re not the fire. So how does that spark come? Does it burn or does it come and bring light and bring love, or does it create destruction, which again is a learning experience for the soul and the ego.
[Scott: What the guides mean is this: do you come here and “burn” your life, create more karma through behavior of your wounded ego that does not serve love, and not move toward greater self awareness? Or do you come to embrace love and acceptance, bring light to yourselves and others?]
It’s an interesting point of view…we are what creates the behavior, we are not the behavior, so what do you want to create through your intention and through your awareness of yourself as love? So we are offering you an avenue, a technique, a modality, a mechanism to be more fully conscious of who you are and more fully conscious of the behavior you wish to create and the vibrations you wish to bring before others and how that affects their heart. Then, what peaceful vibration do you hold through the creation of the behavior that you choose? Which makes a lot of sense, but we don’t think of it that way do we? We don’t look at it with those eyes. We look at it with a narrow perspective with an egoic point of view, like looking down through a long tunnel and it’s opening before us and our awareness of who we are and what is around us increases.
Cindy: Shall I begin reading?
4: At your readiness.
Good Morning Dear Souls, hearts of love, hearts of compassion, hearts aware of the God nature of love that gives our souls meaning, learning and experience, leading us back to the God awareness that we truly are,
Seeing the power of prayer when aligned with love.
4: Which is just another way of setting your intentions vibrationally out into the world or your desires, which creates manifestation, particularly if it is aligned with love.
Prayer that speaks to your hearts of love. Prayer that is for the highest good.
4: So they are saying that if your heart is of love and you have a prayer that is for the highest good based in love, they are aligned and connected. But as you are a love-based organism and if your prayer is not love-based, it’s not going to align and it’s not going to manifest in the same way or with the same beauty or intent.
Prayer for the highest good that serves your hearts and, therefore the hearts of the All that connect us together as divine aspects of love. Prayer not aligned with love, prayer without love is your ego pleading, bargaining, negotiating for its self interest without the awareness of the love that is within our hearts, within our experience and within our acceptance. This type of prayer often does not serve the All.
S/4: But occasionally, you get lucky. (They’re laughing.) Occasionally, you’ll have an ego-centric prayer that will help (the All). Like the saying “a stopped clock is still right twice a day.” So however many minutes are in a day, a week, for two minutes a day you get lucky. But by and large, egoic prayer does not … but occasionally, there is some movement, which is why some people continue to pray in that manner. You know, you pull the handle of a slot machine in Vegas and every once in a while, you do get a jackpot, but by and large, from a cost/benefit standpoint, it’s a losing proposition. But you hit just enough jackpots for your ego to continue to go down that road, chasing that elusiveness, almost like an addict chasing the first initial high, which is very serving and really helps them numb themselves to the fact that they are unaware of love, but then that effect dissipates and so you chase that feeling over and over and over again.
And so it is with prayer, egoic prayer, you get lucky once in a while (if you want to put it that way) and then you get stuck chasing that. Whereas if you can realize that we are love and then, in the spirit of what is best for the other, which is always going to be what is best for your own heart (what’s best for your heart is best for all hearts, from a perspective of unconditional love) and then you hit the jackpot every single time, as opposed to a random hit or miss.
But the “jackpot” is not going to be of a materialistic nature. We all know an ultra-wealthy person who is bereft of love in any way, shape or form and they have no abundance of love. They may have a vast accumulation of materialism, but there is no abundance of love. There is abundance of stuff, which basically serves a voracious ego always hungry for the next fix. That is where the Windigo* comes from, it’s never satisfied, it’s never enough. You can see that in others behaviors, you can see it all around you.
*Windigo is the mythical creature or spirit in First Nations lore that represents humans when they lose sight that they are spirits of love and can experience an enormous hunger,becoming insatiable and voracious,coming to consume anything and anyone. We first read about Windigo in one of the essays in “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
C: Consumers consuming for the sake of consuming.
4: Well, they are trying to scratch an itch that they cannot reach and they keep trying because they don’t know any other way to do it. It worked once. A dog scratches here for a flea, but now the flea is over there…
C: It works for a moment, but it’s not lasting.
4: No. But it happens enough to where those trapped deep in ego see no other avenue to pursue that non-productive materialism, which also brings lessons to the soul.
C: But sometimes we want to attract material things that make us happy, give us pleasure.
4: That’s a different dynamic. You’re not chasing it for egoic healing. It’s a vastly different vibration and when you do acquire something because it brings you pleasure, it makes your life more enjoyable because it helps you to create a pallet of experience before others that’s going to bring vibrations of love. When you acquire something that way, you have gratitude. When you acquire something to sooth the ego, pursuing that addiction, there’s no gratitude. You’re just hungry for the next fix. So there’s no gratitude and that brings us further and further away from the vibrations of love.
Scott: That was interesting, I never really thought of it that way, the gratitude component of materialism as opposed to putting a materialistic bandaid over a gaping wound. That’s not going to do a lot. It may temporarily stem the flow of blood a tiny bit, but it’s not going to change the prognosis, what that wound is going to bring to you.
C: I was just thinking back to my childhood and Calvin Klein jeans. Everyone wore Calvin Klein jeans and so I had to also. They were expensive for me on a babysitter’s income, but I had to have them. But wearing them didn’t make me feel any better about myself. I still felt teen angst. Maybe momentarily, I felt better, but it just brought more judgment to me, self-judgment to me. Okay, let’s move on.
Prayer for the highest good that serves your hearts and, therefore the hearts of the All that connect us together as divine aspects of love. Prayer not aligned with love, prayer without love is your ego pleading, bargaining, negotiating for its self interest without the awareness of the love that is within our hearts, within our experience and within our acceptance. This type of prayer often does not serve the All.These vibrations of misunderstanding bring us more experience and exposure to the frailties of being human. Through this awareness of this dynamic of prayer, with true love based intention, we find our way back to love, back to ourselves, back to God.
Loved based prayer unites us as One, One love, one awareness of love, one of deep compassion for the souls in pain that have not yet come to this place of surrender and our hearts weep for our brothers and sisters for the pain they must experience to lead them back to the awareness of the love that is within their hearts. Your prayers become more and more for others to experience love and the divinity within their souls so they may find peace and self acceptance within their own hearts and their own experiences. You have no wish to bring your own agenda to their lives. No, your desire for them is to find their own selves in their own self discovery and acceptance of who they are and what they are here in the form and structure experience to learn and grow from. You accept, allow and appreciate the all that is life and you surrender to the love that we can touch within this form and structure experience. This love that is us, you, we and the All.
Prayer with the true intention of love is powerful and strong. Not in the ways of ego aligned prayer and the pursuit of the ego’s form and structure desires. This egoic desire brings material success, but does little to soothe our souls. We can enjoy the form and structure experience without identifying ourselves as the experience of egoic soothing that is only a short term solution to a long term quest to return to love. We see the long game of love and the short sightedness of our ego identification. The blindness that we as humans carry brings more and more compassion to your hearts as you observe the pain and struggle of those you love and we see ourselves in all these aspects of life for we are bound as One through the God nature and the deliverance of our hearts to love.
We judge none and love All. We have compassion for ourselves and others when we fall short of this intention and we step deeper and deeper into forgiveness and understanding with each experience that the form and structure experience brings to us. We step into greater understanding and this brings peace before our hearts and the countenance of our soul vibrations, bound more and more with love, reflects this before others. You become the mirror that they see themselves within, they see love in you, themselves and the world around them. We remind ourselves that we are love. The more you do this, the more you are this, the more the awareness of this comes before your experiences and your deep acceptance of the experiences held with no judgment.
All of our love, from the God nature of our hearts to the collective love that we all are and that we all experience through this the love that is within us. Our hearts beat as One. David, Kord, Mary and all that the Four delivers to the doors of your perception and awareness. Allow your selves to be the love that you are with the love based actions within the experiences of life. Embrace what serves love and surrender the rest with love.
C: That is a lovely closing statement: Embrace what serves love and surrender the rest with love. A parting gift! Especially when you refer to intention as prayer.
4: It is just the divine expression of your intention. It’s your heart speaking to you and speaking through you, manifesting through you. Which is what we spoke of earlier, the more you align love, the more you manifest that love. It may not come by way of a Ferrari, but the peace it brings to your heart is significantly more valuable to you than any materialistic object. Do you have any other askings?
C: We are as a species awakening, we’re in the process of awakening. You have said many times before that the momentum is gaining, building and just the few things that I have heard outside of our sessions here that we will still have some bumps along the road, but we are awakening.
4: The bumps help create the awakening, so they are valuable and you have gratitude for them and you can surrender them with love after they have served their purpose. See?
C: Yes.
4: They serve the purpose of bringing greater understanding and awareness of love and the love that you and the love that the All is. And you embrace that with more and more gratitude, more and more acceptance and with more and more peace within your heart and your experience and the vibrations you bring before others through that experience. So you have gratitude for your lessons for they bring a deeper understanding of your self as love. It’s quite clear and simple once you come to this point of awareness, isn’t it?
C: Yes. Can we shift gears and talk about Mary? Mary has been in the message a lot.
4: She’s a bit on the periphery still. She brings, from a physical form and structure point of view, a bright light of significance, but – as we said yesterday, when you step into that bright light and you haven’t allowed your eyes to adjust to the light, it’s blinding. It’s too much. It’s overwhelming. So Mary is in the wings, shining her light, influencing the messages, directing to a degree and collaborating and also accepting input from David and Kord primarily. She is quite in alignment with their perspectives and supports and loves them deeply, but she is a brighter light, to put it in linear terms of understanding, so she emitting light, she is influencing this process to a degree, but as you move deeper and deeper into self understanding and self acceptance of your self as love, her bright light will increase and she’ll step more and more into center stage. It will always be David and Kord to a degree…David first, Kord second and Mary will be a significant contributor, but she will be, shall we say, more of the coaching team and less the active participant that is bringing the message before you. So her influence will grow and grow and become deeper and deeper and you will feel and see her, touch her and understand her and have great gratitude for the unconditional love she touches your heart with. How she opens you to a deeper and deeper awareness of what is really around you and what you really are. So she has a significant influence, but her vibration is so high right now that it’s just too bright for you and Scott to accept this in its entirety because it would be too overwhelming. So you will feel her influence slowly growing over the coming weeks, months and years, becoming more and more prominent. Does that bring a greater understanding and awareness to her role and her presence? As high and clear as I and Kord are, sweet sister, her vibration is a whole evolutionary step above us.
C: So she is beyond an ascended master.
4: She is more aligned with the Divine, yes.
C: Is she an angel or of the angelic realm? Has she been in human form?
4: No. We would say, for your understanding, she is more an embodiment of the Yeshua vibration. You wouldn’t really call Jesus an angel. He is a divine being and presence and a very, very clear and strong representation of the countenance that Yeshua /Jesus carries is of divine alignment. Mary has a very similar experience of vibration. So she is a divine being, but we would not put her in the context of angelic. She would be more a deeply ascended master who chose to bring herself into physical form to bring more light to the world. So we would put her in the same realm of understanding as Jesus. A companion and partner of Jesus.
C: So she is the Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary energy?
4: Yes.
C: I have a lot of Marys in my life, too and they all carry that. When they carry her name, they carry her energy, do they not?
4: All feminine does. And you are only feminine or male in the form and structure environment. We all carry aspects of male and female, we are both, and we are one. It is only in the dualistic experience that you see the separation of the sexes. So she definitely speaks to the feminine vibration that women carry in this form and structure environment. She deeply influences men, as mothers often do, but men don’t always heed the call, as sons often do not. (Laughing).
She brings unconditional loving energy.
C: I think Mango (our kitty) likes her energy. We rarely see her kneading, but she is kneading on your lap right now.
4: Yes, we are aware.
C: She likes that, too.
4: Do you have another asking, sweet one? We feel complete…for today.
C: I think we are complete also. Love aligned prayer. Thank you for that. It’s very helpful.
4: Yes. You can simply entitle it “Prayer”.