Take a Media Break and Focus on Love
Cindy: Thank you for this message. Already, I know this is what I need to hear. So I appreciate the message very much.
Scott/The Four: Sent with love.
C: Yes, I can tell.
Good Morning Dear Beautiful Souls, souls of light, souls of love, souls of peace and acceptance,
For without acceptance, there can be no peace, until you accept yourselves, trust yourselves, trust your own hearts. Come to this place of self acceptance and you find love, you grow more comfortable in your own skin, have less and less of a need to judge anyone, most of all yourselves. To find the love that you are, you must accept yourselves as you are, knowing the path to inner peace comes from within you and the outer noise of the world and your self distraction allows your ego to remain in control of your lives, keeping you in fear and frustration.
Seek and find the tenderness within your own hearts, look for and feel the love within your own hearts. Allow this feeling, this sensation to grow and amplify. Focus on this and you can allow the outside distractions of your outer world to have less and less sway over you. Respond to the love you feel in your hearts and not the terror of your ego’s pride. Your ego will do all in its power to make the fear and the dark overwhelming. But all it takes is a little surrender with trust and the light that comes from your hearts, borne out of understanding and compassion, and the dark disappears. This can be as simple as flipping a light switch and the clarity of love and understanding come before you.
Find the love in your hearts and your sense of trust in yourselves and the world around you expands. You see the fallacy of the media and the news, not that painful events do not happen. The news just presents what sells in the largest capacity possible. If 1% of the news is violent and this sells better than the other 99%, know that you are going to see the 1%…100% of the time. Know that the other 99% of good-hearted, loving actions can still come before you, even if it is never reported by the news. You can step away from ego’s needs and fall into the arms of love with complete trust that the All is here to catch you.
Pain is here to teach you, a temporary experience that comes in the form of a temporary lesson.
Love supports you forever.
Find the peace within you so the outside world does not interfere with this self-centering love that self love and self care provides. Once you know you are love, vibrations of pain and suffering do not dilute this knowing and the peace this knowing brings to you. You still deal with the vibrations around you, you now can soothe them with peace. Allow this peace to flow from your hearts into your experiences in the world of form and structure.
Align with the love and peace that is around you and not the discordant vibrations of media that serves itself. This shifts your consciousness to vibrations that are of a higher nature and understanding. The outer begins to reflect the inner, first individually and then collectively, from a linear perspective. This will happen, is happening and has happened, all at the same time.
The inner consciousness and the collective consciousness are often very mixed and at other times, they are separate. The more you hold the awareness of yourselves as love, the more the inner and the outer consciousness awareness merge and our hearts are filled with love and compassion.
Focus on the love that you are, the love that you give, the love that you receive, the love that just IS. Such is love, such am I, such are you.
Let us speak soon, love David
C: Well, that is extremely powerful. Thank you. Thank you.
4: You are most welcome. Do you have any askings, dear one?
C: Let’s discuss the collective consciousness.
4: So we speak of the individual consciousness, which is ego oriented in the moment of individualized awareness, and then you have the collective consciousness, where you are part of the collective conscious, you are tapped in, you are fluid with that, you are aware of it, it is aware of you, you are one with that. So we’re talking of an individualized consciousness and a collective consciousness. And you have aspects of both.
Sometimes they are quite merged and you know those feelings of being in the flow and the feeling of bliss, and you know when they are quite separate, when you are in pain and suffering, things are rigid, things are tight, things are brittle, things are difficult. That is when you are in the ego-centric awareness.
So you begin to bridge the two when you find the love within your heart. You identify with that as part of who you are, that vibration, which is of a collective consciousness awareness. Bring that vibration to an individualized awareness and you mix the two together. The collective awarenesses mix and merge and then become a higher vibration of a collective awareness, a higher understanding and we as a species can then ascend together. Do you have any questions on those aspects?
C: I understand the inner consciousness, the collective consciousness is ….
4: When you are more deeply aware of the energy fields around you, you feel them and they feel you. So when you are deeply aware of the energy fields around you and you feel the emotional states of others and you feel the ebb and flow of life, the collective nature of life, you see yourself in all those different aspects of life, then the One becomes you and you become the One. The All becomes the One, the One becomes the All. And you become all of that. Within the collective awareness of love and the manifestations of love and compassion for those who are not quite aligned with love, that awareness deepens. Your love awareness grows and the collective awareness that we have together rises with your compassion for the Collective All.
You have the ability to see yourself within all those different aspects of life. That is when you are stepping into an awareness of total consciousness and within that comes a deeper sense of who you are, a deeper sense of the awareness of love that you are, then a gratitude for the awareness that you know who you are! Gratitude for that awareness increases that awareness and the love before you expands and expands and expands and your heart blossoms with joy and celebration. That is the energy we speak of when it merges with the collective consciousness and the outer journeys and the inner journeys that we share together.
But it starts with the individual desire, the free will that you have, to seek a different awareness of “who I really am and what I stand for and what my heart says to me. I am a follower of my heart, which is a follower of love, which is direct communication to the collective consciousness that we all share. When you tap into that love energy, you are stepping into the collective energy field of love. That’s how it vibrates and how it sustains itself. It is always switched on, it is always available. It is just whether you have the perceptive awareness to step into that energy field awareness and feel it.
The knowing that it is there is half the battle, a deep knowing of yourself, not a wishing or a hoping, but a knowing that it is there. And within that, you step into a collective awareness and you tap into those energy vibrations and they become part of your awareness and you become part of their awareness and within that you find security and comfort and deep compassion and understanding. And the cruel ways of the world do not cut you quite as deep. You see the hidden game that is in play and where we all wind up as greater aspects of ourselves, higher vibrations of our collective awareness, which is influenced by individualized awareness, which is tied to collective awareness. Within that, you bridge the duality and come to acceptance of our total self, as human beings and as divine beings of light and love.
C: I was thinking of the collective consciousness, not as the universal consciousness, but as our societal consciousness and where we are as a society currently in the world.
4: Well, there are arenas within arenas within arenas and they all manifest different viewpoints and different vibrations. [Scott explains further this comment, speaking of our individual consciousness within the societal consciousness within the Collective consciousness.]
C: That’s the consciousness I feel I have been tapping into lately. It is the dense, painful stuff going on in the outer world. But I agree with you about the media, that we are shown 1% of what is happening in this world and that we see just that 100% of the time and so that was very helpful.
4: So then a gun is fired in a different country and yes, it’s a terrible act and there’s a bunch of pain and karma and dharma and all these things that these souls suffer over there, but should that diminish the love that you have for your neighbor and your ability to interact with her in a loving manner? An accepting, appreciative manner? Should your behavior toward your beloved neighbor be affected by… Should you bring anger and discord to her because you are upset by something that happened over here that you have no control over? You have control over how you wish to bind with love, how you wish to express that love, how you wish to express that gratitude. You see our point?
C: Yes. Yes, I do.
4: Not that you won’t commiserate together over the events of the world, but you do not bring them and say I’m going to let this affect my relationship with this beloved person. Because I am angry about this, I am going to bring anger and judgment before her and that will ‘poison the well’ of our relationship. So just because there is cruelty elsewhere in the world should not… well, it’s not the most unconditional manner to allow that to affect how you love. So the cruelties of the world should not diminish your ability or your desire to love. If anything, it should increase your ability and desire to love to help counteract that cruelty.
C: Good point.
4: So you really wish to contribute and yes, you’re far away and there’s not much you can do in a physical manner, but you could send loving energy in meditation, spend five or ten minutes expressing nothing but goodwill and support and love for these people in these war-torn countries. And yes, if you are in a position to contribute in whatever way that feeds your soul, then certainly do that.
Any further askings, sweet one?
C: Well, I thank you for this. Thank you for explaining this more clearly.
The Dark Night of the Soul
Hello, Dear Friends,
The last couple of weeks have been difficult for me (Cindy), although I have felt something percolating for the last couple of months. My angel oracle cards have expressed that “it is time to let go of an unhealthy situation”. I didn’t know what they were referring to, but I knew some clearing was going occur at some point. I could feel it coming. Then the triggering event occurred and sent me on a deep and rather painful inner journey, and I knew then what the “unhealthy situation” was. It’s been holding me down and away for most, perhaps all, of this lifetime. Shame. I heard it a lot growing up – “Shame on you!” I’ve said it myself many times. I’ve said it to myself so often that I came to believe it and so I carried it as a program running in the background of my life, like white noise.
Having had a big clearing last summer/fall, I was reluctant to have a replay of that. I remembered the teachings of David and The Four to have compassion and self-forgiveness and observe the pain but not to align with it. (Much easier said than done!) So I consciously dove deep and explored the ugly feelings to get a full understanding of this pain, knowing that once I understood what that “humming noise” was, I could release it, surrender it. Recalling the methods and tools I learned through hypnotherapy, I tried to remain an observer and recognize patterns that were not serving me any longer. My brother, David and The Four remained vigilant and supported me with their messages, sent through Scott and his daily writing. I felt that this message, early in my process, was succinct and may be helpful to you when you find yourself standing to face your own shadows.
Good Morning Dear Souls carrying the light of love within your body and your awareness,
Holding this light of love before your awareness, you are this love even when your ego wishes to walk in the dark of self judgment and shame. Let this light bring you back home to the awareness of who and what you truly are, Love. Even in your darkest moments if you can bring the thought, the memory that you are love, this will lighten your hearts and help you to step forward again in life with the knowledge of who you are and the egoic shouting of pain and self loathing can subside and your hearts can lighten with love once again.
As you remember you are love, you find that you can self forgive more and more and you return to the states of love more and more readily and the moments of darkness of ego’s torment do not blind you for as long. You return to the light with more and more ease and your self judgment that can be so crippling becomes less and less a vibration of self identification. You forgive yourselves and you find the kindness within your hearts with more and more ease. You have the compassion for your humanness and the divine capacity to forgive yourselves.
As you go through these waves of experiences and you find your expressions of love return with more and more frequency, you ride the waves of human compassion with more and more experience and expertise. You return home to love after a hard day’s work of being human, with all the frailty that being human brings us, having compassion for yourselves and wrapping yourselves up in your own arms of love. Allow the love within your own hearts to be simply you…who you are and not what your wounded ego attempts to tell you through the darkness of misunderstanding and judgment. Remembering the love that you are. Surrender the judgment of your wounds.
We see you as the love that you are even when you do not and we bring this love and understanding to your awareness.
Your brother David whose heart is bursting with love and compassion for you. We are love, dear ones, we are this love together as the One and the All.