A Pile of Puppies

Hello All,

Every morning when I sit down to do my morning meditation/channeling ritual, I’ve found that it is very helpful to not have any expectations or assumptions of what will come to me. Each experience is different from one morning to the next. When I can keep my mind clear and open, the information seems to flow in with more clarity. This particular morning, as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate and focused on the physical sensations that I experience in my third eye, I just kept seeing piles and piles of puppies. Biting, growling, wrestling, chewing on each other and I received an emotional sensation of “Oh, aren’t they cute?  Aren’t they adorable?”

Our guides, The Four’s point of view is that they see us humans as adorable, like puppies, in our struggle to be human and to deal with the great difficulties that come to us in our humanhood.

I’ve had friends say, ”There is certainly nothing cute or adorable about war, violence, injustice or [leader(s) of nation(s) leading their citizens into war]”. I understand this point of view and find it difficult to raise an argument against this perspective. I also feel and understand, in my own way, The Four’s vibrational viewpoint, which, if one is willing from a philosophical point of view, is to zoom out and look at it from a soul development curve, over multiple lifetimes. To The Four, there is no such thing as death. Our soul energy simply transmutes to a different reality and vibrational state after we leave a lifetime. So for them, moving from one lifetime to another would be similar to watching TV in one room with a friend and then moving into your bedroom to sleep with your spouse. Two different environments, two different experiences, two different lifetimes with the same soul.

When the puppy yelps in pain as their ear is bitten by a sibling, we as observers may think it is cute. Even though we humans may see this as a learning experience for these young pups, trial and error, the puppy may feel quite differently about the pain experienced. Our guides hold similar observations of us when we are unkind or cruel to each other. They respect and understand our learning process and our maturity level as a species, similar to how we may feel about our beloved pets.

They are our biggest fans and truly desire us to be happy and fulfilled in our lives. They have a deep desire to help and assist us. We just have to ask with a desire for the greatest good for ourselves, our loved ones, and those that we will come to love.

Hope this is helpful to you in some manner that speaks to you,
Love, Scott

Scott/The Four:  I keep seeing puppies, kind of all piled together, all siblings.  They are adorable and they are cute and they are wonderful and you just can’t help it but to love them.  But you see them wrestling with each other, growling with each other, biting on each other and you hear nips of pain sometimes and you find it somewhat amusing, you find it somewhat tender, you find it kind of adorable. 

You understand the emotions these puppies are expressing.  You understand how they are growing into the awareness of who they are, how they are experimenting with their feelings and they are experiencing their emotions, their experience of their actions and the cause and effect of those actions.  You can see that within their growing awareness, each day as they grow further away from puppyhood.  But you see them in those puppyhood moments, stumbling around and not really being aware of who they are, and not particularly coordinated and being somewhat enthusiastic and somewhat aggressive and somewhat this and somewhat that.  It’s all aspects of puppyhood and you see that and you have affection for that.  You understand that as you do with human babies that are struggling and moving toward a greater understanding of themselves and a greater command of their physical bodies, learning to walk and crawl and stumble and fall and you have no judgment over that, you have no animosity, no criticism of that.  They are adorable young puppies…or adorable young humans.

So when you see other humans expressing deep wounded pain, they are of a similar experience and a similar inexperience, an experience of not being fully grown into their bodies yet, not fully being aware of who they are and that they are love.  We then come to see a similar kind of adorableness to it.  You see that they are not quite fully in command of their faculties, that they are not fully in command of their understanding, they don’t quite fully know who they are and they are stumbling and striving to experience that, like puppies biting on another’s ear, experimenting with pain, experimenting with aggressiveness and the cause and effect of life, the consequences of such.  So it is also with other human souls that you see acting out their pain. 

So if you can hold that same level of affection and say, “Oh, that is sort of adorable!  Look what they’re doing!,” you can understand the deeper meaning behind their actions, you understand their curiosity and inquisitiveness and their lack of understanding, their innocence, their lack of awareness.  You do not hold that against them.  You do not judge that.  You simply observe it and it touches your heart that they are stumbling towards love while not fully being in command of who they are, as you also have done. 

There is not judgment for we all have our strengths and weaknesses and that is across the full spectrum of human experiences, so you do not judge that because we are only looking at one small aspect of who they totally are and you may see this one expression of who they are, in that particular moment with their ego and in that human experience and lessons of life.  So when you see someone stub their toe, it doesn’t mean they are not a wonderful runner.  You see them stub their toe as they are struggling to learn who and what they are.  So you do not hold any animosity or criticism, you simply stand in love awareness and you see and understand the immaturity of their actions.  You also understand the intention behind that and that they are moving, although they won’t always understand this, they are moving to try to find the center of themselves as love.  And those actions that you see that may be not of love alignment is part of the whole process – through cause and effect, what does work and what doesn’t work, what feels good and what doesn’t feel good.  They come to understand who they are through that process.  Sometimes you need to burn your hand on the stove to know that it’s hot.  So you see those kinds of learning experiences, where there is trial and error and they learn.  As you see people expressing their pain, their judgment, their criticism, they are simply touching that hot stove and you have compassion for that pain. 

You see some of that learning experience, that learning curve, as we do with human souls and as you do with puppies.  You see them fall off the table and bump their heads and squeal in pain and you see them do funny, silly things, and that is how we see humans. If you step into a similar awareness, your judgment and criticism will fall away and your appreciation and love and acceptance of them will grow, exponentially. 

So when you see those acting out in pain, you understand that they are simply groping in the dark and stubbing their toe, even if they are not fully aware of that and they are blaming the wall for hurting their toe, when in actuality, the wall had nothing to do with it.  It is their own inner reaction to what they did.  They can blame the wall and kick the wall for causing pain in their foot, but they experience the pain in their foot.  They are the one that moved the foot, they are the one who had that experience. So it’s an awareness of what is coming before them and taking responsibility and accountability for that, as opposed to blaming the wall for being in their way, even though walls don’t move.  Ha! 

So you see that dynamic as they are stepping into more accountability and understanding their own ownership of life.  So the movement toward criticism and judgment is significantly reduced or in many aspects completely abandoned.

S:  So that’s what they have been showing me all morning.

C:  A pile of puppies?  There is nothing more adorable than a pile of puppies or kittens, babies of all sorts.

S/4  …they are exploring, they are testing their limits and their boundaries, they are learning what it means to be physical and what are the boundaries and the rules of physicality.  What is gravity?  Growing into who they truly will be.  So you have a similar aspect of human development.  So you hold more affection for humans even when they are expressing pain and discontent, anger and misalignment with love.  But you understand that and hold less judgment over it.

C:  And that is how the Angels see us? 

S:  Yes

C:  (giggles)  Thank you!

S/4:  And you will step more and more into that awareness also, that viewpoint, that vibration, and that will bring more compassion and understanding and patience and love to you.  Judgment will have no room within that vibration, no place to hold onto.

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Angels Path Message and Channeled Discussion – March 2022 (Issue 36)

Good Morning Dear Souls, holding the clarity of Love and Light before you. 

Coming to see, feel and understand the love that you are, the love that you observe, the love that you feel. You are all these aspects of love. You are this love. This love is you, is the All, and us and we.

Seeing the clarity of love and light others carry within when they do not. This clarity of love allows you to accept the All that you see and the All that you and we are. Knowing this love, feeling this love with more understanding, more acceptance, less judgment and the ability to love unconditionally grows and grows. 

The more you love
the more you see love
the more you are love
the more you embrace this love
the more you express love
the more you experience yourselves as love
the more love is the very fabric of your lives
the more love becomes the All that you are

The more you love
the more you see that you are not your ego or your body or your experiences 
You are the divine soul that sees all of this
and understands that this is not us  
We observe what is not us 
so that we may come to understand
that we are love
not the all of our experiences.

The more you love
the more you see and understand this
the more love vibration and energy you can put into any and every situation that you come across
the more your compassion expands  

The more you love
the more you can express love, compassion and understanding
the more you truly identify yourselves as love
the more love you can pour into your environment and understanding

The more you love
the more you know you are love
the more you are this love
the more you express this love 

The more you love
the more you understand and hold this love
the more you experience love through the depth of your soul
the more your soul comes to the forefront of your experience
the more you experience and taste life while attuned to the vibrations of love

The more you love
the more you create and express the love that is around you and within you
the more you know you are this love and this love is you 

The world is love and it is only those who walk in the dark and misunderstanding that hold this plane of existence in states of fluctuation that is of love misalignment. As you become more and more love, you leave these states of misalignment behind you and those still in the non vibrations of love will continue to experience what you no longer experience. Your reality has shifted and the vibrations of this shift can be felt by those who want, in their soul, to feel love again. Those deep in pain, in deep alignment with wounded ego experience may not seek that and this is of their karma and dharma, not yours.

Your soul is eternal, your experience is not
The experience is temporary, the love that you are is forever
From the aspect of human experience, the actions of your life will fade over time,
The love that you are does not.

You are the love that you experience within your experiences. You are the love within all the experiences you have. This is the constant of the Now.
Bring the love that you are to each moment of the Now
Stand in this love vibration and know you are this love vibration
You are this light of love

Hold this knowing as we do, see this love as we do, be this love as we are, we are the All, you are the All, you are this love. It is only in the state of human experience that we forget this. Strive to remember as you move through your days. The more you remember and know, the more that you are. You carry this calm knowing with you.  Now and now.  Accept yourselves as we accept you and you are this knowing. You are this calm. You are this peace. You are you and you are love.

David, Kord and the Angels of the Four celebrating you and this love that you and we are. We love you and our hearts sing with joy over this. Sing with us and be free to be who you are and allow all others to be who they are. Just shine love on who they are. With this, you find it much easier to accept the love that they are, whether they are aligned with love in their egoic perspective or not.

Allow and accept the All.


C:  Wow!

4: You understand our point?

C:  Yes, I do.

4:  So, if you are in the Now and you know you are Love…then you create what you desire and you desire what you create.  You accept what comes before you by holding the awareness of the Love vibration that you are.  You accept the vibration, you allow the vibration, and you shine your light of Love in all aspects of the Now.  Do you have any askings?

C:  No, but I do see this.  I’m feeling tingly and I’d like to get this message out.  This is really helpful.  It looks like a poem to me.

4:  As you wish, as you desire.  You can add your own creative aspects of love awareness to the experience, to the message.  You are part of the All, you are part of us and we are you.  Use that knowing to create what you are doing in the Now.  Know you of the Greater All, you are the Greater Whole and you have the weight and wisdom of Love with you at all times and you can use this weight.  Part of the benefit of the All.

C:  You know, we haven’t really addressed it, but there’s a benefit to being part of the All.  There’s a comfort in knowing that we are not alone.

4: There’s security in it and that is the pain when you leave the security of the All and you step into individual awareness. You lose that sense of comfort, that sense of security.  You forget it, but it is always with you.  So as you remember that you are Love, the sense of security that is the trauma of your pain, it is the genesis of your pain – the trauma of forgetting who you were, the pain of that disconnection, the wound of your inner child.  It is what you bring forth in this experience as the pain of that separation, the trauma of the experience of being ripped from the All, which is just an individual ego expression so that we, as the All, as God, can have as many different aspects of experience, for each aspect is only adding to the greater good.  It is the trauma of being ripped from that experience of total comfort, total security, total calm into this experience, that pain. (The guides are referencing the trauma of birth, going from an awareness of the deep connection, the security of love, the deep support and understanding of love, the complete acceptance of love into the form and structure experiences where this connection to love is forgotten. – Scott)

So it is working through that pain, in the human experience, to return to the Love state.  This is what inspires so many others – the return to Love, regardless of the obstacles in front of you, regardless of the limits you’ve placed on yourself and your awareness.  You are such beings of Love and Light that you have – to use human terms – the wisdom, the strength, the courage to do this and it’s a shining beacon of light for all to see, and all to bask in, and all to benefit from. 

So you bring THIS knowing, THIS awareness into each moment of the Now in the form and structure experience and we aid the common good.  Regardless of the vibration and awareness of those around you, through unconditional acceptance, unconditional knowing of what Love truly is and who you truly are and how you wish to express that knowing, that being in the moment of the Now.  And the acceptance of yourself as the Now, as the Love, as the Moment, as it is. 

You are observing the experience of the moment, loving the experience of the moment, learning from the experience of the moment, but you are not the experience.  You are the awareness of the experience, of the love connection within that moment of the love experience.  The duality of life comes before you.  You hold the aspects of knowing who you are while dealing with the duality of the experience, accepting all that comes before you.

You are the awareness of the experience.  You are not the experience.  And you are the awareness of Love observing the experience, expanding your awareness of love through the experience and sharing that awareness with the All.  Bring this greater awareness to the greater good of the All. 

Do you have any further questions, sweet one?

C:  As I was playing the crystal singing bowls and feeling the waves of vibration and love and nurturing, security, comfort, calm. I was feeling those waves just expanding and expanding out to far reaching places and then enveloping the planet.  And I (gasping with a sob) suddenly felt such gratitude, just amazement. 

4:  And it is good

C:  It is good

4:  Hold that knowing.  Hold that resonance.  Hold that vibration.  Hold that feeling.

C:  Yes

4:  May we be of any further service, dear sweet one?

C:  I think we can be complete and we will get on with our day.

4:  Our message helped?

C:  Yes

4:  Clarity ensues, expands?

C:  Yes, clarity ensues
(Time to hold hands and feel the energetic transfer.  Scott has many gyrations and movements)

4: Until our next meeting, dear sister.  Feel our love, feel it in the Now, feel it in all aspects of the Now, feel it before you, feel it within you, and feel it all around you and hold the knowing of what is before you and allow that knowing to guide and carry you through your days.  Much love upon your heart.  You have a beautiful day in front of you.  Savor it and enjoy all of it and you will be in the Now, in Love, with Love, for Love, and by Love.  For what are we, but Love.  

Sweetness to you and your heart.  Until our next … the connection is strengthening, the bond is deepening, the clearing is growing.  Understand this and your experiences of Love will be that much more powerful, that much more complete, that much more intimate, that much more beautiful.  

We will speak and be together again very soon.  See me and know me.  Know that all you do, all that I do, all that we do and the All of the Allness, we bring Love to the Now and the Now to Love.  Thank you, dear sister!

C:  Thank you, sweetheart!

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Cats and Dogs

Scott:  David just went off on a long riff about cats. (A beautiful orange tabby, named Mango, decided she wanted to live with us during the covid year.  She is a sweet, soft, chatty girl that found us just when we needed her.  She can be heard on many of our recordings.)

Cindy: Oh, really?  Oh, share that, please.

S/4: So what he (David) was saying is that…one thing that is beautiful about them is that cats do what they want to do.  They don’t do what they don’t want to do.  They don’t do what they don’t like to do.  They don’t do it.  And we get disappointed by that because we’re judging them and asking for them to behave within our framework, what we desire, what our societal structure defines what love is or what a favor is or what a connection is.  So we get disappointed in cats because they’re not meeting our expectations of how they should behave, as opposed to accepting them just for who they are, how they behave.  And know that cats are going to do what they like to do and they’re not going to do what they don’t like to do, and it’s not a rejection of you.  It’s just that they’re not interested in doing that particular activity.  So they’re not rejecting you as much as they are simply not interested.  There’s a difference and humans will often judge the cat and get angry with the cat because they experience it as a rejection.  The cat doesn’t work that way.  He’s only going to focus on what serves his interests.  It is just simply not of interest, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, it just is not of interest at that point. 

And the cat will understand as long as you love him and hold intention for his highest good, what best serves his soul, which is basically accepting him for who he is, not judging him for who he is. Simply loving him for who he is and finding the cuteness in his nature, finding the inquisitiveness and the hunter and all those aspects of being an animal on this Earth plane existence, a little bit undomesticated in nature and not fully adhering to a human’s concept of what they should or shouldn’t be.  So when you accept them and just love them for who they are and you have no agenda with them, that you’re not putting any framework or context of societal judgment of how they should be, just love them for who they are, they feel that unconditional love. Then they respond to it and then you have a bond and you have a loving, nurturing relationship that is deep and mystical and beautiful to experience.  That’s the gift that cats bring to us if you can simply allow them to be who they are.

C:  But there are some behaviors that I don’t like, like jumping up on my bed in the middle of the night, so ..

4: In an instance like that or others where you tell the cat “No, we’re not going to do what you want to do”, as long as it sees that you are doing it from a point of the highest good for the collective household, the collective whole, the herd mentality of cats, as long as the cat understands it is for the higher good and it is not a rejection of the cat, it’s not making the cat wrong or bad, it just “We hear what you want to do, but this is of the higher good, this serves the vibration of love alignment in the house better than what you want to do in this moment.” They will then accept that.  They may not always like it.  You may get a little attitude about it, but they will accept it without rancor, without a need to retaliate to let you know their displeasure. 

So it’s all about the intention that you present energetically to the animal.  And you do it by holding that vibration of knowing and projecting that knowing to the animal and they will respond to it and align with the verbal vibrations of a similar tone, a similar emotional content.  They get the message very clearly.  So you project that knowing vibration from your heart.  The intention of the moment that is love aligned. Sometimes it serves the needs of the animal and sometimes it doesn’t, but as long as they understand that it’s all love aligned vibration, which is what you project out of your heart to the animal, they will understand and respond lovingly and accordingly. 

C:  It’s not too unlike us as humans.  We like what we like, we prefer what we prefer…

4:  That is the lesson that they bring before us, why we have them in our lives

C: …we just want to be accepted for what our preferences are…

4: Precisely.  Quite often, it is easier to do that in a less complicated being like a cat, rather than a human that has more complications and nuances and nooks and crannies of light and darkness that an animal like this doesn’t have in that quantity of abundance. So they teach us in a more simplistic manner and we learn to take those same lessons, when you are self-aware, and apply them to human personalities.  So they are stepping stones to understanding and they serve a great place in your hearts and do that with love and acceptance. 

Quite different than dogs.

C:  Yes, tell us about dogs.

4:  Well, let’s just say that dogs have unconditional acceptance of you where a cat does not.  If a cat feels that there is misalignment, that you are not coming at it with true love vibration, the cat will reject you or pay no mind, but the dog will not.  The dog will take responsibility and in this sense would embody a certain codependency. That is not a negative, it is just one aspect of the canine experience and juxtaposed to what we’re talking about with the feline, only in that particular context.

So a dog is much easier, it won’t have the same boundaries that a cat will have.  A dog won’t reject the societal constructs that you are placing upon it and your expectation of how it should behave in the same way a cat will.  So it’s a different lesson.  They are both valuable and beautiful creatures on the Earth and they deserve nothing but complete love and respect,  adoration and unconditional love.  They both deserve that and bring tremendous gifts to humans.  We are just pointing out the particular aspect that’s different in the two animals.  Lessons are reflected differently and how you have the relationship you have with the animals and what role they serve in your family life.  They are just different lessons, different experiences.  We are just pointing out the difference between cats and dogs in this regard, this is where the biggest divide with relationship with the animals exists.

The dog accepts societal constructs; the cat does not.
And different personalities bring different lessons.

C:  Right!

4:  When you can see both animals have different lessons and which lessons pertain to them with the highest love, then you’ll have a better understanding of both species.  Again, with understanding, you drop judgment of the animal that doesn’t align with your preference. 
With understanding, you release judgment – yet another lesson (for us all).

C:  It does seem that they both bring great comfort to humans, bringing unconditional love.  We have such a lack of unconditional love floating around us.

4: Most animals enhance the household in a significant way for the better.  As with anything else, there are the pros and cons.

C:  Thanks!  That’s fun and good to know!  

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