Angels Path Message and Channeled Discussion – January 2022 (Issue 35)
Good Morning Dear Children of Light, of Love, of God,
For we all carry God within us and we are in the grips of our perception. What we perceive is what we tend to believe we are, or who someone else may be. We are at the mercy of our perception when we see the world through eyes not aligned with love. Many see the world through a lens that is not clear, a lens that is obscured by pain and non love aligned viewpoints, clouded by self rejection and self abuse through the addictive qualities of life. We are victims of our own misperceptions of life. This is the only true victimhood we have in our lives, which we create through our own thoughts and misperceptions. Ask and strive to see the world with clarity, through the eyes of love.
Be aware that victimhood and misperception are cornerstones of our wounded ego. Know this when you move to judge or reject another or yourselves. Where is that judgment coming from? What is its genesis? Misperception and victimhood. When you know you are love, there is no victimhood.
It is human nature to judge and compare, it is of your divine nature to accept, allow and appreciate.
You hold the keys to how you wish to perceive the world in your hands, within your understanding. You can make choices based in love and not self rejection, that misperception of ourselves as the pain we once experienced. You have both in your awareness. Which serves love? Which do you choose?
Know that misperception is a way of life for so many. Intend and move to clear your misperceptions. Knowing what your challenges are is most of the battle. If you do not know that you misperceive the world, you cannot address that misperception. If you understand that misperception is a part of human experience, you can question your perceptions and ask for the clarity of a higher truth, which comes from the God nature within you. However, if you don’t know that misperception is a standard way that humans live and evolve and operate, you’re going to live with that misperception as reality and truth. It is when you realize that humans operate through misperception that you can address the misperception and move towards love. All that comes from self-reflection, and the desire and intention to love, of course, and being drawn back to our true nature.
Once you understand the choices you can make within the understanding of your human and divine perceptions, you can create what you desire. What is based in love? Does it serve a higher purpose, serve a higher and common need of all those that you love, the All that is love? The world around you is based in love. It is your experience of your world through the eyes of your pain that tells you differently. When you know that the world is based in love, you begin to perceive this with more and more love alignment. You find that you are more consistently happy and joyful, and this vibration of love and acceptance touches the hearts of others and you can spark the light of love within them by your acceptance of them and by your perception of the love that they carry within them. You may know what they do not and your acceptance of them as love can help them to shift into alignment with this perception. It feels good to be accepted and this moves us toward love.
This all starts with self acceptance. Many may not accept themselves and therefore, they cannot accept you. Your confidence in your self acceptance brings a vibration to you that their lack of acceptance cannot cut through. Their judgment and criticism carry no weight for you, for you know you are love and not their misperception of you as seen through their wounded ego. You make amends when your human frailty rears its head and this is consistent with love based awareness. You hold yourselves accountable when you step away from the alignment with love. This accountability brings us back into the arms of love, the alignment with love. You are human and you are God. Accept all that this means and move to serve love as you move through your lives. Hold the perception of yourselves as love and it is much easier to hold this perception of others as well. If you are love and the All is love, aren’t they of love also? Aren’t they of the All also?
We are all love and we are the All that love is, will be and has always been, just expanding and expanding in so many new and nuanced ways. Explore love and the creativity that accompanies this love. You perceive the world through the eyes of love and this is what is served to you in return, acceptance of the All that is life.
All of our love upon you! The Angels of the Four and All the more that are with us. David and Kord and so much more. Hold the knowing of who and what you are.
Scott and I will gather for coffee in the morning, read and discuss the written message that came through him that morning. Following is a transcript of my conversation with The Four:
C: “Make amends when your human frailty rears its head and this is consistent with love based awareness.”
S. It’s about being forgiving, but also about making amends, and the difference between the two. Apologizing and making amends, which we learned in the 12 Step program, the difference between the two. It’s one thing to say “I’m sorry” and another to say “I’m sorry and I will not do that again”. You can say, “Sorry, I’m late” and you can apologize every day, but every day you’re late, so your apologizing doesn’t mean anything. But apologize and then change your behavior and not be late any longer…
4:… then you’re making amends and you’ve “mended” the relationships around you. When you make amends, you “mend” your relationships.
C: Making amends is evidence of healing.
4: It’s also evidence of love-based alignment where you have an understanding that you realize that your actions injured another, as opposed to being the “darkness” of it, or being in the wounded ego and only focused on how it affects you. So it’s having clarity and love based awareness, understanding that when in human form you are going to have frailties, you are going to have missteps, you are going to have egoic centered moments. But how do you handle those moments and how do you return to love? And making amends is showing a clarity of perception that you realize the ramifications and the result of your actions, the consequences of such, and you are willing to take responsibility for that. That is a healing and loving thing to do.
Sometimes the wounds of your ego grab your attention and distract you away from love alignment. It encompasses your awareness and you are seeped in that energy of that moment. The more you heal your ego, the less it will grab you in its woundedness. It is still present. There will always be echoes and flickers of it, so to know that the wounded ego grab is to be human and forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness for that. And the more you do that, the less the wounds of the ego will raise their head and be present and the more you’ll stay in love alignment. It’s always going to be a part of it, but just how big a part? Is it 100% of your perception, the ego wounded viewpoint? Or 2% of your perception. It’s never going to be … There are a few with 0% ego, the Christ, for one and a few others.
C: In that intensity of the ego response, when it flares, it is such a strong force and when we have greater clarity and more understanding, with self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, it becomes less forceful. But it’s such a potent thing when it’s in full force and that is a human thing? So my question is that, since we are now speaking with Angels, how do they understand that ego grab?
4: They have been observing humanity forever and they understand the vibration and they can place their awareness in the vibration, which gives them more compassion. So they see through your eyes, by holding a higher awareness of their divinity and their nature, so it allows them a deeper understanding of human nature, without actually participating. So they experience your vibration as you would experience food, you taste it. You are not the corn, but you know what corn tastes like.
C: But can’t the whole of non-physical do that or is that specific to the angelic realm?
4: Let us say, it’s a matter of degree. David is of an ‘ascended awareness’ to where he can align with angels’ viewpoints quite readily, not always 100%, but very close. It’s part of the reason he has no need, no wanting, no karma to be completed, no energy about coming back. Hence, his role as a master. He may choose to come back or he may not.
C: All souls can make that choice to come back or not, is that right?
4: Well, you are often bound by karma. Does a 3rd grader really have a choice not to come back to 4th grade? He could but is that readily doable and does it serve the highest need? There’s a compulsion that those in deep ego wound, the karmic attachments, the karmic vibrations, the karmic connections and misunderstanding and the wounds are so deep that they demand attention, the compulsion to come back is strong.
C: … to settle that karma, to raise their frequency and vibration.
4: Correct. And when you release that karma, you release that compulsion to return. And then it becomes a matter of choice. You can always choose to step off that karmic train, but in a world of form and structure, where knowledge and education are highly valued, would it benefit for you to quit school in kindergarten? You would choose not to, most often. So it is with coming back to form and structure. And also the angels don’t need to come back because they are always here! They don’t need to have human experience. They sense and feel all the vibrations of human experience with their own awareness and energy fields. They do not align with it but they understand it and they bring love and compassion and acceptance.
C: Sometimes, I think that the biggest message is to let people know that they have angels around them, all the time. Because when we are in the throes of our wounded egoic side, it gets “noisy” in our heads and it’s a comfort to know I have angels all around me.
So if David were to come back into physical form again and he has no karma to clear, he just comes for the “ride” as an observer, as a teacher?
4: To be a catalyst of love, to bring awareness of love to a greater degree as when Christ came back in the darkest moments in human history, he brought a shining light to shift the awareness away from the dark and toward the light to shift the course of human history, human development. So those souls who do not need to come back, that would be one of the consistent reasons they would choose to come back – to serve, to help shine the light brighter and to teach, to shine a brighter light of awareness on the human species, the human spirit, the human heart. So you’re not coming back for a karmic reason of ego wounds to be soothed and healed, you’re coming to serve love in its purest form, or the purest form that human perception can perceive, shall we say. Because love in its purest form is too high energy for the physical body at this particular stage of your species’ development.
C: So we’ve cleared some karma, Scott and I, have cleared significant parts of our karma. Could this be our last lifetime?
4: No.
C: There is more still that will take additional lifetimes to clear.
4: Yes, and you also are to serve love, too, through the healing process.
C: I enjoy that. I love it when I am consciously aware of serving love.
Shall I read now?
(Read aloud message above, then the conversation continues…)
4: Your perceptions shape your experience. Whatever lens you are looking through is what you see and if you are looking through a non love aligned lens, you see non love aligned behavior and response and you see the world as a non-loving place, then you experience it as such and then you are validated by your perceptions and your experience and you get trapped in that loop. That’s how karma works also. So when you can break that cycle, you can step into a greater awareness of the true essence of yourself, then you move towards love. When you break the perception cycle, you clear the lens, and you see more truth and beauty in life. And you begin to see what the angels see and you hold that compassion.
C: So, today is Jan 6 and one year ago today was the event that occurred in Washington DC and there are all sorts of speeches and commentary and recall of what many of us viewed on tv as it was happening. Forever Jan 6 will live, like 9/11, it’s that balance of honoring the lives lost or holding onto that fear, keeping that fear alive. I’ve never really understood whether that is helpful to people or not. It doesn’t seem helpful to me to keep reliving the pain.
4: Because of where you are in ego structure and your growth. Some are drawn to reliving it over and over because it feeds the wounds of their ego and it gives them a sense of security and it gives them a sense of superiority quite often. So there is a resonance and a reason for those anniversaries. For some it holds purpose and meaning and others, like yourself, you can surrender that attachment and move into more love based awareness. A lot of the events you’re talking about are not based in love awareness, so the more that you are focused on that non love based awareness dynamic, the more you are bringing energy to it.
Send it healing light. So when you think of the events, send compassion, send love. Do not judge, for as you have seen the conflict, you see the victim (if you want to use that term) being attacked and you have compassion, you see the pain and the fear, you see the damage and the conflict and you’re filled with compassion and not judgment. Then you see the perpetrator and you see the bitterness and the hatefulness and the pain of the misperception of aligning with wounded ego, and you hold compassion and you do not judge. So you do not align with either viewpoint as the singular viewpoint of ultimate truth. You have compassion for this perception and you shine your light of love upon them and bring a brighter clarity of vibration of love that may have an effect on their countenance.
So look upon these events with compassion, not judgment and that is a more aligned purpose, a more aligned viewpoint, a more aligned perception and then you’ll help shift the energy of those events. When you align with one viewpoint or another, you entrench that viewpoint either in victimhood or the aggressive attacker. Not that they won’t have their own consequences to deal with, but that is of their karma, not yours.
C: Right, because we create our reality and we will choose painful situations to clear our karma, bigger and bigger until we finally face it. Thank you for that. We are all children of God and they are in pain! And I know my own pain and it was really horrible….
4: … and then you said, “Enough”
C:… and then I said, “Enough”. Thank you for that perspective.
(The Four offer Scott’s hand to me for an energy download)
4: We ask you to just open and receive. I’ll send you vibrations, we want to send it your way. The time will come when it will be flowing, but right now, we want you to open, open your heart, allow the love energy to flow through you.
(Scott does a lot of shaking and rolling during this download. After several minutes…)
4: Enjoy, sweet one, enjoy. And experience gratitude. This will ground you. This will align you. It is finished. Until our next meeting, sweet one. Thank you. Go in peace. Go in love. Go in acceptance, allowance and appreciation. Thank you. You are Love. We are Love. The All is the All. Thank you.