Angels Path Message – December 2021 (Issue 34)
Good Morning, Dear Souls of Love and Light,
One cannot be both a master and a victim of love, of life, of experience. It’s one or the other. If you know you are of love, that you have chosen this lifetime, this experience, this pain, then you can meet these experiences head on with love as your guide.
If you stay in the dark with fear and pain, feeling like you are a victim of circumstance, that you are undeserving or deserving of this pain, you are a victim and holding a vibration of victimhood. You then bring more and more pain and the experience of pain and suffering upon you. The vibration you put out is the vibration you receive. The more one runs and hides from their pain, their experience, the more one steps into the addictive qualities of life and the more you revisit your conditioning patterns, seeped in pain and further suffering. You cannot get off the merry-go-round of life while holding the blindness that you are powerless to change anything.
When you know you are of love, you see the pain and suffering of life quite differently. In each experience, and what this experience brings to you, you see an opportunity for growth and change. The challenges of life before you do not send you running back into the arms of addiction. No, rather those challenges send you back into the arms of love, of experience, of expression, of creativity, of acceptance and allowance, and your gratitude and appreciation of life expands and grows.
When you know you are of love and move to hold the intention to manifest and express this love, life flows to you in wondrous and beautiful ways. The hardships of life you accept with compassion and a sense of wonder of the All of life. You understand that life is a transitory experience and you hold gratitude for each moment of experience that comes before you. Life is of a limited capacity and is of a linear experience. There is a beginning and an end to life or it would not be of a linear experience. Without the linear aspects of experience, you would not have the growth opportunities that the form and structure experience brings to you. You would always see past the pain into the depths of love and acceptance and the growth curve would be greatly decelerated. The Schoolroom Earth is in a dimension of linear experience and expression. Hold each moment as precious, because and for the linear experiences of life.
Such is love, such is life.
Now, the story of one of my guides, David, to illustrate . . .
David was the first born of my wife’s parents and he died at four days old. It was a difficult birth and the trauma of the doctor struggling with forceps most likely caused brain damage that was insurmountable. This was obviously a tragic, horrifying event for the parents with much emotional pain.
However, when the other four children arrived healthy, the parents were overjoyed at this and they carried great gratitude. This gratitude allowed them to step into a greater sense and expression of unconditional love that would not have been present without the passing of their first child. They both had come from families where love was conditional, they had not come to understand and embrace unconditional love as of yet. The pain of losing their first child allowed them to shift, to embrace a deeper sense of unconditional love that has reverberated throughout their family and the following generations. They took nothing for granted and held a much higher vibration of gratitude for their children than they would have without the experience of losing their first child. David’s parents stepped out of victimhood into an embracement of love.
My children, my wife and I have deeply benefited from this love. The guides say we set up such scenarios in life before we come to this experience, a pre-birth contract. Just as David and his parents did, we come to this plane of existence to experience pain so that we may surrender this pain, step out of victimhood and into a greater embracement of love, happiness and joy. Acceptance, allowance and appreciation.
As painful as David’s passing was, the love that his parents embraced afterwards brought unconditional love to so many, their children, their children’s spouses, their grandchildren, great grandchildren and so many lives that these souls have touched. I did not know my father-in-law since he passed away before I met my wife, but I can say my beautiful mother-in-law was a master of love.
Love, Scott
Be a master of love and step away from the victimhood vibration by surrendering to the love within your heart, the love that you are. Surrendering the conditioning patterns that hold you in a different awareness, in a vibration of non-love alignment.
Ask and seek to be further released from the conditioning patterns of pain and suffering and step into greater and greater aspects of acceptance and allowance for the All of life. Allow yourselves to be the love that you are.
Open your hearts and receive the love that surrounds you in all the energy fields of your experiences. Life is energy and energy is life. The energy of love holds the highest vibration, the highest clarity, the highest acceptance, the highest gratitude, the highest joy.
Know and accept this and allow love to flow to you and through you. Be the master of love that we all are and surrender any alignment with victimhood. Manifest your destiny with the love awareness of your hearts.
Let love lead you to the path where the Angels walk. Come with us along this path. Allow us to love you as you step into greater and greater acceptance of the love that you are.
David and Kord, holding all the love of the Four before you. Come, taste this love and be free, free to be the love that you are and the deep knowing of this.