Angels Path Issue 30

Hello All,

I found this writing particularly interesting and compelling. The guides continue to present new ways of looking at life and I find my priorities shifting and a sense of calm coming to me more often. Even when the messages seem particularly designed for me, the guides tell me this is not so. If you are reading these messages they are meant for you, also. Your vibration and understanding is at a point where the energy of their words resonate within you in some way that shifts you in some way, in some manner, toward love.

The concept behind this writing is that we accept the adage that “you can’t take it with you” when you return to the other side of the veil. This is not necessarily true. You cannot take material things. However, you take your experiences, your remembrance of what you have done with your days upon this earth. You bring back the love vibration you experienced, giving, receiving and of self-love and you add to the collective whole that is our soul collective.You assist in the ascension of our species. Or, you bring back the vibrational desires of addiction and ego’s desires for self gratification that remain within you. The anger and pain of lower-based vibrations and emotions that you have not released, ego attachments to others bound through energy cords of anger, resentment and a whole host of other issues. This is how karma is continued. You come back again and again to this plane of existence to deal with it until you come to a place where you can release it.

I had never fully considered all this. Until now.

I know what the guides say to do is often very, very difficult; hard, but not impossible. I struggle mightily and daily. And yet, I’m hopeful. I see love all around me. I see you.

I love you all,



Good Morning Dear Souls of light and love,

Fear is what holds our ego in place. Fear is what gives ego it’s power, it’s strength and vitality. Surrender these fears and ego becomes weak and powerless and love comes in and fills this space left behind that was once held in place by fear attachment. Surrender fear and love comes flooding in. Love becomes the primary lens that you view the world through. Ego will still rise and attempt to lift its head back into a position of power, but you find you have little interest in a return to ego’s drives and desires. The love that is within you, however, has begun to shift and change your hearts to ones of love alignment.  You find yourselves choosing love more and more of the time in the circumstances of your lives in the form and structure experience. Surrender your fears, for fear is how our ego can control us. Surrender fear and love gives us gentle guidance to what will best serve our soul. Ego moves to serve itself and has little regard or interest in what love has to say, for love weakens ego’s control and power over you, your love and the decisions you make. When love moves for the highest good, the will and love of the All are present. You are present in these moments of love awareness and act upon this awareness. Love is the guiding force in your lives and you are that love. 

You are love. You are not your ego, however, ego is always present in the form and structure experience and will attempt to assert its influence. As you see this and know this, you can work with your ego, partner with your ego in many respects and you move into greater and greater experience of love alignment and love awareness and you hold more and more love in your energy fields and within your countenance. Less and less, your ego will desire to throw its temper tantrums and will move more into quiet grumblings and over time, even this grumbling will lessen in its volume of noise that reaches your awareness. Noise that attempts to distract you from your intention to align and experience love over and over. Your ego’s jealousy over this will also subside over the course of linear time.

Surrender and relax into your new insights and love awareness and this will result in more and more sensitivity to our presence and your ability to interact with us and serve love to the All. Feel the love inside of you, inside your heart, inside your soul and ego’s influence wanes and it becomes weaker and weaker until you move to give this ego awareness, love and acceptance. You move more and more into self acceptance and you experience more and more love around you and within your awareness. You see the wounds of your ego and the ego of others and more and more, you move into compassion and acceptance, particularly of self. You see more clearly what is ego and what is love and find you move more and more toward what speaks to your hearts.

Increasingly, you see all around how attachment to materialism to soothe your wounded and damaged ego only takes us away from love and into ego’s embrace.  When you move away from attachment to material things, you discover that only love soothes your ego, not things. You find the love within you blossoming and growing, and you see where the true abundance in life really lies, where you can really find it…within yourselves, and within the acceptance of yourselves…as Love.  Your lives are full and rich. Rich with love and beautiful experience. 

You take the remembrance of your experiences when you come back to the energetic side of the veil. You cannot take things, only the longing for things that we hold more attachment to than the love in our hearts.  What do you wish to bring with you when you return to us?  Love or the longing for something outside of ourselves that does not really serve you or us, no matter what our perceptions may attempt to tell us. This is where the desire for clarity serves us. The clarity that allows us to stay within love’s alignment. 

You can chase materialism or accept love. Love never degrades; the physical aspects of form and structure always degrade over time. When you chase materialism, you experience a series of diminishing returns. There is never enough. When you experience love, your heart overflows with love and has no aspects of the empty heart that materialism brings to us. Your hearts are full of love and are light and joyous.

What do you desire and wish to bring back home with you when you return to this side of the veil?  We desire to bring the love in our hearts back home with us.

All of our love upon you. Surrender and open your hearts to love. We are with you always, sending our love in a steady flow, a steady stream, moving into a torrent of love. Love will be all that you see, feel and experience. Even in times of difficulties. Love brings us home, back to ourselves, back to God with more and more gratitude within our hearts.

David and Kord with you forever more. With deep love, acceptance and gratitude. You are all beautiful. As is the All.

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