Angels Path Issue 29
Hello Dear Friends,
As Cindy and I are preparing this email, I find myself reflecting on some of the lessons Guidance has provided me in the moments that I’m not “auto writing” or “channeling”, when there is a flow and exchange of ideas, thoughts and conversation. Lately, the discussion has been about “what you damn, damns you back”. What I’ve come to understand more recently is this concept: if you judge someone, it brings up lower vibrations, emotions and experiences of judgement within our own bodies. We physically experience the judgement we place upon others and this lowers our vibration, our frequency. So judging others can bring us forms of physical dis-ease. Judgement of others can become harmful to our own happiness and peace of mind. So is judgement of others an act of self love? I would say no, judgement of others brings us pain and discomfort. When we suspend judgement, we release the pain and discomfort the act of judgement can bring to us. We are then free of this vibration and emotion. We are truly free to love ourselves and therefore others.
The beauty of this realization is that there is a flip side to “what you damn, damns you back”. When you serve love, unconditional love, love serves you back. Your heart becomes full and light and you emit happiness upon your experiences of life and those you love and will come to love. Love expands with your heart and awareness. You spend more and more of your days being happy and the rocky moments of life don’t knock you sideways quite as hard. There are still difficult moments in life, but you manage them with a greater sense of peace and love within your hearts.
C: … and this I know. Many of you know that I had my hip replaced almost four weeks ago. It was and continues to be quite an experience. Once I decided that surgery was my best option, I set my intention for a smooth process from start to finish. (Interestingly, my surgeon used those exact words at my pre-op. He too expected and intended a smooth process! A moment of harmonic vibration alignment!). Still, there were some “rocky moments” and yet I mustered enough clarity through my medicated fog to see them as an opportunity to practice surrender, acceptance, allowance…and gratitude. What happened next is that angels came from everywhere to assist! All who wanted to assist me in some way came to me to serve me their love in the most perfect ways. I came to accept my own need and found I was able to allow their assistance (a new thing for me), and through that I have come to a place of tremendous gratitude. So many wonderful souls helped me along and I am forever grateful. David and Kord helped me to recognize that this was the manifestation of my intention. Amazing and wondrous!
From the Guides
Good Morning Dear Souls living with the lamp of God’s love shining down on us all,
To use a car analogy, with cars metaphorically representing the human body, our personal vehicle. We all have them and move around in them. Divine souls driving and living within these bodies. We can see the divine purpose of this, we see where we all hold a collective experience of souls being in these vehicles, these bodies. We are all the same in this aspect, in this regard. We see and feel the pain of life and conditioning patterns adopted by our travels around our planet and the collective experience that makes up our karmic path before us. We are all the same, but an experience in one family, one city, one country is significantly different than the other in some respects. We often do not honor the different journeys our souls take, within the car experience, or the physical experience. We hold these experiences in judgement and we bring these experiences of lower vibrations into our energy fields. We become what we judge, for we feel this judgement within our bodies and our souls and there is a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction. When we can see and hold the pain and karmic experience of the other before us without judgement, and in the absence of judgment, compassion flows to us with more and more ease. You see their pain that is of their life plan, their karma. It is not your pain but you can hold a deep awareness of their pain. See the path that their soul is following and the lessons that the soul is here to learn. You see the egoic structure that the other is bound in and you understand their lessons in these moments may be different than yours and you hold no judgement over this fact, this occurrence.
You hold them in compassion and you serve God’s love within this compassion and this in turn serves the love within your hearts, and your hearts and your compassion continues to grow and expand. The more you see the human pain, the commonality of the pain of life and experience, with all experiences being of a slightly different nature for each soul walking our beloved Earth, our Mother Gaia.
When we see the pain of others and stand in judgement of their behavior we are not honoring their life path and we can move into pity and ego expression. When we see their pain and move into vibrations of compassion, your hearts become lighter and you find yourselves in the bliss, the joy of self acceptance. You feel better and better about yourselves and your self love grows and grows and you move into the service of love with more and more frequency while holding higher and higher frequencies of love expression, alignment and experience.
All we really have is our experiences and the choice of how to respond to these experiences. With love or ego? Moving toward love or away from love, while holding no judgement over the behavior of others. Trusting that the lessons that come to them are in their best interests presented by karma and the God nature within us that brings these lessons to us. Some lessons are hard to fathom for some of us. This does not mean we hold them in judgement and criticism. We know they are on the path of experience and pain that best serves their karma as the resulting experience. All experiences come from God with the lessons attached. We can learn and pay attention or we can look out the window of the classroom Earth while ignoring the lessons presented before us and have to repeat some of our lessons over and over. This choice is up to each individual, as is the choice they may make to turn their eyes to the love and light that you emit from the center of your body, your hearts, your soul.
You respect this and shine your lights of love and compassion on all within your experience of life. Why not? Move toward love or away from love. The choice is yours. You can grow to really see the consequences of your actions, behavior and intentions and your understanding of this grows and grows and you find you have a strong desire to remain in the light of love. This is where life is really, really good! Be joyful and happy and serve heaping amounts of love from your kitchen of life. Serve well, love well and be happy,
Always in your service and at your side sending waves and waves of vibrations of love your way. Surrender to this love and live with your hearts open and your souls at peace. David and Kord, serving love from the beautiful kitchen of love that is the Four.
Good Morning Dear Souls of love, of light, of peace, of happiness,
For this is who we are at our center, all of us. You observe the egos of others that reflect your own experiences. You see the human act of ego’s expression in the all of us, responding to karma, conditioning patterns and the trauma’s of life, of misunderstanding, of not knowing who they are. As you once did not. Ego expression is why we come to this planet. All express ego. This is why we are here. So do not judge anyone’s egoic response to life, they are fulfilling their destiny. All of our egos rise. Have great compassion for this and great appreciation for when you interact with others who know who they are and are aligned with love. Often with very different understandings and expression of what that truly means. Have gratitude for when you stand in the presence of love alignment and compassion for when you stand before the ego expression of another. This is the game of life.
All of us express ego directly in response to the level of maturity a soul presents and the level of trauma and conditioning to be played out, to be experienced. Knowing this, it is an easier matter to withhold judgement and extend compassion. For we all have walked in those shoes. Know the road you walked and the suffering you endured, knowing others have a similar experience expressed in very different ways of exploring the many facets of what it means to be human. The experiences are much different from an egoic singular point of view. The pain and trauma experienced from within these points of view is universal. All souls walking the planet experience the pain and trauma of love separation perception and all the accompanying lower vibrations of life, shame, self loathing, lack of self acceptance and so on. No one is immune to this, none are spared, this is what it means to have a human experience. Know all have the pain you have experienced within your soul experience. Know all can have the love alignment you now know yourselves as and are expressing in more and more abundant ways. Shine your lights of love so that those who are willing may step into the light with you and bringing their own special light that also brings healing experiences to your lives. We all benefit from the alignment with love and we all serve the greater good bringing more and more peace and love into our lives. We all contribute in our own way in our own time, hold great gratitude for this and great respect and unconditional love. We all are human, we all are of the divine. Hold this knowing before others in the vibration that most serves the moment. Be the love that you are, so others may find their own path to this same knowing, in the way that best serves them and the love of the All.
All of our love onto the experiences of your life and your souls. We love you greatly with the overflowing love that comes from the abundant source of love that is our hearts. David and Kord, from the Four to your hearts.
The Guides have also spoken a bit about the difference between “pity” and “compassion”. The distinction for me was often blurred. Their viewpoint is that pity is ego based. Pity says “you’re in a bad way and it is all your fault. If you had been smarter or better in some way you would not be in this mess? You are less than. If you had listened to me you would be ok.”
Compassion on the other hand says, “Wow, life is difficult for you right now. How may I help or shine the light of love on your path for you so you may better find your way? Whatever that means for you. My intention is to serve the highest good for your soul and not for my ego gratification. Your path is different than my path and I respect this.” I believe, often just to stand in the presence of another with acceptance and non judgement can bring a sense of calm and peace to a given situation and often this is all you can do and sometimes this peaceful acceptance with love at its center can be the first time a soul in pain can recognize the opportunity in front of them.
On another note. Some of you may be aware that we own five crystal bowls and have been conducting some sound baths here at the house for some very small groups. Now with Covid becoming less of a significant factor, we would like to start holding sound baths for larger groups. We have a small home, but we feel we could accommodate about eight of us at a time. We are thinking that we would hold the first sound bath on July 3rd, in the mid to late afternoon. If you are interested, please respond to this invite and it will be a first come, first served basis. Hopefully this will be the first of many.
All of our Love,
Cindy and Scott