Angels Path Issue 27
Hello Dear Friends,
Once again I’ve spent a fair amount of time on what I thought was the next email. But I was struggling to put it together for a number of reasons.Then this message came through with the calling to put it out as it is, right now. So here it is.Straight up. I hope you find as much meaning in this as I have.
Good Morning Sweet Souls of Love and Light,
Expressing ourselves as love in all moments of intention and awareness. When in an egoic state of experience, we often struggle to remember ourselves as love based beings of experience, love, light, sound, and color. When we hold ourselves in a state of appreciation and acceptance we find ourselves aligned with love.
When we feel judged and criticized by others, we find ourselves feeling resentful, angry, misunderstood, unappreciated, defensive. We hold the other in a degree of contempt for not loving and accepting us, for not holding us in the true light of love. We step away from those who we feel judged by whenever we can. The acceptance of the judgement lights up our egos and we hold a vibration of mistrust and fear. Our ego fights back in whatever manner is available to us. Our egos are at odds with the other’s ego, alignment with love is not a possibility at these moments of time and space intersection.
So…. we judge ourselves. Knowing that when we feel judged by others we feel unloved and unacceptable. So when we judge ourselves do we not have a similar reaction to our own self judgement? Does this not drive us away from love alignment and acceptance? We judge ourselves and find that we hold the same vibration of resentments and judgement of those who judge us. The same anger and lack of love alignment. When we accept ourselves, we feel loved, understood, respected just as those who feel your lights of love, acceptance, allowance and appreciation. So to judge ourselves throws our egos into a state of fear and resentment. To love ourselves throws us into a state of love alignment and acceptance. We hold ourselves in self love that then permeates out into the world of vibration, form and structure around us. To judge ourselves is not an act of self love, to accept ourselves is.
Surrender your judgement of yourselves and you find yourselves in a state of surrender and alignment of love. You release the self loathing, lack of misunderstanding of our true nature, the self criticism of thought patterns within your egoic mind. Your ego can then align with love. When we feel judged we step away from love; when we feel accepted, we move toward love. Knowing this you have a choice to accept or judge yourselves. Ego can align with love once we feel acceptance for ourselves. Ego will align with the vibrations of the highest good as long as the ego feels acceptance and love. When our egos feel judged by ourselves, self love and acceptance is not a possibility. When we accept ourselves as love, ego falls into alignment with this love. Ego still has its moments of excess of pride from now and then, but less and less often with less and less intensity. We laugh at ourselves in these moments and we move back into an alignment of the love vibrations that are around us at all times. We find as we accept and love ourselves, the accepting and loving another becomes a matter of ease and existence.
To accept ourselves as love is an act of kindness, of self love, of self-care, of love expression and expansion. When we judge ourselves we move to punish ourselves and we move into a state of despair and depression. Our vibrations lower and become much more dense. Our hearts harden with pain and lack of self acceptance, of shame, of self hatred. We are accepting others’ viewpoints of misunderstanding us and making this misunderstanding our own. We are listening to others and not the nature of our hearts. We are accepting others viewpoints of us as our own. We take on these viewpoints as forms of self judgement.
Know and accept yourselves as love and the lower vibrations of judgement, misunderstanding and ego alignment of others holds no sway over you and you feel compassion for the fact that those judging you have no awareness of themselves as love. You understand their misalignment with love and this does not affect your alignment with love for you know who and what you are and they do not. Know this and hold no judgement over them, as you would not judge a blind man for being blind. Shine some light so that some of those that are blind may see the lights of your love.
Step into the bright lights of our love, of your self love, self acceptance and peace. Know yourselves as love and extend this knowing through the vibrations of your experience. What you emit, you align with. All of our love shining on you all. Peace and love come to you with more and frequency and intensity. Know yourselves dear sweet ones.
David and Kord shining love for the Four onto your hearts and your experiences.
I love how the guides equate our response to others’ judgement of us with a negative viewpoint of those judging us, while we often hold no awareness on how we respond emotionally to our own self judgement. And how releasing this self judgement is such an act of self love.
I know there are some who feel there is a lot of repetition, or too much repetition in some of these messages. The guides say the more we are exposed to the vibration of these messages, the more we process these messages, the more we can hold this vibrational awareness of love when we are exposed to the lower frequency egoic expressions of others, rather than fall into an equal egoic vibration the other is presenting. Our fall back vibration in times of stress can continue to be one of love alignment rather than egoic response.
Once again, thank you for reading these messages from the guides.
Cindy and Scott