Angels Path Issue 26
Hello Dear Friends,
When the guides presented this message, it seemed to be a reflection of my relationship with my father, and it was. After I digested this to a degree, they informed me that there were many universal aspects of human experience described that could be understood by a large portion of souls walking this planet. Many of us have inhabited most or all of the roles presented, father, son, brother, sister, mother, priest, CEOs of large corporations, political figures, bosses, coworkers and fellow humans in general in leadership positions and, most importantly, those of the wounded soul presented. I know now from remembrance of past lives this is true in my case. I’ve been both the bully and the bullied.
Now, my intention is to stop this merry-go-round of karma by forgiveness extended to both my father and myself. So far, he has been unable or uninterested in forgiving me for my roles played in our history. This is of no matter. All I can do is handle my side of the relationship and his side is up to him. I love him regardless of what he thinks of me. To do any other action would not be of the love alignment that I wish to hold and embody with the rest of the time I have in this life experience. I will continue to ask for forgiveness when the opportunity presents regardless of whether he continues to reject me or not and continues his criticism of me. His actions hold no sway over my desire to love him unconditionally.
With great gratitude for all who are willing to read these following words. Let there be peace upon our souls.
Good Morning Dear Golden Souls of Love, with the deep love of God within you radiating out from your center into the world of form and structure around you,
A man stands in a crowded room and a speaker of high repute is holding court for all to see. The speaker loves all but one; one man in the room he dislikes. The speaker projects judgement, scorn and criticism upon the man. The man feels this dislike when others do not. The man says “This is a painful experience and I do not like this, this wounds me.” All the others in the room say (of the speaker), “No, he is wonderful, he is great, he is kind”. They hold this position with great insistence and vigor. Who is wrong here, if there can be a wrong? The others are judging the speaker based on their experience and cannot perceive the wounded man’s point of view. They condemn the wounded man and hold him in a perception of him as difficult and unreasonable. This is how great conflict, how wars begin. “This is my truth and your truth cannot be so.” There is a lack of compassion in this viewpoint, one deeply ingrained with ego. When the wounded man can come to see the truth of the situation, others are completely blind to his truth and cannot honor this. They are deep in the conditioning patterns of their ego. Once the wounded man can see this, he can have compassion for the judgement others put upon him. He can forgive them for they are blind and he loves them, wounded and stuck within their ego as they may be, held in place by tight and twisted energy blocks. He can remember when he held similar positions of judgement. The man can see the truth of this and be mindful and loving with the pain of the other, even when they are so numbed by ego’s influence and the addictive qualities of life in the third. To love them any less would not be an act of unconditional love. The fact that the others cannot return this unconditional love because of the blindness they hold before themselves is immaterial. To judge them for their blindness would not be an act of love.
A wounded, blinded soul healed by unconditional love can hold great love and compassion within their hearts and their experiences. You can be healed by this love, give this healing love to all others you meet, regardless of their blindness and their pain, their addictions and the ego projections of pain that rule their lives. Surrender to the unconditional love that resides in all of us, placed by God, and be healed. Live and express these deep vibrations of love within you coming more and more to your awareness with each passing day, each passing experience. Allow this love within you to shine. Go, embrace and express this love, Dear Ones. Be who and what you are, what you have always been but have forgotten. Remember and hold this remembrance, this knowing and be joyful and happy. Be the love that you are.
All of our love we extend from our hearts to yours, as we all do for each other when we understand that we are all of love creation and expression. We love you deeply. Hold this love as a light for you to see your own personal truth clearly, particularly when others may not.
David and Kord, loving you oh, so much from within and of the Four. Be happy and be well, sweet loved Ones, no matter the circumstances of life. You are of love. Hold this remembrance and you flow through life with the winds of God’s Grace at your backs.