Angels Path Issue 23

Hello Dear Friends,

Scott and I, in agreement with The Four, thought that it might be helpful for you if we were to start pulling some “nuggets” from the writings.  We realize there is a lot to “unpack” in these messages, so the following bullet points are intended to quickly provide the main points. The passages have also been highlighted, so you can easily reference where these main points come from. These particular passages stand out to us, but what speaks to you will likely be different.

  • Know that love always prevails. 
  • Accept what is in each moment and see the love that is always present in each of these moments. Love is always present.
  • When you have an egoic response, it is a wonderful opportunity to look at the frail human aspects of yourselves. This gives you a loving opportunity to reflect on yourselves and your own humanness, brokenness, and where you still have opportunity and room for growth. 
  • When two souls aligned with love are in a honing situation, they both desire clarity and both will be willing to put down their point of view when it serves the common good. [When the Guides speak of “honing” or “contrast”, they are referring to the conflict you feel with another, within yourselves or with a situation. When you feel unhappy, uncomfortable or uneasy.This is an opportunity to practice some self reflection and to see where your personal responsibility may lay within the experience and the opportunity for growth and learning. -S]
  • When love is extended without an egoic attachment, you serve others in a manner consistent with God’s will and love. Your self will and God’s will are aligned in these moments. This is a form of Grace. 
  • All you have is the moment in front of you. This moment is not in the past or the future, it is simply now. As an experience, all you have is this moment at hand. There is no other moment than this one. Each moment is precious as each moment is an opportunity to love. 
  • To accept ourselves and others as we stumble is a divine expression of love and draws us to divine love like a moth to flame. 


Good Morning Dear Souls, Keepers of the Flame of love within our hearts,

Surrender all that you know to be and all that you are. Know that you are love and it is not possible at this moment in time and space to know all that there is. Surrender to what you do not know, for one cannot currently know all. Be at peace for not knowing and have gratitude for what you do know about One’s self. We are All of God’s Love. Accept what you do know, that you are love. Surrender what you do not know, which is all the rest. Surrender all that is not of love alignment, within yourselves and the observation of the world around us. Know that love always prevails. Know that sometimes, and quite often, the journey can be one of a long measure. Be alright with this and use every opportunity of which you hold awareness to emit and vibrate the deep love within your hearts into the world around you, into the hearts and minds of others, and into the energy fields we all share. Emit love and acceptance into the energy fields of your experience and help to shift the vibration of love to a higher plane for those souls on and connected to your Home in form and structure, planet Earth, Schoolroom Earth, where we relearn to allow the love that is us to come forth and blossom within our hearts and experience.

Surrender all that is not love, so you may see so much more clearly what is love and hold gratitude for this deep love within us that shows us the way back to our hearts. The more you surrender, the more clearly you see what love is and where others hold a non-alignment with love. Then you can see clearly the path to love and give them gentle directions to where the path of love may lay for them. The more clear your vision, the better you become at this loving skill. The more you surrender to life and the non-knowing aspects of life, the more you come to understand what love is and what it can accomplish, what can happen when love vibrates with deep alignment within your soul and experience. You see more and more examples, more and more often, and hold great gratitude and joy for the love you are beginning to see more and more clearly and manifest in greater and greater abundance of love.

Surrender your need to know and be okay with this and you find yourself at a place of true acceptance. Accept what is in each moment and see the love that is always present in each of these moments. Love is always present, allow yourself to see this in every moment by surrendering to the moment and allowing your ego responses to become less and less of a factor in how you choose to align the energies within your body and experiences. See, taste, feel, and touch where love is in every moment of your experience. This is where the abundance of love blossoms forth from our hearts. Surrender and love flows. Accept and Allow.

Accept our love and allow this love to flow through your body and your experience, and your soul will sing and rejoice and you will be joyful. The more often you feel this happening, the more skilled you become at holding alignment with love. Hold this knowing and awareness and you will be alright with not knowing, and the more you will manifest love.

David and Kord from the Four, bringing the deep love within our hearts to the doorstep of your experiences. Align with this love and let this love guide your thoughts and actions, and you will be fulfilled. Sometimes we tell the truth in advance when it concerns your inner heart experience. [The Four do not typically prophesize, but in this case, they are speaking to the emotions that aligning with love brings in terms of inner fulfilment. I believe this was a nudge of encouragement. – S] Allow yourselves to feel the love of the All.


Good Morning Dear Souls of Light and Love, standing with the Golden Light of God’s Love upon your shoulders,

As you come to greater and greater clarity and understanding of who you are, and of your purpose as agents of God’s love, the actions of others will have less and less effect on your ego. You come to see where the overreactions or underreactions of others have very little to do with you. When someone is upset or angry with you, it is a matter of recognizing their disconnection with Source, even when they feel the need to attack you. [When someone is aware of, connected with, or aligned with love energy that animates our bodies and is all around us, this is often referred to as being connected to the Source energy of the Divine and not aligned with ego. -S] You see the ego injuries and disparity they carry within themselves and you do not respond with anger or ego alignment. You respond with compassion and non-judgement.

When you do have an egoic response, it is a wonderful opportunity to look at the frail human aspects of yourselves. This gives you a loving opportunity to reflect on yourselves and your own humanness, brokenness, and where you still have opportunity and room for growth. The opportunity for growth is profound when one surrenders to what life brings us with the trust and confidence that love alignment brings us. You will see in others where they have an alignment with love and you will see the power of cooperation when we are aligned with love. You will still have honing and it is driven by the desire to serve the common good. You will pursue clarity without an egoic response, yet you can still have opinions, as do others. When two souls aligned with love are in a honing situation, they both desire clarity and both will be willing to put down their point of view when it serves the common good.

See where others cling to a point of view that they are absolutely sure of, one that is not aligned for the common good but rather for alignment with ego, and see the pain the ego can carry for them. Remember deeply when you would carry a similar stance and vibration and understand the situation and the pain expressed within it. Shine the loving light of acceptance and awareness onto them. Stand before them holding the understanding of the common good within your awareness and gently extend this understanding with compassion and grace. When this love is extended without an egoic attachment, you serve others in a manner consistent with God’s will and love. Your self will and God’s will are aligned in these moments. This is a form of Grace. When Grace is extended to others, they have an opportunity to turn themselves toward the light of love that rests within themselves. As they see and accept your vibration of love, they begin to see and recognize this love within themselves. They can then move toward self-love and acceptance.

We have all done this for each other over lifetimes. It is simply our turn to shine this light of love and compassion onto you so you may shine this light of love onto others in their lives of form and structure.

Our Love onto you both, now and always, 

David and Kord, reflecting the deep love of the Four onto you. We hold vast abundance of love for your souls and your hearts. Peace be upon your souls.


Good Morning Dear Sweet Tender souls of love, living your lives as expressions of this love,

Live each day as if it were your last. For all you have is the moment in front of you. This moment is not in the past or the future, it is simply now. As an experience, all you have is this moment at hand. There is no other moment than this one. Each moment is precious as each moment is an opportunity to love, and to hold the perspective of love within each experience. When the moment passes, there is no opportunity to reclaim this moment, which is why one is best served by living each moment as if it were your last in this land of form and structure. If this were your last moment, how would you like to experience it? In love vibration and alignment, or not? How would you prefer to be remembered for this last moment in this intersection of time and space?

Hold each moment before you as an opportunity to make a choice, to align with love, to experience the resulting vibration, or to express painful disconnection from Source and the resulting vibration this brings. Each experience has merit and is of divine expression. However, how long does one wish to have the same experience of love disconnection over and over? The choice is up to you, dear loved ones. Wallow in pain or move to an experience of love alignment and expression? Each moment is sacred and an opportunity to open our eyes, our hearts and souls to the experience and power of Love, God’s love, self-love, your love.

Surrender to the moment and allow love to flow into your life, your experience, and your expressions in your world of experience. Surrender to the experiences of life and you will find yourselves in deep love expression. What are your fears telling you? Let yourselves examine these fears with a loving perspective and intent. Surrender to love so that you may face your fears with the strong support of love to guide you and assist you. One never needs to face one’s fear alone. One most often does not realize this is an option for they have forgotten who they are. No need to judge this forgetting, it is why we are here. Hold gratitude that the remembrance of love and who you are is coming to you. The more one moves into a vibration of acceptance and surrender, the more one aligns with the vibration and experience of love, as yourselves, as love, and all others expressions and vibrations of love. Even as we stumble through life, we come back to a place of remembrance of ourselves as love experience and expression. To accept ourselves and others as we stumble is a divine expression of love that draws us to divine love like a moth to flame. This draw is of an exquisite nature. Enjoy your journey and savor each moment as unique and never to be repeated. Each moment is the only time one can experience such a moment, and so in a manner of speaking, it is the last and only moment of experience in this intersection of time and space within form and structure.

Ponder these words with loving intent and feel the growth of deep love expand within your hearts. Accept and be who you are – LOVE.

David and Kord, loving you from the Four, Our house of love. Live with us, with this Love. Our love, our hearts to yours. Breathe love as One breathes air. Know you are never truly alone, we are always with you.

Love always prevails.  I take such comfort in knowing that. 

These messages came after the incident at the US Capitol. As I watched the drama unfold, I found myself looking for the love that is always present. It came to me in the kind gestures of Representative Jason Crow, who has experienced combat and who provided calm and comfort to his colleagues during the incident, assuring them that he would remain present with them. In his actions, I found some love and feel gratitude for having recognized it in the midst of the chaos. He held steady to his service of others for the common good, a wonderful example!  Where are you finding the love that is always present? At times, it is clearly in front of us and other times, we need to dig deeper, but Love is always there. Love prevails. – C.

For me, I find myself reflecting on the moments where I feel aligned with love and the moments where I am certainly not. The phrase “I am human, fully God and I am God, fully human” comes to mind and is reflected in the world around me. I’m not completely aware of where I first heard  this phrase, from the Guides or perhaps I read it somewhere. I find myself including this phrase often in my morning affirmations. I believe it speaks to our nature as divine beings of love juxtaposed against our human nature and the failings and shortcomings that come with the experience of being human. We are spiritual beings coming here for a physical experience as opposed to physical beings coming for a spiritual experience. I guess this is life and our purpose is to extend as much love, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion as we can in each moment. 

Thank you for your time and energy in reading this email. Cindy and I are honored and thank you for letting us serve. -S

Love, Cindy and Scott

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