Angels Path Issue 22

Hello Dear Friends,

These messages speak to the conditioning patterns we as humans are exposed to and formed by. The Guides say there is no real way around this experience. We are here to be exposed to these patterns and to learn to recognize them, examine them and release those that are no longer helpful. 

The metaphor that comes to mind is one I have used in the early emails. That of the elephant as an infant with a rear foot staked to the ground by a heavy rope. The infant elephant cannot pull himself free and over time gives up trying, believing correctly in that moment he was bound to the ground by the rope. Time passes and as an adult, easily strong enough to pull the rope from the stake with little effort, he does not. Believing the conditioning of his youth that the rope is too strong to pull free from. This is obviously not the case, but the belief system he holds, bound by the conditioning patterns of his experience, tells him this is the truth. He is blind to this truth, blinded by his experiences and conditioning of youth.

Do we as humans carry this same tendency? To respond to a truth or a perception of truth that no longer exists or no longer serves us. How can we come to recognize these patterns and how do we come to be free of them? Can we come to a place of clarity where we see the world around us as it really is and not as our past conditioning tells us it is. How do we clear the lens, obscured by our past experiences, through which we experience life? The guides tell us to start with desire, followed by intention and then comes manifestation.

Much Love,

Cindy and Scott


Good Morning Dear Souls, holding and bursting from within the Love that spills forth from inside of you till all you see is the love and energy you exist within. 

Know you are of this love, this energy, this vibration. 

You go to a friend’s house and they have two dogs. You enter with a vibration of peace, love, and acceptance. One dog greets you warmly and lovingly, and the other barks at you from a distance, full of fear and anxiety. Your behavior has not changed but the response from each animal is quite different. You see how the other’s reaction has little or nothing to do with you. You feel gratitude for the dog that greets you with love and acceptance, and compassion for the fear state the other dog lives in and understand the pain and discomfort this vibration brings to them. Your ego is less likely to engage when you can hold and see these positions with clarity and love. Your ego does not need to rise when the fearful dog barks at you for you understand their reaction has nothing to do with you. It is all about the lens of reality they are looking at the world through, and how this creates their reality and deeply colors the way they see the world and how they live and respond to it.

So with this understanding and perspective, you are not offended by the angry dog’s behavior. You stay in the vibration of love within you while the dog barks it’s head off, metaphorically speaking of course. 

You see the two perspectives and understand them and, within this understanding, you have an opportunity to ask yourself “Which lens of reality do I choose to look through?” Love, trust and acceptance as the first dog did? Or fear, anger, and anxiety as the second dog did? Which reality do you wish to create? Which lens to allow you to see the world do you choose? How clear is the lens of your choice and how does this affect the way in which you see the world? Which perspective do you align with? The choice is simply yours and the clarity of the moments will expand and expand and the choices and actions, based in love awareness, come more and more easily.

Strive to be as honest and kind as you can be, as you are, as you align with the love vibration within yourself and the vibrations of love that are around us and for us at all times. Be truthful and forthright. Be as kind and gentle with yourselves as you are with all the others whose paths cross with you on a day-by-day basis. Be generous with your love for yourselves as you are with others and soon, the barrier you perceive between your love and the love of others will no longer exist. You will see no difference between self-love and the love for your fellow man. It is one and the same.

Align with love, and hold the perspective of love, as you move through your days.

Love yourselves as we love you and you will feel the deep draw to do the same and live within this vibration and experience. You hold the perspective of love as the lens you view the world from and your vibration will shift the reality of the world around you and you are helping the worldview of the collective consciousness to shift toward one of peace and acceptance. Create the world of love around you, despite the barking of angry souls around you. You know the perspective of love that you hold and the barking does not move you to a position of fear. Hold this knowing against the fear reaction of your ego’s knee jerk response and your vibration will remain one of calmness, peace and love. Hold the lens of reality you wish to look through high so others may see by the bright light of love you hold a little bit more clearly and be moved to shift into their own experience of aligning with the love within themselves.

Be generous with your love and love will return to you over and over, again and again.

David and Kord, living with love within and of the Four. Forever yours in the service of love. Allow yourselves to be the love that you are.


Good Morning Dear Souls, living and walking within the Golden White Light of the God Source you are,

See with clarity the belief patterns of yourselves and those around you. Where the conditioning patterns of life, of One’s experience, shape our beliefs from our cultural patterns of thought and action, to our personal family beliefs and structures, to your own experiences of the world around you and your karma. Many souls only see and relate to their experiences through the lens of reality and conditioning that has been exposed to them. If One has not experienced something personally in this life, it holds no value or interest and a blindness to the reality of life from a love-based perspective is present. These conditioning patterns shape us and hold us in a misperception of reality, reflected by our ego response. Our own beliefs, shaped by our personal experiences of life and karma, create blindness to the ultimate truths of life. We cannot see the clear light of love and truth when we are blinded by our personal belief structure, where we only relate to the world as it has related to us by our experiences, only seeing the world around us from an wounded, egoic perspective.

Surrender your beliefs conditioned by third dimensional thinking and experience and let the unconditional vibrations of love shape your reality and you embrace the world for what it is all the while accepting, allowing and appreciating life in and as of the All. Seeing where blindness of life is around you and looking and seeing more truth and love around you while seeing the falsity of ego expression around you and you see your own egoic responses in the actions of others. You see your own conditioning patterns in yourselves and all others. See where you have been and look to the light around you to know where you’re at now by releasing your belief structure of culture, and egoic experiences of life experienced while walking in blindness, in the dark. Now you begin to see the universal aspects of your life reflected in all those around you. You can no longer hold any judgement over others. Surrender your beliefs to see where the truth in life lies before you. Have gratitude for this perspective seeped in the deepest vibrations of love and acceptance, unconditional Love.

Surrender and allow your hearts to open with Love,

David and Kord, coming to you from within the Four, expressing the deep love before us from the Four. Peace be upon your hearts, Dear Sweet Ones. Walk in the Golden Light of self love.


Good Morning Dear Souls, reflecting the great beautiful light from within your hearts,

Our reality is built on our beliefs, built upon our conditioning. Our beliefs build our reality. The conditioning patterns we accept builds our beliefs and we accept this as our beliefs and this leads us down many paths that can lead us astray from the path where the Angels lead us back to God, to our own hearts.

Ask and look to see where you have accepted the conditioning patterns of your world, your reality. Built on many layers of experience. From the general world, to our countries, to our cities, race and family culture. Look to see where these conditioning patterns do not align with love. This becomes clearer and clearer to you both, from our experiences and conditioning of youth that brought pain into your energy fields, to your media, your music, the advertising. All having purpose that may or may not be completely aligned with love. We build our beliefs on these patterns and respond to this conditioning through our actions, behaviors and thoughts. You begin to release these patterns and the truth of love and life becomes more and more apparent. You see how we all create our world, our vision of this world through the lens of reality that the conditioning patterns we accept bring to us.You begin to see your own blindness and the blindness of others and how you cannot shake them out of this blindness. They must come out of this blindness willingly and of their own accord. Accept them for where they are at in their journey through life and where they are in their understanding and releasement of their own conditioning patterns, their own karma. Accept them where they are at in their lives. 

You do not need to step into the conditioning patterns of others, their reality and their wants and the needs they perceive that they need to be joyful and happy. You may see where this is misguided and you do not judge this. You simply step away and do not participate in these patterns of behavior and beliefs that do not serve you, do not ring true for you. You do not judge them for their actions, you simply do not participate or judge. When they ask why you do not behave or participate in a certain manner, simply tell them the truth with much kindness and Love, simply stating the truth with no judgement.

See and surrender the conditioning patterns of yourself and the world around you. Surrender and step into the experience of yourselves as love and acceptance. You build your own reality through the acceptance and the surrender of the energy and the patterns of energy you participate in. Attend each moment of your day with the intention to hold love in your heart and to extend love into each moment of experience regardless of what it is. Be what you are – an expression of Love.

All of our love upon your hearts, now and for always this will be so.

David and Kord, from within the Four, our hearts to yours and back again… and again…. and again. Peace and Love to you both. Attend each moment with love in your hearts.


Good Morning Dear Divine Souls, returning to your true nature,

That of Love, Peace and Acceptance, of Oneself and all others. For no matter what our human desires, our human conditioning, our egoic viewpoints and lessons, we are all human first. Relate to this aspect of yourselves and all others before you move to focus on the secondary aspects of human life and existence, of karma and the stage we all stand and play upon called Life. Look first to say within your hearts, before any difficult circumstances “I love you, I forgive you, I accept you.” Say this for yourselves first and then to the other soul you are interacting with. This will help one to hold the aspect of human experience that speaks to our commonality first and our differences second, both for Oneself and for the All, the human in All of us that we come here to experience. You will come to accept this and embody this with more and more ease as we ride upon time’s arrow together. Now you are recognizing the separation that one feels within one’s ego experience. You both are experiencing this and this movement toward love is becoming more and more your tendency until soon it becomes an expression of your true nature. Instead of choosing not to judge, which is a wonderful vibration to hold, you will find yourself simply not judging at all, which is but yet another vibration of wonderful peace and acceptance from within your heart, onto the world around you and filling your hearts with joy at the same moment of time and space experience.

Walk this earth with the intention to hold the intention of the true knowing and expression of “I love you, forgive you, accept you.” Hold this intention for all that you see, feel, hear and touch. For All things, for all experiences, for all expression from within the experience, both for yourselves and all others that share the fields of energy within all those in our physical proximity. At first, more for those in your immediate energy fields and then, more and more for the All that is at a further distance within the form and structure experience. Your love, forgiveness and acceptance will cross these barriers with more and more ease, with less and less alignment with the heavier vibrations of life. You hold yourselves and how you experience all others with this clear vibration of love and acceptance, judging none and unconditionally loving All. One does not need to align with the lower and heavier vibrations of others’ experiencing and conditioning to love, forgive and accept them. When a small beloved child holds a deep temper tantrum, the child is still loved by his parents. Remember we are all Children of God no matter what our vibration of egoic expression is presenting. We all love our children and all children are of the All, as are you. You are both the parent and the child within the experience of the All. Love both aspects of this experience of reality within the expressions of life within the third. 

************ (This was a brief break in the session as something in the house needed tending)

There are very few things as powerful as an open human heart and few things as destructively powerful as a closed human heart. Often a closed heart will mistakenly think of itself as an open one. To force one’s viewpoint on another, even with the purpose of opening one’s eyes to love, is still an act of egoic expression and will have little or no effect on the closed heart. The closed heart will often push back violently with great judgement and defensiveness. Shine the light of “I love you, forgive you and accept you” onto the closed heart and let the love formed within your own heart flow into the moments of the experience at hand. Through this vibrational stance, the other will find themselves turning toward the light of love as if it were warmth and they are very cold. Hold your light of acceptance high and they will turn toward you. Force your will and ego upon them and they will turn away.*

Hold your vibrations of love energy high and clear and you assist us in helping all of us to ascend back to God, back to our true selves. Be of peace and hold your knowledge of the power of love within your daily awareness. Love is gentle and kind as you both are, sweet souls of God’s divine expression.

All of our love onto you now and always. Let us join our open hearts together and walk hand in hand, heart within each other’s hearts along the Path of the Angels.

David and Kord, within and of the Four, Loving, Forgiving and Accepting always as you have done for us, yourselves and others. We are all of the All. We all spring from  the source of God’s Love.


Cindy here,

*This paragraph, for me, seems to stand out and could stand alone.  It perfectly and beautifully summarizes our lessons from The Four.  When I read the phrase “Through this vibrational stance, the other will find themselves turning toward the light of love as if it were warmth and they are very cold.”, I feel the cold and the warmth.  I know this feeling they speak of, from both perspectives now.  

Also, the phrase “I love you, I forgive you, I accept you” is a perfect mantra, similar to the Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Prayer (I love you; I’m sorry; please forgive me; thank you).  The simplicity is helpful for me, since I like slogans.  They’re easy for me to remember, and they call for deep reflection.  Simple, but deep.

This holiday season has been unlike any other, it’s true.  In many ways, it is a much more thoughtful, loving season with more focus on presence, less on presents. Peace and love to you and yours today, tomorrow, and always.

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