Angels Path Issue 21
Hello All, Dear Friends,
I’ve found the recent messages quite profound for myself and feel a desire to share them. For me, the messages addressed many questions I’ve thought recently. How do I manage to deal with others’ ego projection and response without engaging my own? How can I be less judgemental and more compassionate? How does love arise through these experiences? How and what does the collective pain of the COVID Virus teach us? How do I work on these issues going forward?
It is my sincere desire that you find some meaning in the following messages as I did. I wish Love and Grace upon you all as we walk through this life together.
Good Morning Dear Souls, Living and loving while basking in your experience of remembrance of who you are, experiencing yourself as love and compassion,
A small child starves to death and it is an easy matter to say, how horrible, how awful, no child should have to suffer so much, this is not right, this is unfair and all of this would be true. However, let’s look at the soul’s opportunity to grow in a deeper understanding of compassion. From that experience, a soul is forever changed with a movement toward the God within, an embracement of love. For to feel compassion is to experience a form of Love. The starving child’s soul grew vastly into a much greater and deeper understanding of compassion and grace. This soul will judge others less as “they are lazy and they deserve it”, and more into a state of acceptance, grace and compassion, without judgement, and through this compassion, will move to assist and love in whatever manner presents itself.
So when you see others acting out in despair and cruelty, they are looking to bring compassion into their soul experience, similar to the starving child. This is what starvation, anguish, despair and disassociation from oneself brings. An awareness of more compassion and love, more acceptance of the state of reality that others may hold. Hold compassion for the pain of the others’ experience and love them in your heart through the gift of what compassion brings you. Compassion opens the heart. Judge them not and hold love and respect within your heart for the difficult experience they choose so they could grow in love and compassion, even if their ego is completely unaware of this fact, this experience.
Hold compassion and respect for yourselves when you reflect upon the pain of your life, your experience and know the divine wisdom, grace, and love behind those choices. These are what those difficult, painful lifetimes are about, growing at a soul level in love and awareness. When you tap into yourself as love you can feel and see what is in front of you and connect with your past experiences from other states of reality experience, or what you would call lifetimes. The compassion for the reality of the others’ experience will rise up in you and hold you in awareness and love without any judgement of the other.
If you see a soul and body in great pain and difficulty, have compassion and respect for the lessons they are striving to learn. They can learn from their egoic act of self interested cruelty and resulting acting out this pain and despair. If you recognize the egoic reaction behind their actions, know you have behaved in the same manner in other experiences of life and hold no judgement, only compassion and love.
Your love energy and vibration of compassion and acceptance will assist them in turning away from ego and to a state of more nuance and deeper experiences of self reflection and they can grow in love. This can be a lengthy process or instantaneous. The timing is of no matter. The compassion and love vibration is. Hold compassion and respect for oneself when you experience this deep compassion, for you have walked those same steps yourself. Forgive all cruelty and hold compassion in your heart for the lessons they and those in their experiences are acquiring. Forgive the other as you forgive yourself.
Align with the God Love, Love of Self, Love of All. See the great kaleidoscope of the great tapestry of life. Know you have been the rich man, the thief, the wise one, the downtrodden, the spiritual expression of God as a leader, the drug addict, the murderer, the murdered. You have been all these expressions of life. You will hold this knowing when you see others and how they manifest their behavior and actions upon this world of experience. You will see the clarity of this and feel less and less inclined to judge anyone any longer for any reason. Letting go of this egoic need to judge others as you see yourself and the commonality of the lessons in each classroom in the Schoolroom Earth you will come to judge yourself less and less and live in a more and more peaceful state.
Hold compassion in your hearts as you move through your experiences of life and the lives of others you see and experience. As we do you, you do unto others. Love and peace upon your hearts now and forever,
David with Kord, expressing the Will and Love of the Four, with an inner awareness and with an awareness of the outer experiences of Life, of others around you and in your experience. Our love to your hearts.
Good Morning Dear Souls of Sweet Love and Surrender,
Surrender to the Love within your own hearts. Allow this to grow and blossom. Allow this to happen for it cannot be forced. Force would be an act of ego. To desire, to allow, to surrender is another matter. You cannot force a seed to grow from the ground, healthy and strong. You can yell at a seed within the ground all you want, Grow! Be Strong, Be Tall!, Be Fast! and it will do absolutely no good. To nurture is another matter, to allow the seed to grow by providing the most supportive atmosphere. The seed may grow or not. One cannot force it as much as allow it. The egoic desires and control of force upon the seed does not allow or nurture in any way. So the love within your heart, like the seed within the ground, cannot grow and open with the use of force of egoic will. To surrender to the love in your heart, by surrender of the will and bondage of your ego, allow the seed of love within your heart to grow and blossom. Love comes to us when we surrender all of our egoic wants and desire the love within us to guide us on our path, our road home, guided by the bright lights of love along the Path Where the Angels Walk and Fly.
You cannot make this love grow, you can only nurture and allow it to grow by the self love you feed your heart, in a manner of speaking. Be kind, loving and patient with yourselves, holding the desire for the good of all your fellow souls, looking for the connection within each other that holds us together…the bonds of love and community, the vibrations of love coming from our hearts through acceptance and allowance, resulting in great gratitude and appreciation. This is done by recognizing when ego presents itself and holding the desire to surrender this egoic will. Surrender the egoic will and do not judge this will of ego. See it for what it is, an opportunity to learn and grow through the act of letting go of the need to have the knee jerk response to one’s egoic impulses. With the clarity of surrender that comes to us, you will observe egoic behavior more and more readily and you can release it with a deep love awareness and appreciation for the learning the ego brings us. We learn to love with each passing lesson of ego release. We would not have the love awareness without the awareness and the release of ego’s draw and pull on our souls. So no judgement of ego response, only a surrender and releasement of ego impulses, acts and behaviors.
Allowance, Acceptance and Appreciation comes from this Surrender. This surrender is called Love. There is no force of ego will, only the release of this will brings us to true, unconditional love.
Surrender to our love, the Love within your hearts, the love you see and feel within others’ hearts, particularly when they cannot. Love grows through the nurturing acceptance of surrender. The light of love that brings nutritious warmth to the soil of the soul and the seeds of love within your heart reach for this warmth of love. Plant love in the soil of your life, the ground you walk upon, the ground that leads to the Angels Path.
David and Kord, lovingly of the Four, both within and without all experiences. Bonded in love.
Good Morning Dear Souls, reflecting the commitment, the Love, the Grace of the God Nature within us All,
Holding this love in the forefront of your awareness and bringing a commitment to this love, to be of this love, to express this love in your daily actions. To do this with an unshakable commitment to Love, a love connection so deep that nothing can bring you away from this connection, this awareness. A bird knows he is a bird, no matter the storms of life the bird may fly within. So it is with humans, to know you are love as you weather storms of life that speak to your ego, bringing your attention of what you are away from your awareness. A bird has an easier task to know he is a bird. A human has a bit more of a challenge to know he is a source of God’s love as One overcomes the non-remembering of who they are. The bird does not forget and has no need to self discover once again his essential nature as a bird. Humans have this unique task on the planet Earth, this Schoolroom Earth.To remember that they are love and to overcome their lack of remembrance of that, to return to their essential nature. That is the task at hand for humans in this stage of our development.
Know you are of this love as you are of this forgetting. Now that we know we are of love, we can surrender to love and return to the art of remembrance, the art and skill of loving ourselves as love once again. All there is, is love. Just sometimes wrapped in difficult lessons as the soul who chooses to return to love and compassion through the lifetime of starving and suffering as a small child. As hard as this looks from the outside, from one’s ego perspective, there is love behind the decision to come to suffer so someone’s Soul can hold more compassion within their hearts. So in this act of suffering and starving there is a decision based in love. So if love can be present in this situation, it is present in all situations. As it is in your worldwide experience of the virus.
So the more pain experienced with the virus, the greater the gratitude that will follow. So when you return, after the virus passes, to more expansion of love, of holding each other, touching each other in love and experience, to live in a broader community once again, there will be a sense of more gratitude, more peace expanding from the souls who are walking the planet at this time. The souls on our side of the veil that love all of you in form and structure experience, we rise with you in the gratitude this experience brings to us as a collective whole of consciousness and experience. Not all on Earth will appreciate this, yet this does not alter the collective rise in vibration, for the numbers of those in appreciation will outweigh those who do not hold the same vibration. The vibrationary awareness will be of a greater nature and effect. Hold gratitude for this experience as did the soul who held gratitude for the expansion of compassion within their soul for the experience of starvation as a small child. Hold gratitude for the expansion of love within your hearts that your experiences can bring to you if you let them, allow them, surrender to them with the confidence of love behind your back as a strong wind of change for peace and love.
There is no greater force in the universe than love. We just forget this as we forget who we are and our true nature. As we remember, the vibrations of our species rise accordingly. Remember we are love and experience ourselves as just that.
Great Love upon your hearts dear sweet beloved Ones. Know you are of love as we do. Great peace upon your hearts as you walk through your experiences of life within this Schoolroom Earth, coming back to compassion and love once again through your lessons learned.
David and Kord of the Four, within the deep experience of love expressions shining onto your hearts. Walk in peace, Sweet Ones.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any desire for clarity or to discuss any topics covered, please feel free to reach out to us. We welcome and are open for conversation with any or all of this. Hope you enjoyed this issue.
Scott and Cindy
Angels Path Issue 20
Hello, everyone! This issue of The Angels’ Path focuses on a few recent auto-writings that were so beautiful to me that I find myself going back to read them again and again. There is a new voice that has joined The Four (although he popped in about a year ago, in linear time!) and he goes by Kord. David says he will remain the primary voice, but that others come forward to share in our love energy exchange and offer their unique perspective to the writings. I detect the subtle love energy of Kord in these messages, like an essence or flavoring. We spoke together for a few minutes and he emphasized the importance of “surrender,” which is essential to accepting, allowing, and appreciating.
The messages perfectly encapsulate the lessons we have been hearing from Guidance and bring us to the here and now. As you know, I like simple steps to keep me moving toward The Angels’ Path. David guided me to a method of release that works well for me, so I’ll share it with you. He said that every moment, we have a choice toward Love or toward ego. In order to remain aligned with Love, there is a constant allowing and releasing. I apply it to my breath: inhale acceptance and exhale releasement.
We are through most of the busyness that has held my attention and kept me from completing this email for you, but the messages are just as fresh and helpful now. I hope they assist you on your path toward Love.
- Cindy
Good Morning Dear Souls of White Light, Love, and Peace,
Hold these vibrations within your focus and your energy fields and great manifestations of Love will come to you. The ups and downs of life will no longer crush your spirit or your soul. What once brought you into deep shame, lack of self acceptance, and a sense of holding no honor against your soul, will fall away as more and more love and light comes to your awareness, as you move closer and closer to Source, the center of Love experience that is central to our understanding and perceptions of what and who we are.
You experience life with a divine understanding of the great challenges life can bring upon One’s soul. You see where you once did not, you know and remember what you once did not. You now hold Love up as your central experience and expression of life. You no longer instinctively move into a singular viewpoint with yourself as the center of your ego experience. You have moments of returning to this viewpoint and you see and release it with a wry smile and good cheer within your heart. Hold no malice toward yourself or others when you and they have those slips into ego, no matter how short or long the experience is. Hold gratitude for when you shift back to Love alignment. Have compassion for those who stay in a constant state of non-alignment and pain while doing their best to carry on using whatever addiction and self medicating device they can. See all this with a single glance and have deep understanding and compassion while holding deep gratitude for the connection with God-nature that you enjoy.
Know that all are in their own experience and their own growth process while walking upon this planet, this earth. One who you may perceive to be of the lowest vibration may be a great teacher and bring you many great lessons of what it means to be human and how to let go of your experience of the duality of life. An ascended being can be masked as a beggar and a person of high social stature that you may at first think is an enlightened being can actually be quite low on the ladder of ascension to God-nature. All are teachers to us. Be grateful for all your teachers, no matter the form they present to you. All teachers deserve honor and respect, as all humanity does, as you both do and all your loved ones and those yet to be loved. Hold the love vibration close to your heart and learn from each other with an easy grace that comes from our Source, our Creator. Express and manifest great aspects of the deep Love we are, and hold it for each other. This source of the vibration of Love binds us all together as One. One awareness and One consciousness. Honor the All through self-love and the extensions of love vibration we emit as we travel through this world of form, structure, and experience.
Surrender to Love and you will honor the All,
David, Kord, and more within and of the Four
“Honor the Divinity of your own Soul”
Good Morning Dear Souls of White Love and Peace,
Surrender all that you are and accept all that is left for you to experience. Accept the calm and peace that true, complete surrender brings to us. This comes through the art of surrender. Having trust in life, the universe, and yourself comes with a complete letting go of all that pricks your soul and brings discontent. Surrender to all of these irritations of life. Let them go and know that they hold no real meaning in your life. Let go of what ails you and trust the deep love you are coming to experience. Know that this deep love will carry you forward into life and into the experience you have selected to bring a greater peace, a greater stability to your soul, a greater understanding and perspective. Surrender to all and do it with a complete sense of love and trust within your heart. Feel the love within and trust this love to bring you all that you ever desired that is truly aligned with Love and intentions of the highest purpose. Hold a well-purposed intention for how you approach and interact with life and the energy fields and experiences around you. Love and trust all that comes to you. Do what you need to do, what serves your heart, as you move to higher and higher aligned intentions of purpose. Align with the God within you and hold this vibration out to others with the same deep alignment with Love. Do what you need to do in this life, just do it with the alignment and perspective of Love. Have boundaries and correct in a loving manner when you need to. Never from a perspective of ego satisfaction, but from more of a perspective of self love and using this Love to extend into the energy fields and vibrational patterns of another.
Surrender to Love and make the service of Love expression your highest purpose. Hold the intention to emit Love into every situation you encounter. Go forth and bring the deep vibrations of Love to all you encounter.
Love, David, Kord of the Four and so much more
Good Morning Dear Souls of the Sweet, Deep Lights of the Love within Yourselves,
Surrender to your day and surrender to your experiences. To surrender is to accept. Not surrendering to the moment is not accepting the moment. To surrender to the moment is to allow the moment and appreciate the moment for what it is. None of this can occur without surrender. Once we surrender, we open space within our hearts to become filled with love and we align with the vibrational field of love and energy around us. To surrender is to accept this alignment, this energy based in Love expression.
Surrender to life and this acceptance of life will bring you a sense of balance and peace. When you observe the imbalance of life within yourselves and others, you are more aware of it and you can surrender to life. You will then move more and more to awareness that allows you to hold the balance of life that brings Love to you. Surrender to the imbalance of life to come to a place where you are balanced. Much like one cannot appreciate the light if one does not know the dark. One cannot have balance until one truly understands imbalance. Surrender the imbalances of life to come to a place of balance. Surrender what is not of Love to come to a place of loving acceptance, of loving peace, of loving expression.
One must surrender in life what is not love, what is not balance, to come to a place of balance and Love. Surrender to life and come to accept, allow, and appreciate what comes to you through this form of acceptance. Surrender to accept. Without a form of surrender there can be no true acceptance. Without surrender you always have something for your ego to push back against. When One stops pushing back on life, life and Love bring you acceptance and peace. Surrender all that is not of Love, of acceptance and then that is all you have left to you, Love and peace. Then you are happy and have abundance in what truly makes your heart sing and you sing your songs of love in a vibration that brings peace and joy to others. Surrender to all that is not Love so you may live in the true abundance of love. Surrender and let go so you may hold the vibration of Love within you and all your energy fields across time and space awareness.
Surrender to our love, surrender and experience the love within your own hearts, and walk and live your life with love and peace as your guiding principles.
David, Kord within the Four and so much more, as you will experience. Love and peace upon your hearts.
Scott here,
The guides recently told us that Cindy’s contribution is as vital in this process as mine. That I wouldn’t have been able to channel without her help and support. I couldn’t complete this process without her help and likewise mutually she benefits from my support and love. We are a team. I’m very happy that this issue comes from Cindy’s viewpoint of what speaks to her and hopefully to all of you to some degree.
Coming to a place of more surrender and trust has been a large part of this process for me. There are days where the information as I experience it can be non flowing or choppy nature. On these days Cindy can not tell by reading the writing if it was of a flowing nature or not. On the days of feeling the writing experience as choppy or somewhat disjointed I have a tendency to judge this experience as “good,bad, less then or not as pleasurable”. What I’ve come to realize these choppy sessions are when I am carrying some degree of emotional discomfort or dis ease. Something is weighting on my mind. It took me quite a while to make this connection. I kept thinking it was the guides and not me holding clarity for the information to pass through me. As if I had no input in how the process unfolds. Now I realize it has been my emotional state that has the greatest impact.Now that I have been working on letting go of or surrendering this emotional dis ease within myself in the meditation process has been helpful in staying more clear or open to the information coming through me. With varying degrees of success. But the awareness of this overall has helped my process considerably. I’m slowly learning to surrender this emotional dis ease for and to the highest good with the intention of providing information for the greater good of all concerned. I’m still learning how to surrender.
Love from my heart to yours,
Jadan added this link for us to ponder.
David Foster Wallace kind of explains this in the best way I’ve ever read/heard in “This Is Water”
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