Angels Path Issue 18

Hello Dear Friends,
It’s been a bit of time since our last email. Our family has been busy with a kitchen remodel and our son, Jadan’s wedding. Not a lot of time to sit down and give these emails the proper attention they and you deserve. Both activities concluded in the same week and both carried many lessons for both Cindy and I, particularly in this time of Covid.
I maintained the daily writings and verbal sessions, it was a matter of finding time to write the email. The daily writings have a tendency to stack up and it most often appears to me that the most recent writing is the most meaningful one. The topics seem to come in a series of three. So I would begin to put these together for an email and not get to finish and then I would have a growing backlog. We also ran out of considerable memory on the recording device that Cindy uses. As I sat down to put this writing together I asked for some help from guidances what to select and the answer was the last 3. So here they are. They speak to some of my personal lessons and I hope that there is a universal human experience and aspect that may speak to yourselves as we navigate our way through this experience of being human. It is an act of surrender and love to share these with you. I lay myself bare before you.
For myself one of the more difficult aspects of life is when loved ones behave in ways you may not agree with or understand and these messages speak to this point quite a bit. For myself at least. My hope is these messages may be experienced by you in a meaningful way that is similar to how a well-written song means something a bit different to every listener and still holds deep meaning.
As always, the messages are steeped in love and an encouragement to grow in learning and expressing all the different ways love can be experienced, extended and received.
Peace from my heart to yours, Scott
———————————————————————————————————— 10-20-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of Gods White light of peace within your hearts, carrying Love for your fellow man,
It is difficult to observe others putting their desires before the good of their fellow man. Such is the path of learning from the egoic lessons of life in the third. For you to judge and hold pain at this observance, to see where they are unconscious, is to fall prey to your ego. This would be an act of ego, not quite as unconscious but still an act of ego. To see that the other is blind is to remember your blindness and know there are still many aspects of life and living within Love that you and all humans are blind to currently. See where others are blind and know you hold blindness within your own experience also. See where the other is blind and extend Love into

them and often they will do the same for you whether unconsciously or not. They will shine lights so you can see and we return the favor with gratitude.
Part of the path of life and moving toward divine learning and experience is to feel and know within your own bones so to speak when not to follow others in their blindness, when to be loving to yourselves and not to follow them down their own dark path unaligned with Love into their own pain experience. Know when not to follow and hold no pain around this stance of self love while extending forgiveness into the energy fields of another. When to hold to your boundaries and when to be open. It is of no matter which stance one takes as long as we are extending Love, compassion and forgiveness into each and every moment of our life experiences in the third. Lifetimes are experienced as short when on this side of the veil of understanding and love. Make use of every moment available to you to stay present within the vibrations of Love within you.
There are times One is not within the vibrations of Love and this is when learning occurs. Such as it is with life. To stay present within the Love vibration is when divine spirit comes in and lends a helping hand to yourselves and others. These are the moments of blissful awareness that hold the feelings of deep bliss, love and joy. Stay present with the alignment of Love within your hearts and the vibration of man and our planet can continue to rise and ascend. Live, Love, Learn Grow, Forgive and Give Back. Love and forgive your fellow man even when their desires supersede the common good and you will be contributing to the common good by the pure clear tones of love vibration you are emitting from your hearts.
All of our Love upon you both as you move through your days of time and space experiences, we vibrate with Love upon you as you do to others when you are centered and aligned with Love. The more you align with Love the more love we can pour into your hearts. We are here to assist and Love,
David and Kord within and of the Four carrying so much more for you to taste and love. 10-21-20
Good Morning Dear Souls of White Light, Peace and Love,
Let this be the vibration you surrender to. This takes more intent and desire to do this. Much easier to succumb to ego. Ego is of a self centered perspective, to align with love is to align the deep vibrations of love, of the commonality we all share and to embrace what is best for the All and the One. This is an act of service to others and yourselves. Surrendering to ego only serves the ego and the ego becomes more and more ravenous and never fully satisfied or content. Always looking for more ways to avoid the pain and difficulty of life. Love surrenders to this difficulty and allows the lessons of life to come to Oneself in a flowing and loving manner and the energy fields of love and the souls of Guidance can come more and more to your aid and assistance. With this assistance you become more and more skilled in the ways of Love and

Service. You become more and more fulfilled and the allure of the trappings of ego and the physical addictions of life become less and less attractive and desirable.
You come to only desire the fulfilling peace on the heart when One is aligned with love and the vibrations from within your souls. Your vibration and the energy fields of love that are of this experience become as One. You are aligned and Of. We are Of the One. You simply exist as an experience and expressions of Love. You are Of the Oneness of Life. Desire this and you become this.
Hold the desire to Love within your hearts and the expression of this becomes greater and greater, manifestation of more and more love and you live in this state of awareness and service to your fellow man and of yourself. We serve the All and the One in the ascension process. Your experience of life has fulfillment and meaning and you live in a state of gratitude and Love.
There are as many ways to love as there are souls on the planet metaphorically speaking. Many ways to explore Love. Seek and explore all the possibilities of love, always learning and growing in love awareness. Become explorers of Love in all its facets. Living, Loving, Learning, Growing, Forgiving and Giving Back. This is the reason we are in this experience to explore doing just that. Let the love within your heart blossom and blossom, surrender and allow this, Dear Ones.
All of our Love from our hearts to yours and back again in a never ending cycle and expansion of Love. Allow this and feel the love within your hearts grow and grow.
David and more of and from the Four
Good Morning Dear Souls of Light, Love and Peace,
To say one deserves something or not is an act of ego, of being disconnected from Source, from oneself. To say I deserve or I do not is an act of judgement. Judgement blocks empathy for others and oneself. To say I do not deserve this is to reflect the disconnection from Source and to say I am less than. Saying I am less than what you are? How can a cat be less than a cat, how can a human be less than a human? Form and structure experience is formed from and by source love vibration. So to say you are less than is simply a reflection of a self misperception of what and who we all are. To do this is a lack of knowledge and awareness of what and who you are. As you begin to see yourselves and others as they truly are, your understanding and focus shift to a higher plane of awareness.
To say I deserve this or I do not is a form of self misperception of self. It is not a matter of deserving or not, it is more a matter of acceptance, allowance and appreciation for the abundance that life can be and is when we understand this and drop judgement and unawareness for the clarity of who we are and how we come to this experience of life.

When others ask about your clarity of life that jangles their world and ask “do you really believe what you say”? It is not really a matter of what One believes, but more a matter of what One experiences. What is your experience and how is this experience shaped by the vibrations that you send out into the world? Are they vibrations of love and awareness or are they vibrations of lack of acceptance of self and, therefore, the world around you. Are they vibrations of less than, of shame, of anger and judgement? How are you shaping your reality by the vibrations you are carrying and emitting.
We extend vibrations of peace and love to you, we welcome you into the house of love we all can come to live in. Align your vibration with love and enter. Come to know and hold a greater peace in your hearts and the light of love within you will continue to shine brighter and brighter,
David, Kord of the Four and all those who bring much, much more. ————————————————————————————————————-
Thank you for the time and energy you put into reading these words. My personal hope is these words in some way infused just a bit more love into your day.
With deep gratitude, Scott

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Angels Path Issue 18

Hello Dear Friends,

Once again, I’m astounded by the different and vast forms of love expression that the guides bring to my awareness. Lately there has been a significant amount of time devoted to the power of our intentions and how we can manifest these intentions. In the reality of our lives as spiritual beings having a physical experience, we often cannot manifest our desires instantly for this could be fraught with pitfalls. 

If one is in traffic and someone cuts us off, our first reaction may be of anger and indignation. In that moment of ego expression, it is probably not the most productive expression of manifestation of our emotional state within us upon the world around us. So if we could manifest instantly there would be many unintended consequences. That said, in moments of being aligned with divine intentions without our ego’s influence, instant manifestation is possible.

So how do we manifest our intentions and our desires? Through a consistent daily focus on love-based desires and intentions. Whatever our main focus is, we can manifest this over time. This takes concerted effort until it does not. Whatever we pay the most attention to is what we manifest over time. Like energy attracts like energy. Identifying with love brings more love into our lives, identifying with anger brings more opportunity to be angry, identifying with judgement of others brings more judgement into our lives. Whatever our prominent, dominant vibration and intention that we carry is what we bring into our lives and ultimately manifest. If our alignment with love is much greater than our alignment with the self-serving expressions of one’s ego, we manifest more love than ego expression.

A significant part of self love is forgiving ourselves when we drop into ego expression. This is going to happen from time to time. This is being human. We learn through this process. This process is why we are here, so there is no real need to judge ourselves harshly or at all when we drop into ego. When we forgive ourselves, we realign with love and bring more love into our awareness through this action of forgiveness. Forgiveness lights the path of love before us.

Love, Scott


Good Morning Divine Souls of God’s Love,

For another morning and day is upon us. This is the time to make your intentions of the day set. Now is the moment where it is most effective to set your intentions and therefore your vibrations for the day. Set them first thing in your day and it will become easier and easier to return to them as you move through your day. Starting off your day without a focus on higher vibrational experiences makes it easier to slide into ego and harder to return to love. This is and can be done of course, but is just setting your day to deal with the struggles of one’s ego to command more of your attention, is this really necessary?

Intend to hold love in your heart as a daily affirmation and then manifestation. The more one focuses on love and being and expression of God, the more one manifests this intention. The more it becomes the manner in which you express your life. The less ego takes control and manifests many things that are not of the highest good and brings conflict into your vibration and interaction with others and the more unrest this brings upon One’s soul. So bring attention daily and often to what is important to one’s heart. Align with the love that exists within us all, and make this alignment your main intention and you express yourself as a true, clear aligned expression of God. One’s ego then has less and less influence and comes to appreciate this aspect of its new sense of self and the self discovery of the peace it brings upon your heart. Your ego will come to desire an influence on you less and less and the lightness this brings to your soul, to your experience, manifests in a clear, true, happy vibration and reflection of the God within and you see the God within others so much more clearly.

You respect and honor all others as a matter of the course of your life. You become and step back into the awareness of who and what we truly are in our natural state as an expression of God. The peace and love this brings upon your heart and the peace and love you emit out of your hearts upon others becomes an act of grace, pleasure and satisfaction that transcends any earthly experience of ego and alignment with the misconceptions that so many of souls walking the Earth align with. You become of a different vibration and this vibration helps shift the awareness of others and yourself and a great sense of peace and contentment become the way of life you prefer and stay with vibrationaly.

So one can see the importance and power that comes to us through the power of our intentions. Why not make them a matter of choice of love as opposed to not making any choice at all and leaving your experiences of the third, of this lifetime to random chance, to the whims of One’s ego and the ego influence of others? Intention to choose love takes no random actions. Love always responds as an expression of love and service to Oneself and others.  Through the setting of intentions to love, the path before us becomes brighter and more obvious. You can see where your Angels wish to lead you and you are no longer blinded by ego or the desires of the physical self identifications of what one may think is important in the third and you align with the higher love vibrations of the divine, and the divine within you comes to express itself, yourself more and more until the moment comes where One can completely forget about ego more and more often. Ego does return of course and has less and less influence on each subsequent return. You become more and more clearer expressions of love, bring out the love within your hearts with greater and greater expressions of the purity of God’s love.

All of our love, now and forever over the oceans of time and space onto you.

David within and of the Four


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s Love, peace and harmony,

For this is what we are, what we manifest when we choose to.  When we choose to align with love, when we intend to align with love upon awakening every day. Do this and the manifestation curve towards God’s love will accelerate and accelerate. You embody love and hold the perspective of love more and more with each passing breath. A breathing of love in and out, giving and receiving.  Momentary shifts away from love do occur, but this becomes less and less of a consequence, less and less of a concern.  You both simply return toward love with a wry smile and a chuckle over the frailty of being human. A deep and loving acceptance and forgiveness for the acts of ego, for oneself and others. This will become more and more the state of awareness that you play out your roles on the great stage of karma, experience and expressions of life. The role you play is steeped in love with a greater and greater bonding with love. Love becomes a part of your DNA and you hold no other wishes to align with any other vibration than one of love. Any other vibration holds no interest  any longer. Just as non-nutritious foods do not draw you, so it is with vibrations of spirit not aligned with Love.

The more you intend, the more you manifest. The more these intentions of love are expressed, the more you manifest.  You simply prefer to sit with love vibrating within you than indulge in other vibrations. The other vibrations of life and how others express them are not bad, per se, they just do not interest you any longer like they once did. You understand when others play and experience these vibrations as you once did and there is no need for judgement for you have walked that path and know where and how it led you. You know there are no shortcuts on the path back to love, back to self discovery and you see the steps that others must take for their own soul growth. You understand the draw of the temptations of the third and where the lessons lie behind the explorations of those experiences. So with this understanding, there is a releasement of any tendency or desire to judge. All that fills your heart is love and compassion for the pain and the efforts that are to be experienced for a soul to find their own way back to themselves, back to their experiences and expressions of their God within. The same God that is within all of our hearts but are of different expressions of our experiences. 

All behavior you see, feel and experience is of the God nature of each human’s experience of ego lessons and their applications upon their own life and experiences. It is all of divine nature and experience. Particularly when perceived as not, as are the lessons of experiencing the light and the darkness of life. One begets the other and brings gratitude to our hearts. Hold gratitude for the lessons you’ve learned and compassion for the lessons of others. Accept, allow and appreciate all that there is. Be of your experience and align with love.

Accept, allow and appreciate all things in life, the air, the mountains, the seas, the trees and rocks all give and receive love. Tune in and listen to their vibrations and your gratitude and acceptance for all life and manifestations of God expressions expand in a like manner. Your respect and concern for all that you see grows and grows and the deep beauty and love for all that was created to be in front of you, expands and expands as does the state of love awareness within your hearts.

Accept our love and allow the divine within to grow and blossom into your soul’s true desires. Blossoming and expanding into more and more aligned expressions of love,

David within and of the Four


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s peace and deep expressions of Love,

For now you understand the passing of time and the intentions thrust upon the time in these bodies become clearer. The aging of your body does not matter as much to you as it once did. Getting to know yourself, your soul, holds greater and greater meaning and you see beyond the depths and dreams of this life to a higher functioning expression of reality.

You understand the power of divine intention expressed within your bodies and steady consistent awareness and attention paid to what are One’s intentions and how would the manifestations of these intentions best serve the needs of myself, my fellow man and ultimately all mankind? When you know yourselves as Love, the parts of life that are deeply aligned with lower consciousness, lower vibrations hold no draw, meaning or value any longer and within this awareness you can let go of the feelings of fear around aging and death. You live more deeply in the moment, cherishing each blessing of awareness that comes from being bonded with Love.

You know who you are, what you’re here for, what to do and where you’re going. To Love, to be Loved, and return to Love once again. Everything is about the expressions of love as you hold your intentions to align with Love, again and again, day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime. When we fully align with Love and stop creating karma through the expressions of ego, when we heal the wounds of karma and bring a sense of closing with Love to the wounds of the present moment. When we come closer and closer to this awareness and understanding, the choices before us unfold in amazing, mysterious and wonderful ways. You choose what expression you will explore next and whether you wish to come back to the plane of existence called the third or move onto other experiences of deep Love alignment and understanding. You see all the choices before you in a sense of nonlinear experience and you see all the reality and manifestation of intention and choice and you create the sense of Love alignment and expression you wish to experience. You see the multiple realities and dimensions before you.

You see the multiple dimensions of reality all at once. It is only when we choose a linear experience of time do we focus on one reality. Knowing we are in linear time and knowing the power of intention and the power of Love, how the deep alignment with Love heals us all, what choices do you make? What reality do you wish to create within this experience of form and structure. Which reality do you wish to align with? You can choose a reality of Love based expression or stumble blindly with ego as your guide.

It all returns to the intention to Love and express love in all forms of reality and perception. Intend to Love, be Love and express love much as breathing nurtures and sustains our bodies. The breath of Love, Life and expressions of giving and receiving freely, manifesting abundance of Love in astounding ways. Your hearts become filled with love and you are supremely happy and content.

All our Love unto you and your souls, walk with the love and peace of God’s breath like a gentle breeze at One’s back,

David within and of the Four

That about sums it up for me. As always, observations and discussion is appreciated,


 Cindy and Scott

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