Angels Path Issue 17
Hello Dear Friends,
It has been a while since our last issue. It seems like time is a different experience since we have come to live with Covid-19. It appears to be slower and faster all at the same time, bending within the moments at hand.
There is also so much information coming in on a consistent basis that it can be a bit difficult and a bit overwhelming to discern what information would best serve your needs, dear friends. The following messages seemed to speak the most plainly to me in regards to what Cindy and I have been working on lately with some of our own personal issues. My hope and intention is that there is some universality in these words and that you find some meaning in the messages. Thank you for your time and attention to these emails.
Our Angels desire nothing more than the opportunity to serve and help us, and are deeply grateful and pleased when we allow this.
With deep Love,
Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Lights of Love,
Love is wisdom, love is peace, love is kind, love is patient. Love is the path of Love, as opposed to the most traveled path of ego. Ego is bluster, ego is doubt, ego is shame, ego is self-righteous, ego is loud, ego is a self-absorbed arrogance, ego is insecure. Ego has an agenda of self-interest, Love does not. Love has a devotion to the Grace and betterment of All. To take the path of Love is always the wiser path. So many of you cannot see this path, it is unlit. Many of you are blind to this path, this gateway to understanding. Do not judge those who are still blind and be grateful that you can see. Help others to see through to the path of Love. Serving others comes with the deep reward of feeling the Love within you expanding and expanding.
With this expansion of Love within your hearts, you become more peaceful, more kind, more patient. These traits will bring you to a higher understanding of human behavior and you can be an example of how to walk within the light of self-awareness and self-love. You emanate love from your very center of your being. And your heart manufactures more and more love in a consistent and continuous manner. Within this Love awareness comes the acceptance, allowance, and appreciation of others that will endear you to them, and them to you. They will be drawn to the Love within you and themselves which permeates outward in a manner of complete acceptance of all.
Accepting the blindness of others and loving the deep Love within their souls that they often cannot see will allow you to have a deep compassion for other souls you see that are blind. Through this compassion and acceptance, others will relax and be less inclined to express their ego. They will feel accepted and loved and they will often see glimmers of Love before them where they did not before. Hold deep compassion for the pain of being blind along with gratitude that you no longer need to walk these paths of pain. You most often walk with us on the path of the Angel’s Walk. More and more, the many of you will travel this path of Love and Wisdom, particularly when you can hold a level of focus upon this intention. Hold your intention to Love and to be Love and to express love in all its different facets of expression.
Let us help you. Surrender to the reality of life around you. See that other souls are living in a state of unconsciousness and ego self-servitude and surrender to this, for this is often a fact of life for those in the growth awareness process. Particularly souls that are still young and have not yet gained an appreciation of the power of Love. Surrender to this reality with the intention to hold an awareness of Love within this form and structure. With this intention, we can enter and help you with great efficiency and the opportunities for growth of Love that are placed before you. Opportunities to explore Love and abundance of spiritual love. What you once thought was abundance in a material sense no longer has any meaning. The abundance of spirit and love gives you all you could ever want or desire.
Let go of the past. Enjoy the moment and look forward with glee and joy at future opportunities to Love, to be Love, and express Love. Do not lament over the opportunities that you missed in the past to Love, but be grateful for the coming opportunities that you will no longer miss. Opportunities that you will embrace more and more with deep infusions of Love. Each moment is an opportunity to align with Love… or with ego. You now are gaining the wisdom to make the choices that make you and your loved ones happy in a manner that you did not before. Rejoice in this awareness. These are acts of embracing love and experiencing Harmonic Vibrational Alignment with the Love in your hearts and the Love in other souls that you have the wonderful opportunity to experience. Have deep gratitude for this. Accept where you are in life and where the moment presents itself. Accept how, in each moment, you have a choice to express love. This is true acceptance.
Be patient and kind with young souls in old bodies and old souls in young bodies. Be grateful for old souls that carry the awareness of all the vibrational aspects of life. Accept wherever you and other souls are on the ladder of the progression through life and the soul traveling of this experience. With this viewpoint comes the acceptance of Love, the Love of being accepted by all other forms of life on this planet, and the awareness of other planes of existence. Accept love and love to accept. Accept, allow, and appreciate all things in life and your awareness.
Great Love upon your hearts. May the Love within your hearts grow and grow with each passing moment of experience. Grow in wisdom and kindness. Grow in love.
David within and of the Four
Good Morning Dear Souls Of God’s White Lights of Love,
Vibrate compassion and peace through your hearts. Understand and come to a place of awareness of the destructive power of judgement. Judging harms all souls involved in the experiences of time and space connection together. Judgement wounds us all. It brings us to places where our egos are free to overreact and spew lower vibrations of anger and pain expression.
When we walk with the wounds of judgement upon ourselves, it is much like when you have a badly injured body part. Think about how overprotective you are of that body part. If you’re in a crowded place, you guard and protect your deeply wounded body part. If anyone even comes near to you, you become more and more guarded, more and more wary. You can feel the pain of contact with another before it even happens. You may lash out in anger and self-protection in a highly overreacting manner. So it is with the wounds of self-judgement, but in a more emotional and vibratory manner. You still have the over-reactionary response. You are still mired in ego response.
Dropping judgement allows you to respond with compassion and grace. Judging blocks compassion. Without compassion you cannot see the connection of Love that binds us all together. That holds us together as one.
When we judge ourselves, we are cutting off our connection to our higher selves and our connection with the God nature within us. Within this pain of disconnection, we judge as a response to our pain experience and expression. Drop the judgements and let our hearts come together in peace and love.
Judging yourselves and others only leads to pain and away from your path to God, away from where the Angels wish to guide you. By letting go of judgement, we heal ourselves and bring peace and love energy to the hearts of others. Dropping judgement is a wonderful and great gift to give ourselves and others. It helps to light our way home, back to our hearts and the love this brings to us all.
Allow yourselves to understand how powerful and freeing the act of letting go of our judgements is. It brings us to a place of high acceptance, allowance and appreciation. Within the vibration of these experiences and these emotions we find ourselves at peace and we are happy. Whatever life brings to us, when we lack judgement of others, we turn toward the vibration of expressions of the highest good.
Letting go of judgement brings us all closer to knowing ourselves as we truly are. All of our Love onto your hearts so you may vibrate continuously with Love alignment. Accept and love yourselves and your human frailties without judgement. Give this gift of peace to yourselves.
David within and of the Four
When Scott has completed his morning writing session, I will join him to review the writing. I typically will read it myself first, then I will read it to him aloud, slowly. Somehow the reading aloud deepens the message for us both and then, more regularly lately, David and the Four will join in our conversation to deepen the message further still. I suggest that you allow yourself some time for reading the lessons and allow the opportunity to connect with your Higher Self for deeper understanding and resonance in a similar way that we do. There is a lot of information to process in each of these writings, and rather than pick out the portions that speak to us, we include the entire lesson for you to discover what speaks to you.
So take your time with them. Re-read previous messages and see how they may resonate even deeper for you. Recognize the truth and clarity of the messages and feel the Love within the words. Of course, if you would like to discuss any part, we welcome the opportunity to deepen the messages further.
Scott and Cindy
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