Angels Path Issue 15

Hello Dear Friends,

When I began writing these emails, I intended to chronicle my writing and verbal channeling sessions in sequential order, to tell the story of my own development. However, it seems that recent world and national events have superseded that plan. So for the time being, I will be putting out the most recent sessions as they seem appropriate to our collective experience. 

The messages in the first writing are about interacting with people in fear and pain in our everyday lives. After I shared this writing with Jadan, our son and editor, his response was, “this is great, but what do the guides have to say to someone who is in the shit? Someone in the middle of that fear and pain? That would be of a real interest to a lot of people.”

So, the next morning, I sat down with the intention of asking this question for the first time. Normally, it is Cindy asking these types of questions in a verbal session, not me. Lately, I’ve had the mindset to try and influence the information coming through me as little as possible. I feel like my role is similar to a court stenographer. So this was a new experience for me and was a bit of a challenge. The result of that session is the June 5th writing.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Good Morning Dear Souls Of God’s White Light and Love!

Forgive One’s pain. Remember your pain and how you acted this pain expression out. What your behavior exhibited. So when you move to judge another within their pain experience remember your behavior and have compassion. Did you ever act any better than those whose behavior you wish to judge? So feel their pain and allow them to move through their expression of their pain. Accept their pain and appreciate the path you have traveled to let go of your pain at this point of time and space intersection. Hold a desire for healing for them and extend the Grace of God within you onto them and respect whatever comes afterwards. The release of pain is often not of an immediate nature. One holds on to their pain as a way of identifying themselves within the dimension of the third, of form and structure. When One is not aware of the God within, letting go of this pain, this identity, is quite frightening. One lets go and then who is One in the absence of God? 

Have patience with this process and be loving and kind to them and an awareness can grow where they can see the Love within you and feel a sense of relief being in your presence, while you are present with them. Allow your love to be present and to pour forth from you in the appropriate moments. Do not judge them for their pain experience. How long does one take to let go of this pain? How long did it take you both? One cannot be entirely certain, lifetime after lifetime? So why would you move to judge another’s path and progress? Be grateful for your progress and extend this gratitude in the form of Love and acceptance onto the other and you will be expressing the Will of God. The God within you and the God you honor within the other.

Hold compassion in your heart and the ego need to judge others finds little space to cast its judgement onto others. Compassion holds ego in its place. Ego does not move forth from this place of Compassion’s Grace. See the ego struggles in others and hold Compassion in your heart and the Love within you will shine forth from your body. You will feel less and less judgement within each passing day and moment. Know the ego struggle of others and the pain of a lack of awareness of the God within them and the torment this lack of understanding brings to One’s soul. Remembering this pain is a path to Compassion. Compassion and forgiveness for the other and compassion and forgiveness for oneself.  See where they hold on to this pain so they have a story to present to the world, a way of saying “This is who I am and this is how I need to express my pain. I hold on to this pain so I can speak my pain and express my limited understanding of myself”. Your love lets you see past this limitation and lets the other see this possibility themselves. Through the acceptance of their pain and their story, you help them see the way home. You hold the light of forgiveness and compassion high, for this is when you release the weight of judgement from the arm holding the light for all to see.

Hold your intention to accept, allow and appreciate all things in this world of form and structure and the light you hold up becomes amazingly light. As the energy of Love in your heart becomes lighter and lighter, bringing you to a higher vibration and Love through this understanding and awareness. Allow souls their pain and give them your compassion. This is how the Angels behave and heal others. This is the path we all can walk together. When One holds the intention of Love and the good for all within their hearts, be aware of the energy of One’s own heart. Turn your intentions to God within you and the Love within you. Allow ego to drop away with compassion and forgiveness for yourself. Compassion and acceptance is as light as Love. You become light in mass and brightness of the soul, shining through your expression and action of life.

Simply be Love, Dear Beloved Ones. Allow the acceptance of Love to light your way home.

David within and of the Four

Friday, June 5, 2020

Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s Sweet Light of Love and Compassion and Acceptance 

…for this is who we are in the moments where we transcend the pain and horror of life. Accept your situation, whatever it may be. Accept it. It may not be pleasant, but do not deny it. Know the pain for what it is and do not move to quell the pain through all the ego’s means of distraction, the distractions of life and the addictions and other manifestations we use to numb ourselves from the pain. Feel the pain deeply.  Do not move to ignore it or minimize it. Let One’s self feel the pain, in whatever way anger presents. Do this consciously and purposefully. Do this in a way that does not cause self harm like breaking One’s fist on a wall. Scream into the night or into your pillow, sit in the dark and glower and feel the depths of your pain. Allow this.

Then, move your body and do something to shake the vibration of pain to a degree to cause a shift. Make a choice of some activity or movement. Throw down the pillow and run, shake your fists at the sky, whatever comes to you in these moments of pain to shift the vibration to a slightly different awareness. And afterward, much like the feeling One has after a good cry, accept the reality of the source of your pain. Do not try to make it something else or deflect or minimize your pain. Feel the pain and look for something you can release through this process. Maybe the pain is too great to let go of all at once. Look for a small aspect of the experience you can let go of. Whatever this may be and no matter how small the act of letting go is. Even with the most minute release there will be a shift toward some healing. The next step after you recovered from the first experience of letting go is to step into the next one. What can we let go of next? With each step of letting go, more and more relief will come to you. Ask your loved ones for what you may need throughout this process. Be honest and direct about what you are going through. Express your pain from a stance of releasing this pain and not falling into a cycle of expressing the pain over and over without a release point of awareness. 

Be kind and compassionate to yourselves as we described being compassionate to others in yesterday’s writing. Love yourselves as you love others. Love yourselves as a mother would love her child. You deserve nothing less. Letting go of pain is a deep act of courage.  Love yourself for the act of courage and bravery you presented by being clear, true, and authentic to yourselves and others as you worked your way through this process, not blaming others for your pain, but taking responsibility for your pain and how you reacted to this pain, knowing you will be forever changed from this experience. 

See the light and the dark aspects of life, stepping into and having appreciation for the light in your life and have some gratitude and awareness how the dark made the steps into the light possible. Without darkness there can be no light. The moments of the dark nights of One’s soul bring us to a higher awareness of the goodness in our lives. After we step out of the dark, we appreciate the light so much more. Do not try to avoid the dark. Step into it, knowing what pain may await you. But also know that to sidestep the dark, to avoid the moments of pain, will just bring more pain and furthering the consequences of pain and resulting karma. Within these sidesteps, come the addictions and trappings of life that hold us in pain’s grip. Facing the pain and feeling the pain deeply allows us to let go of the pain more readily and deeply. Self love and God’s Love comes to us in these moments of release, of letting go.

Know it is always darkest before the dawn and this knowing allows us to hold to our self and our souls with self love. Know the darkness will pass when you face it and that it will never recede when One moves to avoid it through the addictions of life, through the distractions of life and One’s ego responses, ego’s acting out. Have the compassion and patience you have with your children or other ones whom you love deeply, wanting only the best for them. Let this same Compassion come from oneself and wash over oneself. 

It is not an easy part of being human, but transcending our pain is one of the reasons we come to this plane of existence and experience. Face the pain now so you do not have to experience it again and again over so many lifetimes. Have the awareness that we come to this life to learn and grow from pain and have deep compassion for those who have not yet come to understand this and spend lifetime after lifetime running from their pain into the arms of addiction and denial of Self and away from their true nature as a child of God. Have Compassion for yourself when you have done this and, through this compassion, you can release and let go of your own pain.

The shoes/stories of your old self no longer fit. You remember the old shoe/stories and how this felt but you no longer are willing, and see no reason, to try and wear these old shoes and carry the stories of One’s ego any longer. This gives you compassion for others and lets you forgive yourself. This is the path and way home back to our hearts of Love and the Acceptance of the God within us.

Accept, Allow and Appreciate yourself for what you have come through and how you are stronger and better for it. Forgive yourself for what you may have done and will no longer consider doing, as you have forgiven the ones in your life that you love deeply. You are forever changed for facing and releasing your pain. You have gone through the steps of pain struggle and awareness and you are transformed for the better. One step closer to your higher nature and the God within. Honor yourself for this and honor others who struggle with the pain, ego and karma, as you have. Accept them and love them as you will yourself.

Forgive yourself and be kind to yourself by the act of letting go of whatever pain you are capable in that moment. Whatever you can let go of will be of service to yourself, no matter how small the release. Our journey through life is filled with all these small steps of release. One step at a time.

All of our Love and compassion onto you all! May the Love, Grace and Compassion of God carry us through the painful acts and times of our lives. Blessings to All!

Love David within and of the Four

Hello everyone, Cindy here. Scott and I both finished reading a book by David Hawkins called, “Letting Go,” that our dear friend Amy recommended. In the book, Hawkins describes in detail the scale of emotional responses from the painful depths of depression (low and dense) to the heights of joy (light and blissful). Then he deep dives into each emotion along the scale. 

I recognize myself in the many nuances of “small self” behavior and found it very helpful to see where on the scale I have been and understand where I am today. However, I finished the book feeling that I didn’t have a clear idea of the letting go process. I like to know exactly what I need to do when I’m in the throes of my ego responses. I felt that David gave a much better explanation of the process. He even mentions my personal favorite method of letting go, having a good cry. I never have too much trouble stirring up some tears when I’m feeling low and sometimes force them a bit just for the “release.” Depending on how low I am feeling (according to the scale), I sometimes feel wrung out and spent. Thus, recovery time is needed with a nap, or some solitude, or journaling about it. What I have found interesting is that the more pain I release, the easier it gets and I’m not afraid to go to greater depths. Facing my pain is not nearly as scary as the lead up, the anticipation, of having to go through the experience. The release is such a relief and like many difficult moments, the pain or fear passes. This time though, with a greater understanding and awareness and a sense of gratitude for the lessons.

Scott- After editing these messages, Jadan had some issues with them. He felt it was pretty tone deaf to tell someone, particularly a black person today, to release their pain. His feeling was how do you release your pain when every day you face possible death whenever you walk out your door. When new pain and old pain can be of a recurring nature over and over again. How does one release pain when society brings it to you every day? Shaking your fists at the sky may not be enough for a black person to release their pain and to bring less pain to those in our society that are at a huge disadvantage and are exploited. That there needed to be stronger action taken.

These are valid questions. My sense is that we all come here to experience and release pain in whatever manner our karma brings it to us. When the pain is overwhelming, can we find a small aspect of this pain to be released? Not all of us are built to be on the frontlines in order to bring about needed change in our society and culture. Guidance has told us that we all will have our own roles to play in our own time in bringing healing to our world and, hopefully, we all can contribute in a way that we can be most effective.

I know it has taken at least a few lifetimes for me to address some of my personal issues. I definitely did not release my pain in an effective manner in my last lifetime. It also seems that these messages may be of a more timeless nature and of a broader scope then one particular moment in time and a lifetime. Or maybe they are meant for those of us who are receiving and processing these messages. 

We would welcome any comments or insights you may have in regards to these messages and thoughts.

All of our Love,Cindy and Scott my iPad

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Angels Path Issue 13B

#13 Part 2

Hello Friends,

Welcome to “Part 2” of Angel’s Path #13. In today’s email I will expand on the concept of social life cycles that I introduced in Part 1.

So, to paraphrase Maetreyii on the concept of social cycles (the following is information that she channeled), there are four Varnas, or types of people, and at different times in history, one Varna or another may dominate society. The Varna refers to the choice of occupation and the values that often surround its dominant form of expression in the world. They are sometimes confused with the caste system, but they are not the same concept. A person’s Varna is determined by their choice, not the social class one is born into. Social class is not relevant to one’s Varna.

The Varnas tend to follow a sequence and are in a cycle that repeats again and again over time. Different parts of the world have been evolving through these cycles at different times. But as the world grows more closely knit through travel and the Internet, different regions and people have come into contact with one another, impacting their cycles of development. 

The first of the four Varnas that dominate human history at different stages of the social cycles are the KSHATRIYAS, who are people motivated by noble sentiments and orderly societies. They are the administrators, rulers, and warriors. Then there are VIPRINS who are scholars, teachers, and spiritual leaders. The VAISHYAS are merchants, traders and farmers. And finally the SHUDRAS are laborers and service workers, the blue collar workers.

Each of these four groups tend to rise to dominate the values and approaches of a society for a period of time. For example, medieval Europe was dominated by the VIPRINS. Their approach worked in feudal societies, but eventually ceased to meet the needs of the people. When this happened, the people began to turn to cottage industries (manufacturing goods in the home, subcontracting) and the idea of being merchants. The VAISHYAS then began to rise in status, leading to the rise of local small businesses, then to the Industrial Age, and finally to the current age of large multinational corporations and excessive materialism.

Now, the age of material values has moved from the noble act of saving people from poverty and serfdom, as it did in the beginning of the cycle, to oppressing the hearts and minds of the people. When a social cycle nears its end, it ceases to meet people’s needs and the next phase of social cycle emerges. The age of materialism and its VAISHYA values are followed in the social cycle by the rise of the common people, the SUDRAS. However, these ordinary people do not usually want to be leaders and they soon turn over their uprising to the KSHATRIYAS, those noble warriors who will fight for the common good of all and establish an orderly society that works for everyone. Thus, harmony and the essential characteristics of nature, the laws of love, our duty, the way back to our eternal source within us, again will be restored. Until this approach degenerates and change is once again called for.

The VAISHYAS, or the merchants, capitalists, and corporations of the world are no worse than anyone else. But at the end of every age, the dominant Varna and its values become excessive and degeneration occurs. Society, bound in the individualism and the materialism of the current age, with the sole goal of physical comfort, forgets about the tender needs of the human heart. It forgets that people need to feel love and to be cared for. Society forgets to nurture the human spirit and forgets to give people the encouragement to express themselves in alignment with their spiritual center. Society caught up in materialism forgets how connected and interdependent we are with each other.

Today, the values of caring for your neighbors, friends, and families are not as prevalent. People might say you’re a nice guy, but if you make a hundred thousand dollars, then you are an important person. If you can fix a computer you earn good money, but if you give care to another human being, you earn very little for your work. The values of society have become misplaced, with too much value on the development of physical prosperity and accumulating money, rather than caring for others.

The result is a lot of people with lots of money, but not necessarily happiness. The values in society begin to wound the people themselves. People, feeling the emptiness of their lives, realize something is wrong. Even with success, they are miserable. They wonder “What is wrong? Something is missing.” They yearn for a new way. And they will find a new way. The universe brings this to our doorstep. The next life cycle will begin.

It is my belief this is about where we are currently at. The beginning of a new life cycle. COVID-19 is merely another one of the catalysts.


From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Light of Love,

Hold your vibrations of Love. Make this a wish, hold on to this desire, move it toward your intentions, express the manifestation of Love. Intend to hold this vibration in the forefront of your awareness as we move through these days together.

Wish for and desire Harmony with all other Souls. With this desire comes the will to do this. More and more Souls will wish to live in harmony and step away from self centered interests. With combined vibrations of more and more Souls intending to live in harmony, the result will be a manifesting of just that. We are lifting our collective soul group to a higher vibrational living experience. Harmonic Vibrational Alignment. We will learn more and more in the coming days about the opportunity at hand for us all.

This all starts with Love, Self-Love and Love for your fellow man. The other soul is also you at your deeper levels of consciousness and awareness. For we are all of the same stuff, the same Love vibration that is found within ourselves. This is the commonality, this is what binds us together in the understanding and embracing of Love. That fact that we all are of Love. Some just have more lessons of ego structure to work out. Others do not. You will align more and more with those that align with Love. This combined Harmonic Alignment will affect others Vibrations more and more. Helping them to come to see Love and the Love that is within themselves also. 

Begin your Day by expressing gratitude, extend your intention to live by expressing Love and living in harmony. Practice this within your own walls as you are currently doing. When you once again reemerge to be back with other Loved Ones vibrations in the world, you can hold this vibration more and more. We then move to a better place of understanding and Love for us all. We as a collective whole will hold the vibrational intention to Live in Harmony as a collective Soul group. We move toward Love and a New Earth.

May God’s Great Peace and Love be present within your awareness. Great Love onto you All,

David and the Angels

While writing this email, upon the suggestion of my Guides, I looked for content to include from Maetreyii that is relevant to the channeled message. I had just finished reading the book when the Guides made the suggestion. But I was just following their lead, lacking a complete understanding of where exactly this was leading.

Then, Jadan made a suggestion which provoked a thought in me that made perfect sense. A soul’s Varna is not necessarily changed by how much we love or accept them. Yet, if we are of the same stuff, then we are all beings of love. Each Varna is dealing with their own karma, in their own manner, pertaining to themselves and their personal journey. But, regardless of our Varna, we all deserve love and consideration. Even those whose Varna is bringing about the end of a cycle. It may be easier to support members of the Varna that will dominate the approaching cycle, but the Varna that is bringing an end to the cycle is just as instrumental to the change. Don’t the VAISHYAS and the SUDRAS, who are both manifesting the changing cycle, need and deserve as much compassion as we can extend to them? Aren’t we all just doing the best we can?

With Deep Love and Affection,

Cindy and Scott

Sent from my iPad

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