Angels Path Issue 14

Hello Dear Friends,

For the last few months the main messages I have received revolved around clarity. I was asking for a stronger connection to the divine and I received the message to ask for clarity. It is of no importance how strong the connection is if the information does not come from a clear source. In my latest channeling, I kept seeing water. Water everywhere, deep, blue and clear. I didn’t really understand why at first. Then the message became clear to myself when Cindy and I discussed it.

Water is amazing, it exists in steam, ice, and liquid. We use it for nourishment, bathing, cooking, cleaning, recreation, exercise, entertainment, and so many other things. Water sustains us in so many ways. Water has always been very important to me. I’ve always been drawn to water and now I have an inkling of why. A closing message I received was “without water, there is no life”.

Water responds to us in so many ways, it forms the shape of the glass we pour it into, ripples on a pond when we skip a rock across it. Water responds to a vast array of vibration. As the research of Masaru Emoto proved, it responds to emotional vibrations also. This idea is explored in the movies “What the Bleep Do We Know?” and the documentary “Water, the Great Mystery.” Check them out if you‘re interested. I find myself pondering this more and more.

Friday, May 22, 2020 (Memorial Day Weekend)

Good Morning Dear Souls,

Love is within your hearts, like water is of the Earth. Both are of the body and for the body. Both come from a Divine source. Both are interconnected. Water flows all over the planet bringing life and nourishment to all present lifeforms. Love does to your body, as water does for the Earth. This is where the intersection of form and structure meet the Divine. Water represents Love within and on the Earth. Without water, there is no life. So it is with Love. Without Love, there is no real life. Without Love, life becomes a barren wasteland that is painful to live upon. When you see a Soul without Love, in pain and anguish, have compassion for them for they are thirsty and do not know it. 

They are thirsty for something that they can not understand or define for themselves. With this pain comes addictions and acting out in ego rage and pain response. Even when one has learned to measure the response of this pain, it does not mean it is not there causing dis-ease. No matter how well one learns to hide it.

Know that we all are children of God and are of God. Some are just younger in terms of soul development. They have not learned to love as of yet. They will though, over time, space, and lifetimes experienced. Be patient with them as others have been with you. Think of the love you were extended and how it affected you and changed you. It changed your awareness and who you came to understand yourself to be.

As you see others grow in their path, stumbling toward love, know you are on this same path. Some are behind you and some are in front of you. As you see others stumble, remember that you stumble also. Don’t judge those who stumble, for you would then be judging yourself and not expressing self-love that you both need to embrace. Love and do not judge God’s children as they grow and mature. That’s why we are here. This is one of our main purposes. You would not judge a bird’s purpose as it flies. So do not judge yourself or others as we stumble toward our lessons in life.

Know that this experience of form and structure is all Divine purpose. As water is divine and nourishing for all who walk upon the earth, all who drink this water are divine. All you see, feel, and touch is divine. The messy and ugly parts of life are divine. They are lessons of the Divine presented in a form of structure.

All that is divine deserves the love and respect of God. Therefore, as part of the Divine, love for yourself is deserved. Love is to be shared and not hoarded. All deserve this self-love and to share it with others, even if they do not understand it. Just because one does not know, does not mean they are not of the divine. It does not mean they are not worthy of love and respect. Show them love and respect and they will come to understand what it really means. Be nourishment for their souls just as water is nourishment for all. Be peaceful and unassuming like water. Make no judgements, like water. Help life to sustain, like water does for all of us. Intend to serve and nourish with deep Love. Water does not judge who drinks it, and nourishes all, just as Love does.

Walk upon this world with the intention of holding God’s Grace, Compassion and Love within your hearts. Let all others drink from the well of Love that springs from within yourself and your heart.

Nourish all with Love,

Brother David

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Good morning sweet sister,

Think of water and its reaction to the vibrationary events around it. You’ve seen the examples of ice crystals reacting to the emotional energy of writing, speaking, and music. Your body, in the form and structure, is composed of significant amounts of water. So, is this vibrationary reaction any less in your body than outside of it? Water resonates within us. The water is of God, of Love. Wherever you see water, be filled with gratitude and wonderment. See God and Love reflected in the beautiful presence of water and the nourishment water brings everything.

See the gathering of aligned vibrations around you. The circle is growing a little wider. With it comes bonding, appreciation, gratitude, and acceptance of each other. Feel the love and joy of that interaction and exchange of energy.  

This is happening all over the planet. Yet, there are still many groups of those who do not share this mindset. They could be a deterrent to achieving a certain level of harmonic vibrational alignment throughout the planet. But you know the tools: Acceptance, Love, and Non-judgment. That is where we hold up against the darkness, and against lower vibrations. Just keep shining the bright light of Love. 

So, in response to your question about the state of the world…how much are you willing to Love? How much gratitude, compassion, and acceptance can you hold against the darkness?

Be water.

Be grateful.

Be God.

Be yourself.

Be love.

Know you are Love and are Loved.

Accept, allow, and appreciate all things.

Cindy: Thank you.

Do you have any other questions, dear sweet one?

Cindy: No. I am so moved by your message. That was beautiful, David. 

So it is finished for now. Enjoy and be who you are. Hold gratitude and love. Relax and surrender. I’ll see you later, sweetheart. Until then.

Cindy: During this time of quarantine, while some of us are examining what is truly important to us, this description of water reminds me of how critical it is to our survival. I take it for granted that I can simply turn a handle and it flows out, or drive near the ocean and not really see the vastness and power. I simply do not give it much of my attention. When David and The Four equated water to Love, it’s importance came flooding in (pun fully intended). 

Water/Love is a powerful force that can erode the most stubborn of blocks and, at the same time, can bring feelings of peace and serenity. When we consider all of the qualities of water, by simply exchanging “Love” for “water”, this message grows and expands to a new awareness and understanding of both water and Love. Like water, Love is critical for our survival and growth. How often do I take Love for granted, as I do water? I have fear about swimming in the ocean, do I fear fully immersing myself in Love also? As David asked, how much am I willing to Love?

Thank you for reading this email and our hope and intention is that in some manner this is helpful for you dear friends. May God’s Grace, Compassion, and Love be your companions as we walk through this life together,

Cindy and Scott

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