Angels Path Issue 13 Part 1

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Angel’s Path #13! This email is the first of two parts for this issue. Part Two, which will be sent in the next few days, will expand on an idea related to cycles of life that is introduced here in Part One.

The following messages are from a recent auto-writing session. Cindy loved this session and thought it would make a good next issue of the Angel’s Path. Our plan is to still follow the arc of our initial writings in chronological order, but this feels right to me given the circumstances. It’s good to be flexible, right?

                                            From the Guides


Good Morning Dear Souls of God’s White Light and Love,

As we once again begin the cycles of life*, recognize where Love remains eternal and independent of ego’s rise and fall within the cycles. [Imagine wavelengths with a horizontal line through the middle of it. The crests and troughs of ego are equal and love is constant.] This happens over and over as a method of instruction, a way of learning. Each cycle brings its own lessons to man, to us, to you. These are most often chaotic times, such as the one you are experiencing now. 

These times and experiences will pass. Know this and look to the future for the soul development of mankind. Not in a linear time sense, but more in a manner of knowing this is what’s coming. Understand that what will transpire will ultimately be for the highest good for mankind. See and feel this truth in your vibrational fields. Know that this happened, is happening, and will happen. Holding the vibration of this knowledge will help you and others to manifest the betterment of the highest good, the common good, the good of All. Most of us can feel what is best for ourselves. Allow this feeling to expand into a greater understanding of this knowing and translate this good to all our collective souls. 

Also, as you self-love and manifest a best future for yourself with a sense of selflessness and without an attachment to your ego’s desire, you lift all of us in the vibrational expression of love and self-love.

As you move through the coming days, weeks, and months, carry the knowledge with you that this too shall pass and a new normal will present itself to all of us. This will be a reality where, as a whole, we possess a greater understanding of how to manifest a world with much less greed and self-interest. 

This is a new beginning for all of us. There still are lessons to be learned, for that is why this dimension exists as a place of learning for our souls. It will soon be a place of higher vibrational experience though, as each new cycle brings higher vibrations to us as a species. All cycles rise and fall, it is the nature of this planet and this reality. Accept the pain in this process as a necessity for the learning process. 

At the end of this pandemic experience, we all will be better off. Know this and move forward with faith and love in your hearts. Be kind, tender, and compassionate with all, but hold fast to your self-respect and self-love when the situation calls for it. Know that underneath this holding of your boundaries, there is a Foundation of Love on which we all can stand. Know you are of this Love. Express this.

All of our Love onto you,

David and your Angels of Love and Light!

*When the Guides refer to the cycles of life, it is the concept that there are social cycles in life. In each of these cycles, different groups with different values affect the vibrational energy of society. This topic will be explained in more detail in the second part of issue #13. It comes from a book I read recently called “Dharma for Awakening and Social Change” by Maetreyii Ma Nolan, PhD. Yes, the guides know what I’m reading and sometimes reference the material. Often they will explain a chapter before I am about to read so I have a greater comprehension, which I still find to be so wonderful and amazing. 

Thank you all for being open to these emails and allowing me to express myself. It is appreciated and as I write this I feel a deep love for all of you. May the Deep Love, Grace and Compassion of God be within you and your awareness at all times.

Cindy and Scott

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Angels Path Issue 12

Hello Dear Friends,

After our last issue’s direct messages about understanding the COVID-19 issue, I was unsure about what should follow. I struggle with some degree of doubt every time I sit down to auto-write or channel, and I often carry some concern that I will be able to deliver the messages clearly and without my ego intruding too much. And sometimes I’m concerned if I’ll be able to do it at all. I guess this keeps me humble and appreciative.

But usually there is a synchronicity within the messages that seems to consistently supersede any doubt I carry. Sure enough, the following messages seem to fall in line with the events unfolding around us today, and any other day, as we deal with what life brings to us.

Messages from the Guides


Good Morning Dear Ones,

A great truth of life, and a large reason we come to the physical, is to experience pain. Life is pain. Pain is one of the greatest teachers. Facing pain takes courage and commitment to a higher purpose. We come here to experience pain and then most of us spend all our lifetimes avoiding pain. The more you face your pain, the better you get at managing it, and the less power it has over you. Pain is a great co-manifesting partner in your spiritual growth. It becomes a powerful partner. 

When you learn to manage your pain for the greater good, you spend less time in discomfort. Face your pain and ultimately it hurts much less than the time spent avoiding it does. Then you become free and flow through life with a grace and a purpose. And you have a better chance at helping heal yourselves and the souls around you. 

Attachment to the addictive aspects of life becomes unimportant and ultimately very non-desirable. How you relate to things like food, drugs, sex, relationships, and non-productive thought patterns in particular, changes. You basically become disinterested and pursue the higher purpose of embracing love’s vibrations. 

Then you walk with joy, peace and love in your body; you’re not just wearing the slogan on your t-shirt. You embody this love vibration in how you live your life and how you help, assist, and love others. Your insecurities and self-imposed weaknesses fade away and you are left with a body full of love and white light where there is no room for self-limiting vibrations. Go forth with love, confidence, competence, and gentleness. Help the world around you to be a better place by extending these vibrational perceptions.

Many religious institutions do not teach the value of facing your pain, because there is no value or profit in it for them. They cannot extort anything from you if all your spiritual focus and journey is inward. We really don’t need them as we ascend the karmic ladder of soul development. This frightens these institutions, making them hold on to the power they have left from the older religious structures. They call it traditions, when really it is a form of control for their self-interests. As our third eye opens, these truths become much more readily apparent and we lose interest in participating in and giving energy to these institutions.

Seek out the bright white light of love that exists in the hearts of other souls, regardless of their religious paths. This white light of love is always going to supersede conflicting religious perspectives. High vibration is high vibration and low vibration is low vibration, regardless of cultural and religious norms.

When someone’s third eye is not open, they can be very susceptible to the lower vibrations of life. Do not judge souls with lower vibrations, just love them and nudge them toward a higher vibration by living your life with a higher vibration. The difference will be obvious to some and not others. Some will be started down the path of white light from exposure to a higher vibration while others will not. Know that for some, it may take years for these changes to occur. For others, it can be instantaneous. You will never know which is the way. The ego is best left out of it. Keep divine guidance as your roadmap to life.

Spread your vibrations!

With Great Love,

Guidance and Cynthia’s Loved Ones


Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today, appreciate the love you get to give others. Feel in the deepest parts of your heart how good it feels to love others. To give this love energy freely. Feel the way it comes back to you in very sustainable and wonderfully powerful ways. Give without attachment and enjoy the deep love energy coursing through your body. 

This is a very big part of staying in your home vibration. This is what works for you, others have different ways, and sometimes very difficult and different ways. Respect their path and do not try to make them walk your path just because it worked for you. Sit and have a deep love and acceptance for the beautiful soul in front of you. See their inner light and love it in spite of its outer appearance. Sometimes you will have the loving task of helping them to see and become aware of their own inner light. So the message of today is to live in love and appreciate love with great gratitude and deep, thankfulness. We will talk again very soon.

Deepest love and respect,

Guidance and Cynthia’s Loved Ones.

CINDY: I love how these messages relate perfectly to the messages discussed in issue #11. As many of you know, we were recently told by Guidance that this sacred time is an opportunity to work on our spiritual life.

So, over the past few days, I have been facing some of my childhood pain. I wallowed around in it for a couple of days, isolating myself and immersing myself in my work as a distraction from the painful emotions that were stirred up. It seemed like I was feeling everything all at once. I couldn’t distinguish any particular feeling. I just felt like there was a big, wet blanket of sadness and pain oppressing me. 

After a “therapy session” with my brother/guardian angel, David, who gently and lovingly helped me to sort through those feelings, I was able to process them (with my husband’s loving assistance, too). I saw how old patterns were still echoing in my daily life in really unhelpful ways. They do not serve me any longer. After a half box of tissue, I felt so much lighter, but still fragile and weepy. 

Today, I feel lighter still and know that I cleared at least a part of that pain from my childhood and teen years. There will likely be more, but I have a new awareness of the patterns. I feel more equipped to make the choice toward self-love and away from the ego behaviors.  

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone

I can see all obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day 

  • Johnny Nash, 1972

SCOTT: It took me a majority of my life to figure out the importance of “pain as a teacher.” I had a client who was a therapist tell me one time, as I was discussing a particularly difficult time I was having with an ex-business landlord, her words were “the people in my life that have left the biggest footprints on my ass have been the people I learned the most from.” The absolute truth of this statement really struck me. As I started to accept this fact, I began looking at difficult circumstances as opportunities to grow and develop into a better version of myself. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been very helpful. I’ve had to relearn this concept over and over. 

I believe that “pain as a teacher” is true for individuals, countries, and our species as a whole. COVID-19 is going to leave a huge footprint on our metaphorical asses as humans. Let us learn and grow.

With Love,Cindy & Scott 

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