Angels Path #10

Hello Dear Friends,

It’s been awhile since the last issue of The Angel’s Path. I could point to a number of reasons that have kept me from this writing. It’s been High School Swim season which is always a busy time coupled with me this season continuing to coach club swim full time and also running my masters workouts three days a week. It’s been a more hectic pace than I would prefer. But all three groups of swimmers are very dear to me and it would be very difficult to pick one to give up. Also the whole Coronavirus issue is taking up a fair amount of space in my head.

But alas, these would not be the real reasons. The real reason is I’ve made a commitment to be more transparent in my lessons in this life. Both learned and yet to be learned and mastered. So after turning the page to the next writings in the chronological order is stuff about my father. Argh, this was going to require more soul searching to express myself honestly and clearly. Our struggles with each other. As mentioned before he and I have never seen eye to eye on pretty much everything. From our ideological viewpoints, to how we express emotion, how we view life. It’s like he’s John Wayne and I’m Yanni. Totally different, yet bound together in this life as father and son. Bound by many lifetimes of karma. Wrestling back and forth.

I have some remembrance of other lifetimes. The most significant one in terms of my father would be one just previous. This is the one where I have the greatest recall of. I was a black blues singer of some talent and local notoriety. I had an ability to drastically affect members of the audience emotionally. I did not become a real star in my era because I was derailed by massive alcohol and drug addictions. The pressure to lead and manage the band was overwhelming. Everything got too big too fast. The difficulty in performing while deeply impaired was heartbreaking and I didn’t know a way out. My father was one of the money managers on my staff and we did not get along. But, I needed him. He was jealous of my talent and angry at how I squandered my gifts and money. I spent carelessly to the detriment of the band. When he would try to reign me in, it often became a situation where I would cuff him around physically. I was a larger man in this incarnation. So I can see and acknowledge that coming into this lifetime, he did have a real reason to be a bit pissed at me.

In my beginning meditations in Sedona. I had an experience of remembrance from being an infant in this lifetime. Way too early for me to ever remember this without some guidance. I was on my back and my father was changing my diaper. I looked up at him with love in my heart and eyes. Looking to extend love energy. What I got back in his clear blue eyes was anger, impatience and resentment. The experience of extending love and receiving pain in return was similar to touching a hot stove. Ouch, not sure I’m going to want to do that again. And so the pattern was set.

I’m sure he had a significant reason to feel the way he did. He had me when he was twenty, he had a significantly difficult childhood where his narcissistic needs were never met. He suffered violence and witnessed things no child should ever have to experience. So who knows what he was feeling or experiencing in that moment. Karma was playing out.

There is a reference to me doing some rhythmic drumming. I was trying to get a complex emotion across to my parents and couldn’t do it with the words I had available at the time. So I instinctively tried to use music in the form of drumming to express myself. My parents had no idea what I was doing.

So there is some backstory which may help you with understanding as I progress within this process. I’m hopeful that the lessons with my father may shine some light on others in your lives that you may struggle with.


From the Guides


Good Morning Dear One,

Know when someone is bothering you, with the result of your ego rising, it is always an extension of their ego that vibrates at the same frequency as a shadow portion of yourself. When you know this, you can look at the shadow and acknowledge where your ego plays into this response. When recognized and examined, then we can let it go and then you become an impartial observer of the others’ ego and not affected by it. So know that the better response to saying “that person is a jerk”, say instead “I am allowing this person to take me out of my home vibration and why?” When you see the commonality and the shadow is exposed and let go of, then you are truly free. Great joy, wisdom, and the power to make the world just a little bit better can manifest.

Your remembered experience of being young and trying to connect your wishes and desires with rhythm drumming indeed fell on deaf ears and blocked further musical growth and expression. It was a dead-end for you and was part of your karmic contract with yourself and others. Your parents couldn’t hear you because the non-similar vibrations were too far apart. In this certain respect of experience, where they are further down the ladder.

Music for them does not have the richness and emotional connection that it does for you. Music does not vibrate in their soul the way it does for you. Their vibration is still too dense. Do not judge them on this. It is, at this juncture, a higher vibration than they can attain right now. A kindergartner exposed to higher level math cannot be expected to understand such math. As it is with your parents. You were to expose them to a higher vibration existence, but alas they missed it. Unfortunate, but not your responsibility and you have taken it on and, of course, it could not come to fruition because it was not and is not your dharma.

Let go of this self-limiting responsibility and your pain around your parents not having a clue about who you really are will subside. Just love them as much as you can and continue to maintain healthy boundaries. They are coming around to understand that they no longer have any power over you or can push you around, which of course inflames your father’s ego. Just watch him with bemused love and observation and let go of the aspects of your shadow that he represents in some small details and ways. Observing that when his brokenness is most exposed, he behaves the poorest and feel some mourning for his pain and lack of growth opportunity that he has squandered. Sad, but true. Just hold him in the white light of your mind and soul and he will heal over time. Just like it took you multiple lifetimes with the drug and alcohol experiences, so it will be for him with his own narcissistic lessons. Just be patient and loving, at an arm’s length.

We love you and now our combined heart energy will continue to grow and manifest love and God’s will. Enjoy and cherish these wonderful gifts of accepting and embracing the merging of the third and fourth dimensions and dualism of experience. This will allow you to become a more effective, manifested instrument of God’s Will.

See ya real soon!

Great love and heart extended joy,



Scott- One’s own shadow side. Others can see it when we cannot. As it was with me. The patterns of behavior that my parents brought to our family dynamic. How this influences myself and my actions toward others. I’ve spoken of my father’s pain, my mother has had her own to deal with. She has no memory before the age of 12 and I’ve never experienced any person as intentionally cruel and mean-spirited as my grandmother.

It’s quite amazing that my folks have made their relationship work in any manner, knowing the emotional dysfunction they grew up with. They also had me when they were barely 20 years old.

I took on their patterns of behavior, of relating to each other. It did not serve me particularly well in my relationships. Particularly those of an intimate or romantic nature. The behaviors I exhibited were definitely of my shadow. The same patterns of behavior my father exhibited in our family dynamic. I had no understanding of this at the time, of course. However after multiple failed relationships with women, I came to a place of “wow, maybe it is me and my behavior, not just the other person’s issues”. This started me down the path of self discovery and away from the lens of reality that I was viewing the world through. The lens I acquired in my parents’ house growing up. Beginning the process of dealing with my shadow side.

To come to some awareness of my shadow and how it reflects, oh, so similar to my father’s in some respects of behavior and actions. This only took me 50 years or so. I am still in the process of acknowledgement of the shadow I carry within me. To learn to feel the pain of my ego when it feels insulted and to make the decision to turn toward love action and awareness. As opposed to acting out of ego response. Not that I do not do this from time to time. Just a bit less often and I can acknowledge my behavior and apologize for it more readily and sincerely.

I’ve learned to ask my guides for clarity and truth so I may serve the highest good for those In my life that I love, and those yet to be loved.

Cindy- I have observed Scott and his dad’s “dance” for many years. It wasn’t until about four years ago when Scott created some space in their relationship that I came to understand the depth of their pain. Every single day since, Scott has examined his relationship with his father, turning it every which way to understand why. Why was it so difficult to love this man when he had so many other fulfilling relationships in his life. What was his part in this drama? Was there a possibility to resolve their issues and come out on the other side with a loving relationship with his father? What more did he need to do to get to that place? I watched him wrestle with these questions and more. Scott has made a conscious choice to first be self-loving and in that choice, he is finding peace and, yes, love for his dad, unconditionally. He asks nothing and expects nothing.

What it all boils down to is choice, of which there are ultimately only two choices – Love or fear. With every choice we make, we create that reality. We decide, with every action, whether we will love or fear. When you make a fear-based choice, how do you feel? I feel tense and nervous, can’t relax (thanks, David Byrne!). But, oh boy, when I make a love-based choice…I feel light and wonderful and I want more of that!!

Now, during this time of COVID-19, we all will face choices. We can react in fear or we can recognize this as a momentous opportunity to love. This is a sacred moment of increasing awareness on this planet and within that awareness is Love. More on this to come…

PS. The last two verbal sessions we have had has content discussing the virus. We will send this out as soon as we get the transcription finished.

Deep Love and Gratitude,

Cindy and Scott

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Angels Path #9

Welcome to Angel’s Path Issue # 9!

Our son, Jadan, makes his living as a writer and he has agreed to help us with these emails in an editorial capacity, and he has made some useful suggestions. As a result, Cindy and I will attempt to offer more personal commentary. We will share some of the more personal aspects of our experiences, as an effort to be more open and vulnerable with what we are sharing, and to expose some of our own pitfalls and failings. All of this will be done with the intention of finding clarity through the honest exposure of our own humanity. Hopefully, the commonality of our human experience will help you to understand where we are coming from, and maybe our experiences can help you to understand your own learning processes as growing humans.

Going forward, I am going to list the dates of my writings and channelings, mostly to help me keep track of the path of the writings and to keep things in order. The Guides have suggested that we follow a chronological order, which may help you to observe my own growth.

In this issue’s writings, the word “sin” is used often. Initially, Cindy and I both felt taken aback hearing this word, and from Guidance no less. During a verbal session, Cindy wanted to confirm that they still wanted to use the word “sin.” To date, this was the only time this word has been used. The guides are always talking about unconditional love and acceptance, so the use of this word seemed to me to be counterproductive to this viewpoint.

Their response was essentially this: Yes, sin is a harsh word, and specifically for some who may be reading these words, it could be considered a splash of cold water on their face to get their attention. But the guides’ use of this word was not intended to reference the religious side of the term. Most often, the religious use of this word does not contribute to the understanding of Well-Being. It’s not about good or bad, right or wrong, should or shouldn’t, but rather “do your actions feel appropriate or inappropriate in relation to your internal guidance system? Are your actions in alignment with your internal compasses?” Often, sin really only exists in our minds as harsh judgement of ourselves.

In a meditation session, I received a very enlightening and, for me, extremely valid metaphor for the soul ascension ladder. One of those “ah-ha” moments. Imagine there are three workmen working on a house. One man is on the roof, at the top of the ladder, and has completed his soul ascension process. Another man is halfway up the ladder, or about halfway through the process. The man at the bottom is holding the ladder for those above him, but has not started the process yet. He is still serving the others above him. Do the two souls above him have a right to feel superior or more advanced, merely because they started earlier?

Does a man with 25 years of age feel superior to a child with 6 years of age, because he graduated from high school first? The point is that All are destined to ascend. Each of us in our own time.

Thank you,



From the Guides


Good Morning Beloved Ones,

Sin is basically when we turn against our better nature, the White Light, the Path of Love, and its lessons and tribulations. When we seek self-pleasure as a shortcut to the better path, or seek an easier path to a greater ending, it proves to be unsatisfying and hollow. A victory not obtained through pure-of-heart intentions is no victory at all, but a temporary salve for the ego. It is a karmic reverberation. It can be experienced as evil, but really it is the ego’s way of taking an unproductive and thoughtless shortcut. Do not judge. Go back to the soul ascension ladder.

Judgment of yourself is a sin based on the fear created once we understand the shortcut was not movement toward the White Light. This is where the feeling of being “less than” can originate. Then we become open to allowing others’ opinions of us to injure us. The twin vibrations of shame and judgment create fear, and fear then runs amuck in terrible shame spirals, away from self-love.

Release from fear is a huge spiritual step and one of great relief when arrived at. When you focus on a fear, you give it too much power and then it will attempt to manifest. Let go of the fear and understand where the root cause is emanating from. Recognize this and release it. “Row the boat,” so to speak, to guard against a lack of preparation. Pay attention and be aware of the necessity for living in the physical. Letting go of fear makes more room for higher consciousness and for Guidance to have a greater loving influence in your life. Then you are even more effective at maneuvering through life in the dense, physical world of the third dimension.


Good Morning Dear One,

Let go of your fear of not being enough. This is where doubt resides. When you are aligned with the Divine, there is never a reason to have doubt. Everything will be as it should be. Trust this, know your own abilities and talents, and trust in them, Us, Jesus, and the Creator. You know in your heart that you’re competent and effective at your gifts and abilities. When you have doubt, return to this knowing of your abilities. Everyone makes mistakes, even us. Accept them with as much good-natured cheer as you can, admit them, correct them, ask for forgiveness if needed, and move on in the White Light of Love.

In the fourth and fifth dimensions, we don’t feel pain the same way as you do in the third dimension. This is why we return to the third: to learn what we can see from this vantage point, but cannot fully incorporate into our energy fields, the way you are able to do into your cells, which are different experiences, with lessons on all sides, even for us. In the fourth/fifth we learn what we need to learn, and in the third, you learn it. This is the way of karma: life review, intentions, and desire for growth back to the White Light, manifesting your destiny, and seeing what is needed for the next steps toward your progress back to the Divine.

In the third, with the lower vibrations, the urge to return to the Divine is blunted and ego instead moves toward earthy sensations of temporary pleasure. To turn against this pleasure, there must be pain that becomes unbearable. Hence, the pain of addictions. Every soul has them, and do not believe them if they say otherwise. Just the need to say there is no addiction, is addiction to the image of self that they feel they must uphold to be admired and respected. To them, to be accepted and respected, there can be no addictions. Do not judge others, it is a pointless exercise and inhibits the souls’ growth. Just look to heal your own addictions and respect others’ journeys with their own.

Share our experiences if they will assist in healing. The main focus is helping, as opposed to feeding your own ego to keep it satisfied, in the way a small, self-centered child would. Always look to the Higher Good and away from ego whenever you recognize it. There will always be some ego; that is being human. Accept this and move on toward the White Light of Divine Love and Acceptance. Forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness, extend forgiveness, be truthful and humble. This is where the strength of the meek resides. Great power when awakened. When you are clear with your intentions and aligned with God’s will, many wonderful life events can transpire. In the clear bright intentions, there is no room or darkness for doubt to survive.

We think that is all for now. Enjoy your morning and your day.

Love, Guidance

Cindy here, to close out this issue…

Letting go of fear, self-doubt, shame, judgment; these messages from Guidance make sense to me, and I can see the necessity for releasing them, but I’m often asking myself, how do I go about that? It seems overwhelming to take on the issues I have carried throughout this life and perhaps many other lifetimes. How do I begin? What is my process to clear those energy blocks? I often have a hard time with even identifying the root cause of a fear response.

Luckily, our Angels have a simple suggestion: simply surrender and ask for their help. That’s all! I’ve learned that I don’t need to reenact my human foibles. There is no need to relive drama and examine it from every angle, trying to see where I could have responded differently in certain situations. We can certainly “process,” but I think in this way, it’s not really necessary or effective. It just keeps me reliving my missteps and that is not helpful or self-loving.

So I simply say the words, “I surrender. Help me.” Our Angels and Guides are ready to assist us at any moment, we simply need to ask for their assistance and then step aside and Accept, Allow and Appreciate All. They will always work for our highest good and our most benevolent outcomes.

We have both found this to be very helpful when facing our sins against ourselves. Then we do something loving for ourselves, whatever that may be, so that we may move more quickly to a state of Gratitude, which is fully aligned with our God Within.

Thank you. Namaste.

Scott and Cindy

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