Angels Path #8

Hello Dear Friends,

When the guides speak of ego reflection I believe they are referring to becoming aware of when your ego has assumed control and starting to see your ego as a bit separate from your sense of self. We have an opportunity to reflect on our behavior and realize how our egos affect us. Within this realization we can begin to make different choices of behavior.

When the guides use the word the “third”, it is shorthand for third dimension, in most cases, and they are referring to our planet and the souls that inhabit our world. They are also referring to a state of awareness, or a type of thinking. Thinking in a manner of “fight or flight” mentality. The hope is that we can move into a manner of thinking that is more loved-based and this is referred to as experiencing a fourth or fifth dimension of awareness, or reality experience. The guides say we slide back and forth between different thinking patterns of dimensional experiences all day long. Over time we learn to stay in or hold a higher level of dimensional thinking. Within this comes a different perspective of the lives we choose to lead. Our reality can change.

And with that!


From the Guides

Let us talk more about ego reflection. Think of how David (Scott and Cynthia’s son) felt about a teammate on his high school swim team and how they did not like each other at all, two of the fastest swimmers on the team) as opposed to how others experienced him. The coach felt very differently than David. Think about people in your life that rub you the wrong way and they don’t affect others the same way. Why? Ego reflection, once again. When someone is mirroring a vibration to you that you don’t accept in yourself, the discordances of energy create ill feelings. If others don’t share the same issues, the effect and perceptions of the others is a different experience or reality. Once you heal the parts of yourself that create the discordant energy and the flow of divine chi is once again manifesting, there is no reaction or emotional rising of ego. Ego can be a knee jerk reaction to a wound of different types, physical, energy, etc. The issue at hand does not have to be a large part of you to ignite ego rising. So don’t judge yourself as repugnant as the other you are experiencing. But know there is at least an echo to be looked at, acknowledged and released. You and Cynthia both know your teachers. Work on these issues energetically for a while before you engage these “teachers” once again. Afterwards, examine your emotions and response to the stimulus and then you can start the process of release.

Holding on to the past is much akin to holding on to an anchor and expecting to move forward. Not going to happen. Learn from the past to be more effective in your current behavior and vibration, but do not judge yourself or define yourself from these past experiences. We are ever-evolving beings, no longer what we once were. To cause self harm from self incrimination from past deeds that you would no longer perform is pointless. Hold yourself accountable for those deeds and ask the appropriate forgiveness. Particularly forgiving yourself, then move forward with the greater love and peace in your heart that you did not have then. This is the path to being God’s instrument. This message is for you, Dear Hearts. You understand this and have made great strides. The time is approaching to let go of all this past behavior dictated from past learning experiences. Remember daily “Live, Love, Learn, Grow and Give Back”. Great gratitude comes from this energy perspective and your vibration lifts higher.

Most if not all addictions come from stuck energies in the third. In the moment of being stuck in the mires, it is a path of least resistance to turn toward physical pleasures. This distracts from the uncomfortable feeling of being stuck. Being stuck is a result of disconnection of emotional awareness. The more stuck you are, the more ego takes control of your perceptions and actions. The higher the uncomfortableness, the higher the addiction. You now know enough of the ways of releasing your stuck energies and being in the moments of love/energies flow. Let the energy sweep you along in the flow. This entails letting go of fear and embracing trust of the inner and outer world around you. Manage the energy toward the highest good. This will bring more of the energy of love to you and your effectiveness of being a lightworker will grow.

Yes, everything comes down to energy. Energy is everything and everywhere. The foundation of energy is love. Crystals vibrate with a higher vibration than most objects on earth. The third dimension is lower vibration because of the density of the human body. Without higher awareness, there can be no awareness of the subtleties of the higher vibrations available in the third. Higher awareness can see and sense higher vibrations. This higher awareness is an understanding of your emotional nature and what is the meaning and purpose of emotions. They are a powerful learning tool for soul advancement. Mastering and understanding of your awareness and intent behind your emotions is a path to higher consciousness. Seek out the higher vibrations available in the third. This desire drives your desire to merge your energies with the crystals. Very helpful on your path. Revel and swim in their energies. Ego becomes more of a partner at this juncture. Ego can then embrace love and wounds can heal.

Scott- Thank you! Guidance- you’re welcome and thank you. You give us an opportunity to serve which nourishes us at a vibrational level. It is a two-way street. We both help each other. Our growth, or experiences if you wish to call it that, is a deep satisfaction of a job well done and experienced. The joy of watching a loved one advance is wonderful. Think of when your boys did well in their swim races. Similar vibrations of joy! For the third dimension souls, it is a deeper emotional experience with more pain opportunities and soul advancement. We are delighted to be of service and in communication! We love you all very much and cherish watching you both blossom into your true selves. The deeper and sweeter love energies you both bring together brings a smoother and high growth rate path in front of you.


Thank you all for reading and participating in this process! Much love to All.

God’s Grace, Compassion and Love onto You All,

Cynthia and Scott

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Angels Path #7

Hello Friends,

There is a bit to unpack in the Guides’ messages that follow. When they speak of moving to the white light I think they are referring to “love awareness“, to have the intention to move towards a perspective of love when interacting with others. If someone is acting out in a belligerent manner, one can say “What an asshole”. This could be an ego reaction. Love’s perspective could be a statement of “Wow, he must be having a really rough day”.

When they speak of energy blocks, I believe they are referring to when one experiences emotional discomfort, often, in my case, as an irrational reaction to a situation. When your ego may be reacting

to an unhealed wound from our past, in my case, I often felt unheard or dismissed as a child. So often when someone is exhibiting a behavior that I might perceive as not listening to, paying attention to me or interrupting me, I can overreact with frustration and anger. Now that I realize this pattern and am working to heal this part of myself, I can sometimes choose to behave differently when I feel unlistened to or disregarded. I often now do not take someone else’s behavior as personally and don’t overreact as readily. So releasing an energy block is recognizing a pattern from our past and healing this. A metaphor I really like to represent such a pattern is the one of a baby elephant that is staked to the ground by a stake and rope. He knows he cannot move. As an adult, he could easily pull up the stake and move, but he is held by his belief that he cannot because of his experience from his youth.

When they speak of recognizing energy vibrations of others, it is simply being sensitive to their feelings. We recognize the vibrations or wavelengths of light and sound. Emotions carry vibrations also. When I feel shame, embarrassment or other lower emotions I can feel my heart energy contract and shrink inward. My head drops and my shoulders can slump forward. When I feel the higher emotions of love or joy, my heart energy expands, my head comes up, my shoulders shift back. My heart feels open and expanding. This contraction and expansion of heart energy carries vibrations. We all can sense these emotional vibrations in others. Over time with applied focus, we can sense more and more refined emotional vibrations of others. Through this sensitivity, we often know if someone is being honest with us.


From the Guides

One of the great manifestations of love energy is expanding your awareness on a consistent basis. This is one of the key components of love energy. Always expanding and moving forward to the white light. When this growth stops, then stagnation and energy blocks occur. Then comes Dis-Ease, followed by disease of the body. Pure energy flow is vital for consistent good health and longevity. We suggest keeping awareness of energy blocks and working to remove them. This is a form of expanding your awareness. Great love of all types flows out of this behavior. It is healthy to be unconditionally curious without judgement and marvel at the wonderful talents of a creative human’s mind and soul connection. Both are very essential for growth and awareness.

Let us discuss prayer. Most souls don’t really understand what this action is. Most follow prayer as a sort of blind hope and insecurity of if they will be answered. Not knowing what “true knowing” is. They weaken the vibration of prayer by a blind misunderstanding. Prayer is an energetic act of intent. It has a vibration and vibrations attract each other. The higher the vibration the more complete and satisfying to all souls attached to the intention. So when you knowingly set an intention, energies move forward and start manifesting like ripples on a pond. Common metaphor, but true. Effective prayer is setting your intentions forward with an understanding of how energy works and the effect of well intended energy. When the intention is aligned with God’s will and intentions, well, true beauty happens at these moments. These can be life changing occurrences. Just watch your ego, Dear Hearts. When the intertwined intentions are manifested without ego and infused with God’s loving white light are the touch points of grace we can extend to others. Knowing this is called “knowing”. This knowing helps us align with God’s will and can touch others souls hearts and heal. This is true love and compassion. Swim in this energy and white light. Let it fuse with the cells of your body and help you to feel the wholeness of the Divine experiences of Love.

Knowing is knowing in the cells of your body what truth is. What is true, clear and authentic. This is total third eye awareness. See the world for what it really is by understanding and recognizing the energy vibrations being emitted. You both have done almost all acts a human can commit over many lifetimes. This gives you understanding and compassion. And helps you to recognize the cause and effect of behavior and understanding the changes needed to turn you or the other toward love. When you align with truth, deeper understanding can ignite.


Scott- The next two paragraphs were channeled on Sunday February 2nd, 2020. The original writings were from April 4th, 2019. The guides desired to add to their comments about prayer. This was from a verbal session with Cindy


For many, prayer is more an act of wishful thinking, hoping, with a perspective of “I have no control, no input, no influence on the manifestation of the prayer”. It is a form of expressing a desire with the underlying feeling of undeservingness. What prayer is meant to be more in alignment with the Soul, an intersection of the energy fields and the physical body. It is the intersection of this, the intention of prayer is to set forth a desire of intention aligned with God’s Will to express and to experience Love, Self-Love.

WIthin the expressions of these experiences, with the alignment of God’s Will and Love, the energies align and with the manifestation of God’s WIll and an experience of Love results. It is setting an intention aligned with God’s Will for the Most Benevolent Outcome. You have influence over these prayers. You have the ability to manifest what you desire as long as it is aligned with the viewpoint of what is for the highest good. As long as it is not self-ish, but more self-less, which Love is always Self-less. Even Self-love is self-less because it is always for the highest good, not for the good of the ego-centered perspective.

God’s Great Love, Compassion and Grace onto you all,

Cindy and Scott

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