Angels Path #6

Hello Friends,

Lately, we have been having many discussions about how ego tends to be a main topic of focus in these emails. Most of today’s email will focus on this subject. Initially, we tend to think that ego is negative, but this is not necessarily so. Think of how some breeds of dogs such as pit bulls or dobermanns get bad reputations, but these dogs are not necessarily “bad” per se. They have just been trained to use the strengths of their breed for poor intentions. Such as it is with the ego. Unhealthy egos are not necessarily bad, they have just had a fair amount of pain experienced, and no guidance on how to deal with its pain in a productive manner.

I find it helpful to think of ego as a small child. Children often misbehave, as our egos tend to do from time to time. However, when a child makes a mistake, we lovingly teach them to learn from their mistakes and to improve as a human being. So, I believe the ego can be taught to be respectful, to have proper boundaries, to be loving, and to be concerned with the welfare of others. But we cannot teach it these lessons if we are unaware that our ego and its responses are NOT US. Just like a car is not us when we are driving inside it, our ego is not us when we are living on Earth. Our awareness is within our bodies, just as a driver is within a car. In other words, our ego is a package deal that comes with our bodies. It is unavoidable.

So, when we can observe our behavior and see our ego taking control of our behavior, often through overreaction, under-reaction, or reacting unconsciously, we hopefully can understand that this is our ego acting out, and not necessarily us. Once we realize that we are manifesting behavior that is not loved-based, then we can begin to work on changing our actions. We can then learn to work with ourselves and our egos to have more loving and productive behavior in our lives.

From the Guides

GUIDANCE: No need to speak of the joy and bliss you will now walk through life with. Rather, embody this joy by your actions. Always louder than words, yes? So, embrace the joy such that it will be impossible to not be recognized by others for what your true nature is. Except for the very, very low vibration beings. Let their protests crumble and blow away in the wind like dried clay. Enjoy the light, embody the light. Be joyful and kind to all. If only in your energetic intentions and projection of your energy field.

No need for ego’s influence any longer. You will feel it, but it most often will be an insignificant awareness. Like a light breeze across your face. Simply acknowledge, “Oh, there that is” and let it go with humor and grace. Understand how petty and unproductive ego can be. There are consequences to all actions. Is it worth it to let ego control? Just like you realized alcohol consumption has consequences that you no longer were willing to accept, this will be much easier now that you understand the parallels in the energy patterns of behavior.

Enjoy the feeling of love coursing through your whole body. Just project love and acceptance. When confronted with negative energy and thoughts, just sit in presence with compassion and non-judgment. You don’t have to say anything. Just emit love toward their projected misconceptions, which will then become more apparent to them. Do not attach to any negativity and let it blow out the door like the wind. Out and gone from your energy field and awareness.

Follow your instinct to be clear and true in your thoughts and actions. Speak your truth with kindness and compassion even when it may be experienced by others as an uncomfortable truth. No worries, that is their dharma, not your problem. Do not say these truths with judgment and the need to be right. Just simply state the facts without a whole lot of attachment to the absoluteness of the truth. Say it with love, as you know how difficult it may be for the other to accept. Project white light as you speak your truths.

Walk in the White Light! In your Home vibration all day long. Much love and peace in your heart for your fellow man. You harbor no resentments and love and respect all, particularly when they certainly do not appear to deserve it. When you do this, it helps begin their soul’s journey to the Light. A true and meaningful act of love. Stay and live in your heart. Keep a main part of your focus there today. Love is energy and energy is love, at the right vibration of course. All the more familiar all the time, would you not agree?

SCOTT: Hopefully yes, my self-doubts and lack of trust creep in and I am not always sure that I am not making this up. I have a deep desire to overcome this. It feels wonderful when I connect to the divine and then my ego slips in and thinks “is this too good to be true?”

GUIDANCE: The vibration will continue to get louder and deeper and therefore easier to connect with. Your trust will build starting RIGHT now! Today will cement your confidence. Stay in Love’s white light and calmness.

Ego is a very insidious instinct indeed! A voracious child! Not evil in its intentions, only a deep hunger for the next pleasure experience to distract from its pain and deep wounds. Always looking to distract focus. Its next fix. Wanting to be in control of that fix. Not willing to let go of the wheel. Willing to “cut its nose off in spite of its face” or “go down swinging being right instead of compromising.” Sound familiar? Now you understand why this behavior in others pisses you off. What you will not accept in yourself, you will not accept in others. Time to embrace that component and release it with love. Ego will always attempt to distract. Using fear in more and more subtle forms. Making the fear a reality, when the reality is that there is no reason to fear. This is staying in control. Release this need for control and very real happiness and joy arrive. Time to let go, my beautiful son, Man of clearing heart and intentions. Walk in the white light and continue to follow the path.

Hi everyone, Cindy here…Ego has been a frequent topic in our sessions, so you’ll see it come up often in Scott’s writings and channeling sessions. It’s never fun when it comes up, but with greater awareness of when my ego takes control, I don’t get the perverse pleasure of feeling right, that self-satisfaction. Now that I’m keen to my ego’s ways, there’s none of that anymore. I am slowly getting quicker in recognizing it and then doing the work to correct my behavior, to return to love. Forgiving myself is key. It’s almost harder for me to forgive myself than to forgive another. It is about acts of “Self-Love,” and we must always work to remember that.

We recognize and honor God’s Great Love within you,

Cindy & Scott

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Angels Path #5

Hello, Friends,

After we returned from Sedona, my drive to meditate lessened considerably. Almost like when you’re taking medication and start to feel better you forget to continue to take it, or when the pain subsides and you can forget it was bothering you.

However, I started waking up very early in the morning. About 3:00am often. After laying in bed and not being able to return to sleep, I would arise and begin my day. Lots of coffee and iPad time until the rest of the house woke up. This went on for a couple of months or so and it dawned on me to use the time to do my affirmations and prayers then. So I began and at the same time I started looking and listening to Sound Bath videos on YouTube, meditating more often, and then daily again.

Lo and behold, the auto writing returned. Who knew. I was looking at this activity as something I had no say over. Particularly without the energy of Sedona assistance. Either my guides showed up or they didn’t.

I thought of this as a matter of being blocked or not being worthy when they didn’t come to me. This didn’t happen often, but when it did I would spend the rest of my day in a funk. I realized it was my own insecurities and feelings of not being worthy or good enough that were the actual reasons.

As time passed, the messages started to lengthen and become more nuanced. Cindy witnessed some of these writing sessions. As the messages lengthened, they also started to come in with more volume and speed so to speak. One particular morning they were overwhelming in that I could not keep up. The energy was too intense, my body was convulsing a bit and it felt like my eyeballs were bulging. I was almost stabbing blindly at the keyboard. The writing still came out clearly. Which I found amazing. Cindy had a great suggestion that of course I hadn’t considered, “Why don’t you try having the guides do this verbally instead of writing? And then we can record it.” Duh, right?

This worked well, but we had a few pitfalls along the way. The first guides that came verbally, were a bit rough around the edges. They were a bit rude and commanding to Cindy, which she did not appreciate.

What was explained later was though my vibration had risen it was still fairly low in relation to the vibrations of the souls on the other side of the veil. So the souls I was channeling were of a lower vibration than most souls not in form and structure.

Our dear friend and chiropractor Don Walker suggested asking to switch guides, (you could do that?) Well, indeed we could and did. The guides also told me as we worked through this process my vibration would rise and I would get different guides that were at a similar vibration and then when my vibration was high enough, Angels would be able to come down to my level and communicate with me.

I originally wasn’t planning on putting too much personal information in these emails. I was planning on editing out the personal and leaving what I thought was more general information that we all could relate too. Then I realized that would be shortcoming the depth and breadth of what I had experienced and was meant to share. ( This was an Angels nudge to come to this conclusion of course, Lol)

From the Guides

Me- Metatron? Words please. Them-Be still. Move thoughtfully with care. Extend your awareness around you in a big circular field. Meld and release. With great love. Enjoy the heart experience. Go be kind and firm. Teach self control and self honesty. Heart Love. The path can only be managed with true heart intentions. Any other path is fraught with danger. Follow the light. Always. You will begin to experience true acceptance of the other.

Yes, your third eye is opening. Yes, it is a very special time. Enjoy every second and go forth and help others! Yes, let your inner light shine bright! Yes, you will draw people to you that you will help. It is a special time, but you are no more special then all the millions who have gone before you. This is a normal state of human development. Everyone is special, no one more or less than the other. You are the vessel.

Request to walk in the light at all times. Daily meditation focus. Great benefit!

Check in with us often. We will assist in the righteousness path. This is a path of love and peace. Not the negative or authoritative view that some Christians have. They are mixed up and please be patient with them. You may confuse them, they will see your light and recognize it and wonder how you do it without coming to their church. Never mind and just be yourself and walk YOURS/OUR path. Breeze in the wind.

Me- I think I am coming to realize where some of my frustrations and blocks come from. What I am experiencing is amazingly wonderful. As have been the times in my life where I felt the divine connection. To be on the edge of this wonderful spiritual connection is almost too good to be true. My fear is, is it? My heart’s desire at my fingertips? I have won the lottery. Me, me of all people. This fear of waiting for the “other shoe to drop” is where the blocks have some weight. I have to let go and fully realize the wonderful gift I have been granted. Them- Embrace it and appreciate it as humbly as humanly possible.

Speak your truths simply, slowly, clearly and judiciously

Trusting the people in your life that you know in your heart are truly trustworthy is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. A rare gift indeed. Cindy and your sons are such people. Rejoice and revel in this. Treat these relationships with great care. On the flip side recognizing that you can certainly trust the untrustworthy to be exactly untrustworthy which is also a gift. You will get better at managing theses folks. Boundaries with love once again!

Intentions and desire. The yin and yang of physical manifestations. Need balance in this endeavor. Walking in the white light. When you fall out of your “home vibration”. After you notice it. Connect with the desire to return. This desire will reset your intentions and move you back to home vibration. Work on being humble. When you feel ego rising, STOP and be silent.

Ego is fear and fear is ego.

Do not take pride in your new abilities. Normal human progression. You had a lot of help from loved ones along the way. Would not have had the progress you had without them. No big head, dude. Always remember where this came from. Takes a whole support system to have the experience you’ve had. Use your abilities with love, grace, humor and kindness. Enjoy, love and appreciate the healing that happens in your presence. Humbleness at its core is essential.

Scott: I found these messages very helpful and I found myself being more patience and kind in the course of my daily life. I know there is a bit to unpack here. If you would like any discussion about these topics, Cindy and I are always willingly available.

God’s Great Love, Compassion and Grace to All,

Cindy and Scott

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