Angels Path #4
Hello Friends,
The messages presented here pretty much conclude the majority of the writings that came while we were in Sedona. It was quite an interesting and exciting week. During a hike with our friend Laura (who held the sound bowl meditation), she mentioned to me with her impish good natured smile, that my internal light would be shining brighter very soon and I would be helping people. I told her I was a swim coach and I was helping youth every day. I had no real idea what she was talking about. Her response was that not only would I be helping swimmers, but I would be working with other people as well.
In these messages, there is a fair amount of discussion about vibrations. I was reading a book that I had bought before coming to Sedona. I had found myself in a bookstore I had impulsively visited as I was driving by. Five seconds before I turned into the store parking lot, I had no idea or plan to go to this store. I found myself walking out with a book called “Frequency” by Penney Peirce. I didn’t know why I picked this book out, I had never heard of it before. I was just drawn to it in some manner. Personal vibration is a main topic in this book. I’m not sure if the book validated my experiences or the other way around, probably both. Lol.
In some basic terms, or at least in my rudimentary understanding of how we describe vibrations, everything and every body has a vibration. Light and sound waves are easy to understand. However, some vibrations are of what the guides call “form and structure”, or that which appears solid to us. These vibrations come together to appear solid through vibrational patterns, or Sacred Geometry. Think of how atoms come together to form molecules and so on. There is space between protons, electrons and nucleus. Even with these vast empty spaces between these elements, there is form and structure, of appearing solid. So it is with form and structure.
Other vibrations are not of form and structure. One example would be emotional vibration. Some are of a higher vibration, like love, joy, peacefulness and happiness. Others are denser and considered to be of a lower vibration, such as shame, self-loathing, hate, anger, and so on. When you can tune in to how you experience the different emotions, how you feel, you are in a sense experiencing different vibrational patterns. Light can have different vibrations and can appear quite different in how we experience and perceive these light vibrations. Think of a sunset and high noon, or a sunny day and cloudy day, we see the light differently, we sense it differently.
A way to express how I experience guidance, and the resulting message, is similar to how we experience the differences between types of light and emotions. We are experiencing different vibrational patterns all the time. We just don’t often think of vibration in these terms. Nonetheless, they are there, whether or not we perceive them.
Everyone has a personal vibrational signature. All personal vibration is loved-based. When we come into our bodies of form and structure, we forget this “home vibration”. Ego takes over and we can fall into “fight or flight” reactions. The messages that follow guide us back to our home vibration or home frequency.
From the Guides
You have vibrational choices at any given time.
1. Respond with joy in the moment.
2. Respond with anything vibration other than joy.
3. No vibration. Sometimes this inaction can be a deliberate choice or a lazy lack of action choice.
Of the three choices, only one is choosing love.
Metatron (The first Angel to communicate with me- Scott) – Express joy every moment you can. We create our own reality by our emotional vibrational choices. Vibrant in the soul/home frequency state. Be drawn to return like moth to flame. This is our natural state.
Music will always be more healing vibrationally than television, particularly the news. Music can center you, news cannot. News will always be there. Music is in the moment. Music is in the now.
Please, DO! More observing, less speaking and judgements. Focus on tuning in with your third eye on the other’s energy vibration. This way you embrace the One and the All.
I love and forgive all. No attachments to past resentments. Clear like an open door that the wind blows through. Sit in presence with grace and goodwill. Loving and kind with clear boundaries.
Embrace the lesson at hand. Focus on the lesson of the moment. Yesterday’s has been integrated and tomorrow’s is unwritten. Stay present in the moment, you will be the most effective this way.
Remove “self” from meditation. What is left? Pure love. Focus on the feeling, not the words. Look for nonverbal messages. More effective.
For others to respect you, you must accept and respect yourself
Actions always speak louder then words. Remember that a man who proclaims any accomplishment loudly is suspect. No matter how valid the accomplishment is.
The need to feel loved and respected comes from a place of fear and insecurity. Love and respect yourself. Be impeccable and act in accordance with guidance. Like energy attracts like energy. If you love and respect yourself so will others. Validate yourself. Never be boastful! Even quietly. Be humble and grateful that you are allowed a position of service. It heals your heart. You directly benefit. You are the instrument, not the Divine Order.
Have good boundaries and use kindness to establish them.
When necessary, as extending a needed truth, kindly point out someone’s inconsistencies and use respect to honor their space. Not a time to use anger as a response and a tactic.
I desire to be clear, kind and authentic with good clear boundaries.
Stay in the moment, one step at a time. Getting ahead of yourself can cause large energy blocks. (This can also be explained as emotional vibrations being stuck or twisted and not flowing, emotional suppression and repression-Scott) Focus on the task at hand. Like the conversation at hand, not the one you will have tomorrow.
Harbor no resentments against anyone. Stay clear and open with no judgements. Letting go of resentments opens your heart for much more love and makes you much more effective and dare We say more “powerful”. Use power respectfully with absence of ego!
Sit in silence more with OTHERS! This will allow them to more fully reveal their truths and you will be much more effective as a healer/teacher. Strive to use your words more sparingly without losing your high level of articulation.
Financials – Ask yourself as you look deep into your heart, Is this ego or true heart’s desire? One will bring you great power, the other will slowly drain your resources. Do not be afraid to spend money, make absolutely sure it is for heart reasons. Then it will flow to you in astounding ways. Learn to trust this in your heart and it WILL manifest. Follow your heart and soul.
You are now going to embody your soul. Go forth with great humbleness and with soft words. Firm and gentle. Kindness and compassion. Humor and love. Great boundaries with an open heart. Embrace the light in your heart chakra. Nurture it and watch it grow. Be love. Just be love…….Love! Time to stop talking about it and act on it. Talking is ego, action is love.
Different day, different meditation, no expectations. Trust with love that these meditations are directly for your benefit. No matter how you experience each meditation. Love each experience regardless of the type of sensation you perceive. (This was a comment I received when I had expectations of a perceived positive or powerful experience during meditation and I judged the meditation experience as “less than” when I didn’t receive what I was looking for-Scott)
Be aware! Looking over your own shoulder at your responses to situations. Observe and choose with great care. Your soul is the driving force now. Accept it! Great power, great love. Always be kind. Never harm for any reason. Not talking will now come more naturally. You will live in your home vibration most all of the time. Guidance will flow naturally now. Handle with great care and humbly. Remember you are ONLY the instrument, the vessel.
God’s Love, Grace and Compassion onto you All,
Cindy and Scott
Angels Path #3
Hello Friends,
As I revisit the writings, and they’re quite numerous, Cindy and I have noticed certain themes and we will start putting these themes together in the writings. I’ll also give some background and additional definition as seems practical.
Ego – This is a big theme that there is a fair amount of focus on. I think what the Guides have described as ego, others may have defined as “Left Brain, Reptile Brain, Shadow Self, Fragmented Self, and Pain Body along with other descriptions. What I understand from what Guidance presents is that ego comes with the human body, that which is of form and structure and is a part of the human experience. Ego reacts to conditioning patterns from emotional wounds of youth and other lifetimes. That is to say, if you were bullied as a young person and haven’t healed this wound, your ego may be overly sensitive to any or all bullying behavior of others and may over or underreact. Ego can be a behavioral structure that controls some of your thoughts and your actions, particularly ones that are anger or fear-based. This is where “fight or flight” impulse comes from, which has served humans well when our survival was much more of a challenge in our cave dweller existence.
You are not your ego, however. You are not your thoughts and actions. Your ego is not in and of itself “bad”, however it can be reactionary at times in ways that no longer serve us. The ego can be tamed.
What you are is the “presence and energy” that animates your body. This is of a loving Soul energy that comes from The Divine and can also influence your thoughts and actions. Once you can discern the difference, you can then make a choice of how to behave.
One example I was given was something as simple as misplacing your car keys. To react with fear is to say “Oh no! I can’t be late! Oh Shit, where are my keys!”, as you frantically search your house. Love-based reaction would not to go to fear or worst case scenario in your mind, but to say with Love and affection, “Where are you? Where are ya hiding?“ like playing hide and seek with a child. Say this calmly, even a bit playfully. Same act of looking for your keys, completely different energy and intention behind the behavior. We do have the choice.
From the Guides
Be unflinchingly honest. Do not exaggerate or embellish, particularly in an attempt to make yourself look better in someone’s eyes. Do not attempt to manage the other’s impression of you. Be clear and kind and how the other perceives you is about them and their particular issues. Do not take ANYTHING personally.
Do not judge others motivations
Do not hang on to the past, particularly resentments. Let go of the past in order to move forward in a loving and clear manner. Hanging on to resentments serves no purpose, other than to appease the ego. It gives the ego a story to hang on to, to validate its point of view of its pain and validate its perspective.
Harbor no resentments against anyone. Stay clear and open with no judgements. Letting go of resentments opens your heart for much more love and makes you much more effective and, dare We say, more “powerful”. Use power respectfully with absence of ego!
Unhealed wounds result in resentment and fear.
Extend kindness, support, compassion with NO attachment to the response, yours or the other’s. To put attachment on goodwill will taint the experience to a less productive outcome and gives the ego too much attention. Stay centered and kind. Be clear with your intentions and let emotions pass through you easily without the emotional energy cords of the other attaching to you. Embrace the Oneness of all and have compassion for the pain of the other.
You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are physical/ego-based. The “real you” is the quiet presence (the absence of the voice in the head) that looks out of your eyes with curiosity, goodwill, softness, attentiveness, thoughtfulness and LOVE. This is you at your core. This is you – happy, centered and balanced, vibrating with expanded energy at your soul frequency. Huge Smile Now!
Remember to keep things on the playful side and don’t take yourself too seriously. That is all EGO, my friend.
When the ego rises and acts like a petulant child, remember to give it a “time out”. “Shine” it off into a small corner! (Shhhhh, hush now)
That’s all for now. If you have any questions or comments, they are welcomed. Thank you to those of you who have been so encouraging and supportive.
God’s Love, Compassion and Grace onto All,
Love, Cindy and Scott
Angels Path #2
Hello Beloved Friends,
I’ll pick up where I just left off from the last email. I believe in these beginning emails, I’ll do some narration to set the stage, so to speak, so you may have some understanding of where I was coming from at the time of the writing. I think this narration will be less and less prominent as we work through the writings.
It Continues…
After the Sound Bath in Sedona, I felt a desire to meditate that was a new feeling. I felt the energy of this town in a manner that I have heard others speak of. Some speak of energy vortexes that exist in this location. A lot of this has to do with the incredible beauty of this place. Cindy and I visited a number of these locations and they were wonderful and beautiful. I began to meditate at a few of these places.
This was a new experience in that it seemed to come to me in a different manner than other attempts at meditation. Previously, I would feel my mind being very active, thoughts would present in a way of distraction. I would feel physically fidgety. My focus would be pulled in different directions. This happened whenever I attempted to meditate and I would give up in frustration. So after attempting to meditate through my late twenties and into my mid thirties, I abandoned this activity. I still prayed and did daily affirmations, however.
Now while meditating, I still have these distractions, but they seemed less intrusive and less important. I often have moments of feeling a deep sense of peace. I am learning how to accept these distractions and to let go of them to a degree. Not to judge them or to be annoyed by them.
What I found odd was the place I felt the the energy of Sedona the strongest was at the pool of the villas we were staying at, more so than the beautiful vortexes. So at the pool was were I often found myself. The next morning while meditating at the pool, a young mother and her three beautiful blond-haired daughters arrived. All daughters probably under the age of five. The two older ones were very water safe and proficient. It was obvious that the mom had great confidence in her daughters’ water safety skills. As a swim coach, I was very impressed by this. The mom attended to her youngest daughter who was crying and fussing. I found this a bit distracting while trying to maintain a meditative state. Then the voice said to me,
“The sounds of baby birds were not distracting you, this is the sound of baby humans. Why does ones type of baby not distract you and the other does? Babies are babies, regardless of species.”
With this new awareness, the noise of the infant stopped distracting me.
I then picked up my iPad and began to write. At first, these thoughts that I was writing down came to me similar to my normal thoughts but seemed to originate from a different source or location in my brain. I didn’t initiate them as far as I could tell. At first they came to me as stand alone statements, like a newspaper headline. Over time, this shifted to a more nuanced and conversational manner.
So with that, here are some of the initial headlines:
- All you (I) know is what you (I) think you (I) know.
- Just because you are not physically active, it does not mean you are not being spiritually productive.
- I am ready, not in a hurry.
- I am confident, but not attached.
- Sit in silence more. The answers you seek will come to you more readily this way, rather than asking questions and interjecting.
- Your soul is ancient, old and powerful. A beautiful commanding presence when You can tap into it. Letting go of the need to control your life and following your soul’s intentions will prove to be an empowering, amazing and beautiful experience. It is going to take courage and relish the coming challenge.
- A wonderful prayer is: “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you” (Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness called Ho’oponopono)
- Ego needs validation. Presence is in itself validation. Presence will give complete validation at all times. Focus on your third eye and above your throat. The third eye is of a higher importance and when you let go of your need for validation, the blockage goes with it.
- In meditation, let go of the desire for an experience and trust what comes up. Avoid the temptation to try to will a certain result. Be respectful and considerate with any information that you receive. Avoid showing off your sensitivity. (Look at what I can do!)
- Ego wants a defined experience during meditation and, with this, it can point to it and say, look how enlightened and special I am. Presence simply accepts the experience in a nonjudgmental manner, with no thought of spiritual superiority. Just being compassionate and open.
- Choose love!
- The behavior you dislike or find disgusting in another may be a way the other person “medicates” an emotional wound they’re not in touch with, such as rejection or an experience of overwhelming terror. The parallel is that you may have a similar wound that you deal with in the opposite manner.
- Silence is the language of God.
- All I am is the knowingness of what my experience is or was.
- The only person who can stop your improvement is you.
- Treat every person you encounter as farther down the spiritual path than yourself. This will help with your struggle with your ego and accidental arrogance.
(These messages provide much to contemplate and meditate on. They are simple and deep. We welcome discussion! – C.)
With God’s Great Love, Compassion, and Grace onto you!
Cindy and Scott
Angels Path #1
Hello Beloved Friends,
I’m sending out this email for two main reasons. One, I’ve shared with you my gift of “channeling” guiding souls and angels from the other side of the veil. The veil that separates us from other dimensions of experiential reality. This dimension, being the third, is one of form, structure and denser vibrational energy. The second reason being I love and trust you.
As my relationship with my guides has grown and deepened, they are teaching Cindy and myself many lessons of love, patience and acceptance. I wish to share these experiences. Not to put myself on a pedestal or to present myself as somehow better than others who walk the planet. I have no interest in being a guru. More, to pay it gratefully forward, in a manner of speaking. If these “lessons” help you in any way, as they have helped Cindy and myself, this is a wonderful pleasure and reward for us in and of itself.
This gift is one that I have often been reluctant to share with others. I have been concerned that I would be labeled or judged as weird, crazy or just plain out of touch with reality by others that live by the mainstream influences of our culture and society and that my experiences would be invalidated or dismissed. So, these emails will be a first step of “coming out”, so to speak. I feel compassion for an LGBTQ person and the personal decision to come out and reveal the true expression of who they are. This does feel like a risk and a bit scary.
It is my understanding that all humans have the capacity to communicate with others not of this dimension of form and structure. It is a matter of when and how this gift develops. It seems also to be a matter of Karma, if it is your destiny to have or not have this gift this lifetime. For some this gift comes early in life, others like myself much later. There are many books and many teachers who channel: Esther Hicks (Abraham), Lee Harris (The Z’s), Belinda Womack (Twelve Archangels) and Sheila Gillette (The Theo Group) to name a few. They feel to me to be like master musicians, where I feel like a guy banging on some drums in a garage band. That said, I do find the “music” I play to be a wonderful and soul-satisfying experience.
For the last thirty years I have said this daily affirmation that I got from the musician David Byrne:
“Divine Order, please take charge of my life today and every day. This is a new and wonderful day for me and there will never be another like this one. I am divinely guided all day long and whatever I do, shall prosper. Divine Love, enfold me, surround me and enwrap me and I shall go forth in peace and I will be happy from now on. Please release me from the bondage of my self will so I may better be God’s instrument. Please give me victory over my difficulties so I may bear witness to others of God’s Grace, Love and Power.”
In my late twenties I asked for a mission statement from God. What I received was this: “Live, Love, Learn, Grow, Forgive and Give Back. Accept, Allow and Appreciate All.” This did not come through as the voice, but rather through as a personal “knowing”. It’s hard to explain, but it came nonetheless.
No one was more surprised than me when all of this actually manifested.
My Guides have given me some ground rules so to speak that apply to channeling, as well as these email messages:
- No prophecy for this gives my ego too much power.
- Ask only for the truth, as opposed to what you may want to be true. They have said, “Gentle truths are our specialty” and we have found that to be true.
- Our guides will not do the work for you. They will, however, show you where your path lies, yet you must walk it.
- If the information does not ring true, clear and authentic to you, then disregard it. It is probably my ego getting in the way.
- What you do with the information is your responsibility. Please follow your own intuition in final decision of your actions.
- Also, Cindy has final say over what information is shared. She is a gatekeeper, of sorts. This is also to keep my ego out of the equation. She is often more level-headed than I am. LOL.
To date, I have over 400 written or verbal channeling sessions. I’ll start with mostly the written ones and augment with the verbal ones with Cindy as it seems necessary. Also, I often do not remember a lot of the verbal sessions I’ve done for those other than Cindy. I think this protects the privacy of those I’m channeling for. I’ll start with the information my guides started us off with. There is definitely a progression of learning. For some of you, I think the early writings may seem very basic. But there is a rhyme and reason for the path they have set out. It is always about Love and it amazes me in how many ways and viewpoints they express Love. That said…
The Beginning
First Occurrence: I was in my mid to late 20’s, deep in therapy. I was doing a recommended exercise, which was to write down all the people in my life that were a positive, supportive influence on me. Then, I was to write down all the attributes that these folks embodied, followed by a focusing on the feelings these attributes brought to me. I didn’t realize at the time that this was a first meditation. During this process when I was fairly relaxed, I heard these words inside my head, loud and clear:
“Scott, I’ve always loved and accepted you, you have to accept yourself.”
I was a bit startled and unsure of exactly what just had transpired. What I did know was that I was no longer an atheist.
Second Occurrence: Cindy and I were spending a week in Sedona and we contacted a friend who had just moved there. She invited us to a “Sound Bath Meditation“ at the yoga studio where she teaches. I had never heard of this activity, but it struck me as something to try. Cindy and I both were looking forward to spending some time with her and this seemed like a good opportunity. $10 donation and come to the meditation with an “intention”: what would we like to focus on and perhaps heal? It is common knowledge that I have had a tumultuous relationship with my father. I then set my intention to heal this relationship. The crystal bowls began vibrating as our friend Laura started to play them, similar to rubbing your finger around the rim of a crystal wine glass. At this moment, the voice came to me again and said:
“Heal yourself first”
In this moment, my life changed forever. I had worked on self-discovery for a long time and thought I had most all of my bases covered. There was obviously more work to be done.
The following emails will present the path that Cindy and I are following. The Guides call it “Walking the Angels’ Path to God” through self-awareness, self-discovery and self-reflection. My feeling is we all have common experiences and growth opportunities. My hope is that the following emails will be similar to well-written songs that appeal to and connect us all in shared human experience.
God’s Love, Compassion and Grace onto You!
Love, Cindy and Scott